[ Acts No. 1857, June 13, 1908 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

SECTION 1. The Director of Education, is hereby authorized, subject to the conditions which the Secretary of Public Instruction may require, to establish in the city of Manila special classes to furnish, in one or more courses, superior instruction to municipal teachers, municipal or Insular, who may lie selected under the provisions of this Act.

SEC. 2. As soon as possible after the Director of Education shall certify that the classes provided for in the next preceding section are ready to begin, the division superintendents of schools of the provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, entitled "The Provincial Government Act." shall select from among the male and female teachers in the municipalities of their provinces those who, in the judgment of said superintendents, possess the best qualifications to receive the superior instruction hereinbefore provided for, to sign a contract by which they shall hind themselves to serve, upon the completion of the special and proper course or courses of study, as municipal or Insular teachers in any of the municipalities of the province of their origin and faithfully to discharge the duties of the office for the salary which may be fixed by competent authority during a period of time equal to that employed by them in study under the privileges of this Act: Provided, notwithstanding, That teachers who have served as such for a period of time less than two school years may not, be selected.

SEC. 3.  The total number of teachers which may be selected for said special classes may not exceed tor the first year one hundred, and thereafter said number shall be determined in the appropriation Acts. The Director of Education shall distribute said number among the provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, taking into account the number of scholars in the public schools of each province during the term next preceding that when the selection is made: Provided, notwithstanding, That at least one teacher shall he chosen  from each province.

SEC. 4. Teachers selected shall be entitled to traveling and subsistence expenses from their place of residence to Manila and vice versa, and shall receive during the trip and their stay in Manila for attendance at said special classes, as compensation of all expenses, an amount' at least equal to that which they received as municipal or Insular teachers on leaving their municipalities, or the sum of forty pesos a month at their option.

SEC. 5. The sum of fifty thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of the funds of the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to he expended by the Director of Education in the establishment and operation of the course or courses of special classes herein authorized, in traveling expenses and compensation of the teachers selected for the purpose and in other expenditures that the said Director of Education may consider necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.

SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, June 13, 1908.