[ Act No. 1706, August 31, 1907 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and thereafter until expended, unless otherwise stated:
SEC. 3. In all cases in which provision for a position or employment heretofore provided by law is not made by this Act, such position or employment is hereby authorized from July first, nineteen hundred and seven, until not later than September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and any funds appropriated for salaries and wages for the department or office to which the position or employment pertains are hereby made available for payment of the services rendered.
SEC. 4. The appropriations herein made for each department or office shall be available for payment of authorized commutations of accrued leave of absence of the officers and employees thereof, and for payment of such expenses as may accrue to such departments or office by reason of the operations of Act Numbered Fifteen hundred and nine.
SEC. 5. Interdepartmental transfers of property not otherwise provided for may be made by purchase or otherwise with the approval of the Municipal Board.
SEC. 6. For services and supplies furnished to other branches of the government, or oilier persons, a chief of department or office may charge the cost or such other rate or rates as shall have been prescribed by law or approved by the Municipal Board: Provided, That in case of question arising between the Municipal Board and any Insular Bureau or Office, provincial or municipal government, as to the reasonableness of charges approved by the former, appeal may be had to the Governor-General whose decision in the matter shall be final; and may spend the proceeds of such charges for duly authorized purposes in the discretion of the of the Municipal Board: Provided, That the sums collected under this section shall be deposited in the Insular Treasury to the credit of the current account of the department or office concerned: And provided further, That municipal court fees and fines, justice of the peace fees, fees pertaining to the offices of city attorney, register of deeds, and sheriff, shall be considered receipts of the law department; electrician fee-, of the lire department: boiler inspector and building permit fees, and water rents, of the department of engineering and public works: live stock- registration fees, transfer fees, and weights and measures lees, of the department of assessments and collections; cemetery, market, pail system, public pound, slaughterhouse, transportation, and vault cleaning receipts, of the department of sanitation and transportation: municipal license fees, of of the police department : and the Municipal Board is hereby authorized to make such assignments of other receipts of the government of the city of Manila as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section which is to require the separation of revenue receipts which may properly be termed proceeds of taxation from those funds which accrue from inter-Bureau and departmental transactions and specific services to private persons; and to make from time to time such readjustment of the duties and receipts ot me several departments as the public interest may demand, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 7. Subject to approval by the Municipal Board, upon recommendation of the Insular Auditor, refunds may be made by chiefs of departments on account of receipts from sale of fabricated articles or supplies, or services rendered to other branches of the Government or private parties when such action shall be consistent with good business practice and equity; and also on account of taxes and licenses, or parts thereof, erroneously collected, the refunds of which have been or shall be duly authorized in accordance with law: Provided, That refunds made in pursuance of this appropriation shall lie charged in whole to the government of the city of Manila.
SEC. 8. Expenditures of funds appropriated by this Act shall be classified in accordance with such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Insular Auditor with the approval of the Governor-General.
SEC. 9. The city of Manila is hereby transferred from the Department of Finance and Justice to the executive control of the of Governor-General and sections twenty-eight and thirty-one of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and seven are hereby amended accordingly.
SEC. 10. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth. nineteen hundred.
SEC. 11. This Act shall take effect as of date July first, nineteen hundred and seven.
Enacted, August 31. 1907.
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and thereafter until expended, unless otherwise stated:
SEC. 2. For the purposes of section fifteen of Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-three the total amount of this appropriation shall be reduced by the balances of appropriations heretofore made for the city of Manila under its existing Charter, and turned back into the Treasury, and the Insular Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to so adjust his records, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding : Provided, That nothing in the aforesaid provision shall be construed to reduce or increase the specific amounts herein appropriated for each object of this Act.MUNICIPAL BOARD.
Administration, Municipal and Advisory Boards, public charities:
President of the Municipal Board, at ten thousand pesos per annum; three members of the Municipal Board, at nine thousand pesos per annum each.
Office of the secretary of the Municipal Board:
Secretary, at seven thousand pesos per annum; one chief clerk, class six; three employees, class seven; one employee, class eight; one employee, Class C; one employee. Class E; two employees, Class I; three messengers, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum each.
