[ Act No. 1225, August 31, 1904 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, unless otherwise stated :


For salaries of the President and seven Commissioners, at five thousand dollars per annum each, eighty thousand pesos.


For salaries as follows: Civil Governor, at fifteen thousand dollars per annum; Secretary of the Interior, at  ten thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Secretary of Commerce and Police, at ten thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Secretary of Finance. and Justice,  at ten thousand   five  hundred   dollars  per  annum; Secretary  of  Public   Instruction,  at  ten   thousand five  hundred dollars per annum; one hundred and fourteen thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau. nineteen, hundred and five: Executive Secretary, at seven thousand live hundred dollars per annum: Assistant Executive Secretary, at four thousand dollars per annum: Recorder of the Commission, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum : chief clerk, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum: law clerk, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Translating division:

Chief of division, class three: one clerk, class  five: one clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class eight; one clerk, class nine; two clerks, Class A; one clerk. Class K; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum. Legislative division:

Chief of division, class five, who shall act as Recorder of the Commission in the absence or incapacity of the latter: two clerks, class six; two clerks, class seven; three clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class A; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Administration and finance division:

Chief of division, class four; one clerk, class five; three clerks, class six; three clerks, class seven; eight clerks, class eight, two being for six months only; six clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class A: one clerk, Class B; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class E; one clerk, Class F; one clerk, Class G; one clerk, Class H: one clerk, Class I: four messengers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; nine messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two messengers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Records division:

Chief of division, class four; one clerk, class five; one clerk, class six: five clerks, class seven; five clerks, class eight; six clerks, class nine: one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class A; one clerk, Class B; one cleric. Class C; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class E; one clerk. Class F; one clerk, Class G; one clerk, Class H; one clerk, Class I: four messengers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each: four messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per  annum each ; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum: one messenger, at sixty dollars per annum. .Document  division:

Chief of division, class five; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, Class F; one employee, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Division of accounts:

Disbursing officer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum: acting disbursing officer, class three, until not later than January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk, class eight: one clerk, Class D; one messenger, at three hundred dollars per annum.

Custodian force:

One janitor. Class A; one watchman, Class B; ten laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Private secretaries to the Civil Governor and members of the Philippine Commission:

Private secretary to the Civil Governor, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; four private secretaries, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each; three private secretaries, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum each.

Per diems of five dollars for the United States Army officer detailed as aid-dc-camp to the Civil Governor.

For compensation for temporary services of expert translators, when required, not to exceed two thousand pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, two hundred and sixty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Malacañan Palace, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses of Malacañan Palace, including lighting of park, purchase and repair of furniture, improvement of buildings and grounds, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses. Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including a fund not exceeding twelve thousand pesos to be expended in the discretion of the Civil Governor: advertising and cablegrams; electric lighting and supplies for Ayuntamiento Building; purchase of office furniture and supplies, including repairs; subscriptions to newspapers; for actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees on official business; transportation of supplies; for transportation of officials and employees in Manila on official business when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; one hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred pesos.

In all, for the Executive Bureau, three hundred and ninety thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and five: One chairman, at live thousand dollars per annum; two members, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one examiner, class three; our examiner, class five; two examiners, class six: four examiners, class seven; six examiners, class eight; six clerks, class nine; one clerk. Class A; one cleric, Class B; one clerk. Class C; one clerk. Class D; one clerk, Class E; one clerk, Class F; one clerk. Class D: one clerk. Class H; one clerk, Class I; one messenger. Class J; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum: seventy-eight thousand four hundred and fifty pesos.

Contingent expenses. Philippine Service Board, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including books, examination furniture, office furniture and supplies; for actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees on official business; for official Transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, and other incidental expenses: three thousand seven hundred pesos.

In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, eighty-two thousand one hundred and fifty pesos.


Salaries and wages. Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred  and five: Insular Purchasing Agent, at four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; Local Purchasing Agent, at three thousand live hundred dollars per annum; Assistant Insular Purchasing Agent, at three thousand dollars per annum; one disbursing officer and cashier, class four; one chief clerk, class five: one property clerk, class five: one buyer, class five; one buyer, class six: two clerks, class six; five clerks, class seven; one superintendent of lumber yard, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum : eleven clerks, class eight; one superintendent of hardware, class nine: eleven clerks, class nine; one superintendent of coal yard, class nine: one mechanic, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; five clerks, class ten; one stock tender-, at one thousand dollars per annum; nine clerks. Class A: one chief watchman. Class A; one clerk, Class B; one clerk. Class C: ten walehmen. Class C; eight clerks, Class D; eight clerks, Class K: four clerks. Class F; four clerks, Class G; ten messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one superintendent of transportation, class seven; one corral foreman, class nine; live mechanics, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum each : one painter, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one saddler, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum : seven truck drivers, Class A; four ambulance .drivers. Class A; twenty-two teamsters, Class C; fifteen mechanics, at two hundred and ninety-four dollars per annum each; two drivers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; for hire of lorcha crews not to exceed six thousand eight hundred pesos; for hire of not more than two assistant foremen, at seven pesos or less per diem, assistant  foremen as may he necessary, at not to exceed six pesos per diem each, emergency clerks and laborers as may be necessary from time to time in the coal and lumber yards and for handling supplies, not in exceed eighty thousand pesos; one hundred and fifty cocheros, wagon laborers, and corral laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

Total for salaries and wages, three hundred and ninety thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent,: nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of supplies for offices, coaling stations, coaling yards, lumber yards, warehouses, and lorchas; cablegrams, telegrams, and postage : rents, and repairs; forage for animals; purchase of animals, harness, and vehicles, not to exceed twenty-four thousand pesos; veterinary attendance and supplies; repairs to transportation; purchase of corral supplies and shop tools, litters and coffins; electric lighting, telephones, water, ice, and other incidental expenses; one hundred and ninety-two thousand nine hundred pesos.

In all. for the Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent, five hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred pesos.



Salaries and, wages, Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and fire: Chief Health Inspector, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Sanitary Engineer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; secretary, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum: four medical inspectors, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, class five; seven medical inspectors., class five; one clerk, class six; two veterinarians, class six; four clerks, class 'seven; three clerks, class eight; six clerks, class nine; one interpreter and translator, class nine; two sanitary. inspectors, class ten; one employee, Class A; five clerks, Class A; six clerks. Class D, one being until not later than September first. nineteen hundred and four: two clerks. Class H; one hundred vaccinations and inspectors of vaccination at not to exceed three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; one employee, at two hundred and Forty dollars per annum; seven employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one. employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; per diems of eight dollars lo the Army officer detailed as Commissioner of Public Health; extra allowance to disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum: president of the board of health of Antique, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum: president of the board of health of Surigao, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum;  president of the board of health of Abra, at nine hundred dollars per annum, until not later than August first, nineteen hundred and four; compensation of secretary-treasurers' and examiners' fees as provided by law, for the Board of Medical Examiners. Hoard of Pharmaceutical Examiners, and Board of Dental Examiners, not to exceed one thousand five hundred pesos; for hire of such temporary emergency employees as may be necessary in the suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, not to exceed twenty-two thousand five hundred pesos.

For sanitation of the city of Manila:

Seven medical inspectors, class five; one disinfector, class nine; ten sanitary inspectors, class ten; three assistant disinfectors, Class A, one being until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; three municipal pharmacists, Glass A; eight municipal physicians, at seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two clerks, Class C; one meat inspector, Class D; one junior draftsman, Class F; one supervising vaccinator. Class H; two assistant meat inspectors. Class H; ten assistant sanitary inspectors, Class I; three clerks for municipal pharmacies. Class J; ten employees, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; fifteen vac-einators, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each, five being until not later than September h'rsl. nineteen hundred and four; nine disinfectors' assistants, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, three being until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; eleven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

San Lazaro Hospitals, Manila :

One physician in charge, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent, class eight, one dispensing clerk, class nine, one chief trained nurse, class nine, one house physician, class ten, one house physician. Class A. one clerk, Class A, five trained nurses, Class A. one cook. Class A, one employee, at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum, four employees, Class J, four employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, eight employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, fourteen employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, twenty-two employees, at ninety dollars per annum each, and three employees, at seventy-two dollars per annum each, with subsistence and quarters under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and ten; one engineer, at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum : four mechanic, at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum each : six employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each : per diems of twenty centavos to each of twelve leper patients detailed as policemen.

San Lazaro Leper Hospital, Cebu Philippine Islands:

One chaplain and  superintendent,  at six hundred dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; four employees, at sixty dollars per annum each.

Palestina Leper Hospital:

One superintendent, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one employee, at ninety dollars per annum; two employees, at sixty dollars per annum each, until not Inter than December first, nineteen hundred and four.

Culion Leper Hospital, Culion. Philippine Islands:

One director of the Culion leper colony. at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum.
 Proposed Hospital for the Insane, Lolomboy estate:

One physician, class nine, one superintendent and steward, class nine, one dispensing clerk, Class 0. one clerk, Class I, two employees, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each, eleven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, four employees, at ninety dollars per annum each, seven employees, at seventy-two dollars per annum each, with quarters and subsistence under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and ten.

Total for salaries and wages, three hundred and seventy-five thousand pesos.

Support of hospitals, plants, and stations, Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and five: For support and maintenance of the women's department, San Lazaro Hospital; leper department, San Lazaro Hospital; bubonic plague, smallpox, and cholera departments, San Lazaro Hospitals; morgue, crematory, and disinfecting plant; Hospicio de San Jose; Colegio de Santa Isabel; San Lazaro Hospital at Cebu; Palestina Leper Hospital; proposed Hospital for the Insane, Lolomboy estate: Provided, That the Medical Inspector and any other regular employees of the Bureau of Health who may be detailed for temporary duty at the Hospital for the Insane be allowed quarters and subsistence under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and ten which shall apply also to Lolomboy Hospital as to San Lazaro Hospital, Manila; for the free dispensing of medicines and medical supplies to indigent natives; and for veterinary department; one hundred and seventy-five thousand pesos.

Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Bureau a of Health, nineteen hundred and five: For the suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests; rentals; equipment and maintenance of dispensaries, hospitals, plants, and camps, and stations for epidemic diseases, including medicines for the same; expenses of the disposition of the dead for sanitary reasons; subsistence of employees and inmates of hospitals, plants, and camps for epidemic diseases; subsistence of employees sent to provinces for temporary duty; traveling expenses of one hundred vaccinators and inspectors of vaccination, not to exceed thirty thousand pesos; expenses incurred in the distribution of distilled water; purchase of disinfectants and disinfecting apparatus, rat traps, and bait; reimbursement for property, clothing, and so forth, destroyed to prevent the spread of epidemics; expenses incurred in cleaning up infected districts; medicines and medical supplies for indigent natives; ice and ice boxes for preservation and shipment of vaccine virus, not to exceed three thousand two hundred pesos; purchase of flannel for free distribution to indigent natives in Manila to the used as covering for infants; sixty-five thousand pesos: Provided, That no portion of this appropriation shall be available for the payment of either permanent or temporary salaries or wages.

Contingent expenses, Bureau, of Health, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies: repairs to furniture, runt of telephones; postage; medical and professional books and periodicals; surgical instruments and apparatus; incidentals for the Board of Medical Examiners, the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners, and the Board of Dental Examiners; badges for vaccinators, bottles, lumber, nails, wire, and miscellaneous supplies: for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees of the Bureau of Health, and transportation of freight; for transportation in Manila on official business when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed five thousand pesos; twenty-three thousand pesos.

