[ Act No. 3202, December 03, 1924 ]


Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines  in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:

SECTION 1.  With the exception of trade-marks and trade-names already registered under the provisions of Act Numbered Six hundred and  sixty-six, as amended, no trade-mark or trade-name shall  be  used  on  cigars or cigarettes in the Philippine Islands without having  first been  registered in the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, in accordance with the provisions of this  Act and  upon  compliance with the requisites, as regards  the application,  prescribed  in  the Trade-mark Law, Act Numbered Six hundred  and sixty-six, as amended.

Registration of such trade-marks or trade-names shall be conclusive evidence  of the exclusive right of the persons using such trade-marks or trade-names, and in order to justify recovery  of damages for infringement of such trade-marks or trade-names,  as provided by Act Numbered Six hundred and sixty-six, as amended, it shall be sufficient to show that such trade-marks or trade-names were duly registered  under the provisions of this Act:  Provided, That the benefits of this provision shall be applicable to trade-marks and trade-names for cigars and cigarettes registered before this Act took effect.

SEC. 2.  Upon  filing an application for the registration of trade-marks or trade-names for cigars or cigarettes in accordance with the requirements  hereinbefore  prescribed, the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall cause an examination of the trade-mark or trade-name to be made, and if on such  examination it shall appear that the applicant  is entitled to registration of  his trade-mark or trade-name, the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall cause the said application to be published once a week for six consecutive weeks in the  Official Gazette, the cost of publication to be charged against the applicant. The  Director of the  Bureau of  Commerce and  Industry shall  likewise notify  the  Manila  Tobacco Association and other similar  associations of the existence of such application,  in  order that  any  cigar or cigarette manufacturer considering himself  entitled to object  thereto may do so.

The registration fee for trade-marks and trade-names for cigars or cigarettes shall be fifty  pesos for each,  except in the case of factories  the  capital  of which does not exceed two  thousand  pesos,  for  which the fees shall  be twenty- five pesos each: Provided, That in case the application for registration is denied,  the applicant shall pay only  ten pesos for the "examination,  in addition  to the expenses incurred for publication and notification.

SEC. 3. Any person who  believes that his  interests  or rights would be prejudiced by the registration  of a trademark or trade-name used on cigars or cigarettes, may oppose  the same by filing notice of  opposition stating the grounds  therefor with the Bureau of Commerce and Industry,  within fifteen days after the last publication of the application.   Said notice  of opposition  shall be  duly sworn to.   If no  notice of opposition is  filed within the  time prescribed by this section, the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall issue a  certificate of registration of the trade-mark or trade-name,  as provided in the Trade- mark Law.  In all cases where  opposition has been  filed, the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall notify the applicant thereof.

SEC. 4. The Director of the Bureau of  Commerce and Industry shall decide all cases where opposition to the registration of a trade-mark or trade-name is  made,  and shall deny the application  or order the  registration requested. Any  party disagreeing with his  decision may  submit the matter to  the courts  of  justice  within thirty  days after notification of such decision, otherwise the decision  shall be final  and  unappealable.  The  decision of the Director of the Bureau of  Commerce and  Industry  shall remain in effect until revoked by the court.

SEC. 5. Any cigar  and  cigarette manufacturers  having unregistered trade-marks or trade-names on the date of the approval of this Act  are  hereby  required to apply for the registration  of such  trade-marks or trade-names  within ninety days after  the date  on which this Act takes effect, but this  shall not be a bar to their using such trade-marks or trade-names so long as the registration  thereof has not been  denied by the Director of the  Bureau of Commerce and  Industry: Provided, That applicants the  registration of whose trade-marks is denied  shall be entitled to sixty days' time after such denial during which to dispose of the products bearing the  trade-mark  denied.

SEC.  6. The Director  of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall be empowered to promulgate, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.

SEC.  7. Any person, firm  or corporation using a  trademark or trade-name for cigars or cigarettes without first having  the  same registered in the Bureau of  Commerce and Industry  as  provided in this Act shall be punished by a fine of not  less than two  hundred pesos nor  more than one thousand  pesos, or by imprisonment for not less than ninety days  nor more than one year, or both, in  the discretion of the court.

SEC.  8. All  acts or  parts  of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 9.  This Act shall take effect on its approval.

Approved, December 3, 1924.