[ PROCLAMATION NO. 1593, August 20, 2008 ]


WHEREAS, the implementation of the CARBDP, a priority flood control, drainage, dredging, land and water resources development infrastructure project in Mindanao, has affected numerous families that reside within the floodway area, necessitating their safe, lawful and proper resettlement outside of the project site;

WHEREAS, in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the City Government of Butuan signed in 1996, the National Government through the DPWH undertook to acquire and provide a suitable resettlement site for the affected households, which site the City Government of Butuan agreed to fully develop by introducing the necessary basic services and infrastructure facilities and providing secure tenure to all the resettlement program beneficiaries;

WHEREAS, there is a need to validly authorize the disposition of land acquired by the National Government as resettlement site in favor of the affected households including the conveyance of such land to the City Government of Butuan for its development and administration.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare certain parcels of land covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-5589, T-17462. RT-31822, RT-26778,T-5394, T-13745, T-17721, T-15337, T-15338, T-5357, T-5071, T-6055, T-9864, T-18194 T-18858, T-6363, RT-21925, T-13744, T-6401, T-17692, T-5744 and T-5371 issued by the Register of Deeds of Butuan City, located in the Butuan City, containing an aggregate area of FIVE HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ELEVEN (511,811) SQUARE METERS, more or less, open for disposition to affected households of the CARBDP and reserve the same for housing purposes of said families, which parcels of land are more particularly described as follows:

TCT No. T-5589

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 6288-A, Cad-9871, being N. 48-00'E., 1469.06 m. from BLLM No. 56, Libertad Public Land Subdivision, Pls-22, thence:

N. 71 deg. 14' W.,
386.59 m. to point 2;
N. 70 deg. 25' W.,
101.92 m. to point 3;
N. 5   deg. 33' W.,
  42.86 m. to point 4;
N. 23 deg. 33' E.,
  60.59 m. to point 5;
N. 43 deg. 06' E.,
  56.78 m. to point 6;
N. 48 deg. 23' E.,
  66.92 m. to point 7;
N. 65 deg. 57' E.,
127.73 m. to point 8;
N. 79 deg. 04' E.,
  52.79 m. to point 9;
S. 89 deg. 08' E.,
  75.43 m. to point 10;
N. 42 deg. 18' E.,
  41.69 m. to point 12;
N. 61 deg. 01' E.,
110.92 m. to point 13;
S. 9   deg. 54' E.,
119.98 m. to point 14;
S. 11 deg. 52' E.,
135.04 m. to point 15;
N. 65 deg. 20' E.,
189.02 m. to point 16;
S. 14 deg. 16' E.,
  43.76 m. to point 17;
S. 00 deg. 06' E.,
  67.54 m. to point 18;
S. 14 deg. 24' W.,
  22.34 m. to point 19;
S. 53 deg. 14' W.,
360.53 m. to point 1,  

point of beginning; containing an area of TWO HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT (211,928) SQUARE METERS.  All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 by Old stakes and the rest Old P.L.S. cyl. conc. mons. Bounded on the SW., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 4305-Portion, Pls-ww (Franklin G. Calo); on the NW., and N., along  line 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13  by Mantange River;  on the NE., along line 13-14 by Lot 3889, Pls-22; along lines 14-15-16 by Lot 3885, Pls-22 along line 18-19 by Lot 3881, Pls-22; and on the SE., along line 19-1 by Lot 6288-B, Cad-9871. Bearings true.

TCT No. T-17462

A parcel of land (Lot 6289-A, Psd-10-026301, being a portion of Lot 6289, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision) situated in the Barrio of Agusan Pequeno, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., along line 6-7-1 by portion of 4305, Pls-22 (F-15-8047); on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 3851, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision; on the SW., along line 2-3-4 by Lot 6289-B of the subdivision plan Psd-10-026301; on the NW., along 4-5-6 by Mantange River. Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 49 deg. 00' E., 1469.54 m. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, thence

1-2 S. 32 deg.
58' W., 146.27 m.
2-3 N. 72 deg.
40' W., 300.00 m.
3-4 N. 71 deg.
67' W., 115.68 m.
4-5 N. 20 deg.
12' E.,    40.97 m.
5-6 N. 01 deg.
05' W., 111.99 m.
6-7 S. 70 deg.
25' E.,  101.92 m.
7-1 S. 71 deg.
14' E.,  386.59 m.

to point of beginning; containing an area of SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND TWENTY-FOUR (64,024) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on plan and marked on the ground as follows: points 5-6-7-1 by old point and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15x40 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey, Oct. 1933-1937 and that of the subdivision, Nov. 27, 1995 executed by Federico J. Lamigo, Geodetic Engineer, and approved April 10, 1996.

