[ Acts No. 4231, August 16, 1935 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1. In case that a new General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six is not enacted before the first day of the said fiscal year, Acts Numbered Forty-one hundred and eighty-seven, Forty-one hundred and fifty-eight and Forty-one hundred and eighty-eight, shall continue in force for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines during the portion of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six for which such new General Appropriation Act is not in force, and for this purpose, there are hereby appropriated from any fund in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sums equal to the various items of appropriations authorized by said Acts, as modified by the following amendments which are hereby made:
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, unless otherwise stated.
Approved, August 16, 1935, with the exception of item 22 under section 1.
[1] For further details of the General Appropriation for 1936, see Appendix, p. 149, post.
SECTION 1. In case that a new General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six is not enacted before the first day of the said fiscal year, Acts Numbered Forty-one hundred and eighty-seven, Forty-one hundred and fifty-eight and Forty-one hundred and eighty-eight, shall continue in force for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines during the portion of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six for which such new General Appropriation Act is not in force, and for this purpose, there are hereby appropriated from any fund in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sums equal to the various items of appropriations authorized by said Acts, as modified by the following amendments which are hereby made:
- All appropriations under item "A" (Senate) are hereby suppressed.
- The appropriations for the House of Representatives as provided in Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and eighty-seven are hereby made available for expenditure by the National Assembly for the same purposes for which they have been appropriated, until the National Assembly shall provide otherwise, except that the rates of salary of the Speaker and the members of the National Assembly shall be as provided in the Constitution of the Philippines: Provided, That the salaries of the following officials and employees shall be as follows:
One Secretary of the National Assembly P4,500.00One Assistant Secretary of the National Assembly and Chief Clerk 4,000.00One Secretary to the Speaker 4,000.00One private Secretary to the Speaker 4,000.00 - If a Resident Commissioner is appointed and assumes statoV0 the United office in accordance with the provisions of paragraph five of section seven of the Act of Congress of the United States of March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, commonly known as the Tydings-McDuffie Act, the sum of ten thousand pesos provided in item D-IV-1 together with the sum of twenty-five thousand pesos which is hereby appropriated out of the general fund in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall become available until such time as the National Assembly shall provide otherwise, to cover his salary, allowances including clerk hire necessarily employed by him in the discharge of his official duties based on the rates of salary and allowances which a Resident Commissioner is presently receiving from the United States Government, and the allowance in lieu of representation expenses not exceeding five thousand pesos per annum heretofore paid by the Philippine Government commutable at the beginning of the session of the Congress of the United States.
- The salaries of twenty-one thousand pesos for the supreme court. Chief Justice and twenty thousand pesos for each Associate Justice of the Supreme Court shall automatically be reduced to sixteen thousand pesos and fifteen thousand pesos each, respectively.
- The salary of thirty-six thousand pesos authorized for Governor-General. the Governor-General shall be reduced to thirty thousand pesos which shall be available for the payment of the salary of the President of the Philippines.
- The salary of twenty thousand pesos authorized for the Vice-Governor and Secretary of Public Instruction shall be reduced to fifteen thousand pesos which shall be available for the payment of the salary of the Vice-President. The sum of ten thousand two hundred pesos is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the salary of a Secretary of the Department of Public Instruction.
- The amount of twelve thousand pesos appropriated insular Auditor, for the salary of the Insular Auditor shall be available for the payment of the salary of the Auditor General.
- The appropriation provided for in item G-IV—4 is hereby reduced from P18,960 to P18,660.
- Item G-IV—14 is hereby suppressed.
- The appropriation provided for in Item I-I-(3)—77, one stenographer, is hereby reduced from P2,040 to P1,360.
- The appropriation provided for in Item I-I-(3)—98, one interpreter, is hereby reduced from P1,530 to P1,020.
- The appropriation provided for in item I-I-(3)—112, one docket clerk, is hereby reduced from P864 to P576.
- Item I-IV—7 is hereby eliminated.
- Item K-IV—15 is hereby suppressed.
- The following positions are hereby grouped under the heading District health officers-one-half of the salary only, the other half being payable by the province concerned in accordance with Act 3297; the designations of the same are hereby changed to read "district health officers"; and the appropriations provided for are reduced:
- Item L-I-(3)—13 is hereby amended to read:
"One district health officer .................. P1,912.50"
"One district health officer .................. 1,020.00" - Item L-I-(3)-14—Six of the positions authorized in this item are hereby amended to read:
"Six district health officers ......................... P11,475.00"
- Item L-I-(3)-15—One of the positions authorized in this item is hereby amended to read:
"One district health officer........................... P1,700.00"
- Item L-I-(3)—16 is hereby amended to read:
"One district health officer........................... P1,912.50"
- Item L-I-(3)-20—Thirteen of the positions authorized in this item are hereby amended to read:
"Seven district health officers ....................... P13,387.50"
"One district health officer ............................ 1,785.00"
"Four district health officers .......................... 6,800.00"
"One district health officer ............................ 1,275.00" - Item L-I-(3)-23—Nineteen of the positions authorized in this item are hereby amended to read:
"Two district health officers ............................. P3,825.00"
"Eight district health officers ............................. 13,600.00"
"Seven district health officers ........................... 10,710.00"
"Two district health officers .............................. 2,550.00" - Item L-I-(3)-25 is hereby amended to read:
"One district health officer .............................. P1,700.00"
- Item L-I-(3)-26-Six of the positions authorized in this item are hereby amended to read:
"Two district health officers ........................ P3,060.00"
"Four district health officers ........................ 5,100.00"
- The amount appropriated in item L-IV-16—(g-2), sundry expenses-P70,000 is hereby increased to P100,000.