In all. for the Bureau of Health, six hundred and thirty-eight thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and five: Five officers, at two thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; six officers, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each, two of whom shall be for one month only; one officer, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one engineer, class nine; two clerks, class ten, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; one clerk and disinfector, Class A, at nine hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one chief dismfector, Class A; one watchman, Class C; one officer, at seven hundred dollars per annum; two disinfectors, Class D; two engineers, Class F; one vaccinator and disinfector, Class F; one assistant engineer, Class F; two disinfectors, Class H; one cook, Class H; two clerks and disinfectors, Class I; two clerks and disinfectors, Class J : one mechanic, Class J; two disinfectors assistants, at two hundred dollars per annum each; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; fifteen attendants, at one hundred and eight dollars per annum each; seven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; launch crews, including one patron, at live hundred and forty dollars per annum : two patrons, at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one engineer, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum; two engineers, at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one assistant engineer, at three hundred and ninety dollars per annum; one quartermaster, at two Hundred and seventy dollars per annum: two firemen, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each; four sailors, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: two quartermasters, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each ; four firemen. at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each : six sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and for the payment of necessary fees not to exceed ten dollars per vessel to medical officers of the United States Army or Navy, or other qualified physicians. for quarantine inspection of vessels at ports of entry where no regular officer of the United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service is available, not to exceed three thousand two hundred pesos; for emergency attendants, disinfectors assistants and laborers assisting regular force in disinfecting and handling supplies or necessitated by the presence of quarantinable diseases, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand six hundred pesos; and for commutation of quarters, including commutation for one officer at three hundred pesos per month; three officers, at one hundred and seventy pesos per month each; three officers, at one hundred and sixty pesos per month each; two officers, at one hundred and sixty pesos per month each for one month ; and one officer, at one hundred pesos per month; ninety-two thousand pesos.

Support of  Mariveles Quarantine Station, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and five: For the support of the Mariveles Quarantine Station, including the purchase of disinfecting apparatus, disinfectants. equipment, fuel, furniture: subsistence; oils, supplies, and tools: and repairs to buildings and wharves; thirty-four thousand pesos.

Contingent expense,  Quarantine Service. nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including cablegrams, ice, postage, and post-office box rent; purchase of apparatus: office furniture and supplies; medical instruments; medical books and publications; rent of buildings and offices; repairs to equipment and furniture; for transportation of supplies; for the maintenance and operation of launches and barges, including repairs and the purchase of coal, oil, tools, and supplies for same: forage: traveling expense of officials and employees on official business; for transportation in Manila on official business when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one thousand two hundred pesos; traveling expenses of an officer to visit the neighboring foreign ports to facilitate quarantine agreements and protective measures; and other incidental expenses; twenty-six thousand pesos.

In all, for the Quarantine Service, one hundred and fifty-two thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and five: Assistant Chief of Bureau, at three thousand dollars per annum; six foresters, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each, one being from October first, nineteen hundred and lour: one inspector, class five; four inspectors, class six; two clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; one engineer assistant, class eight; four assistant foresters, class eight, from October first, nineteen hundred and four; five employees, class eight, one being until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; three assistant inspectors, class eight; six clerks, class nine; four assistant inspectors, class nine; one skilled workman, class nine, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; four clerks, Class A. one being until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and lour; six assistant inspectors, Class A; one skilled workman, Class A. until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and lour; four assistant inspectors, Class C; four clerks, Class D; thirteen rangers, Class D, four being until not later than October first", nineteen hundred and four; eight skilled workmen, Class F, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; forty rangers, Class G, five being until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; two draftsmen, Class H, one being until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; six skilled workmen. Class H, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; six clerks, Class I; seventy-five rangers, Class I. fifteen being until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; twelve skilled workmen, Class J, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; one laborer, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; live laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; three messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one laborer, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; wages of launch crew, until not later than August first, nineteen hundred and four, including one master, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum, and one chief engineer. Class b with commutation of rations at fifty cents each per diem ; one assistant engineer, Class H, one cook, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum, two quartermasters, at one hundred and lifty dollars per annum each, three firemen, at one hundred and thirty-two dollars per annum each, and four sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, with commutation of rations at fifteen cents per diem for each petty officer and member of crew; per diems of five dollars to the Army officer detailed as Chief of the Bureau; extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum; and hire of laborers for Held parties, not to exceed twelve thousand pesos; two hundred and fifteen thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau, of Forestry, nineteen hundred and five: For Contingent expenses, including purchase of lumber, oils, paints, pulls, locks, belting, nails, screws, and other supplies necessary in cabinet making; coal, gasoline, machinery, and tools; office furniture and supplies; periodicals, botanical and forestry reports; seeds, plants, specimens, and wood samples; rent of offices, laboratory, grounds, and telephones; repairs to machinery; repairs for launch'; purchase of forage, harness, horses, and wagons, including repairs; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees; per diems of one dollar for employees above the grade of Class D, in lieu of traveling expenses, except cost of transportation when absent from their stations on official business, cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when traveling on commercial steamships, actual subsistence to be allowed when traveling on Government steamships; per diems of twenty-five cents for employees stationed in the provinces in lieu of cost of forage for horses to be furnished by them and used as means of transportation in and about the territory covered by them; transportation of freight: for official transportation in Manila, when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; trips from Manila to Lamao, Bataan, and return; and other incidental expenses; thirty-nine thousand   pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Forestry, two hundred and fifty-four thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Mining. nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand dollars per annum, one geologist, class four; one geologist, class live: one field assistant, class six; one clerk, class eight; one field assistant, class nine; one clerk, Class C; one junior draftsman, Class C; one junior draftsman, Class F, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; one employee, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; one porter, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; hire of temporary employees for field work, under the provisions of Act Numbered Nine hundred and sixteen, not to exceed nine hundred pesos; twenty-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Mining, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including ice. mess kit, tentage, and tools; engineering and scientific supplies, including import duties; technical books and journals; purchase of office furniture and supplies, oil and water: postage: repairs to furniture; rent of post-office box; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees; per diems of two dollars for officials and. employees not below the grade of class nine, when absent from Manila upon official business and independent of field messes; per diems of one dollar for officials and employees above the grade of Class D, when absent from Manila on official business and subsisting with Bureau field mess—all per diems being in lieu of traveling expenses, except cost of transportation, the cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when traveling on steamships; transportation of equipment, collections, and supplies; employment of native labor Tor field parties; subsistence of native field employees: for transportation, in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed lour hundred pesos; and other incidental expenses; six thousand one hundred pesos.

In all, for the .Bureau of Mining, thirty-one thousand one hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages. Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: Director, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; three assistant directors, at one thousand eight, hundred dollars per annum; secretary and librarian, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; three observers, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; three calculators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two assistant observers, at six hundred dollars per annum each; one assistant librarian, at six hundred dollars per annum; two assistant calculators, at three hundred dollars per annum each; one draftsman, Class C; one draftsman, Class D; one mechanic, Class C; one mechanic, Class D; one mechanic, Class G : one mechanic, Class I; two janitors, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; seven chief observers, at six hundred dollars per annum each; seven assistant observers, at one hundred dollars per annum each; eleven second-class observers, at three hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-six third-class observers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; ten observers for rain stations, at ninety dollars per annum each; one observer-telegrapher, at nine hundred dollars per annum; extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum; sixty-nine thousand five hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including rent, postage stamps, and box rent, electric light and telephone, stationery, supplies, ice, office furniture, purchase and installation of instruments; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees and the transportation of supplies; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; ten thousand five hundred pesos.

In all, for the Weather Bureau, eighty thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Public Lands, nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand two hundred dollars per annum: one chief clerk, class three; one clerk-surveyor, class four; one clerk, class five; three clerk-surveyors, class five; two clerks, class six; three clerk-surveyors, class six; two clerks, class seven; one draftsman, class seven; three transitmen, class seven; four clerks, class eight; three transitmen, class eight; four clerks, class nine; one junior surveyor, Class B; two clerks, Class G; two junior draftsmen, Class G; three clerks, Class H; two junior draftsmen, Class H six chaimnen, Class J; six chainmen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; for hire of four laborers for work in subdividing San Lazaro estate, at fifty cents each per day, not to exceed one thousand two hundred and ninety-six pesos; and for hire of laborers for field parties for survey of public and friar lands, not to exceed ten thousand two hundred and sixty pesos; seventy-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Lands, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the payment of court fees in suits heretofore or hereafter instituted by or against the Philippine Government affecting public or other lands owned by the Government and under the control of the Bureau of Public Lands; for the purchase of drafting supplies; necessary equipment for field parties; office furniture, stationery, and supplies; hardwood stakes for use in subdividing San Lazaro estate; for actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees, not members of surveying parties, when absent from Manila, including per diems of two dollars for subsistence and local field transportation while absent from Manila, not to exceed six thousand pesos; for transportation in the city of Manila on official business when the same can not be furnished' by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one thousand five hundred pesos; for transportation of supplies for field parties; for per diems of one dollar and fifty cents to officials and employees above Class E, members of field parties for which no cook, camp outfit, nor quarters are furnished; for per diems of twenty-five cents in lieu of subsistence for employees and laborers, Class E or below, as may be approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Public Lands; local, field transportation of surveying parties, including moving camp outfit: and other incidental expenses; thirty-two thousand one hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Public Lands, one hundred and seven thousand one hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Bureau, at four thousand dollars per annum; assistant chief of Bureau, at three thousand dollars per annum; one director of animal industry, class three; one horticulturist, class five; one fiber expert, class five; one manager of Government stock farm, class five; one soil physicist, class six: one farm superintendent, class six: two farm superintendents, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one director of studs, class eight, from September first, nineteen hundred and four, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum and quarters; one superintendent of experiment station, class eight; one superintendent of experiment station, class nine; one expert in farm machinery and management, class nine; one farm overseer, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk, class five; one clerk, class seven; three clerks, class eight; three clerks, class nine; one overseer, class nine; one gardener, Class A; one overseer, Class A; two farm foremen, Class A; one farm foreman, Class C; two clerks. Class C; three teamsters, Class C; one stud groom, Class D, from September first, nineteen hundred and four, with subsistence and quarters; one farm foreman, Class F; two horticultural apprentices, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four assistant foremen, at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum each; extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum; for hire of laborers at stations arid farms, not to exceed thirty-eight thousand five hundred pesos; one hundred and twenty-seven thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Agriculture nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the collection and purchase of bulbs, plants, roots, seeds, shrubs, trees, and vines for experimental cultivation and distribution: for purchase of scientific and technical books, magazines, periodicals, and publications, not to exceed three hundred pesos; office and station furniture and supplies; animals for breeding and draft- purposes; wagons, forage, harness, shoeing, repairs, medicines, and stable supplies; building materials; agricultural implements and tools; engine and boat supplies and fuel; subsistence of laborers and other employees entitled thereto; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees, including per diems of officials and employees on official travel under the same provisions as are applied to the traveling examiners of the Auditor's and Treasurer's offices by Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight: Provided, That from September fifteenth the per diem rate shall be two dollars; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of other employees, and the transportation of supplies; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; thirty-four thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, one hundred and sixty-one thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Island, nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Survey, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; assistant chief of survey, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one ethnologist, class seven: one collector of natural-history specimens, class eight; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one assistant collector of natural-history specimens, Class D; one clerk, Class D, from January first, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk, Class E, until not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk. Class H, from January first, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk, Class I, until not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; one assistant collector of natural-history specimens. Class J; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; twenty-four thousand five hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, nineteen  hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office supplies, books and periodicals; instruments; museum specimens, not to exceed two hundred and fifty pesos; ammunition, and natural-history supplies; rent of buildings; repairs; for the actual and necessary traveling and field expenses of officials and employees engaged in collecting data and materials: For transportation of materials and supplies; for transportation in Manila on official business when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed two hundred pesos; and other incidental expenses; four, thousand five hundred pesos.