TCT No. RT-31822

A parcel of land (Lot 3889-A, Psd-10-007463, being a portio of Lot 3889, Pls-32, Libertad Public Land Subdivision) situated in the Barrio of Agusan Pequeno, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 3887; along line 2-3-4 by Lot 3885, along line 8-9 by Lot 4305, along line 9-10 by Lot 4080, along line 10-11 by Lot 3890, all of Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision, on the NE., along line 11-12-13-14-15-1 by Lot 3999-B, of the subdivision plan Psd-10-007463, beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being S. 12 deg. 48" E., 1625.19 m. from BBM No. 34, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision. Thence

S. 62 deg. 24' W.,   30.94 m. to point 2;
N. 26 deg. 00' W.,   25.58 m. to point 3;
S. 67 deg. 49' W., 123.47 m. to point 4;
S. 43 deg. 09' E.,   51.81 m. to point 5;
S. 70 deg. 45' W.,   81.30 m. to point 6;
S. 71 deg. 23' W.,   83.28 m. to point 7;
N. 09 deg. 54' W., 119.98 m. to point 8;
N. 69 deg. 10' E., 131.65 m. to point 9;
N. 69 deg. 39' E., 111.72 m. to point 10;
N. 62 deg. 04' E.,   49.51 m. to point 11;
S. 14 deg. 23' E.,   24.17 m. to point 12;
S. 13 deg. 20' E.,   19.77 m. to point 13;
S. 13 deg. 20' E.,   19.77 m. to point 14;
S. 11 deg. 30' E.,   19.77 m. to point 15;
S. 10 deg. 41' E.,   16.08 m

to point of beginning; containing an area of TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY (29,420) SQUARE METER, more or less.

All points referred to are indicated on the Plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 11-12-13-14-15 & 1 are P.S. cyl. conc. mons. 15x40 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey Oct. 1933 - Oct. 1937, and that of the subdivision on January 1985, executed by Orvil O. Bueno, Geodetic Engineer, and approved on April 26, 1985.

TCT No. RT-26778

A parcel of land (3885-B, Psd-10-014630, being a portion of Lot 3885, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision) situated in the Barrio of Mantange, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the SE., along line 9-10 by Lot 3884; along line 10-11 and on the SW., along 11-12 by Lot 4305; on the NW., along lines 12-13-14 by Lot 3889; along line 14-1 by Lot 3888, along line 1-2 by Lot 3887, all of Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision. Thence

N. 67 deg. 01' E.,   24.80 m. to point 2;
S. 8 deg. 41" E.,     8.74 m. to point 3;
S. 7 deg. 57' E.,   19.95 m. to point 4;
S. 7 deg. 03' E.,   19.95 m. to point 5;
S. 6 deg. 09' E.,   19.96 m. to point 6;
S. 5 deg. 14' E.,   19.95 m. to point 7;
S. 4 deg. 10' E.,   19.95 m. to point 8;
S. 3 deg. 25' E.,     9.90 m. to point 9;
S. 70 deg. 12' W.,   92.13 m. to point 10;
S. 65 deg. 10' W.; 189.02 m. to point 11;
N. 13 deg. 52' E., 135.04 m. to point 12;
N. 71 deg. 23' E.,   83.28 m. to point 13;
N. 70 deg. 45' E.,   81.38 m. to point 14;
N. 71 deg. 23' E., 105.14 m.

to point of beginning; containing an area of THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY-THREE (34,843) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 by PS cyl. cons. mons. 15x40 cm., and the rest by old points.  Bearing true.