Disbursing office:
Disbursing officer, at five thousand five hundred pesos per annum; one employee, at three thousand nine hundred pesos per annum; one employee, class six; one employee, class eight; one employee, Class A; one messenger, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum: Provided, That the salary of the employee authorized above, at three thousand nine hundred pesos per annum, shall be payable from funds appropriated for expenditure under the department of sewer and waterworks construction.
Advisory Board :
Authorized fees of twelve members, not to exceed six thousand two hundred and forty pesos : secretary, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum: Provided, That the secretary of the Advisory Board may be required to perform additional official duties in the discretion of the president without extra compensation.
For compensation of necessary personnel to conduct elections; and for hire of temporary employees.
Contingent expenses:
For contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase of supplies: advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; music: maintenance of prisoners: premiums on official bonds; decoration of public buildings, parades, entertainments, and other expenses incident to public celebrations: traveling expenses of employees; election expenses; care and maintenance of injured, sick, and insane paupers: burial of pauper dead; and other incidental expenses; two hundred and six thousand six hundred and two pesos.
Law department :
Office of the city attorney:
City attorney, at seven thousand pesos per annum; assistant city attorney, at four thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class A; one messenger, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum.
Office of sheriff.
For additional compensation to the clerk of the Court of First Instance as ex officio sheriff of Manila, at two thousand pesos per annum; one deputy sheriff, at two thousand eight hundred pesos per annum: one deputy sheriff, Class D; one deputy sheriff, Class F; two deputy sheriffs. Class H; one deputy sheriff, at four hundred and eighty pesos per annum; one clerk, Class H; for hire of janitors and laborers.
Municipal court:
Judge, at seven thousand pesos per annum; clerk of court, class eight: one interpreter. Class A; two deputy clerks, Class D; one messenger, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum.
Office of register of deeds:
Registler of deeds, at four thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, Class D; three clerks, Class G ; two clerks, Class H; one clerk, Class I: one messenger, at three hundred pesos per annum.
Justice of the peace court:
Justice of the peace, at three thousand pesos per annum; one clerk, Class H; one clerk, at three hundred pesos per annum; one clerk, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum.
Miscellaneous :
For substitutes for the judge of the municipal court and justice of the peace: and for hire of temporary employees.
Contingent expenses:
For contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase of supplies; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; interpreters', registers', translators', and other authorized fees; revenue stamps; court fees in proceedings conducted in the names of private parties to enable the city to purchase land for public use in cases where the owners of such land have not sufficient means to pay fees; and other incidental expenses.
Office of the prosecuting attorney:
Prosecuting attorney, at eight thousand pesos per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at five thousand pesos per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at four thousand pesos per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class B; one clerk, Class F; one messenger, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum; for contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase of supplies; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; court costs in criminal cases in Court of First Instance; for the expenses of indigent witnesses, and for securing testimony and the presence in Manila of such witnesses in criminal cases from the provinces; and other incidental expenses: twenty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy pesos.
Fire Department: Chief of (he fire department, at six thousand pesos per annum; city electrician, at four thousand five hundred pesos per annum; deputy chief, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum; chief engineer, at three thousand pesos per annum; one mechanic, at two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos per annum; one lineman, at two thousand eight hundred pesos per annum; one lineman, at two thousand six hundred pesos per annum; three linemen, at seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum each; two employees, at twenty-live pesos per month each; eight captains; at two thousand eight hundred pesos per annum each; thirteen lieutenants, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum each; five engineers, first class, twelve thousand six hundred pesos: Provided, That the pay of engineers, first class, shall he at the rate of two thousand four hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and mav be ;it the rate of two thousand six hundred pesos per annum each for the second and succeeding years; nine engineers, second class, ten thousand six hundred and eighty pesos: Provided, That the pay of engineers, second class, shall be at the rate of nine hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of one thousand two hundred pesos per annum each for the second and succeeding years; forty-five firemen, first class, ninety-six thousand two hundred pesos: Provided, That the pay of firemen, first class, shall be at the rate of one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, and may be at the rate of two thousand pesos per annum each lor the second year, two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and two thousand two hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years: fifty firemen, second class, thirty-five thousand pesos: Provided, That the pay of firemen, second class, shall be at the rate of four hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for . the first year of service, and may be at the rate of six hundred pesos per annum each for the second year, six hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years: And provided further, That in computing the service of firemen, credit for previous service in the police department, city of Manila, may be allowed to employees transferred to the fire department;' clerk, at three thousand pesos per annum: one clerk, class eight; and for hire of temporary employees; for contingent expenses, including repair of office furniture and purchase and repair of station apparatus, furniture, and supplies; advertising; cablegrams;, postage and telegrams ; printing and binding ; official transportation; purchase of horses, harness, hose, parts for apparatus and small; equipment; electrical apparatus, supplies and tools, including those; necessary for maintenance of alarm system; forage; horseshoeing fuel; and other incidental expenses; two hundred and ninety-nine, thousand two hundred and fifty pesos.
