[ Act No. 1909, May 19, 1909 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
SECTION 1. Paragraph (j) of section forty of Act Numbered Eighty-two, known as "The Municipal Code," as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Enacted. May 19, 1909.
SECTION 1. Paragraph (j) of section forty of Act Numbered Eighty-two, known as "The Municipal Code," as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(j) To regulate and permit or prohibit cock-fighting and the keeping or training of lighting cocks, and to close cockpits: Provided, That cockfighting in such cockpits shall take place only on legal holidays and for a period not to exceed three days during Annual fiesta the celebration of the fiesta of the municipality: Provided, further, That each of the municipalities now existing shall select, by resolution of their respective municipal councils, on or before October first, nineteen hundred and nine, a date for the celebration of the annual fiesta of the municipality. The resolution of the municipal council Resolution of shall be approved by the provincial board prior to its taking effect, council and when the date of the fiesta of the municipality shall have been by the council and approved by the provincial board, it shall not be received except by a special Act of the Legislature, and the fiesta of the municipality shall be held on the same date every year of municipalities which were separate upon the date of the Municipal Code but which have been subsequently the municipal council shall, by resolution, select a date of the fiesta of the municipality, in the same rein before provided for ordinary municipalities. When new municipalities are created by executive order of the Governor-Act of the Legislature, the municipal councils of the so created shall, within three months after the date of their urbanization, select a date for the celebration of the fiesta of the municipality, which shall also be approved by the provincial hoard and which, upon being so approved, shall not be changed except by Act of the Legislature: Provided, further, That in. establishing the fiesta for the pueblo, the municipal council shall give preference to a date which, by reason of some important event in the municipality, the province, the Philippine Archipelago, or in the United Slates, or of the titular feast of the town, may be considered memorable and worthy of being commemorated, by a local fiesta: And Provided, finally, That no card games or games of chance of any kind shall be permitted on the premises of the cockpit.SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted. May 19, 1909.