[ Act No. 1762, October 11, 1907 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. For the purpose of fixing the charges for carrying passengers on the line of the Manila Suburban Rail ways Company, the construction of which is authorized by Acts Numbered Fourteen hundred and forty-six and Fifteen hundred and eighty-nine, the Manila Suburban Bail ways Company is hereby authorized to divide its lines into the following sections:
A section commencing at the beginning of the line on Calle Beal, in Santa Ana, and running to Fort William McKinley, which shall be held to mean any point within the Fort William McKinley Reservation.

A section beginning at Fort William McKinley and running to Pasig.

A section beginning at Fort William McKinley and running to Taguig; which shall be held to mean any point within half a mile of the town center.

A section beginning at Taguig and running to the end of the line, at a point on Laguna de Pay at or near Mabato Point.
SEC. 2. The rates to be charged for carrying passengers shall not exceed the following:
On the section between the beginning of the line and Fort William McKinley, ten centavos first class and five centavos second class;

On the section between Fort William McKinley and Pasig, eight centavos first class and five centavos second class;

On the section between Fort William McKinley and Taguig, eighty centavos first class and five centavos second class;

On the section between Taguig and the terminus at Laguna de Bay, ten centavos first class and five centavos second class; all of which said rates shall apply to passengers traveling in either direction.
SEC. 3. The right is reserved to the Government of the Philippine Islands effectively to regulate the rates provided in this Act: Provided, That in no case shall such rates be fixed at less than the Minimum rates, maximum prescribed by the provisions of Acts Numbered Fourteen hundred and forty-six and Fifteen hundred and eighty-nine, for the period during which  the rates as fixed in said Acts arc to be in

SEC. 4. The Manila Suburban Railways Company, in order to secure the benefit of this Act, must file with the Executive Secretary any of the Philippine Islands its acceptance of the same within sixty days from the passage hereof.

SEC. 5. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, October 11, 1907.