In all. for the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, twenty-nine thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau, of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and five: Superintendent of Government Laboratories, at six thousand dollars per annum; Director of the Biological Laboratory, at five thousand dollars per annum; Director of the Serum Laboratory, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class two; two employees, class three; two employees, class four; three employees, class five, one being for four months only: four employees, class six; one engineer, class six; three employees. class seven; two employees, class eight, at one thousand live hundred dollars per annum each; eight employees, class eight; nine employees, class nine, one being until not later than October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; two employees, Class A; one employee. Class C; one employee, Class D; three employees, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two employees, Class U; four employees, Class H; three employees, Class I; four employees. Class J; one employee, at two hundred and sixteen dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; eight employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; nine employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; for hire of emergency laborers, at twelve dollars and fifty cents each per month, not to exceed six thousand pesos; one hundred and sixty-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau, of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of small animals and food for same; purchase of apparatus, bottles, chemicals, herbarium cases, office and photographer's supplies, shelter tents and supplies for field parties; cablegrams, lighting, ice, and distilled water; fuel for gas machines; fire equipment and furniture for buildings; books, furniture and library supplies; rent of Laboratory buildings, post-office box, and telephones; repairs to apparatus; hire of labor for moving from present quarters to new building; actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees; for per dierns of not to exceed two dollars, in the discretion of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories, for officials and employees of the Bureau of Government Laboratories on official travel in the Philippine .Islands under the provisions of Act Numbered Eleven hundred and eighty-eight; for transportation of supplies: and for transportation in Manila on official business when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and for other incidental expenses; sixty-six thousand one hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, two hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and five: Attending Physician and Surgeon, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent, class eight, two house surgeons, class nine, one dispensing cleric, class nine, one clerk, class ten, one property clerk, Class A, one clerk and interpreter, Class D, one chief nurse, class ten, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum, one matron. Class A, one dietist, Class E, one operating nurse, Class B, thirteen nurses, Class C, two ambulance drivers, Class D, two attendants, Class C, ten attendants, Class D, one chief cook, Class G, two cooks. Class I, one assistant cook, at one hundred and eight dollars per annum, and one practicante, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, with subsistence and quarters in kind; six employees, at one hundred and fifty-six dollars per annum each, six employees, at one hundred and thirty-two dollars per annum each, six employees, at one hundred and eight, dollars per annum each, thirteen employees, at eighty-four dollars per annum each, with subsistence; extra allowance for disbursing cleric, at two hundred dollars per annum; and for the employment of substitutes in places of clerks and employees granted leaves of absence, not to exceed two thousand-six hundred pesos; seventy-live thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including electric service; laundering of hospital linen; rent of buildings: telephones; purchase of drugs and medicines; fuel, forage, and ice; medical and surgical supplies and instruments, and repairs to latter; office and hospital furniture and supplies; subsistence of patients and employees; for transportation in Manila on official business when same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; purchase of one "Nevo" cold-air stove, not to exceed four hundred and fifty pesos; and other incidental expenses; one hundred and twenty-six thousand pesos: Provided, That the Attending Physician and Surgeon in charge shall be authorized to employ, without the intervention of the Civil Service Board, an additional house surgeon at the Civil Hospital, without pay, such house surgeon to receive subsistence and quarters, if accommodation can be found for him in the buildings at present used in connection with the Civil Hospital.

In all, for the Philippine Civil Hospital, two hundred and one thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Civil Sanitarium, Baguio, Benguet, nineteen hundred and five: Attending Physician and Surgeon, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent, class nine, from January first, nineteen hundred and five; one disbursing officer, class nine, until not later than September first. nineteen hundred and four; one nurse and housekeeper, Class A, from October first, nineteen hundred and four; one nurse, Class C; one attendant, Class D; one employee, Class D; one employee, Class F; one employee, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; three employees, at ninety-six dollars per annum each; two employees, at sixty dollars per annum each; for hire of emergency laborers, not to exceed seven hundred and twenty pesos; for additional compensation at the rate of four hundred dollars per annum and subsistence to the treasurer of Hie Province of Benguet for services as acting disbursing officer, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding; sixteen   thousand  pesos.

Contingent expenses, Civil Sanitarium, Baguio, Benguet, nineteen hundred and. five: For contingent expenses, including subsistence supplies; hospital supplies; complete equipment of twenty-three new rooms, and necessary additional equipment for kitchen and dining room; medical and surgical supplies; forage; purchase of animals; transportation of supplies; purchase and transportation of hot-air pump, not to exceed five hundred and twenty pesos; repairs to typewriters; and other incidental expenses; forty-three thousand five hundred pesos.

In all. for the Civil Sanitarium, Baguio, Benguet, fifty-nine thousand five hundred pesos.



Salaries and wages, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and five: Director of Posts, at six thousand dollars per annum ; Assistant Director of: Posts, at three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum: one clerk, class three; two clerks, class five; two clerks, class six: four clerks, class seven; three clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; two clerks, Class D; one clerk, Class F: one clerk, Class I; one clerk, Class J; three employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each: extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum; one post-office inspector, class four; three post-office inspectors, class five; three post-office inspectors, class six: one post-office inspector, class seven; eighty-seven thousand pesos.

Mail transportation, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and five: For inland mail transportation, sea transportation of mails, transportation of mails through foreign countries, and for salaries and wages of fifteen postal clerks on mail trains and mail steamers, not to exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum each; one hundred and thirty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and five:. For contingent expenses, including purchase of mail equipment, furniture, and supplies, including postal scales, postmarking and receiving stamps, and safes; manufacture of postage stamps, including necessary plates: ice and telegrams: for per diems of two dollars and fifty cents, in lieu of actual traveling expenses, to post-office inspectors, not including transportation, while traveling on official business: Provided, That from and after September first. nineteen hundred and four, the per diem rate shall be reduced to two dollars; and for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of other employees; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and for other incidental expenses; thirty-eight thousand pesos.

Post-Office Service:

Salaries and wages, Post-Office Service, nineteen hundred and five: Postmaster, Manila, at throe thousand seven hundred dollars per annum; one postmaster, class five: one postmaster, class six; two postmasters, class seven: seven postmasters, class eight; eight postmasters, class nine: seven postmasters, Class J; at two postmaster Class A; three postmasters. Class E; four post masters, Class C; three postmasters. Class D: three postmasters Class E; four postmasters, Class F; four postmasters. Class G: four postmasters, Class H; five postmasters. Class I, at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum each ; five postmasters. Class I: seven postmasters, Class J, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each; eight postmasters, Class J: ten. postmasters, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each: twelve postmasters, at "no hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: twenty post masters. at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each: forty postmasters, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each: eighty postmasters, at ninety dollars per annum each : two hundred and fen postmasters, at sixty dollars per annum each: assistant post master. Manila, class three; one clerk, class five: three clerks, class six : four clerks, class seven; sixteen clerks, class eight: twelve clerks, class nine: thirteen clerks, class ten; nine clerks. Class A : one mechanic Class A; one clerk, Class B : one teamster. Class B: five clerks. Class C : one watchman, Class C; two clerks. Class D: three clerks. Class E: seven clerks, Class F; seven clerks. Class G ; seven clerks. Class H; one driver, Class H; nine clerks. Class I : thirty clerks. Class K ; fifteen employees, Manila post-office, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; and for employment of substitutes in places of postmasters and clerks granted leaves of absence; total three hundred thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Post-Office Service, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including rent, light, furniture, and supplies for post-offices: repairs to post-offices and furniture; expenses of not exceeding ten stamp agencies in Manila, at four pesos per month each: ice and other incidental expenses; ten thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Posts, five hundred and sixty-five thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages. Signal Service, nineteen hundred and five: Two clerks, class six: one clerk, class seven; three clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one mechanic, class ten; three employees, Class H; two employees, Class I;  ten employees, Class J; one hundred and thirty-five employees. Class K; and such temporary day laborers as may be necessary; seventy thousand pesos: Provided, That the funds herein appropriated for hire of temporary day laborers are hereby made available for payment of wages of not to exceed five, cooks for the Signal Corps mess in lieu of detailing enlisted operators and  linemen.

Contingent expenses, Signal Service, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including construction, maintenance, and operation of telegraph, telephone, and cable lines: purchase of iron poles and appurtenances and other line material: office instruments. fixtures, and stationery; battery supplies and so forth; for rent of building to be used as telegraph and telephone offices; and to provide shelter for supplies and animals kept thereat; and illuminating supplies for said offices; thirty-six thousand pesos.
In all, for the Signal Service one hundred and six thousand pesos.


Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For the difference between pay and allowances of brigadier-general and colonels, respectively, and that of their respective ranks in the United States Army, of the officers detailed as Chief and assistant chiefs of the Philippines Constabulary, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the Congress of the United States entitled "'An Act to promote the efficiency of the Philippines Constabulary, in establish the rank and pay of its commanding officers, and for other purposes.'' approved January thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three.

Field officers:

One colonel and assistant chief, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two majors and assistant chiefs, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four majors and senior inspectors, at two thousand dollars per annum each.

Line officers:

Forty seven captains and inspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and fifty thousand pesos; fifty-one first lieutenants and inspectors, at an average of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred pesos; seventy second lieutenants and inspectors, at an average of one thousand dollars per annum each, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred pesos; seventy-nine third lieutenants and inspectors, at an average of nine hundred dollars per annum. not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred pesos: Provided. That, notwithstanding the provision of existing laws to the contrary, fifty dollars each per annum additional compensation shall be paid to officers of the Philippines Constabulary, not natives of the Philippine Islands, who prove their ability to speak and read one of the native dialects of the Philippine Islands; forty-five subinspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of forty-three thousand two hundred pesos.

Unlisted strength :

For pay of an average aggregate enlisted strength of "the line" of seven thousand two hundred and five during the first half year, and of six thousand two hundred and fifty during the last half year, including the necessary complement of non-commissioned officers, not to exceed an aggregate of one million pesos: Provided, That all enlistments after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, shall be for a period of three years, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and severity-five to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further. That the enlisted men to serve in any province may be selected from other provinces when the necessary quota of desirable men can not be obtained in that province at the rates of pay authorized therein and for pay of municipal police and volunteers operating under the Constabulary, subject to the approval o f the Secretary of Commerce and Police.

Office of the Chief:

One clerk, class eight: one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Adjutant-General's division :

One captain and assistant adjutant-general, at two thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; six clerks, class nine; two clerks, class ten; three clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class C: three clerks, Class F: one clerk, Class G; one clerk, Class I; one clerk. Class J: two messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each ; five messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

Inspector-General's division:

For per diems of five dollars for each of the United States Army officers detailed as inspectors-general; one clerk, class nine.

Information division:

One captain and superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum : one assistant superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum ; two clerks, class nine; two detectives, at one thousand five hundred dollars, per annum each; two detectives, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; three detectives, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum each; three detectives, at nine hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; three detectives, at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum each; four detectives, at seven hundred mid twenty dollars per annum each; five detectives, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum each; five detectives, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; and for hire of additional detectives, as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay. not to exceed an aggregate of twelve thousand pesos.

Office of the Chief Supply Officer:

One captain and assistant chief supply officer, at two thousand dollars per annum ; one clerk, class seven : one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine: two clerks. Class G: one clerk. Class J; four captains and examiners, at an aggregate of not to exceed twelve thousand eight hundred pesos. Paymaster's division :

One captain and paymaster, at two thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight: one clerk, class nine; one clerk, Class D; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Commissary division :

One captain and commissary, at two thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight: one clerk, class nine: four clerks, Class A; one clerk.  Class C;  three clerks. Class T. at three hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two clerks. Class J.

Quartermaster division :

One captain and quartermaster, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk, Class D; three clerks. Class H: two blacksmiths and wheelwrights, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; one wagon master, at eight hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one teamster, at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum: two teamsters, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two teamsters, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; two drivers. Class I; two laborers' overseers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; three drivers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; for the employment of packmasters and packers, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred pesos.

Ordnance division:

One captain and ordnance officer, at one thousand four hundred dollar per annum; one clerk, Class A; one clerk, Class H; one armorer and gunsmith, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; seven mechanics, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each.

Medical division:

One captain and superintendent, at two thousand dollars per annum : three captains and surgeons, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, Class A; eleven medical inspectors with the rank of lieutenant, not to exceed an aggregate of twenty-four thousand pesos; five sergeants, at thirty-three pesos per month each; seven corporals, at twenty-eight pesos per month ninety-five first-class privates, at eighteen pesos per month each.

Telegraph division :

One superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum: two first-class inspectors, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each; two first-class inspectors, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum each; three first-class inspectors, at one thousand two hundred, dollars per annum each; five second-class inspectors, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum each : three second-class inspectors, at one thousand and fifty dollars per annum each: five third-class inspectors, at one thousand dollars per annum each; three third-class inspectors, at nine hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three fourth-class inspectors, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; ten sergeants, at sixty pesos per month each; twenty corporals, at fifty pesos per month each: thirty-five first-class privates, at forty pesos per month each: thirty second-class privates, at thirty pesos per month each: Provided, That no enlisted telegraph operator shall receive subsistence, either in money or kind, whether in garrison, traveling under orders, or in the field. And for extra compensation for enlisted men detailed as linemen in addition to their pay proper, not to exceed six thousand pesos: Provided, That the pay of such enlisted men shall not exceed eighteen pesos per month each; one clerk, class ten : one telegraph operator, at one thousand dollars per annum : twenty telegraph operators, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; twenty telegraph operators, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; fifteen linemen, at nine hundred dollars per annum each : ten linemen, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum each ; five linemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; ten linemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: five messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollar per annum each ; ten messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Office of the First District chief:

One clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class I: and for hire of detectives as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand six hundred pesos.

