[ Act No. 84, February 09, 1901 ]


By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums in Mexican money are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Insular Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay expenses incurred and salaries earned, not provided for in the General Appropriation Act for the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, for the purposes and objects hereinafter specified:

For the district commander of Pollok, Mindanao, for salaries and wages, five hundred and fifty-one dollars; for rents and repairs, one hundred and twenty dollars; for subsistence for prisoners, convicts, and destitute citizens, ninety dollars; for medicines and for miscellaneous expenses, two hundred and twenty-eight dollars; for salary of school teacher and interpreter and for miscellaneous expenses for December, nineteen hundred, eighty dollars.

Total for the district commander at Pollok, Mindanao, one thousand and sixty-nine dollars.

For the medical supply depot at Cavite:

For the purchase of medical supplies for indigent sick natives at Olongapo, Subig, Pollok and Port Isabela, six hundred dollars.

For the medical supply depot, department of the Visayas, for maintenance of vaccine farm, seven hundred and forty-eight dollars; for salaries of natives, ninety dollars; for purchase of medicines, five thousand dollars.

Total for the medical supply depot, Department of the Visayas, five thousand, eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

For the inspector of customs at Tacloban:

For government pier at Tacloban, five thousand, five hundred dollars.

Total of appropriations for all purposes in Mexican money, thirteen thousand and seven dollars.

SEC. 2. The following sums in money of the United States are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Insular Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay expenses incurred and salaries earned, not provided for in the General Appropriation Act for the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one for the purposes and objects hereinafter specified:

For the office of Provost-Marshal-General and departments reporting to him:

For the Quartermaster's Department of the Provost Guard:

For clothing and uniforms for the native police, two thousand three hundred dollars; for printing for the police department, three hundred dollars.

Total for the Quartermaster's Department of the Provost Guard, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For the Department of Municipal Records:

For the increase of twenty-five dollars per month in the salary of one interpreter of the inferior provost court, seventy-five dollars; for the salary of a secretary for the justice of the peace, Intramuros, for the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, seventy-five dollars.

Total for the Department of Municipal Records, one hundred and fifty dollars.

For the Department of Water Supply:

For the repairing of engine number two at Santolan pumping station and for the installation of a new donkey engine at the Same place, eight hundred dollars.

For installation of water on the Luneta nine hundred and fifty-four dollars and thirty-two cents.

For installation of water in the Arroceros market, two hundred and sixty-eight dollars and sixty-five cents.

For the payment of bills contracted for and for materials and lumber used at the reservoir at the Deposito, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For the erecting of a temporary dam to raise the water at Santolan pumping station, three hundred dollars.

Total for the Department of Water Supply, three thousand eight hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety-seven cents.

For the Department of Public Works:

For the erection of a steel market at Anda and Solana streets, Intramuros, fifty-five thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars.

For the construction of a public water trough and urinal near the Bridge of Spain, one hundred and ninety-nine dollars.

For expense of paving the Bridge of Spain, three thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars.

Total for the Department of Public Works, fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars.

For the Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue:

For the printing of new liquor license forms, one hundred dollars.

For the salary of one interpreter for the San Miguel and Quiapo stations, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; for the salary of one stenographer for the central police station, three hundred dollars.

To remit fine of native policeman ordered by the Provost-Marshal-General, twelve dollars and fifty cents.

Total for the Department of Native Police, four hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For the Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation:

For salary of one superintendent of the disposal of street refuse from December twentieth, nineteen hundred, to and including March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, hereby authorized, five hundred dollars; for six cart horses, three hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Total for the Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For the Department of Secret Service:

For a contingent fund, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For the Department of Public instruction:

For an increase in the salaries of thirty-six principals in lieu of rent, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the wages of janitors for school buildings, seven hundred and eighty dollars.

Total for the Department of Public instruction, two thousand two hundred and eighty dollars.

For the Department of the Chief Surgeon of the Provost Guard:

For native laborers employed in hospital number three, for November and December, nineteen hundred, sixty dollars.