TCT No. T-5394

Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan of Lot No. 3786, Pls-22, C-1, being N.48 deg. 20'E., 750.08 m from B.L.L.M. No. 56-S-416, thence;

N. 61 deg. 15' E.,   77.55 m. to point 2;
S. 03 deg. 06' E., 116.74 m. to point 3;
S. 01 deg. 47' E.,   20.28 m. to point 4;
S. 70 deg. 33' W.,   98.78 m. to point 5;
N. 74 deg. 41' W.,     4.35 m. to point 6;
N. 19 deg. 33' W.,   17.34 m. to point 7;
N. 13 deg. 48' E., 118.34 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT (11, 528) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground as follows; points 5 and 6 by stake and the rest by B.L. Cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cm. Bounded on the N., along line 1-2 by Lot 4305; on the E., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot 3787; on the S., along lines 4-5-6-7 by crack; and on the W., along line 7-1 by Lot 3785, all of Pls-22, C-1. Bearings true.

TCT No. T-13745

A parcel of land (Lot 3850-A, Psd-100202-018744 being a portion of Lot 3850, Pls-22, Libertad Public Subdivision.) situated in the Barrio of Mantange, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 4305, Pls-22; on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 3851, Pls-22; on the S., along line 4-1 by Lot 3850-A, of the Subd. plan Psd-100202-018744, along line 1-2 by Lot 4083, Pls-22. Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 55 deg. 31'E., 1352.12 m. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, thence

S. 85 deg. 11' W., 142.32 m. to point 2;
N. 32 deg. 53' E.,   83.27 m. to point 3;
S. 66 deg. 57' E., 131.91 m. to point 4;
S. 75 deg. 40' W.,   25.57 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWELVE (5,712) SQUARE METERS more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Point all corners are old points and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 com. Bearings true, date of original survey, March 11, 1936 and that of the subd. Sept. 4, 1993 executed by Eufemio J. Encarnacion, Geodetic Engineer and approved on Sept. 10, 1993.

TCT No. T-17721

A parcel of land (Lot 6289-E, Psd-10-026301, being a portion of Lot 6289, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision) situated in the Barrio of Agusan Pequeno, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NW., along line 6-7 by Lot 6289-D., on the NE., along lines 7-8-1 by Lot 6289-C, both of the subdivision plan Psd-10-026301., on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 3791., on the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot 3790, along line 3-4 by Lot 3789, along line 4-5 by Lot 3788, along line 5-6 by Portion of Lot 4305, all of Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision. Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 54 deg. 46'E., 1095.53 M. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, thence;

1-2 S. 42 deg. 17' W.,   31.16 m.
2-3 N. 77 deg. 06' W.,   48.20 m.
3-4 N. 82 deg. 48' W.,   85.31 m.
4-5 S. 70 deg. 05' W.,   86.18 m.
5-6 N. 71 deg. 23' W., 295.67 m.
6-7 N. 13 deg. 53' E.,    78.34 m.
7-8 N. 13 deg. 19' E.,  225.32 m.
8-1 S. 74 deg. 13' E.,  289.00 m.

point of beginning; containing an area of THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX (34,926) SQUARE METERS more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Points 2-3-4-5 by old points and the rest by cyl. conc, mons 15 x 40 cm. Bearing true, date of the original survey, October 1933-1937 and that of the subdivision Nov. 27, 1995 executed by Federico J. Lamigo, Geodetic Engineer and approved on April 10, 1996.

TCT No. T-15337

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 3895-A, Csd-10-001082-D, Pls-22 being S. 6 deg. 29 E., 1373. 28 m. from BBM No. 34, Pls-22, thence;

N. 11 deg. 10 W., 58.57 m. to point 2;
S. 85 deg. 41 E., 17.96 m. to point 3;
N. 68 deg. 44 E., 57.00 m. to point 4;
S.   3 deg. 44 E., 64.41 m. to point 5;
S. 57 deg. 14 W., 81.26 m. to point 6;
N.  8 deg. 06 E., 31.69 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE (4,985) SQUARE METERS. All points marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cm. Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Lot 3896, on the N., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 4805, along 3-4 by Lot 3897, on the NE., along 4-5 by Lot 3895-B; on the SE., along line 5-6 by Lot 3893, on the W., along line 6-1 by Lot 4305, all of Pls-22. Bearings true.

This lot was surveyed in accordance with the existing laws and regulations promulgated thereunder by Ernesto M. Campos Jr., on July 6, 1978 and approve on January 30, 1979.