Office of the Second District chief:

One clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; and for hire of detectives as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand pesos.

Office of the Third District chief:

One clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class I; and for hire of detectives as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand four hundred pesos.
Office of the Fourth District chief:

One clerk, class eight; two  clerks,  Class I;  and  for hire of detectives as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand four hundred pesos.  

Office of the Fifth District chief:

One  clerk,  class  eight;  one  cleric.   Class  I;  and  for hire of detectives as required from time to lime, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed an aggregate of three hundred pesos.

Supply officers:

For extra compensation to fifty-two supply officers, provided that the salaries and allowances of the positions they fill shall aggregate not more than thirty thousand pesos, being nine at one thousand seven hundred dollars. twenty-one at one thousand five hundred dollars, and twenty-two at one thousand three hundred dollars each per annum: forty clerk for supply officers, not to exceed an aggregate of eight thousand pesos;  and for hire of emergency clerical labor, not to exceed an aggregate of six hundred pesos: Provided. That additional compensation shall not be paid hereunder.

Launch crews:

Crew of launch Lexington: One assistant engineer, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, and one fireman, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; one care taker, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum. Crew of launch Ariel: One patron and one engineer, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each. Crew of boat Annie: One pilot and ten oarsmen, not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand seven hundred pesos: one engineer, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum for new river launch; and for crew of launch Sultana, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand four hundred and ninety pesos.


For hire of unskilled laborers, not to exceed an aggregate of eighteen thousand pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, two million one hundred and seven thousand six hundred pesos.

Clothing, camp and garrison equipage. Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For material and manufacture of clothing and equipage: for the purchase, repair, and preservation of arms, ammunition, equipments, and musical instruments; and for allowance for clothing not drawn in kind to enlisted men upon discharge; four hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty pesos: Provided. That articles of clothing and equipage may be sold to officers and enlisted men for their personal use, at cost price, under such restrictions as the Chief of Constabulary may prescribe, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police.

Barracks and quarters, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For allowance and commutation for offices and quarters under the provisions of Acts Numbered Seven hundred and six and Eight hundred and seven : for rent, construction, and repair of offices, guardhouses, arsenals, barracks, hospitals, storehouses, and stables; for fuel, illuminating, and cleaning supplies; and for rent of telephones in Manila : one hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.

Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For transportation of officers, enlisted men, employees, prisoners, and supplies; forage, veterinary attendance, medicines, shoeing, and incidentals for animals; purchase and hire of draft and riding animals, harness, carts, boats, and so forth; purchase of coal, gasoline, and incidentals for boats; and for subsistence of officers while traveling under orders, including per diems of two dollars for the inspectors-general and four examiners under the si me provisions as those allowed the traveling examiners of the Insular Treasurer and Insular Auditor, pursuant to section one of Act Numbered Throe hundred and fifty-eight; two hundred and fifty-six thousand four hundred and fifty pesos: Provided,. That the Bureau of: Philippines Constabulary shall furnish its official transportation in the city of Manila, under such restrictions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and Police, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further, That forage in kind for one private animal used in the public service may be furnished the. officer owning it on his certificate, approved by his senior inspector and district chief: And provided further, That the subsistence and traveling expenses of officers and enlisted men on escort duty, together with all expense of transporting prisoners in their charge, shall be paid by the Bureau of Philippines Constabulary and not by the Bureau or province at whose request the escort is furnished, the provisions of section one of Act Numbered Four hundred and four to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further. That the Bureau of Philippines Constabulary shall furnish official transportation from the coast or nearest railway station to Baguio for all Government supplies except for Benguet road and improvements.

Secret-service fund, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For a contingent fund to be used for secret-service purposes, and for the payment of rewards for the apprehension of deserters, in the discretion of the Chief or Acting Chief of Philippines Constabulary: sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.

Telegraph and telephone service, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For the construction, maintenance, and repair of telegraph and telephone lines, including purchase of materials and supplies and transportation of same; seventy-two thousand seven hundred and forty pesos.

Subsistence. Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and fire: For the subsistence of enlisted men, except bandmen and telegraph operators, of cargadores, and of municipal police and volunteers operating under the Constabulary, subject to the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine; for subsistence of prisoners: for subsistence of enlisted men, officers, other employees of the Civil Government, and officers, enlisted men, and employees of the United States Army sick in Constabulary hospitals, at forty centavos per day each: Provided, That all collections, at the rate fixed by the Chief of Philippines Constabulary, Cor treatment of employees of the Civil Government, and of employees and members of the United States Army, excepting officers and enlisted men of the Constabulary, shall be deposited in the Insular Treasury as refunds to "Subsistence, Philippines Constabulary:"' five hundred and three thousand one hundred and twenty pesos.

Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen, hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office furniture, stationery, and supplies; newspapers, professional books, post-office expenses; and for emergency printing at the various district headquarters, not to exceed an aggregate of four hundred pesos, the provisions of Act Numbered Two hundred and ninety-six to the contrary notwithstanding: for medical treatment for officers and enlisted  men  under the provisions of Act Numbered  Eight hundred and seven, and for medical, surgical, and hospital supplies, including hospital laundry work; for the burial of officers, enlisted men, and secret service agents; and for ice, distilled water, laundry of office towels, and other incidental expenses; forty-four thousand six hundred and forty pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Philippine- Constabulary, three million six hundred thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Prisons. nine teen hundred and five: Warden, at three thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Warden, at two thousand rive hundred dollars per annum; one physician, at two thousand dollars per annum ; one assistant deputy warden, at one thousand nine hundred dollars per annum; one cashier, property clerk, and disbursing officer. class six; one master mechanic, class seven, at one thousand -even hundred dollars per annum; one chief clerk, class seven; one foreman of shops, class eight; three clerks, class eight, one being from October first, nineteen hundred and four: one steward, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum; four clerks, class nine; one dispensing clerk, class nine; four foremen of shops, class nine; one skilled workman, class nine, from October first, nineteen hundred and four; one baker, class nine; three inspectors, class nine; one laundry foreman, class ten. at one thousand and fifty dollars per annum; one interpreter. Class A: one skilled workman. Class A, from October first, nineteen hundred and four: one assistant laundry foreman, Class A: one hospital attendant. Class A; twenty-seven guards, first class: Provider. That the pay of guards, first class, shall be at the rate of nine hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, one thousand dollars per annum for the second year, one thousand and eighty dollars per annum for the third year, and one thousand one hundred and forty dollars per annum for the fourth year; one overseer. Class C; one teamster, Class C; one foreman of shops. Class C: two clerks, Class D; one overseer, Class D: one foreman of shops. Class D; one carriage painter, Class D: two clerks. Class H: two sergeants: Provided, That the pay of sergeants shall he at. the rale of three hundred and sixty dollars per annum for the first year of service, four hundred dollars per annum for the second year, and four hundred and fifty dollars per annum for the third year: two clerks, Class I; two hospital stewards. Class I: two chaplains, at three hundred dollars per annum each; one assistant laundry foreman. Class I; sixteen keepers: Provided. That the pay of keepers shall be at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, three hundred and seventy-five dollars per annum for the second year, four hundred and twelve dollars per annum for the third year, and four hundred and fifty dollars per annum for the fourth year; thirty guards, second class: Provided. That the pay of guards, second class, shall he at the rate of two hundred and forty dollars per annum for the first year, three hundred dollars per annum for the second year, three hundred and thirty dollars per annum for the third year, and three hundred and sixty dollars per annum for the fourth year: And provided, further. That appointments made subsequent to August, fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four, shall be at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum for the first six months of service: And provided. That in computing period of service of keepers and guards, second class, credit for service in both grades shall be allowed; one clerk. Class J; one cochero, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; extra compensation  for executioner,  at not  to  exceed  ten   dollars  per execution; hire of extra guards, with the approval of the Secretary of  Commerce and Police, not to exceed one thousand pesos; total, one hundred and seventy thousand pesos.

Manufacturing department, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and five:For the  purchase  of  supplies  for the  operation  and' repair of machinery and shop equipment; and tools and materials to he used   in the manufacturing departments; ninety thousand

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and five:For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; subsistence of prisoners, including special diet for sick prisoners; supplies for prisoners, including bedding, clothing, tobacco. medicine, material for making prison cloth, and so forth, nor to exceed ninety-seven thousand pesos; building material for general repairs; postage for prisoners' mail; extending water system and sewerage: kitchen and band supplies; burial of deceased prisoners; transportation of stone from Walled City to prison; reimbursement to prisoners of earnings as hired laborers outside of prison prior to American occupation; for the purpose of furnishing one suit of clothing, of value not exceeding five pesos, and a gratuity of ten pesos to each prisoner, upon release, who has been con lined for one year or more, in cases where in the discretion of the Warden it is necessary; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; for forage, fuel, illumination, oil, and other incidental expenses; four hundred and ninety thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Prisons, seven hundred and fifty thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five:

Office of Chief of Bureau:

Chief clerk, class five; one chief property clerk, class six; one clerk, chiss seven; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, Class J; two employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two omplovees. at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; per diems of five dollars to the United States Naval officer detailed as Chief of Bureau.

Disbursing office:

One disbursing officer, class six, until not later than August fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; one paymaster, class four; one paymaster's clerk, class seven: one clerk. Class A; one clerk. Class D.

Division of vessels—office:

Marine Superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; one storekeeper, class ten; one assistant storekeeper, Class F; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

Property division:

One clerk, class eight; two clerks, class nine.

Shops, Engineer Island:

One inspector of machinery, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight.

Division of light-house maintenance:

One light-house inspector, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum ; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one store-keeper, Class A; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Division of light-house construction:

Per diems of five dollars for the United States Army officer detailed as light-house engineer, and per diems of two dollars and fifty cents for the United States Army officer detailed as assistant light-house engineer; one clerk, class six; one draftsman, class seven; one clerk, class nine; one mechanic, class nine; one clerk, Class A; one clerk, Class F; one assistant storekeeper, Class F; one employee, at one hundred, and eighty dollars per annum.

Total for salaries and wages, eighty thousand pesos.

Light-house service, Bureau, of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five: For the expenses of the light-house service, including salaries of two captains of cutters, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; one master of launch, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; three first officers, at one thousand and tweiitv dollars per annum each; two second officers, at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one mate of launch, at eight hundred, and forty dollars per annum; two chief engineers, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each: one chief engineer, af one thousand and eighty dollars per annum: three first assistant engineers, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; eight machinists, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one machinist, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; seven oilers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each ; three boatswains, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two carpenters, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two stewards, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; three cooks, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one patron of launch, at three hundred dollars per annum: one engineer of launch, at three hundred dollars per annum ; one fireman of launch, at two hundred dollars per annum; one sailor of launch, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; wages of authorized petty officers and crews; for subsistence allowances, as authorized by law, to officers, petty officers, and crews, including those authorized for emergencies; salaries of six light keepers, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; eighteen light keepers, at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum each;'twelve light keepers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; thirty light keepers, at three hundred dollars per annum each; thirty-three light keepers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; fifteen apprentices, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, and ten apprentices, at ninety dollars per annum each, light keepers of lesser classes, boatmen, and laborers, to be stationed in the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau: Provided, That in the event of more lights being found necessary for the public service, authority for the employment, of the personnel of such lights may be granted by the Secretary of Commerce and Police; for the maintenance and operation of a repair shop and storehouse in connection with the division of light-house construction, including salaries and wages of the necessary overseers, foremen, mechanics, and laborers, and purchase of supplies, not to exceed twelve thousand pesos; for necessary repairs to light stations now in operation, including salaries, wages, materials, subsistence, local transportation, and so forth, to preserve public property and to avoid future extensive repairs, not. to exceed thirty thousand pesos; for improvement of existing lights by converting fixed lights into revolving lights, by substituting incandescent burners for present oil Jumps, by converting polygonal lanterns into cylindrical lanterns by substitution of curved panes, and so forth, not to exceed tight thousand pesos; for completion and equipment of new storehouse on Engineer Island, not to exceed two thousand five hundred pesos: for maintenance and operation of tenders, including purchase of fuel and supplies, pilotage, laundry, water, and so forth, not to exceed ninety-five thousand pesos; for incidental expenses, including illuminating oil and supplies for light stations and transportation of same from beach to stations, furniture and implement cases for light stations, house rent for keepers not provided with dwellings, subsistence for officials and employees while traveling on official business, wages for authorized laborers at warehouse, for moving from present warehouse to that on Engineer Island and making minor repairs to latter, lanterns and parts, one Lyle gun and accessories, fire extinguishers, and rations for San Bernardino light station, and for apprentices and new keeper, not exceeding three months each, not to exceed sixty thousand pesos; and for buoyage not to exceed twenty-seven thousand pesos: three hundred and eighty thousand pesos.

