[ Act No. 1935, May 20, 1909 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

SECTION  1. A board of live members is hereby constituted consisting nf the Secretary of Public-Instruction, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Finance and Justice, and two other to be appointed annually by the Governor-General, which shall be known as "The Philippines Library Board."

SEC. 2. All libraries of every kind and character belonging to Insular Government of the Philippine Islands, or to any Epartment Bureau, or subdivision of the same shall be consolidated under the general management of the Board created by action one of this Act. as hereinafter provided, and shall collectively be known as "Tin: Philippines Library."

SEC. 3. The Philippines Library Board shall divide the library into such divisions as are necessary and proper for the correct and advantageous classification of the books, papers, periodicals, and documents belonging tc- such library, having among other divisions, a division of Filipiniana, a law division, a scientific division , and a circulating division, in which latter shall be included the present American Circulating Library.  The scientific division shall be housed in the building of the Bureau of Science, the law division shall be housed in such place as the Supreme Court may direct, and other divisions shall be consolidated and housed in one place so far as possible, but htis shall not be done if, in the judgment of such Library Board, the purposes of the librarycan be better served by having one or more of such divisions located in another place than at the place of the main library.  When a division is loated in some other place than at the place of the main library, property responsibiliry for the custody of the books

shall rest upon the Bureau or Office in which it is located, and the employees occupied in cataloguing and caring for the books shall be employees of such Bureau or Office.   As  soon  as practicable there shall be prepared and housed in the main library a complete catalogue of all books and publications belonging to the Philip pines Library and each of its divisions.   No purchases of books or publications shall be made lor any section or division of such library except by such Library Board, and such Board shall avoid, as far as is consistent with the needs of the library, the duplication of purchases, by bringing to the attention of the proper Secretary of Department or of the Governor-General, as the case may be, orders involving such  duplication.   Appropriations  for the purchase of books shall hereafter be made for the several divisions of the Philippines Library as provided by law or established by for the Library Board.   Bequisitions for Hie purchase of books for any division shall be signed by the ( Inel. ot me Bureau or Omce having custody of the books of said division, and, after approval by the Secretary of the proper Department or the Governor-General, as the ease may be, shall be transmitted to the Library Board, which' shall examine the same with a view of avoiding, so far as is consistent with the needs of the library, the duplication of purchases, and said Board shall purchase Hie books of all the divisions of the library in such manner and in such quantities as will reduce Direct purchases, the price of purchases to the minimum; and all books, papers, periodicals, documents, and other reading matter required for the uses and purposes of the Philippines Librarv may be ordered and purchased by said Library Board without tiie intervention of the Purchasing Agent: Provided, That books for which requisition is made by any Bureau or Office shall be paid for out of the funds, if any, appropriated for such purpose for such Bureau or Office.

SEC. 4. The said Library Board shall give particular attention to the making available of the said library, in all its parts, for the use of teachers and students of either public or private schools, by the establishment of suitable reading rooms, and the opening of said library and reading rooms for such use and for the use of the public, under proper regulations, at all times, including holidays and evenings, and the said Board is empowered to make all rales Placing of books in and regulations for the use of such library.   Such Board shall also make provision for the temporary placing of book's in  the high school and in other public schools, or with Bureaus which may desire to use certain books at certain times.

SEC. 5.  Said Philippines Library Board shall serve without pay and no appropriation is made for the  enforcement  of  this Act.   All appropriations heretofore made for librarv purposes which are left unexpended and all appropriations which shall he made for library purposes in the appropriation bill  for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten for any Bureau or Office whatever are hereby  made available for the uses of the said Philippines Library.

SEC. 6. All officers and employees of the main library shall be appointed by the Secretary of Public Instruction, with the approval of the Library Board, and for administrative purposes,  shall be under the control of the Secretary of Public Instruction, and all officers and employees of the Philippine Government now engaged in duties or work in connection with any one of the libraries now in existence which under this Act is transferred to and housed with the main library, may he continued in the service of the Philippines Library, and shall be paid from any funds which have been appropriated for the payment of their salaries, or, in case of a vaeancv. the place may be filled by the said Philippines Library Board, providing that the salary or wages in any case is not greater than that  provided by law.

SEC. 7. The Philippines Library is authorized to receive and accept gifts, donations, bequests, and transfers of property, money, or books for the use and benefit of said Philippines Library.

SEC. 8. The Philippines Library Board shall make a  special effort within the means at its disposal to procure and preserve from time to lime all books, papers, documents, and periodicals of every hiss which relate to the history of the Philippine Islands  or Filipino people, and to provide a chief of the division of Filipiana with proper qualifications to classify and arrange said historical collection.

SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the said Board at the end of each fiscal year in make a complete report of its operations, which report shall In; addressed to the Legislature, and to make such recommendations as to it may seem wise as to the betterment of the said library and as to the methods for increasing the efficiency of the same.

SEC. 10. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 11. This Ad shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, Mnv 20, 1909.