   This lot is covered by FPA (X-2) 10846-D-B.
  Lot No. 3895-A, Csd-10-001082-D is equal to Lot No. 8115
Libertad Public Land Subdivision, Pls-22

TCT No. T-15338

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot No. 8536, Pls-22, being S. 6 deg. 29'E., 1373.28 m. from B.B.M. No. 34, Pls-22, thence

S.   8 deg. 06' W.,   31.69 m. to point 2;
S. 40 deg. 41' E.,   31.28 m. to point 3;
S. 54 deg. 37' W., 143.12 m. to point 4;
N. 20 deg. 25' W.,   87.13 m. to point 5;
N. 66 deg. 46' E.,   80.04 m. to point 6;
N. 66 deg. 46' E.,   62.69 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWELVE (9,712) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground as follows: Points 4-5 by PS., and the rest by Old BL are Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15 x 60 cm. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot 3895 of Silvestre O. Plaza; along line 2-3 by Lot 3893 of Silvestre O. Plaza; on the S., along line 3-4 by portion of Lot 4305, on the W., along line 4-5 by Mantange River; and on the N., along line 5-6 by portion of Lot 4305; and along line 5-1 by Lot 3896, all of Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision. Bearings true. This lot was surveyed in accordance with law and existing regulations promulgated thereunder by Ernesto M. Campos Jr., Geodetic Engineer on Dec. 3, 1987 and approved on December 21, 1987.

Note: This Lot is covered by FPA (X-4) 10846-D

TCT No. T-5357

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 3793, of Public Land Subdivision of Libertad, being N. 69 deg. 57'E., 1013.44 m. fro BLLM-56, Pls-22, thence

S. 71 deg. 42' W., 135.67 m. to point 2;
S. 62 deg. 11' W.,   27.98 m. to point 3;
S. 73 deg. 41' W.,     8.47 m. to point 4;
N. 29 deg. 20' W.,   20.56 m. to point 5;
N. 62 deg. 46' E.,   20.02 m. to point 6;
N. 18 deg. 26' E,   12.81 m. to point 7;
N. 68 deg. 25' E., 154.15 m. to point 8;
S.   9 deg. 50' E.,   38.47 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE (5,675) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground by Pls. Cyl. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the SE., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot 3794, Pls-22; on the SW., along line 4-5 by Mantannoc Creek, on the NW., along lines 5-6-7-8 by Lot 3791, Pls-22, and on the NE., along line 8-1 by Lot 3792, Pls-22. Bearings true. This lot was surveyed under authority of Chapter VII, Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended and in accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by F. Toliver, Public Land Surveyor, on March 3, 1936.

Note: This lot is covered FPA No. 15-3454.

TCT No. T-5071

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 4080, Pls-22, being S. 11 deg. 02'E, 1539.32 m. from BBM No. 34, Pls-22, thence

S. 69 deg. 39' W., 111.72 m. to point 2;
N. 12 deg. 50' W.,   43.71 m. to point 3;
N. 65 deg. 46' E., 104.87 m. to point 4;
S. 21 deg. 55' E.,   50.47 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND AND SIXTY FIVE (5,065) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground by B.L. Cyl. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the S., along line 1-2 by Lot 3889; on the W., along line 2-3 by Lot 4305; on the N., along line 3-4 by Lot 3891; and on the E., along line 4-1 by Lot 3890, all of Case 1, Pls-22. Bearing true. This lot was surveyed in accordance with law and existing regulations promulgated thereunder by Victoriano Itchon, Public Land Surveyor, on May 1935-1938.

Note: This lot is covered by FPA (IK-2) 10288.

TCT No. T-6055

Beginning at a point marked, "1" on plan of Lot 3784, Pls-22, being N. 55 deg. 20'E., 510.44 m. from BLLM 56, Pls-22, thence