Cutters and launches, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five: For expenses in the maintenance of cutlers and launches, including salaries and wages of one pay officer, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; one pay clerk', class nine, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; seventeen captains, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; five masters, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; one master, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; seventeen first officers, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; seventeen second officers, at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum each; four mates, at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum each; seventeen chief engineers, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each; five chief engineers, including chief engineer of the Sentinel, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum each; seventeen assistant engineers, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; one assistant engineer, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; three assistant engineers, at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four assistant engineers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; two engineers, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two engineers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; three engineers, at three hundred dollars per annum each; thirty-one machinists, at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; forty-five oilers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; nine firemen, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one patron, at six hundred dollars per annum; three patrons, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three patrons, at three hundred dollars per annum each; fifteen boatswains, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; fifteen carpenters, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; fifteen stewards, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; fifteen cooks, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one pilot and mate, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; and authorized petty officers, crews, mechanics, and laborers; for the purchase of coal and supplies; repairs; subsistence; for subsistence of postal clerks; hospital expenses, laundry, pilotage, and other incidental expenses; one million one hundred and forty thousand pesos: Provided. That the Chief of the Bureau, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce; and Police, may employ additional officers, petty officers, and crown as may be required to man cutters or launches which may be added to those already under the control of the Bureau, the compensation of such officers and men to be determined by the provisions of law applying to vessels of similar classes: And provided further. That the Chief of the Bureau may employ temporarily an additional man of the same grade to replace any man sent to the hospital from one of the vessels: And provided, That postal clerks, while on duty on Coast Guard cutters, shall be furnished subsistence in kind by the .Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation: And provided further.. That funds herein appropriated may be used for subsistence and aid of shipwrecked sailors, or other persons in distress, as demanded by the laws of humanity and the customs of maritime nations.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including cablegrams, electric lighting, ice, telephone rent, supplies, and washing; medical treatment and medicines for officers, petty officers, and crews of cutters and launches, under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven : for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; six thousand four hundred pesos.

In all, for the .Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, one million six hundred and six thousand four hundred pesos.


Salaries and, wages. Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and five: One clerk, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; two clerks, Class D; three clerks. Class E; two clerks. Class F; eight clerks, Class G; one apprentice, draftsman, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; one apprentice draftsman, at, one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: one apprentice draftsman, at one hundred and sixty-five dollars per annum: one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; twenty thousand two hundred pesos.

Field and steamer expenses. Bureau, of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and five: For field expenses, including pay of five observers, at not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one watch officer, 'at not to exceed one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars per annum without subsistence; one watch office, at one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars per annum without subsistence, .for not more than three and one-half months: one chief engineer, at not to exceed one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars per annum without subsistence; repairs and supplies for the maintenance and operation of steamers engaged in survey work: salaries and wages of petty officers, crews, and emergency employees; rations and uniforms for petty officers and crews, and medical treatment and medicines for officers, petty officers and crews, under the provisions governing the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation : hire of launches, hire of field hands, and other labor; purchase of animals; camp outfit and supplies, lumber and other signal material; and other incidental expenses: eighty-three thousand and sixty pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and, five: Far contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; repairs; for transportation in Manila on official business when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; two thousand five hundred and forty pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, one hundred and five thousand eight hundred pesos.


Salaries and, wages. Bureau of Coast and Engineering, nineteen hundred and five: Consulting Engineer to the Commission, at five thousand dollars per annum; principal assistant engineer, at three thousand  five hundred dollars per annum; railroad engineer, at three thousand dollars per annum; chief of supervisors, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; chief surveyor, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant engineer, class three, until not later than August thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; one assistant engineer, class four; three assistant engineers, class six: one chief draftsman, class five; five assistant engineers, class six. one being from January first, nineteen hundred and five; one chief clerk, class six; nine transitmen, class seven, four being from January first, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk, class seven; four clerks, class eight; seven transitmen, class eight; five clerks, class nine one being until not later than July thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four: nine transitmen, class nine, one being until not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk, class ten, until not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; four junior draftsmen, Class G; four junior draftsmen. Class H, until not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four; three junior draftsmen, Class I; four survey men. Class I, from January first, nineteen hundred and five; ten surveymen, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each; two messengers, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each; and for the hire of such assistant engineers, draftsmen, surveyors, and employees, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, as may be necessary from time to time to accomplish authorized work, not to exceed ten thousand pesos; one hundred and fifty-eight thousand pesos.

Public works, Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and five: For expenses in connection with such public works, examinations, and surveys as may be authorized by the. Commission, including the cost of labor and necessary equipment, forty thousand pesos: Provided, That where an appropriation has been made for any specific work the contingent, incidental, and any other expenses in connection with the same shall be payable from the appropriation made for such work.

Contingent expenses, Bureau, of Engineering, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of supplies and surveying' instruments; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses 'of officials and employees; per diems of two dollars under the provisions of Act Numbered Eleven hundred and twenty-seven; transportation of supplies, and for transportation in Manila on official business when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; fourteen thousand pesos: Provided. That employees of the Bureau of Engineering shall be entitled to medicines and medical attendance while engaged on any authorized public work at places where usual medical attendance is not accessible, and the Consulting Engineer to the Commission may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, appoint such physicians, at fixed monthly salaries, as may in bis judgment be for the best interest of the service, when such medical attendance and supplies can not be furnished by the Bureau of Health or the Philippines Constabulary.

In all, for the Bureau of Engineering, two hundred and twelve thousand  pesos.



Salaries and wages, Insular Treasury, nineteen hundred and five: Treasurer, at seven thousand dollars per annum; assistant treasurer, at four thousand dollars per annum; chief of division of currency, at three thousand dollars per annum: three clerks, class three; two clerks, class four; five clerks, class live; ten clerks, class six; seven clerks, class seven; nine clerks, class eight; nine clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class C; seven clerks, Class D; two clerks, Class I; one clerk, Class J; one employee, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; three messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one laborer, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum: one hundred and ninety thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of  the Insular Treasury, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase and repair of office furniture and supplies: tin; pa3ancnt of premiums on surety bonds: rebates of unearned premiums on surety bonds canceled or transferred; for cablegrams, coolie hire, post-office box rent; and for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees; per diems of deputies and examiners on official travel in connection with the examination of accounts as provided for by Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight; for expenses incurred in the transfer of funds to and from the provinces; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses: one hundred and fifty thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Treasury, three hundred and forty thousand pesos.


Salaries, and wages, Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and five: Auditor, at seven thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Auditor, at four thousand dollars per annum; three clerks, class three; four clerks, class four: one clerk, class five; nine clerks, class six; ten clerks, class seven; cloven clerks, class eight; fourteen clerks, class nine; six clerks, class ten; four clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class B; two clerks, Class C: three clerks, Class D; three clerks, Class E; two clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class G; two clerks, Class H; two clerks. Class I: two messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each : two messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each: extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum; for employment of emergency clerks, at not to exceed one hundred dollars per month each, not to exceed seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-three centavos; two hundred and twenty-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase and repair of office furniture; purchase of office supplies; for actual and necessary traveling expenses, and per dieins of officials and employees on official travel, as provided by Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; four thousand four hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of the Auditor for the Philippine Islands, two hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five: Collector of Customs, at seven thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Collector of Customs, at four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; Special Deputy Collector of Customs, at four thousand dollars per annum; two additional deputy collectors of customs, class one; Surveyor of Customs, at four thousand dollars per annum; two Deputy Surveyors of Customs, class two.

Office of the Collector of Customs:    
One clerk, class seven: two clerks, class eight.

Office of the Deputy Collector of Customs:

One clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight.

Office of the Special Deputy Collector of Customs:

One clerk, class eight.

Office of the Surveyor of Customs :          

One admeasurer, class three; one assistant admeasurer, class six; one clerk;, class seven; one clerk, class eight; three clerks, Class F; one inspector of hulls and boilers, class four; one inspector of boilers, class five, until August first, nineteen hundred and four; one assistant inspector of boilers, class six; one inspector of hulls, class five, until August first, nineteen hundred and four; two assistant inspectors of hulls, class six; one harbor master, class five; one clerk, class nine; three patrolmen, Class I; one superintendent of semaphore station, Class D, at six hundred and thirty dollars per annum; one assistant superintendent of semaphore station, Class G; three messengers, at one hundred and ninety-two dollars per annum each.

Division of Insular customs accounts:

Disbursing officer, class five; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class ten; one clerk. Class D; three clerks, Class J; one messenger, at, ninety dollars per annum.

Correspondence division:

One clerk, class six; four clerks, class seven; six clerks, class eight; five clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class P; two messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two messengers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Hoard of protests and appeals: One clerk, class four; two clerks, class eight.

Cashier's division:

Cashier, class one; assistant cashier, class five; one clerk, class six; four clerks, class ten; one clerk, Class A; two clerks, Class C; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class F; one clerk, Class I; three clerks, Class J; two messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Appraiser's division:

Appraiser of the Port, at three thousand dollars per annum; one assistant appraiser, who shall act also as appraiser of textiles, class four; four assistant appraisers, class five; four examiners, class six; four examiners, class seven; eight examiners, class eight; sixteen examiners, class nine; nine employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Importation, exportation, and navigation division:

Chief of division, class five; one liquidator,  class eight; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; four clerks, class ten; one clerk. Class D; one clerk, Class F; three clerks, Class I; two messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Liquidation division:

Chief of division, class five; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; two liquidators,  class nine;  three liquidators, class ten; two liquidators, Class D; two liquidators. Class F; two messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Inspector's division :

Chief of division, class live; one clerk, class seven; two inspectors, class eight; two inspectors, class nine: two inspectors, class ten; twenty-six inspectors, Class A; four weighers, Class F; twenty guards, Class I: twelve weighers. Class J ; eighty-five guards, Class J.

General order stores and bonded warehouse division:

Chief of division, class five: one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, class ten; fourteen warehousemen, Class A; one warehouseman. Class C; one warehouseman, Class D, until August first, nineicen hundred, and four; seven clerks, Class J.; sixteen clerks, Class J : eighteen clerks., at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, until August first, nineteen hundred and four; twelve clerks, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; twelve laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two messengers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Consular and statistical division :

Chief of division, class five; one clerk, class seven; five clerks, class nine; five clerks, class ten; six clerks. Class A; two clerks, Class D; four clerks, Class J ; one messenger, at ninety dollars per annum.

Immigration division :

Chief of division, class five; one clerk, class eight; two immigration inspectors, class eight; two immigration inspectors, class nine; one Chinese interpreter, Class D; one guard, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each: one messenger, at ninety dollars per annum.

Passenger and baggage division:

Chief of division, class five; one clerk, class eight; four baggage . inspectors, class ten; three baggage inspectors, Class A; one interpreter,   Class  D;   four   employees,   at   one  hundred   and  twenty dollars per annum each.

Harbor launch division :

Chief of division, class six; one launch inspector, class eight; one launch inspector, class nine; one launch inspector, Class A; one launch inspector, Class E; three launch inspectors, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; six employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, until August first, nineteen hundred and four: four employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

Division of special agents:

Supervising special agent, class three; two special agents, class four; two special agents, class six; one special agent, class seven; one special agent, class eight.