Department of engineering and public works:
General office:
City engineer, at nine thousand pesos per annum; first assistant city engineer, at five thousand pesos per annum; two second assistant city engineers, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum each: chief clerk, at four thousand four hundred pesos per annum; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class ten; three clerks, Class C: one clerk, Class D; one inspector of buildings, class six; one inspector of plumbing, class six; one mechanic, class nine; one building inspector, class nine; one building inspector, class ten; one building inspector, Class C; one building inspector, Class D; one clerk, Class G: two clerks, Class I ; and for hire of mechanics and other labor as may lie necessary for the maintenance and repair of public buildings.
Sanitary inspection :
One inspector, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum; one messenger, at three hundred and sixty pesos per annum.
Water supply and sewers:
Superintendent, at five thousand pesos per annum; inspector of boilers and machinery and chief engineer at pumping station, at four thousand pesos per annum; chief inspector, class eight; one assistant engineer at pumping station, Class B; one assistant engineer at pumping station, at one thousand five hundred and sixty pesos per annum: two foremen, class nine; one foreman, class ten; one foreman, water supply shops, Class C; six meter inspectors, Class D; one junior draftsman, Class H; one clerk, Class I; one clerk, at live hundred and forty pesos per annum; and for hire of assistant engineers at pumping station, foremen, mechanics, and other labor as may be necessary.
Drafting and surveys:
Assistant engineer, class eight; surveyor, at three thousand pesos per annum: transitman, class nine, two junior draftsmen, Class G: one junior draftsman, Class H; one junior draftsman, Class I : and for biro of axmen, chainmen, rodmen, and other labor as may be necessary.
Street construction and bridges:
Superintendent, at five thousand pesos per annum; one inspector, class seven: one inspector, class eight; one inspector, class nine: one foreman, class nine: one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class I; for hire of foremen, launch officers and crews, mechanics, divers, and other labor as may be necessary; and for subsistence allowance of launch crews, at twenty centavos per diem each employee when necessary.
For hire of temporary employees.
Contingent expenses:
For contingent expenses, including purchase of office supplies and repair of office furniture; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; purchase of tools and miscellaneous supplies; repairs to bridges and operation of Binondo lift bridge; purchase and supply of materials for the maintenance of streets and roads; purchase of coal, oil, and waste: repairs to pumping machinery and boilers; repair of Santolan road and transportation of supplies to pumping station; cleaning and repair of drains and sewers: repairs to launches and i equipment; repair and maintenance of public buildings; electrical service for parks, public buildings, and streets, including telephone service and purchase of minor electrical supplies; rents; janitors' supplies: Provided, That the cost of janitors' services and supplies, telephone service, electric current, ice, water, laundry, rents, shall be prorated, or otherwise charged, as the Municipal Board shall direct, and collected by the department of engineering and public works from the departments and offices served; four hundred and twenty-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-eight pesos.
Department of assessments and collections: For reimbursement to the Insular Government on account of expenses incident to property assessment, collection of city taxes, and other work of the city assessor and collector by the Bureau of Internal Revenue during the fiscal year, in addition to interdepartmental charges and other economic receipts, thirty-nine thousand two hundred and forty pesos.