For the Department of Inspection:

For subsistence and treatment of prisoners of war and others at the San Juan de Dios Hospital, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For the office of the Adjutant-General of the Provost-Marshal-General:

For salaries of clerks to replace soldiers now serving under the Provost-Marshal-General, twenty thousand one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents; for printing, six hundred dollars; for the purchasing of the necessary fuel, printing supplies and for labor at Olongapo prison, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Total for the office of the Adjutant-General of the Provost-Marshal-General, twenty-two thousand two hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.

For the Department of the Board of Health:

For printing, blank books and typewriter supplies, six hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.

Total for the office of the Provost-Marshal-General and departments reporting to him, ninety-six thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-seven cents.

For the Disbursing Quartermaster of Civil Bureaus:

For the substitution of civil clerks for enlisted soldiers heretofore employed in the Military Secretary's office, fifteen clerks, hereby authorized at a salary of twelve hundred dollars each a year; for the employment of five stenographers at the rate of twelve hundred dollars each a year; for one interpreter and translator at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars a year; for seven messengers at fifty dollars a month each; for one clerk for the Board of Officers on Claims at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars a year; for the quarter's salary beginning January first, nineteen hundred and one, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; for printing for the Military Governor, Civil Commission, Forestry Bureau, Mining Bureau, Board of Officers on Claims, Captain of the Port, Treasury, Military Prisons, Department of Insurgent Record's, Department of Public Instruction and Disbursing Quartermaster of Civil Bureaus for the months of October and November, nineteen hundred, four thousand one hundred and eighty dollars and fifty-seven cents; for the payment of claim of Eusabio Zarata Tan Sam and Eusabio Tan Chaneo, two hundred and seventy-three dollars and forty cents; for the purchase of a carromata, two horses and a set of harness for the use of the Civil Service Board, two hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents; for the salary of a messenger of the supreme court hereby authorized for the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and fifty dollars; for the payment of stenographers for the Military Commission, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the publication of the proclamation of the Military Governor of December twentieth, nineteen hundred, nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine dollars and seventy cents.

Total for the Disbursing Quartermaster of Civil Bureaus, twenty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty-one dollars and seventeen cents.

For the Chief Commissary of the Division of the Philippines:

For the reimbursement for subsistence of native convicts for December, nineteen hundred, one thousand, one hundred and eighty-two dollars and twenty-four cents.

For the General Superintendent of Education:

For the traveling expenses of teachers, eight hundred and three dollars and five cents; for the salary of a messenger, at the rate of fifty dollars a month, hereby authorized, one hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty-four cents.

Total for the General Superintendent of Education, nine hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-nine cents.

For the Collector of Customs of the islands and of the chief port:

For the employment of a traveling auditor at a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars per year, hereby authorized, six hundred and twenty-five dollars; for the employment of one hundred customs guards, eighty at a salary of fifteen dollars per month, and twenty at a salary of seventy-five dollars per month, hereby authorized, five thousand four hundred dollars:

Total for the Collector of Customs for the Islands and of the Chief Fort, six thousand and twenty-five dollars.

For the district commander at Isabela de Basilan:

For regular supplies, rents and repairs of buildings, salaries and wages for December, nineteen hundred, and the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, three hundred and twenty-two dollars.

For the Auditor of the Philippine Islands:

For the employment of two additional clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, hereby authorized, five hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty-three rents.

For the Department of Sanitation of Batangas:

For the salary of the health officer for December, nineteen hundred, twenty-five dollars.

For the collector of internal revenue at Iloilo:

For the employment of an assistant chief clerk, hereby authorized, at a salary of seventy-five dollars per month, three hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For the collector of internal revenue of the First District, Department of Southern Luzon:

For the salary of an inspector, hereby authorized, from July first, nineteen hundred, to and including March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Total of appropriations for all purposes in money of the United States, one hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and ninety-four dollars and ten cents.

SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its passage.

Enacted, February 9, 1901.