Superintendent of buildings:

One superintendent, Class A; four night watchmen, Class H; one janitor, Class I; one assistant janitor, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; seventeen employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

For compensation for temporary services of expert translators, when required, not to exceed eight hundred pesos.

Iloilo custom-house:

Collector of customs, at four thousand dollars per annum; deputy collector of customs, class four; surveyor of customs, class six: one clerk, class six; one appraiser, class seven; one clerk, class eight: one clerk, class nine; two clerks, class ten, one being until not later than January first, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk. Class A: three inspectors, Class A; three clerks, Class D; one inspector of hulls, Class F; one assistant engineer, Class H; two clerks. Class II; two guards, Class I; one patron, Class I; ten guards. Class J; one fireman, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum: one sailor, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; three messengers., at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: two lookouts, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one fireman, at one hundred and thirty-five dollars per annum; one clerk, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two sailors, at one hundred and eight dollars per annum each; two laborers, at ninety dollars per annum each.

Cebu custom-house:

Collector of customs, at four thousand dollars per annum; deputy collector of customs, class five: surveyor of customs, class six; one clerk, class six; one appraiser, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one examiner, class eight; one inspector, class ten; one inspector, Class A : two clerks, Class A; one clerk. Class D; one clerk, Class V: one patron, Class G; one engineer, Class G; three employees, Class H; two firemen, Class J; twenty-six guards, Class J; three sailors, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; emergency employees, at not to exceed an aggregate of ten dollars per month.

Jolo custom-house:

Collector of customs, class three; one examiner, class eight; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine: one clerk, Class C; one clerk. Class I : six guards, Class J: three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Zamboanga   custom-house:

Collector of customs, class four; one examiner, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk. Class A, until not later than August first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk. Class I; five guards. Class J; until not later than August first, nineteen hundred and four: four guards, Class J: one patron, at one hundred and twenty dollars per' annum ; four boatmen, at ninety dollars per annum each; one janitor, at ninety dollars per annum.

Puerto Princesa custom-house:

Collector of customs, class six, until not later than October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk, Class D, until not later than October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; four boatmen, at not exceeding ninety dollars per annum each, until not later than October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four.

Bongao custom-house:

Collector of customs, class six; one clerk, Class D; four boatmen, at not exceeding ninety dollars per annum each.

Balabac custom-house:

Collector of customs, class six; one clerk, Class D; four boatmen, at not exceeding ninety dollars per annum each.

Interior ports :

Eighteen coast district inspectors, class eight, eight of whom being until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; ten deputy coast district inspectors, Class A; fifty inspectors of customs, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; seventy-five inspectors of customs, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each : sixty inspectors of customs, at sixty dollars per annum each; ten clerks, Class I: ten clerks, Class J, until not later than October first..nineteen hundred and four; ten clerks, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; ten clerks, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four; five clerks, at sixty dollars per annum each, until not later than October first, nineteen hundred and four: salaries and wages of boat crews, not to exceed an aggregate of six thousand pesos ; salaries of emergency employees, at not exceeding twenty-five dollars per month each for clerks and twenty dollars per month each for other employees, two thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Total for salaries and wages, nine hundred thousand pesos.

Revenue cutters and launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five: For the maintenance and expenses of launches and revenue cutters, including the salaries and wages of the crews of Manila harbor launches, consisting of two captains, Class D; one engineer. Class E: fourteen engineers and captains, Class F; three employees. Class H: three employees, Class I; sixteen firemen, at two hundred dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; twenty-seven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and for the salaries and ration allowances of cutter crews, consisting of one captain, class seven, five captains, class nine, six chief engineers, Class C. and seven mates. Class D. with commutation of, rations at fifty cents each per diem: thirteen assistant engineers, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each, nineteen firemen, at one hundred and thirty-two dollars per annum each, thirteen quartermasters, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, thirty-two sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, six stewards, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, and six cooks, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, with commutation of rations al fifteen cents each per diem; for clothing allowance of three suits, two hats, and two handkerchiefs per annum for each petty officer and member of crews of revenue cutters and harbor launches, not to exceed three thousand pesos; for payment for five Hotchkiss cannons for use on customs cutters, ordered in a previous fiscal year, and ammunition therefor; purchase of fuel, supplies, and rations for crews of harbor launches in emergency case's or while away from their regular stations; ice for customs cutters: repairs and incidental expenses; one hundred and eighty-eight thousand pesos.

Special contingent fund, Bureau of Custom and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five: For a fund to be expended in the discretion of the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands in the detection and punishment of violators of the customs, immigration, and revenue laws, forty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Customs and immigration, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses throughout the Archipelago, including hire of bancas, postage, purchase of office furniture and supplies; deportation of Chinese who fail to comply with the provisions of Act Numbered Seven hundred and two; subsistence of customs officials while on duty on board United States Army and Navy transports; cablegrams: ice: rent of offices used by inspectors of customs; repairs to offices; purchase of and repairs to boarding boats; construction of and repairs to coal sheds; coolie hire for handling supplies; cost of transferring deposits to the Insular Treasury; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees, including coast and deputy coast district inspectors while inspecting ports within their districts; special agents while on official travel in connection with the examination of customs accounts, at two dollars and fifty cents per diem; transportation of supplies; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; sixty-five thousand pesos.

In all. for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, one million one hundred and ninety-three thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and five: Collector of Internal Revenue, at four thousand dollars per annum; office deputy, at three thousand dollars per annum; chief clerk, class four; two clerks, class five; two clerks, class six: one clerk, class seven; four clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class A; one clerk, Class B: one clerk. Class C; one clerk, Class D, at six hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class E; one clerk, Class F; one clerk. Class G; one clerk, Class H; one clerk, Class I; one clerk, Class J; one clerk, Class K, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Field force:

One agent-at-large, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; three agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each; three agents, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each ; three agents, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each ; one agent, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum: ten storekeepers and gaugers, at not to exceed ten pesos per diem each ; for gangers' fees, at not exceeding ten pesos each per diem, not to exceed four thousand pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, seventy-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including a fund to be expended in the discretion of the Collector of Internal Revenue in the detection and punishment of violators of the revenue law, not to exceed five thousand pesos; for the purchase of riding equipment For agents, office furniture, and supplies, measuring and gauging instruments, safes, and so forth; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees while traveling on official business; for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; forty thousand pesos.

In all. for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, one hundred and fifteen thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and five:

Office force and sales department:

One superintendent, at three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class five; four clerks, class six; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class B; one clerk, Class C; three salesmen, at three hundred dollars per annum each; one special messenger, at three hundred dollars per annum; three office boys, at two hundred and sixteen dollar per annum each.

Engineering and manufacturing department:

Chief engineer, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; first assistant engineer, class five: second assistant engineer, class seven; third assistant engineer, class nine: one machinist, class eight; two machinists, class nine: one machinist. Class H; one electrician, class seven: one assistant electrician. Class D; one oiler, Class A; three oilers, Class C; one wafer lendei-. Class A; three water tenders, Class C; one pipe litter, class nine: one elevator man, Class F; twenty laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; thirty laborers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Cold storage department:

One overseer, class nine: one foreman, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum : two checkers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eighteen laborers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each: eleven emergency laborers, at one peso and fifty centavos each per diem.

Land-transportation  department:

One overseer, class nine: one blacksmith, class nine; two teamsters, Class A; twelve teamsters, Class C; one saddler, Class B; one blacksmith's helper. Class F: one blacksmith's helper, Class I; twenty laborers, at two hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two cocheros, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Water transportation department:

One overseer, class ten; one engineer, Class F; one assistant engineer, Class H; five patrons. Class I: one patron, Class J; one boatswain, at two hundred and sixteen dollars per annum; two firemen, at one hundred and ninety-two dollars per annum each; twenty-five sailors, at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars per annum each.

Care and maintenance of buildings and grounds:

One carpenter, class eight: one carpenter, class ten; one overseer, class ten; five watchmen. Class C: one painter. Class F; two carpenter helpers, Class G; one mason. Class H : three painter helpers, Class I; one carpenter helper. Class ,T : two laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eleven laborers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Total for salaries and wages, one hundred and eighty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred find five: For office supplies, coal, forage, electrical supplies, and incidental expenses; care and maintenance of buildings and grounds; care and maintenance of machinery, including purchase of new machinery and ammonia; care and maintenance of water transportation, including repairs to launch and lore-has: care and maintenance of land transportation, including purchase of animals, harness, new equipment, veterinary supplies, wagons, and so forth, and repairs to wagons and harness; and incidental expenses: one hundred and eighty thousand pesos: Provided, That the Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant shall furnish its own official transportation, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding.

In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, three hundred and  sixty thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and five:

Supreme Court:

Chief Justice, at seven thousand five hundred dollars per annum; six assoiiai:e justices, at seven thousand dollars per annum each; one clerk of the court, at three thousand dollars per annum; two deputy clerks, one being until not later than August first, nineteen hundred and four, at two thousand dollars per annum each; one reporter of decisions, who shall furnish his own office room, clerical assistance, translators, typewriters, and other aids, at two thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class six; one employee, class seven: one employee, class eight; one employee, Class C; one employee. Class D: one employee, Class E; one employee, Class F; one employee, Class G; three employees, Class H; one employee, Class I; five employees, Class J; five employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

For commutation of salary accruing to Associate Justice John T. McPonough for leave of absence from July first to and including July twentieth, nineteen hundred and four, at seven thousand dollars per annum, seven hundred and seventy-seven pesos and seventy-six centavos.

Courts of First Instance, Manila:

Three judges, at five thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, at two thousand dollars per annum; two assistant clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each; one deputy clerk, at nine hundred dollars per annum; six employees, class seven : one employee, class eight; three employees, class nine; eight employees, Class II; five employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, First District:

One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class eight; one employee, Class D; one clerk, Cagayan, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Isabela, at seven hundred dollars per annum; two employees, Class J; two employees, .it one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Second District: One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Ilocos Sur, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Abra, at seven hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Ilocos Norte, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class D; one employee, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; five employees. Class J; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Third District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class seven; one employee, class nine; one clerk, La Union, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Pangasinan, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Zambales, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, Pangasinan, at three liund red and sixty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

Courts of First Instance, Fourth District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one employee, Class A; one employee, Class H; one clerk, Tarlac, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Pampanga, at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Nueva Ecija, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, Pampanga. at three hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class J ; three employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Fifth District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Bulacan, at one thousand dollars per annum : one clerk, Rizal, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class G; one employee, Class H; two employees. Class J; one employee, at one hundred and . eighty dollars per annum; two employees. at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Sixth District :

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, La Laguna, at nine hundred dollars per annum : one clerk, Cavite, at nine hundred dollars per annum: one clerk. Bataan, at eight hundred dollars per annum: one employee. Class C; four employees, Class J; two employees. at one hundred   and  eighty dollars per annum each; three employees, at ne hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Seventh  District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class nine; one clerk. Batangas, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk. Tayabas, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Mindoro. at eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Marinduque, at seven hundred dollars per annum; four employees, Class J; five employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Eighth District:

One judge, at live thousand dollars per annum; two employees, class nine; one clerk. Amhos Oamarines. at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk. Albay, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Sorsogon, at eight hundred dollars per annum; three employees, Class J : one employee, al one hundred' and eighty dollars per annum: one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First  Instance. Ninth   District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class seven; one employee. class nine: one clerk, Iloilo, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum: one employee, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eight v dollars per annum; one employee, at ninety dollars per annum.

Courts of First Instance. Tenth   District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum : one clerk, Occidental Negros, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Antique, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class D: two employees. Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum : one employee, at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum : one employee, at ninety dollars per annum.