Department of sanitation and transportation: There is hereby created as of date July first, nineteen hundred and seven, under the above designation, a permanent reimbursable appropriation to the credit of which shall be deposited all receipts of the government of the city of Manila from and after the above date on account of services rendered or supplies furnished by the department of sanitation and transportation to other branches of the Government, or to other persons, under the provisions of existing law: Provided, That receipts on account of markets, mataderos, pail system, vault cleaning, sale of niches and other cemetery charges, pound receipts, transportation of meat, and other sources of revenue within the jurisdiction of the department, together with any others which may be assigned thereto by the Municipal Board, shall be construed as pertaining to this appropriation: And provided further, That as frequently as the Municipal Board shall direct, and at least once annually, there shall lie transferred to the credit of "Miscellaneous receipts" of the government of the city of Manila the net earnings of the department which shall have accrued prior to the date as of which transfer shall be made.
There shall be paid from this appropriation the salaries and wages of: Chief of department, at five thousand five hundred pesos per annum, with quarters in kind in Botanical Gardens; assistant chief, at four thousand pesos per annum : superintendent of sanitation, class seven, with quarters at dock: veterinary surgeon, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum, with quarters at city stables; superintendent of transportation, class eight, with quarters at city stables; superintendent of parks and cemeteries, class eight, with quarters at the Cementerio del Norte; one clerk, class eight; two stable foremen, class nine: one clerk. Class A; one clerk, Class C; two clerks, Class 13; three clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class G; for temporary employees; for hire, of foremen, not to exceed seven pesos per diem; additional foremen, watchmen, skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled laborers as may be necessary; for master of steam barge Pluto, not to exceed seven pesos per diem, with allowance of one peso per diem for subsistence; one chief engineer of steam barge Pluto, at not to exceed seven pesos per diem, with allowance of one peso per diem for subsistence; one assistant engineer 01 steam barge Pluto, at not to exceed three pesos and twenty-five centavos per diem, with allowance of thirty centavos per diem for subsistence; the necessary petty officers and crew, including allowance of thirty centavos per diem each for subsistence; for the reimbursement of other branches of the government for services rendered and supplies furnished, at rates to be determined by the Municipal Board; service allowances authorized by law for officers and employees upon appointment, resignation, or death; and other expenses, including the purchase and repair of office furniture and supplies: advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; purchase of means of transportation and other necessary apparatus and equipment; purchase of gravel, sand, stone, and other necessary materials; purchase of brooms, disinfectants, paint, and miscellaneous supplies; forage; fuel; maintenance of and repairs to plant, including buildings and equipment of all classes; rents: for subsistence of animals in public pound and Botanical Gardens; and for all other purposes necessarily incident to the improvement, maintenance, and operation of the services assigned, or which may hereafter be assigned, to the department. The equipment, material, and supplies of the department of sanitation and transportation now on hand, or which have been requisitioned for prior in the passage of this Act, are hereby transferred to the account of this appropriation.
To furnish the necessary funds for the prompt settlement of obligations, notwithstanding delays necessarily incident to the collections due and accruing this appropriation, and to cover such deficit as may occur by reason of the expense incident to the street cleaning and other duties on account of which no receipts accrue, there is hereby appropriated the sum of sixty-one thousand five hundred and ninety-five pesos.
Department of police: Chief of police, at seven thousand pesos per annum; assistant chief of police, at five thousand pesos per annum; six captains, at four thousand pesos per annum each.
Office force:
One clerk, class six: one clerk, class seven; one clerk, at three and pesos per annum; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, nine; three clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class E; one clerk, Class F ; two messengers, at two hundred and forty pesos per annum each.
Secret-service force:
One chief of secret service, at six thousand pesos per annum; two s, at four thousand pesos per annum each; one detective, thousand two hundred pesos per annum; one detective, at three thousand pesos per annum; one detective, at two thousand eight hundred pesos per annum; five detectives, at two thousand lour hundred pesos per annum each; two detectives, at two thousand pesos per annum each ; one detective, at one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum: three detectives, at one thousand two hundred pesos per annum each; three detectives, at nine hundred and sixty pesos per annum each; six detectives, at four hundred and eighty per annum each.
