[ LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 631, November 28, 1977 ]

All Concerned

In order to ensure sustained government efforts in the planning and implementation of programs and projects supportive of town and city plans prepared by virtue of LOI No. 511 creating a National Coordinating Committee for Town Planning, Housing and Zoning there is hereby created three working inter-agency committees that will have the following composition and functions:
  1. As Infrastructure Committee:

    Representative, NEDA - Chairman
    Representative, DPWTC - Member
    Representative, DPI - Member
    Representative, DLGCD - Member
    Representative, BC - Member
    Representative, HSC - Member

    The Infrastructure Committee shall:

    1. Provide guidelines for the technical review as well as the working mechanism for the integration of identified projects/programs supportive of land use plans into the program, priorities of the national government.
    2. Ensure the inclusion of such identified programs/projects in the Public Works Decree and in the Annual Infrastructure Program to be approved by the President.
    3. Coordinate with the Finance Committee and the Committee on Regional Government Center in the programming and implementation of such identified projects.

  2. Finance Committee: 

    Budget Commission Representative - Chairman
    Department of Finance Representative - Member
    DLGCD Representative - Member
    NEDA Representative - Member
    DPWTC Representative - Member

    The Finance Committee shall:

    1. Provide operational guidelines for the availment of national government and local government funds for projects/programs supportive of the regional and town plans.
    2. Be responsible for the funds programming efforts and requirements of the projects/programs identified by the Infrastructure Committee and the Committee on Regional Government Center.

  3. Committee on Regional Government Center:

    HSC Representative - Chairman
    DPWTC Representative - Member
    DNR Representative - Member
    DLGCD Representative - Member
    BC Representative - Member

    The Committee on Regional Government Center shall:

    1. In consultation with the RDC, identify specific location and exact covered area within the regional government center where buildings shall be constructed.
    2. Provide land use plans for the herein selected area within the regional government centers specifying thereby the location, space and building allotments for each regional office of national government instrumentalities.
    3. Prepare architectural and engineering design for the selected area.
    4. Coordinate with the Finance and Infrastructure Committees on fund programming and support infrastructure projects.

  4. The twelve regional centers are identified as follows:

    San Fernando, La Union - Region I
    Tuguegarao, Cagayan - Region II
    San Fernando, Pampanga - Region III
    Batangas City - Region IV
    Legaspi City - Region V
    Iloilo City - Region VI
    Cebu City - Region VII
    Tacloban City - Region VIII
    Zamboanga City - Region IX
    Cagayan de Oro City - Region X
    Davao City - Region XI
    Cotabato City - Region XII
The Committee shall call upon the Provincial Governor and the, City/Municipal Mayor concerned for all necessary assistance and coordination.

Development of all proposed government offices shall henceforth be located within the identified regional centers.  As such the Budget Commissioner

shall not release funds for regional office buildings unless the Committee on Regional Government Center has given prior approval as to their inclusion, prioritization and space allocation;
shall pool all existing appropriations for government regional office buildings, whether programmed or unprogrammed including PL-480 and other loan proceeds to fund the projects identified and approved by the Committee on Regional Government Center.

The Chairman's office of each Committee shall provide Secretariat support to their respective Committees. The three(3) heads of the above Committees shall form into an Umbrella Committee to provide over all guidance, supervision and direction to the three working committees.  The Human Settlements Commission shall act as the Secretariat to this Umbrella Committee and shall coordinate and relate the activities of each Secretariat to the three Committees.  The Commission is thus authorized to provide office space, equipment and supplies as well as funding support to government personnel involved in these committees.

Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven.

President of the Philippines