[ Act No. 1921, May 19, 1909 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

SECTION 1. Section sixteen of Act Numbered Five hundred ninety-seven is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 16. Every person desiring to begin the practice of pharmacy in the Philippine Islands after the passage of this Act shall  Pharmaceutical Examiners for a certificate of registration as registered pharmacist, but no certificate as second-class pharmacist (practicante de farmacia)  shall be issued to any such person by the Board.  Each applicant shall submit to an examination in the following subjects: General chemistry, organic and inorganic, as applied to pharmacy;  physics as applied to pharmacy; botany; pharmacology; pharmacognosy; qualitative analytical chemistry and its special application to the analysis of medicaments and food stuffs; quantitative analytical chemistry; elementary toxicology and toxicological analysis and microscopy; practical "pharmaceutical preparations and confounding of for certificate, scriptions. For each such certificate the secretary-treasurer of the Board shall collect a fee of ten dollars, and tie Hoard of Pharmaceutical Examiners shall issue a certificate of registration as registered pharmacist to each applicant who passes a satisfactory examination in these subjects, and who submits satisfactory proof that he is over twenty-one years of age. that he has followed the above-mentioned courses and been examined therein in a legally-chartered school, college, or university in which the said subjects or pharmaceutical studies generally are taught, that he is of good reputation, and has had at least, two years of practical experience, in some place where the prescriptions of physicians were compounded and drugs, medicines, and poisons were dispensed and sold at retail: Provided, That any person who has heretofore been admitted to examination before the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners, under the conditions prescribed in this Act, may hereafter present himself for examination without complying with the conditions required by this section : Provided, also, That from and after July first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, every person presenting himself for examination who has followed the above-mentioned courses in a legally chartered school, college, or university of the Philippine Islands in which the said subjects or pharmaceutical studies generally are taught, in addition to the requirements hereinbefore set forth, shall submit satisfactory evidence that he has followed and has been examined in the studies preliminary to the study of pharmacy in a school, college, or university approved by the Secretary of Public Instruction."
SEC. 2. Section seventeen of the said Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 17. Every registered pharmacist or second-class pharmacist quality of drugs, shall be responsible for the quality of all drugs, chemicals, medicines, and poisons he may sell or keep for sale: and it shall be unlawful for him to manufacture, prepare, sell, or administer any prescription, drag, chemical, medicine, or poison under any fraudulent name, direction, or pretense, or to adulterate any drug, chemical, medicine, or poison so used sold,  or offered   for sale.  Any drug, chemical, medicine, or poison shall be held to be adulterated or deteriorated within the meaning of this Act if it differs from the standard of quality or purity given in the United States Pharmacopeia.  Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not  more than five hundred dollars. It shall likewise be unlawful to compound or dispense physicians' or veterinarians' prescriptions, recipes or formulas which are written in cipher or in which there are employed unusual names of drugs which differ from the names ordinarily used for such drugs in standard pharmacopeias or formularies.

"Any person violating this provision shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, and in case of a recurrence of the offense the Board of Examiners may, upon conviction of the' offender, revoke his certificate of registration  in  accordance with the provisions of section fourteen of this Act."
SEC. 3. All Acts and parts of Acts, ordinances, orders, and regulations in any wise in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, May 19, 1909.