First-class police:
Thirty-two sergeants, at two thousand six hundred pesos per annum each; one hundred and sixty-eight patrolmen, not to exceed three hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and twenty pesos: Provided, That the pay of patrolmen, first class, shall be at the rate of one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, two thousand pesos per annum each for the second year, two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and two thousand two hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years.
Second and third class police:
Sixteen sergeants, at one thousand tun hundred pesos per annum each; two hundred and eighty-four patrolmen, not to exceed two hundred and five thousand eight hundred and forty pesos: Provided, That the pay of patrolmen, second class, shall be at the rate of six hundred pesos per annum each for the first year of service, seven hundred and fifty pesos per annum each for the second year, eight hundred and twenty-four pesos per annum each for the third year, and nine hundred pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years: And provided further, That the pay of patrolmen, third class, shall be at the rate of four hundred and eighty pesos per annum each for the first year of service, six hundred pesos per annum each for the second year, six hundred and sixty pesos per annum each for the third year, and seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum each for the fourth and succeeding years.
For hire of labor: for maintenance of alarm system; and for hire of temporary employees.
Contingent expenses :
For contingent expenses, including repair of office and station furniture and purchase of supplies; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding; official transportation; alarm system apparatus and supplies, care and subsistence of prisoners confined in police stations: rents of buildings; fund to he used, subject to the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, in securing information, photographs of criminals, subsistence, vehicle hire and traveling expenses of detectives, decoys, and prisoners working outside the limits of the city of Manila; for the purchase of materials for uniforms; and other incidental expenses: Provided, That materials for uniforms may be sold at cost price to members of the uniformed force for their personal use, receipts from such sales to be deposited to the credit of this appropriation and to be available for expenditure in accordance with its provisions, and in addition thereto; five hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred pesos.
Department of city schools:
Office force:
One clerk, class six ; one clerk. Class D.
Day-school teachers:
Four teachers, Class C; four teachers, at one thousand three hundred and twenty pesos per annum each; five teachers, Class D; nine teachers, Class E: twenty-four teachers, Class F; fifty-six teachers, Class G; fifty-three teachers, Class H; thirty teachers, Class I; fifty teachers, at four hundred and eighty pesos per annum each.
Night-school teachers:
Seven principals, at four pesos per night each; and forty-five teachers, at three pesos per night each, not to exceed an aggregate of twenty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight pesos.
Refund to Bureau of Education for half expense of medical examination of school children for the purpose of correcting errors in vision and other abnormal physical conditions which interfere with the education of the children; for hire of janitors, messengers, and other necessary laborers, not to exceed ten thousand two hundred and eighty pesos; and for hire of temporary employees.
Contingent expenses:
For contingent expenses, including purchase and repair of office and school furniture and supplies; expense of preparation of baseball Holds and purchase of out-of-door gymnasium equipment; advertising; cablegrams; postage and telegrams; printing and binding: official transportation; supplies and equipment for instruction modules science and manual trades; rents of buildings; janitors' supplies; paints; and other incidental expenses; two hundred and eighty-live thousand five hundred pesos.
For reimbursement to the Province of Rizal for expense of construction of bridges at Mariquina, as contemplated by a resolution of the Commission dated April twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and seven, one thousand five hundred pesos.
Insurance fund: There is hereby created under the foregoing designation a continuing annual appropriation of ten thousand pesos, or so much as may be necessary, to constitute, not later than July first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, an insurance fund of one hundred thousand pesos which shall be available as may be required to repair, reconstruct, or replace buildings and other property of the government of the city of Manila which shall be damaged or destroyed by earthquake, fire, lightning, water, or wind. Payments from this appropriation shall be made upon the order of the Municipal Board in such sums as shall be determined by the Board with the concurrence of the Insular Auditor to be required to carry out the purposes of this Act, wholly or in part, as hereinbefore set forth, and expenses necessarily incident thereto: Provided, That no payment shall be made from these funds as additional compensation to any official or employee of the government: And provided further, That in the event that arrangement is entered into between the Insular Government and the government of the city of Manila by which the former undertakes to insure the property of the latter, this fund may be discontinued during the life of such arrangement, and payments be made from the moneys pertaining hereto as may be necessary to carry out the terms of said arrangement by the governments mentioned.