S. 86 deg. 19' W.,   26.76 m. to point 2;
N. 68 deg. 06' W.,   25.38 m. to point 3;
N. 40 deg. 01' W.,   43.26 m. to point 4;
N. 20 deg. 05' W.,   42.06 m. to point 5;
N. 01 deg. 38' W.,   36.35 m. to point 6;
N. 26 deg. 54' E.,   19.42 m. to point 7;
N. 84 deg. 41' E.,   42.91 m. to point 8;
N. 10 deg. 28' W.,   27.59 m. to point 9;
N. 29 deg. 30' W.,   29.23 m. to point 10;
N. 19 deg. 46' W.,   30.43 m. to point 11;
S. 61 deg. 30' E.,   62.00 m. to point 12;
S. 27 deg. 54' E.,   33.84 m. to point 13;
S. 58 deg. 35' E.,   36.11 m. to point 14;
S. 25 deg. 06' E.,   26.22 m. to point 15;
S. 60 deg. 28' E.,   09.17 m. to point 16;
S. 07 deg. 14' E.,   42.25 m. to point 17;
S. 25 deg. 53' E.,   46.38 m. to point 17;
S. 58 deg. 11' W., 130.60 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of TWENTY THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY (23,380) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground as follows; Point 1 and 18 by B.L, cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cm. and the rest by stakes. Bounded on the SE., along line 18-1 by Lot 3783 and along line 1-2 by Lot 3742, both of Pls-22, C-1 on the S.W., N.W., and N.E., along lines 2 to 18 inclusive by Creek. Bearings true. This lot was surveyed in accordance with law and existing regulations promulgated thereunder Victoriano Itahon on May 1935-1938 and approved on June 30, 1938.

Note: This lot is covered by FPA (X-2-B) 0041.

TCT No. T- 9864

A parcel of land (Lot 3850-B, Psd-100202-018744 being a portion of Lot 3850 Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision situated in the Bo. of Mantange, City of Butuan, Province of Agusan del Norte, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE. along line 2-3 by Gaong-gaong creek on the E., along line 3-4 by Lot 3850-C of the subdivision plan Psd-1002021018744; on the SW, along line 4-1 by Lot 3849, Pls -22; on the NW, along line 1-2 by Lot 3850-A of the subdivision plan Psd-100202-018744. Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 55 deg. 31'E., 1352.12  m. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, thence,

N. 75 deg. 50' E., 25.57 m. to point 2;
S. 35 deg. 10' E., 61.96 m. to point 3;
S. 37 deg. 59' W., 64.65 m. to point 4;
N. 12 deg. 14' W., 97.50 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE (3,163) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Point all corners are old points and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey, March 11, 1936, and that of the Subdivision, September 4, 1993, executed by Eufemio J. Encarnacion, Geodetic Engineer and approved on September 10, 1993.

TCT No. T-18194

A parcel of land, Lot 3887-A, Psd-10-007452, being a portion of Lot 3887, Pls-22, situated in the Barrio of Mantange, Municipality of Butuan, Province of Agusan del Norte, Island of Mindanao, bounded on the, E., along line 1-2-3 by Lot 3887-B, Psd -10-007452; S., along line 3-4 by Lot 3885, Pls-22; W., along line 4-5 by Lot 3888, Pls-22; N., along line 5-1 by Lot 3889, Pls-22; beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being S., 12 deg. 48'E., 1,625.39 meters from BBM No. 34, Pls-22.

1-2 S., 10 deg. 00' E., 23.44 meters
2-3 S., 8 deg. 44' E., 10.30 meters
3-4 S., 67 deg. 01' W., 24.81 meters
4-5 N., 19 deg. 38' W., 30.39 meters
5-1 N., 62 deg. 24' E.,  30.94 meters

beginning; containing an area of EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX (876) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Points all corners marked by P.S and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cm. Bearings true. Date of original surveyed Feb. 21, 1936 and that of the subdivision survey dated Jan. 17, 1985 executed by Geodetic Engineer Orvil O. Bueno approved on April 26, 1985.

TCT No. T-18858

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 3789, of the Public Land Subdivision of Libertad, Being N., 53 deg. 10' E., 1033.17 m. from BLLM No. 1, Pls-22; thence

S.,   3 deg. 29' E., 167.36 m. to point 2;
S., 42 deg. 16' W.,   50.23 m. to point 3;
S., 21 deg. 25' W.,   74.50 m. to point 4;
N., 23 deg. 53' E.,   21.27 m. to point 5;
N., 00 deg. 16' E., 219.20 m. to point 6;
S., 82 deg. 48' E.,   85.31 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of NINETEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT (19,158) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground as follows: points 3 by stake and the rest by Pls cyl. conc. mons. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot 3790, Pls-22; on the SE., along line 2-3-4 by creek; on the E., along lines 4-5-6 by Lot 3788, Pls-22; and on the N., along line 6-1 by swamp. Bearings true.

This lot was surveyed under authority of Chapter VII, Commonwealth Act 141 as amended and in accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands by V. Itchon, Public Land Surveyor, on May 1935-May 1938.

Note: This Lot was covered by FPA 15-3488.