- The amount appropriated in item L-IV-31—(j) rental of buildings and grounds-P2,880 is hereby increased to P5,647.50.
- The following additional appropriations are hereby made available for the Philippine General Hospital:
- One executive officer, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service ................. P4,250.00
- Twelve assistant adjunct residents, without compensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.
- One pharmacist, with one-third subsistence .......................................................... 648.00
- One chauffeur, with one-third subsistence .............................................................. 480.00
- Two litter-bearers, with one-third subsistence ........................................................ 756.00
- Twenty helpers, with subsistence and quarters ...................................................... 1,920.00
- Item L-I-(5)-114—P9,896 is hereby increased to ............................................. 10,817.60
- Item L-I-(5)-115—P85,000 is hereby increased to P89,300.50, to take care of the subsistence of the additional personnel provided herein and twelve assistant adjunct residents.
- Item L-II-1—P302,596 is hereby increased to ................................................ 302,696.00
- Item L-II-4—P83,620 is hereby increased to .................................................... 85,120.00
- Item L-II-6—P1,383,481 is hereby increased to .......................................... 1,395,084.90
- Item L-II-7—P21,577 is hereby increased to .................................................... 23,077.00
- Item L-II-11—P69,895 is hereby increased to .................................................... 71,895.00
- Item L-III-I—P15,940 is hereby increased to ................................................. 20,960.00 19.
Item L-IV—29(b) is hereby reduced from P103,504.75 to ................................ 100,089.15.
- Item N-VI—1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Employees of the Insular Government rendering service as instructors at the School of Sanitation for Nurses and other instructors or lecturers teaching outside of their respective regular office hours, may receive additional pay at the rate to be fixed by the University authorities."
- The following items are hereby increased:
Item F-I-(1)-6—from P3,103 to ............................................ P3,111.00
Item K-I-(4)-1—from P3,102.50 to ...................................... 3,111.00
Item K-I-(4)-3—from P3,102.50 to ..................................... 3,111.00
- Section 17 under the General Provisions is amended by adding the following exceptions:
(f) Provincial Governors, District Engineers serving as Sanitary Engineers for waterworks systems, and the Clerk of Court of the City of Manila.
- Two new sections are hereby added under the General Provisions as follows:
"SEC. 30a. Voluntary service.—No person shall be employed or appointed in the Government service under the guise of voluntary service without compensation but with privilege of reimbursement of traveling expenses and per diems payable from any appropriation herein provided, in the absence of specific position therefor or specific legislation authorizing the creation of such position.
"SEC. 30b. Allowance for subsistence.—The provisions of this Act or any other existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, no officer or employee of the Insular Government shall be given subsistence chargeable against the appropriation herein provided except the following:
"(a) Marine officers, engineers and crews of government vessels, launches, and motorboats, who shall take their meals in the mess on board the vessels, launches, or motor-boats when on duty during meal time;
"(b) Lightkeepers who shall be furnished raw food materials ;
"(c) Those officials and employees who have been granted subsistence heretofore, at the discretion of the Department Head concerned, when required to render continuous service and covering meal time at not to exceed one-third subsistence for every meal time, allowing full subsistence when required to live within the premises of hospitals, prisons, Philippine Constabulary barracks, training schools, leper institutions or similar institutions to make their services available at any and all time: Provided, That said subsistence shall be furnished in kind, requiring those entitled thereto to take their meals in the mess provided therefor and maintained at the expense of the Government, and under no condition shall the same be commuted or paid in cash or given in raw foodstuffs, except as otherwise provided in this section in the case of light-keepers, and except further that commutation of subsistence may be granted to enlisted men of the Philippine Constabulaiy as provided in the Constabulary regulations and the following officers and employees heretofore allowed such commutation:
"(1) District nurses of the Bureau, of Health and nurse-social workers of the Bureau of Public Welfare in Manila not assigned to any particular institution;
"(2) Officers and employees in leper institutions;
"(3) The Director and Assistant Director of Prisons, physicians, pharmacists, dentists, sanitary inspectors, attendants and nurses of the Bureau of Prisons; and
"(4) Officials and employees of the Insular Psychopathic Hospital and Welfareville."
- Only the following items of appropriation authorized by this Act shall continue to be available:
I. SALARIES AND WAGES OF PERSONNELAll with subsistence and quartersPer annumOne physician-psychiatrist 3,000.00One psychologist 1,200.00One social worker 960.00Three nurses 2,520.00One matron-dietitian 1,440.00Fifteen attendants for the wards 3,600.00Six helpers P720.00Five teachers 3,000.00One clerk 480.00Total16,920.00II. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSESConsumption of supplies and materials 11,400.00Illumination and power 1,000.00Postal, telephone and telegraph service 150.00Other services 480.00Traveling expenses of personnel not Government employees 50.00Total30,000.00
- 25. Item "A-3"—The appropriation of P13,816 is hereby reduced to P13,716.
- 26. Item "D"—The appropriation of P196,095.20 is hereby reduced to P108,709.
- 27. Item "E"—The appropriation of P221,000 is hereby reduced to P30,000.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, unless otherwise stated.
Approved, August 16, 1935, with the exception of item 22 under section 1.
[1] For further details of the General Appropriation for 1936, see Appendix, p. 149, post.