The moneys pertaining to the insurance fund shall be available for investment by the Insular Treasurer subject to approval by the Municipal board and Governor-General, and the earnings which shall accrue from such investments shall be deposited to the credit of the fund and be considered a part of the annual appropriation of ten thousand pesos hereinbefore made until the fund shall reach as maximum of one hundred thousand pesos, and thereafter shall deposited to the credit of the permanent appropriation for street improvement if such there be, otherwise to the credit of "Miscellaneous revenues" of the government of the city of Manila.
Total of appropriation for all purposes, one million nine hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirty-five pesos.
SEC. 3. In all cases in which provision for a position or employment heretofore provided by law is not made by this Act, such position or employment is hereby authorized from July first, nineteen hundred and seven, until not later than September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and any funds appropriated for salaries and wages for the department or office to which the position or employment pertains are hereby made available for payment of the services rendered.
SEC. 4. The appropriations herein made for each department or office shall be available for payment of authorized commutations of accrued leave of absence of the officers and employees thereof, and for payment of such expenses as may accrue to such departments or office by reason of the operations of Act Numbered Fifteen hundred and nine.
SEC. 5. Interdepartmental transfers of property not otherwise provided for may be made by purchase or otherwise with the approval of the Municipal Board.
SEC. 6. For services and supplies furnished to other branches of the government, or oilier persons, a chief of department or office may charge the cost or such other rate or rates as shall have been prescribed by law or approved by the Municipal Board: Provided, That in case of question arising between the Municipal Board and any Insular Bureau or Office, provincial or municipal government, as to the reasonableness of charges approved by the former, appeal may be had to the Governor-General whose decision in the matter shall be final; and may spend the proceeds of such charges for duly authorized purposes in the discretion of the of the Municipal Board: Provided, That the sums collected under this section shall be deposited in the Insular Treasury to the credit of the current account of the department or office concerned: And provided further, That municipal court fees and fines, justice of the peace fees, fees pertaining to the offices of city attorney, register of deeds, and sheriff, shall be considered receipts of the law department; electrician fee-, of the lire department: boiler inspector and building permit fees, and water rents, of the department of engineering and public works: live stock- registration fees, transfer fees, and weights and measures lees, of the department of assessments and collections; cemetery, market, pail system, public pound, slaughterhouse, transportation, and vault cleaning receipts, of the department of sanitation and transportation: municipal license fees, of of the police department : and the Municipal Board is hereby authorized to make such assignments of other receipts of the government of the city of Manila as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section which is to require the separation of revenue receipts which may properly be termed proceeds of taxation from those funds which accrue from inter-Bureau and departmental transactions and specific services to private persons; and to make from time to time such readjustment of the duties and receipts ot me several departments as the public interest may demand, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 7. Subject to approval by the Municipal Board, upon recommendation of the Insular Auditor, refunds may be made by chiefs of departments on account of receipts from sale of fabricated articles or supplies, or services rendered to other branches of the Government or private parties when such action shall be consistent with good business practice and equity; and also on account of taxes and licenses, or parts thereof, erroneously collected, the refunds of which have been or shall be duly authorized in accordance with law: Provided, That refunds made in pursuance of this appropriation shall lie charged in whole to the government of the city of Manila.
SEC. 8. Expenditures of funds appropriated by this Act shall be classified in accordance with such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Insular Auditor with the approval of the Governor-General.
SEC. 9. The city of Manila is hereby transferred from the Department of Finance and Justice to the executive control of the of Governor-General and sections twenty-eight and thirty-one of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and seven are hereby amended accordingly.
SEC. 10. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth. nineteen hundred.
SEC. 11. This Act shall take effect as of date July first, nineteen hundred and seven.
Enacted, August 31. 1907.