TCT No. T-6363

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 3774 of the Public Land Subdivision of Libertad, being N. 89-02' E., 715.08 m. from BLLM 56, Libertad Pls-22; thence

N. 78 deg. 08' E., 118.31 m. to point 2;
N. 13 deg. 07' E.,   13.26 m. to point 3;
N. 75 deg. 28' E.,   31.94 m. to point 4;
S. 38 deg. 07' E.,   21.35 m. to point 5;
S. 75 deg. 38' E.,   26.81 m. to point 6;
S. 36 deg. 22' E.,   11.40 m. to point 7;
S. 30 deg. 07' W.,   27.56 m. to point 8;
S. 33 deg. 27' W.,   22.58 m. to point 9;
S. 29 deg. 06' W.,   30.95 m. to point 10;
N. 77 deg. 17' W., 166.16 m. to point 11;
N. 20 deg. 53' E.,   21.91 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of ELEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE (11,139) SQUARE METERS. All corners are marked on the ground as follows; points 1 to 4 and 11 inclusive by BI., cyl. conc. mons. Point 10 by tree and the rest by stakes. Bounded on the N., along line 1-2 by Lot 3775, Pls-22; along lines 2-4 by Lot 3775, Pls-22; along lines 4-10 by Mantange Creek; along line 10-11 by Lot 3773, Pls-22; and along lines 11.-1 by Lot 3742, Pls-22. Bearings true. This lot is surveyed under authority of Chapter VII, Commonwealth Act 141, as amended, and in accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by F. Toliver, Public Land Surveyor, on Feb. 21, 1936.

Note: This lot is covered by FPA No. 15-603.

TCT No. RT-21925

A parcel of land (Lot 3884-A, Psd-10-007527, being portion of Lot 3884, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision) situated in the Barrio of Mantange, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the SE., along line 5-6 by Lot 3882., on the SW., along line 6-7 by Lot 4305., on the NW., along line 7-1 by Lot 3885, all of Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision., on the E., along lines 1-2-3-4-5 by Lot 3884-B, of the Subdivision plan Psd-10-007527.

Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 6 deg. 29' W., 1883.48 m. from BBM No. 32, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision; thence,

S.   3 deg. 22' E.,   9.71 m. to point 2;
S.   2 deg. 30' E., 19.76 m. to point 3;
S.   1 deg. 35' E., 19.76 m. to point 4;
S.   0 deg. 45' E., 16.50 m. to point 5;
S. 84 deg. 12' W., 78.50 m. to point 6;
N. 14 deg. 16' W., 43.76 m. to point 7;
N. 70 deg. 12' E., 92.13 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN (4,597) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Point 6-7 Old BI cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cm. and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey, October 1933-1937, and that of the Subdivision, January 19, 1985, executed by Orvil O. Bueno, Geodetic Engineer and approved on May 13, 1985.

TCT No. T-13744

A parcel of land (Lot 3888-A of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-231675, being a portion of Lot 3888, Pls-22, LRC Record No. F. Pat 285214), situated in the District of Mantange, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., points 4 to 1 by Lot 3887, on the SE., points 1 to 2 by Lot 3885; on the SW., points 2 to 3 by Lot 3889, all Pls-22; and on the NW., points 3 to 4 by Lot 3888-B, of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being S. 11 deg. 54' E., 1663.58 m. from B.B.M. 34, Pls-22; thence,

S. 71 deg. 23' W., 105.14 m. to point 2;
N. 43 deg. 09' W.,   26.19 m. to point 3;
N. 68 deg. 08' E., 115.65 m. to point 4;
S. 19 deg. 38' E.,   30.39 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of THREE THOUSAND NINE (3,009) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: Points 3 and 4 by P.S. Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15 x 60 cm. and the rest by P.LS; bearings true; declination 1 deg. 30' E, date of the original survey, December 19, 1935 and that of the subdivision survey, executed by Ernesto M. Campos Jr., Geodetic Engineer on October 11, 1975.