Courts of First: Instance, Eleventh  District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum: one employee, class seven; one clerk, Cehu, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one cleric, Bohol, at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Oriental Negros, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, Cebu, Class D; one employee, Class D; two employees, Class H; two employees, Class J; two employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two employees, at sixty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Twelfth District:

One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class eight: one clerk, Leyte, at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Samar, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class J; two employees, Class J; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Thirteenth District:

One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum: one employee, class nine: one clerk, Misamis, at nine hundred dollars per annum : one clerk, Surigao. at eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, district of Lanao. at three hundred dollars per annum: one clerk, subdistrict of Dapitan, at three hundred dollars per annum: one employee. Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Fourteenth District:

One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Zamboanga. At one thousand two hundred dollars per annum: one clerk,  Jolo, at one thousand dollars per annum; five deputy clerks, at two hundred dollars per annum each; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Courts of First Instance, Fifteenth District:

One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one fiscal. at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class eight; one employee, class nine; one clerk, Capiz, at nine hundred dollars per annum: one clerk, Romblon, at five hundred dollars per annum: one clerk, Masbate, at four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Paragua, at three hundred dollars per annum: one deputy clerk, Paragua, at two hundred dollars per annum; two employees, Class J; one employee, at one. hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and twenty. dollars per annum each; and clerical and translating assistants to fiscal, not to exceed four hundred pesos.

Courts of First Instance, Mountain District:

One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one fiscal. at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum : one clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; three deputy clerks. at one hundred dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and clerical, interpreting, and translating assistants to fiscal, not to exceed one thousand pesos.

Court of Customs Appeals:

Two judges, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each: one clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class eight; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum.

Judges of First Instance and employees at large:

One judges, at  four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each ; two employees, class eight: two employees, class nine.

Court of Land Registration:

One judge. at five thousand dollars per annum: one judge, at four'thousand dollars per annum, until not later than December thirty-first. nineteen hundred and lour: one judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum. from January first, nineteen hundred and five: one Clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum: one assistant clerk, at two thousand dollars per annum; two employees, class six; two employees, class seven; one examiner of titles, Manila, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; four employees, class eight; five examiners of titles, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; four employees, class nine; three employees, Class A; two employees, Class D; three employees. Class E; five employees, Class F; one employee, Class G¦; eight employees. Class H; one employee, Class I; six employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Office of the Attorney-General :

Attorney-General, at seven thousand dollars per annum; Solicitor-General, at five thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Assistant Attorney-General, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one Supervisor of Fiscals. at four thousand dollars per annum; one Assistant Attorney-General, Philippines Constabulary, at three; thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one Assistant Solicitor-General, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one Deputy Supervisor of Fiscals, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum : one assistant lawyer, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum : one chief clerk and translator, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one assistant lawyer, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, class four: one translator, class six; two assistant lawyers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; one assistant lawyer, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum: six employees, class seven : two employees, class eight; one assistant lawyer, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class A: one employee, Class C, at eight hundred, dollars per annum: two employees, Class D; one employee, Class F: one employee, Class H: one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum : one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.

For compensation for emergency employees for the Bureau, not to exceed one thousand pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, seven hundred and twenty thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice. nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture, repairs and supplies; sheriffs' fees and per diems; per diem allowances of four dollars for judges of the Counts of First Instance while absent from their districts on duty in Manila; per diems provided by Act Numbered Eight hundred, and sixty-seven; expenses of criminal executions; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of judges, employees of courts, of the office of the Attorney-General, and of special employees and executioners traveling on official business: for official transportation in the city of Manila when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses; forty-seven thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Justice, seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand pesos.



Salaries and wages, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and five:

Office of the General Superintendent:

General Superintendent, at six thousand dollars per annum; assistant to the General Superintendent, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, class five; one properly clerk, class five; one recording clerk, class six; three clerks, class seven; six clerks, class eight; six clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk, Class A, until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; one clerk, Class D; two clerks, Class D; : four clerks, Class H; one clerk, Class J; one employee, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; four employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; seven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two carpenters, at three hundred dollars per annum each; wages of laborers handling supplies, not to exceed two thousand four hundred pesos.

Offices of the division superintendents:

One division superintendent, at three thousand dollars per annum: three division superintendents, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; six division superintendents, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum 'each; five division r-uperintondents, at two thousand dollars per annum each; eight division superintendents, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; eight division superintendents, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each; six clerks, class nine: six clerks, Class A; six clerks, Class D; three clerks, Class E; three clerks, Class F: five clerks, Class H: Provided, That these salaries may be paid to division superintendents and clerks, irrespective of the divisions to which they are assigned, the provisions of Ac! Numbered Six hundred and seventy-two to the contrary notwithstanding.

General teaching force:

Superintendent, Normal School, Manila, at three thousand dollars per annum; superintendent, Trade School, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; three teachers, class five; eight teachers, class six; ten teachers class seven; fifty teachers, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; eighty teachers, class eight; sixty teachers, class nine, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum each; three hundred and fifty teachers, class nine; fifty teachers, class ten, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum each; one hundred and thirty-seven teachers, class ten: one hundred and thirteen teachers, Class A; fourteen teachers, Class D; twenty teachers, Class E; twenty teachers. Class P; twenty teachers, Class G; twenty teachers, Class H: forty teachers, Class I; one hundred and sixty teachers, Class I : sixteen teachers for Tinguian municipalities of Abra, at not exceeding six dollars per month each; sixteen teachers for the llocano pueblos of Abra, at not exceeding ten dollars per month each, until not later than April first, nineteen hundred and five; three hundred night-school teachers, at one dollar and fifty cents each per night, thirteen nights per month: Provided, That fifty of these teachers are assigned to towns where there is a special demand for night-school instruction and where an average attendance of twenty-five pupils shall be maintained.

Other employees:

Normal School, Manila, two janitors, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; six janitors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; Trade School, Manila, two janitors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; Nautical School, Manila, two janitors, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one mechanic, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum.

Total for salaries and wages, two million two hundred thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau Education, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; purchase of fuel, light, and water for girls' dormitory, Normal School, Manila, and of distilled water for Manila schools; for rent of Nautical School, of dormitory for girls attending Normal School, of offices and storerooms for division superintendents, and of storeroom in .Manila : for purchase of furniture for girls' dormitory, Normal School. Manila; for medical attention to students in Manila Normal School: Provided, That payment hereunder may be made to a physician now in the civil service, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses, including subsistence, not exceeding three pesos per day. of the General Superintendent, assistant to the General Superintendent, and division superintendents, the provisions of section seven of Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-two to the contrary notwithstanding; for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of teachers and-other employees from Manila to their respective stations and upon transfer to new stations within the Archipelago when directed by the General Superintendent for the benefit of the Bureau; and for the actual and necessary traveling expenses, not including maintenance, of teachers of English designated by their division superintendents to visit and instruct in barrio schools: and for transportation in Manila on official business when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent: for the purchase of school books, furniture, and supplies, including equipment, tools, and machinery for Trade, Agricultural, and Nautical Schools, and for cartage, packing, storage, and transportation of same, not to exceed one hundred and seventy thousand four hundred pesos; and for other incidental expenses, including telephones, repairs to typewriters, and transportation of distilled water; two hundred and seventeen thousand four hundred and fifty pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Education, two million four hundred and seventeen thousand four hundred and liftv pesos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and five: Public Printer, at four thousand dollars per annum; superintendent of instruction, at three thousand dollars per annum; one craftsman instructor, class three; six craftsmen instructors, class five; one clerk, class six; seven craftsmen instructors, class six; two clerks, class seven: eighteen craftsmen instructors, class seven; two clerks, class eight: ten craftsmen instructors, class eight; one employee, class ten: three copy holders. Class A: one helper, Class. A; two clerks, Class B; one clerk, Class C; four watchmen, Class C;  two clerks, Class H; one employee. at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; for salaries and wages of craftsmen, junior craftsmen, mechanics, helpers, laborers, and so forth, not lo exceed eighty-five thousand pesos; for salaries and wages of apprentices, not to exceed fifteen thousand pesos; for salaries and wages of temporary, clerical,' and professional employees, for night work, overtime pay, and extra compensation accruing under the provisions of section two of Act Numbered Six hundred and fifty, not to exceed fifteen thousand pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, two hundred and ninety-nine thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including additional machinery, material, supplies, lithographing, rents, repairs to machinery, office supplies, horses, forage, telephone, wagons, removing foundry, and other incidental expenses; eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-five pesos.

In all. for the Bureau of Public Printing, three hundred and eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-five pesos.


Salaries find wages, Bureau, of Archives, nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class seven: three clerks, class eight; one clerk, class ten; three clerks, Class D; two clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class H; one clerk. Class I; two clerks, Class J; three employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; twenty-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office furniture, typewriter, and supplies, and other incidental expenses; eight hundred and fifty pesos.

In all. for the Bureau of Archives, twenty-five thousand eight hundred and fifty pesos: Provided, That the Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-Marks shall be merged in the Bureau of Archives.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: Chief of Bureau, at four thousand dollars per annum; master builder, at two thousand live hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent of construction, class six; one electrical engineer, class six; one disbursing officer, class six; one chief clerk, class six; two clerks, class seven; five clerks, class eight; three clerks, class nine, one being until not later than September first, nineteen hundred and four; two clerks. Class F: two clerks, Class G; two clerks, Class I; one clerk, Class K, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum ; for hire of emergency employees during absence on leave of regular employees, not to exceed five hundred pesos; for wages of classified skilled laborers while on leave, not to exceed five hundred pesos; fifty-seven thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of drafting room and office supplies;  periodicals, furniture, ice, and water; rent of post-office box and telephone: laundry and electric current: for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees on official business, for official transportation in Manila, and transportation of building materials and supplies when the same can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent; and other incidental expenses: five thousand five hundred pesos.

Public works. Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: For alterations, maintenance, and repair of the following-named public buildings, not to exceed in cost, the amounts set opposite the names of the respective buildings and Bureaus:

Ayuntamiento Building: Renewing decorations in Marble Hall, four thousand two hundred pesos; redecorating the offices of Commissioners, nine hundred pesos; redecorating main corridor, second story, two thousand pesos; repainting main staircase and hall, four hundred pesos: touching up walls and ceiling of Governors room, refinishing adjoining corridors, and so forth, four hundred pesos; total, seven thousand nine hundred pesos.

Audiencia Building: Repairs, one thousand three hundred and twenty-one pesos.

Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings: Painting office building, two hundred pesos.

Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation: Four awnings on windows, new warehouse. Engineer .Island, eighty pesos.

Bureau of Customs and Immigration: Miscellaneous alterations and repairs to main building and bodegas, three thousand five hundred pesos; water pipe from Engineer Island tanks to detention station, three hundred pesos; repairs to signal station, Corregidor Island, one thousand pesos; total, four thousand eight hundred pesos.

Bureau of Health, San Lazaro Hospitals: Laundry in leper department, painting and whitewashing, pump for tanks, and so forth, six thousand eight hundred pesos; filling in grounds, one thousand pesos; cold storage box for bodies in morgue, three hundred pesos; total, eight thousand one hundred pesos.

Bureau of Government Laboratories. Serum Institute: Filling in grounds, three hundred pesos; repairs to buildings, construction of board walks, new top dressing to cement  floors in operating and vaccine rooms, and cement drains' to stables, two thousand one hundred pesos; total, two thousand four hundred pesos.

Philippine Civil Hospital: New plumbing fixtures and general repairs, one thousand pesos.

Bureau of Philippines Constabulary: Alterations and repairs to plumbing, new supply tanks, pump, modern fixtures, septic tank, and miscellaneous repairs, Santa Lucia Barracks, Manila, five thousand pesos.

Bureau of Public Printing: For repairs to roof, one thousand pesos; for alterations incidental to transfer of electrotype and stereotype divisions from second to first Hour, three thousand four hundred pesos; total, four thousand lour hundred pesos.

Intendencia Building: New roof, ten thousand pesos.

Oriente Building: Ten new windows in corridor, two hundred pesos; changing window into door in office of Chief Supply Officer, forty pesos; shelving in record room, Adjutant-General's office, forty-five pesos; changing window into door, new partition in shelving, in storeroom of the bodega occupied by the Bureau of Forestry one hundred and seventy pesos: shelving in offices of the Philippine Civil Service Board, four hundred pesos; shelving in offices of the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, one hundred pesos; wire screens to windows in medical and quartermaster storerooms on first floor, ninety-nine pesos; shower bath for prisoners, seventy-five pesos; wire netting for windows in bodega, five hundred and twenty-nine pesos; replacing glass and easing sash, one hundred pesos; steel cages, and dock, four thousand pesos; total, five thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight pesos.

