[ Act No. 13, October 03, 1900 ]


By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums, in Mexican money, are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Insular Treasury no otherwise appropriated, for the payment, for the payment of current expenses of the Insular Government for the month of September, nineteen hundred, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, namely:

For eighty per cent of the estimated value of the work done on the new Divisoria Market, from August first, nineteen hundred, to August thirty-first, nineteen hundred, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For last payment on completion of contract of work on Divisoria Market, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For deposit of twenty per cent, on payment of the work done, twenty thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

For wind-bracing Divisoria Market, balance due, three hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Total, thirty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For refitting and equipping the gunboat Arayat, as follows:

For construction and repair, twenty-one thousand three hundred and nine dollars and eighty-five cents.

For steam engineering, ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-four dollars and seventy cents.

For ordnance, sixty-five dollars and forty-eight cents.

For yards and docks, thirty-one dollars and nineteen cents.

For equipment, two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixteen cents.

Total, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty-eight cents.

For payment of clerical assistance in the Mining Bureau, as follows:

One chief clerk and stenographer, two hundred dollars.

One mining engineer and assayer, two hundred dollars.

One interpreter and translator, two hundred dollars.

One record clerk, fifty-five dollars.

One helper for engineer, twenty dollars.

One porter (janitor), ten dollars.

One laborer, ten dollars.

Total, six hundred and ninety-five dollars.

For the purchase of books for the Mining Bureau, one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and ten cents.

For the salary of Dr. Domingo Santos, sanitary officer at Batangas, from May fourteenth to July fourteenth, fifty dollars per month, one hundred and one dollars and sixty-six cents.

For the salary of Dr. Domingo Santos, sanitary officer at Batangas, for two days in August, and for the month of September, fifty-three dollars and sixty-four cents.

Total, one hundred and fifty-five dollars and thirty cents.

For the payment of wages and salaries for the employees under the captain of the port at Aparri, as follows:

Cape Engano light-house.

One chief keeper, pay fifty dollars, allowance thirty dollars, eighty dollars.

One second-class keeper, pay forty-one dollars, allowance fifteen dollars, fifty-six dollars.

One fourth-class keeper, pay twenty-five dollars, allowance fifteen dollars, forty dollars.

One orderly, pay fifteen dollars.

Total for keeping Engano light-house, one hundred and ninety-one dollars.

For Linao light-house:

One first keeper, fifty dollars.

One fourth keeper, twenty-five dollars.

Total for Linao light-house, seventy-five dollars.

Total for captain of the port at Aparri, two hundred and sixty-six dollars.

For payment of additional native police force at Malabon and, vicinity, from September eleventh to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred, as follows:

Three sergeants, at forty dollars per month, eighty dollars and one cent.

Three corporals, at thirty dollars per month, sixty dollars.

Fifty-four privates, at twenty-four dollars per month, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars.

Total for additional Malabon police, one thousand and tour dollars and one cent.

For additional amount necessary to meet the cost of disinfectants purchased in America, authorized in original order, two hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty-four cents.

For expenses of the Department of Public Instruction, not provided for by previous appropriation, for the month of September, as follows: .

Salaries of teachers in night school, one principal, at forty-eight dollars, forty-eight dollars.

Three teachers of English, at thirty-six dollars per month, one hundred and eight dollars.

Three teachers of English, at twenty-four dollars per month, seventy-two dollars.

Total additional for teachers in night school, two hundred and twenty-eight dollars.

For wages of English supply teacher, eighty dollars.

Total for Department of Public Instruction, three hundred and eight dollars.

For the Chief Quartermaster of the United States Army for the Division of the Philippines:

For printing all orders and blanks required in the Division, and for the purchase of rubber stamps and such stationery as had not been received from the United States, ten thousand dollars.

For electric lighting and supplies, one thousand dollars.

For the purchase of office furniture, fixtures, hire of interpreters, and payment of claims, four thousand dollars.

For the payment of cablegrams on official business, and hire of telephones, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For cleaning cesspool vaults and earth closets in Manila, five thousand dollars.

For repairs to Santa Mesa Hospital, five hundred and seventy-five dollars.

To complete work on Government building at Sual, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For hire of buildings in Manila for quarters, hospitals, storehouses and offices, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars.

For repairs of Government buildings and similar miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars.

For hire of cascoes used as ferries, and water transportation at outlying points, and for hire of authorized vehicles in Manila, five thousand dollars.

For payment of Macabebe scouts, three thousand dollars.

For repair of road from Calamba to dock, five thousand dollars.

For repair of road from Bonang to Cabagao and Santa Rosa, one thousand, dollars.

For expenditure of the Department of the Visayas, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, sixty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For expenditure of the Department of Southern Luzon, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, thirty-five thousand dollars.

For expenditures of the Department of Northern Luzon, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, seventy-five thousand dollars.

For repair of road from Calamba to dock, five thousand dollars.

For repair of road from Bonang to Cabagao and Santa Rosa, one thousand, dollars.

For expenditure of the Department of the Visayas, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, sixty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For expenditure of the Department of Southern Luzon, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, thirty-five thousand dollars.

For expenditures of the Department of Northern Luzon, heretofore authorized under General Order Number Thirty-seven as amended, seventy-five thousand dollars.

For repairs to military prison at San Isidro, two thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For expenses at depot quartermaster's, in Manila, for gunboats, pony corral, stable, cold-storage plant, First Reserve Hospital, printing establishment, purchase of coal and mineral oil, and miscellaneous supplies, fifty-six thousand dollars.

Total appropriation for the use of the Chief Quartermaster, three hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars.

SEC. 2. The Insular Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the warrants of the Military Governor for the sums so appropriated.

SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, October 3, 1900.