TCT No. T-6401

A parcel of land (Lot 3851-B-2, Psd-100202-016823, being a portion of Lot 3851-B, (LRC) Psd-100563) situated in the Barrio of Mantange, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 4305, Pls-22, Libona Public Land Subdivision., on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 3851-C, (LRC) Psd-100563., on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 3851-B-1 (existing road), of the Subdivision plan Psd-100202-016823., on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 3851-A, (LRC) Psd-100563., Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 57 deg. 32' E., 1416.81 m. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision, thence;

N. 58 deg. 14' W., 183.23 m. to point 2;
N. 32 deg. 58' E.,   71.31 m. to point 3;
S. 56 deg. 48' E., 200.16 m. to point 4;
S. 47 deg. 17' W.,   68.69 m. to point of

beginning; containing an area of THIRTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE (13,189) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Points 2 & 3 by Old PS., and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey, March 11, 1936, and that of the Subdivision, August 18, 1992, Ernesto M. Campos Jr., Geodetic Engineer and approved on October 16, 1992.

TCT No. T-17692

A parcel of land (Lot 6289-D, Psd-10-026301, being a portion of Lot 6289, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision), situated in the Barrio of Agusan Pequeno, City of Butuan, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 6289-C., on the SE., along line 4-5 by Lot 6289-E, both of the Subdivision plan Psd-10-026301., on the SW., along line 5-1 by portion of Lot 4305, Pls-22, Libertad Public Land Subdivision., along line 1-2 and on the NW., along line 2-3 by Mantange River. Beginning at the point marked "1" on the plan being N. 24 deg. 06' E., 784.27 m. from BLLM No. 56, Pls-22, thence;

1 - 2 N., 27 deg. 05' W., 29.24 m.
2 - 3 N., 26 deg. 25' E.,  54.48 m.
3 - 4 S., 74 deg. 19' E.,  71.34 m.
4 - 5 S., 13 deg. 53' W., 78.34 m.
5 - 1 N., 71 deg. 23' W., 64.18 m.

beginning; containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY ONE (5,821) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as follows: Points 1-2 by old points, and the rest by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cm. Bearings true, date of original survey, October 1933-1937 and that of the Subdivision Nov. 27, 1995 executed by Federico J. Lamigo, Geodetic Engineer and approved on April 10, 1996.

TCT No. T-5744

Beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 3894 of Libertad Pls-22, being S. 6 deg. 29' E., 1373.28 m. from BBM. 34, of Butuan City; thence,

N. 66 deg. 46' W., 62.69 m. to point 2;
N. 39 deg. 24' W., 47.32 m. to point 3;
N. 59 deg. 03' E, 88.94 m. to point 4;
S. 11 deg. 10' E., 58.67 m. to point 1;

point of beginning; containing an area of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (3,880) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All corners are marked by Old points. Bounded on the NE., by Lot 3895, Pls-22 and on the SE., SW., and NW., by Lot 4305 of Butuan Pls-22. Bearings true, declination 1 deg. 35' E. These lots were surveyed under authority of Chapter VII Commonwealth Act 141, as amended and in accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands by F. Toliver, Public Land Surveyor on Feb. 14, 1936.

Note: These lots are covered by F-60020.

TCT No. T-5371

Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan of Lot 3742-B-68048, Pls-22, being N. 73-00' E., 448.04 m. from B.L.L.M No. 56, Pls-22, thence;

N. 66 deg 47' W., 111.76 m. to point 2;
N. 43 deg. 54' E., 110.58 m. to point 3;
S. 11 deg. 53' E., 126.44 m. to point 4;

point of beginning; containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE (5,781) SQUARE METERS. All points are marked on the ground by P.S. Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15 x 60 cm. Bounded on the NE., and NW., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 4073; and on the E., along line 3-1 by Lot 3742-A-8047, all of Pls-22, Case 1. Bearings true. This lot was surveyed in accordance with law and existing regulations promulgated thereunder by Engr. Tito G. Domingo, Geodetic Engineer from December 16, 1970, approved on October 9, 1974.
Said areas declared open for disposition are hereby unconditionally transferred and conveyed to the City Government of Butuan for its development and administration. In addition, the terms of the MOA between the DPWH and the City Government shall continue to be binding and effective, and shall be deemed incorporated herein in full by reference.

The disposition of land and the different modalities to be used for conveyance shall be done in accordance with all applicable laws. The City Government of Butuan and the DPWH, in coordination with other concerned agencies, shall prepare the master development plan of the site taking into consideration the terms of the MOA and this proclamation. Likewise, said agencies shall, upon the signing and promulgation of this proclamation, immediately prepare the implementing rules and regulations thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed hereto.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 20th day of AUGUST, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eight.


By the President:

Executive Secretary