Civil Sanitarium and cottages at Baguio, Benguet: Painting main building, new outhouses, and shed, tank, general alterations and repairs, two thousand and eighty pesos.

General alterations, repairs, and emergency work, twenty-five thousand pesos.

Total for public works, seventy-eight thousand and thirty-nine pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, one hundred and forty thousand five hundred and thirty-nine pesos.


Salaries and wages, American Circulating Library of Manila, nineteen, hundred and five: Librarian, at one thousand two hundred dollar per annum; one assistant librarian, at one thousand dollars per annum from October first, nineteen hundred and four; one assistant, librarian, at nine hundred dollars per annum, until not later limn September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four thousand eight hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, American Circulating Library of Manila, nineteen   hundred and five:  For contingent expenses,  including purchase of .furniture and ice, coolie hire; shelving for new quarters; rebinding of old volumes; insurance; and other incidental expenses: one thousand four hundred pesos.

In all, for the American Circulating Library of Manila, six thousand two hundred pesos: Provided, That all receipts on every' account of the American Circulating Library of Manila shall be duly accounted for to the Auditor and deposited by the Librarian in the insular Treasury: And provided, That a permanent appropriation of all receipts deposited under the preceding provisions is hereby made for the purchase of books and pamphlets for the library, such funds to be withdrawn upon requisition of the chairman of the board of trustees: And provided further, That the American Circulating Library may purchase books, periodicals, and other reading matter without the intervention of the Insular Purchasing Agent, Act Numbered One hundred and forty-six, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding.


Salaries and wages, the Official Gazette, nineteen hundred and five: Editor, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, Class C; two clerks, Class D; one clerk, Class I; ten thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, the Official Gazette, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies: allowance to the editor of twenty pesos per month in lieu of carromata hire; and other incidental expenses; six hundred and forty pesos.

In all. for the Official Gazette, ten thousand six hundred and forty pesos.


Tor the actual and necessary cost of education and maintenance, including traveling expenses, of one hundred and forty Filipino students in the United States, under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and fifty-four; one hundred and twenty thousand pesos: Provided, That the students to be sent to the United States during the current fiscal year, under the provisions of Act Numbered "Eight hundred and fifty-four, shall be under the charge of and conducted by an officer or employee of the Insular Government, lo be designated by the Civil Governor from among those returning to the United States on leave of absence or upon resignation: And provided farther, That the officer or employee designated for such purpose shall receive full salary for thirty days and subsistence on United States Army transport en route from Manila to San Francisco, and that the additional compensation hereby authorized shall be a charge against this appropriation, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.


Contingent expenses, custodian of the For tin Building, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including electric current for lighting and ventilation, and other miscellaneous expenses; seven thousand five hundred pesos.

In all, for the custodian of the Port in Building, seven thousand five hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, superintendent of the Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and five: Superintendent, at two hundred and fifty dollars per annum: one janitor, al one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; eight laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each: three thousand two hundred and sixty pesos.

Contingent expenses, superintendent of the  Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including purchase of supplies; electric lighting, including power for motor in Treasury vaults; minor repairs and other incidental expenses; six thousand seven hundred and forty pesos.

In all, for the superintendent of the Intendencia Building, ten thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, superintendent of the Oriente Building', nineteen hundred and five: One janitor, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; ten laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three thousand six hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of supplies, electric lighting, telephone service, minor repairs, and other incidental expenses: eight thousand four hundred pesos.

In all, for the superintendent of the Oriente Building, twelve thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, custodian of the Santa Potenciana Building, nineteen hundred and fire: One watchman, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one janitor. Class D: eight laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, custodian of the, Santa Potenciana Building, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of ice. water, and other supplies; electric lighting, and other incidental expenses; four thousand five hundred pesos.

In all, for the custodian of the Santa Potenciana Building, nine thousand five hundred pesos.


For salaries and wages, including salary of provincial governor, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, secretary, at one thousand dollars per annum, treasurer, at eight hundred dollars per annum, and for salaries and wages of such employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board with the approval of the Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, not to exceed an aggregate of twelve thousand pesos; and for general provincial expenses, including the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees on official business, for purchase of office furniture and supplies, repairs to provincial buildings, construction and repair of bridges, roads, and trails, court expenses, emergency sanitary fund not to exceed one hundred pesos, subsistence of prisoners, for construction and equipment of girls' industrial training school at Bua, for equipment of boys' industrial training school at Baguio including material and agricultural implements and dormitory equipment, subsistence of pupils at industrial schools, printing, binding, and stationery, and incidental expenses, not to exceed an aggregate of six thousand eight hundred and fifty pesos.

In all. for the provincial government of Benguet, fifteen thousand pesos.


The expenditure of six hundred pesos from the provincial funds of the Province of Isabela for the purchase of presents for the non-Christian tribes of that province and for the hire of two interpreter at not to exceed twenty-five pesos per month each for a period of six months, is hereby authorized.


For salaries and wages, including the salary of provincial governor, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum, provincial secretary-treasurer, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum, provincial supervisor, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, lieutenant-governor of Bontoc, at one thousand live hundred dollars per annum, and the lieutenant-governor of Aniburavan, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, and for salaries and wages of such employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board with the approval of the Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, not to exceed an aggregate of twenty-three thousand nine hundred pesos: and for general provincial expenses, including the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officials and employees on official business, and for transportation of supplies, for completion of Igorrote Boys Training School at Bontoc, for establishment of Igorrote industrial school at Cervantes, for purchase of office furniture and supplies, repairs to provincial government buildings, construction and repair of bridges, roads, and trails not to exceed eight thousand pesos, for a fund to be expended by the provincial governor under the provisions of Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-two not to exceed eight hundred pesos, for subsistence of provincial prisoners, forage for public animals, and other incidental expenses. not to exceed an aggregate for general provincial expenses of seventeen thousand nine hundred and sixty pesos.

In all, for the provincial government of Lepanto-Bontoc, thirteen thousand nine hundred pesos.


For salaries and wages, including per diems of five dollars to the United States Army officers detailed as provincial governor and provincial supervisor-treasurer, for salaries of provincial secretary, at one thousand live hundred dollars per annum, provincial fiscal at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum, and for salaries and wages of such employees, including launch crew, as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board with the approval of the Treasurer of the Philippine islands, not to exceed an aggregate of twenty-four thousand five hundred pesos; and for general provincial  expenses, including maintenance and  repairs of steam launch, rations of launch crew, purchase of office supplies, subsistence of prisoners, sheriffs' fees, transportation of officers and supplies, repairs to provincial government buildings, and incidental expenses, not to exceed eleven thousand pesos.

In all, for the provincial government of Mindoro, twenty thousand pesos.


For salaries and wages, including salary of provincial governor, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum, secretary-treasurer, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, supervisor, at one thousand two hundred dollar per annum, and for salaries and wages of such employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board  with the approval of the Treasurer of the Philippine islands, not to exceed an aggregate of fifteen thousand pesos; and for general provincial expenses, including construction and repair of bridges, roads, and trails, including purchase and repair of harness, carts, tools, and so forth, not to exceed two thousand five hundred pesos, feeding provincial horses and carabaos, maintenance of high school, including repairs and building desks and furniture, rent of provincial high school, subsistence of prisoners, court expenses, reins, lights, stationery, and office furniture and supplies, transportation of officers and supplies, and other incidental expenses, five thousand seven hundred pesos.

In all, for the provincial government of Nueva Vizcaya, twenty thousand pesos: Provided, That the provisions of Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-nine shall be applicable to the Province of Nueva Vizcaya.


For salaries and wages, including per diems of five dollars to the United States Army officer detailed as provincial governor, for salary of secretary-treasurer, at one thousand: five hundred dollars per annum, and for salaries and wages of such employees, including launch crew with commutation of rations for member,  thereof, as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board with the approval of the Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, not to exceed an aggregate of twelve thousand pesos; and for general provincial expenses, including maintenance and repairs of steam launch, purchase of office furniture and supplies, rent and repair of provincial government buildings, for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees on official business, and incidental expenses, not to exceed an aggregate of eight thousand pesos.

In all, for the provincial government of Paragua, ten thousand pesos.


For the salary of the Collecting Librarian, as provided in Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-eight, until not later than-August thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four, one thousand pesos.


The following sums, or so much thereof as may by found to be due on settlement of the respective claims by the Auditor, are hereby appropriated for the purposes specified :

For Charles H. Sleeper, for extra compensation while engaged in an examination of the books and accounts of the Insular Treasurer and Insular Auditor as provided   for in  rule sixty-three of Act Numbered Ninety, under his appointment as special examiner, two hundred and fifty pesos; for John M. Tuther, for assisting in Hie examination of the books and accounts of the Insular Treasurer and Insular Auditor, one hundred pesos; for C. B. Williams, for assisting in the examination of the books and accounts of the Insular Treasurer and Insular Auditor, sixty-five pesos; for the payment to ten employees engaged in the Intendencia Building during the examination of the books and accounts of the Insular Treasurer and Insular Auditor at two pesos each, not to exceed twenty -pesos; anything in existing laws prohibiting the payment of extra compensation to civil servants or employees to the contrary notwithstanding.

For the return of funds collected for provost fees at Montalban, Rizal. and deposited in the Insular Treasury, one thousand one v hundred pesos: Provided, That the funds hereby appropriated shall lie expanded under the direction of the General Superintendent of Education for the construction and improvement of schoolhouses in Montalban.

For the reimbursement to Commissioner W. Cameron Forbes for traveling expenses incurred by him on account of himself and private secretary from Boston, Massachusetts, to Manila, Philippine Islands, upon appointment, eight hundred and ninety-six pesos and sixty centavos.

For reimbursement to the Province of Bataan for salary paid the acting provincial governor for the months of July, August, and September, nineteen hundred and four, seven hundred and fifty pesos.

For Felipe Calderon, for compensation, at ten dollars per diem, for each day actually employed in the work of the committee appointed to prepare a Code of Criminal Law and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the Philippine Islands, nine hundred and eighty pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For the settlement of claims of private persons to lands in the Island of Cauit, Province of Cebu, eight hundred and sixteen pesos.

Insular salary and expense fund:

For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officers and employees properly chargeable to Insular funds and not otherwise specifically provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States to Manila: Provided, That no salary shall be paid to any officer or employee for a period subsequent to his arrival in Manila from this appropriation when the Bureau to which he may be assigned has a vacancy from the appropriation for which he may be properly paid, or provincial office to which he may be assigned, was vacant; and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries duo such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and forty, and such other expenses of like character, payment of which shall be directed by the Executive Office; for expenses connected with the deportation of convicted vagrants, and for the payment of rewards leading to the capture and conviction of brigand's and other criminals, authorized under the provisions of Act Numbered Five hundred and twenty-two, as amended by Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-one, and for the discovery and prevention of crime: Provided, That payment of rewards; hereunder may be made to persons employed in the service of the Insular, provincial, and municipal governments when in the discretion of the Civil Governor such payments are in the interest of the public service, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and  forty-eight  to  the  contrary notwithstanding;   one  hundred and fifty thousand pesos: Provided, That the Civil Governor or proper head of Department may, in his discretion, commute two or more years leave of absence to persons entitled thereto, and authorize payment of the amount so accrued in a gross sum from the appropriation from which their salaries should properly be paid, unless two fiscal years are involved, in which case payment for the ensuing fiscal year shall be made from this appropriation, and reimbursed from the appropriations of  the Bureau concerned when available: And provided. That the Civil Governor or proper head of Department may, in his discretion, authorize payment of medical attendance, necessary transportation, and hospital fees for officers and employees injured in clear line of duly, but such payment shall not be made from this appropriation when the Bureau or Office concerned has an available appropriation for contingent expenses or public works, as the case may be, From which such payment can he made.

Total of appropriations for all purposes, sixteen million five hundred  and twenty-four thousand  nine  hundred   and  forty-one pesos and sixty centavos. or so much thereof as may be necessary.

SEC. 2. Upon the approval of the Civil Governor, or proper head of Department first had, a vacancy in a position of any class may be filled by the appointment of more than one person of a lower class: Provided, That the aggregate of salaries paid is not greater than the salary authorized by law for that position.

SEC. 3. The provisions of the first paragraph of section three of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated in said Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.

SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect oil its passage.

Enacted, August 31, 1904.