[ Act No. 1361, June 27, 1905 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums, in Philippine currency, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, unless otherwise stated :


Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, fifteen thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: Of the funds appropriated under this head there is made available for expenditure in the discretion of the Governor-General the sum of five thousand pesos in addition to that authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five.


Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and five: For payment of salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, eleven thousand eight hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and five: For hire of official transportation from April first, nineteen hundred and five, to May first, nineteen hundred and five, seventy-two pesos.

In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, eleven thousand eight hundred and seventy-two pesos.


There is hereby made available such portion of the amount hereto-fore returned to the general fund under resolution of the Commission of December twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, as may be necessary to reimburse the appropriation for "Purchase of supplies" for expenditures for the maintenance of that Office including additional hire of lorcha crews, assistant foremen, and emergency clerks not later than June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, the limits provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five to the contrary notwithstanding, and five stablemen,at one hundred and twenty pesos, Philippine currency, each per month, hereby authorized, for services rendered from September first, nineteen hundred and four, until not later than March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five: Provided, Thai excepting the expenditures authorized by this paragraph, all expenses of the Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent from April first, nineteen hundred and five, of whatever character, shall be paid from its appropriation for "Purchase of supplies:" And provided, That the expenses so authorized shall conform to and not exceed the limits fixed by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five and succeeding appropriation Acts so far as expenditures under the subheads "Salaries and wages" and "Contingent expenses" are concerned: Provided, That the Governor-General is hereby authorized and directed to fix the rate of surcharge beginning July first, nineteen hundred and five, at such other percentage of the cost of the supplies laid down in the warehouses of the Insular Purchasing Agent as experience may show to be necessary and adequate to cover all the operating expenses of said Office, including the expenses of. delivery within the city of Manila at the premises of the Department. Bureau, or Office, or on board ship for forwarding to points in the provinces: And Provided further, That the Insular Purchasing Agent shall settle the accounts for land or water transportation for supplies forwarded by him to points outside the city of Manila and include the amounts thereof in his bill for the supplies, the provisions of Act Numbered Nine hundred and nine to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further, That' in his bills for supplies furnished to any Department, Bureau, or Office, Insular, provincial, or municipal, the Insular Purchasing Agent shall charge separately the cost of the supplies laid down in bis warehouses, and that of delivery, if beyond the limits of the city of Manila, upon the total amount of which he shall calculate and show as a separate item the amount of the surcharge now authorized by law or which may hereafter be fixed by the Governor-General as herein provided.

On and after April first, nineteen hundred and five, all land transportation theretofore supplied by the Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent to other Insular Departments, Bureaus, and Offices shall be supplied by hire from the city of Manila, or from private contractors, or otherwise, as may be most economical, in the discretion of the Governor-General. All existing provisions of law imposing upon the Insular .Purchasing Agent the duty of supplying land transportation to Insular Departments, Bureaus, and Offices, and to the city of Manila, and hereby repealed, and this repeal shall be effective as of March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five. The transfer of transportation supplies, material, and plant from various Bureaus of the Insular Government to the city of Manila, ordered by the Governor-General and effective April first, nineteen hundred and five, is hereby authorized and confirmed, and eighty-five per centum of the original cost thereof as certified by the Insular Auditor is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Treasury of: the Philippine Islands not otherwise appropriated, and shall be returned to the general fund for account of the Bureaus from which transferred: Provided, That such returned funds shall not be available for expenditure: And provided,  That all revenues derived from such transportation shall be deposited with the Insular Treasurer as a refund to the appropriation hereby created, until the original amount thereof shall have been deposited, returned to the general fund of the Treasury, and so credited by the Auditor. Thereafter such revenues shall be deposited as a refund as may be provided by law.



Salaries and wage, Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and five: Commissioner of Public Health, at; six thousand dollars per annum, from April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and five: Provided, That if the Commissioner of "Public Health be also the Chief Quarantine Officer of the Islands he shall receive' no additional compensation or allowance on that account.

San Lazaro Hospitals, Manila: Two attendants, Class A, from November tenth, nineteen hundred and four: one attendant. Class C, from February thirteenth, nineteen hundred and live: one nurse, Class D; one cook and steward. Class A: one matron. Class ,T; one nurse, Class J; two nurses, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each: one assistant cook, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each five employees. at ninety dollars per annum each, from November tenth, nineteen hundred and four; with quarters and subsistence under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and ten ; four thousand five hundred pesos: Provided, That funds heretofore appropriated under this head shall be available for salaries and wages hereby authorized.

Support of hospitals, plants, and stations. Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and five: Funds heretofore appropriated under this head are hereby made available for the support and maintenance of an insane department, San Lazaro Hospitals, from November tenth, nineteen hundred and four, including the purchase of clothing, subsistence, tobacco, and other necessary supplies for the inmates thereof; for the removal and maintenance from November tenth, nineteen hundred and four, of the women's department, San Lazaro Hospitals, at such location  as the Secretary of the Interior shall approve, including rental of building and the cost of necessary additions and alterations thereto, and the purchase of equipment, medical supplies, and subsistence of patients and employees; for the payment, subject to approval by the. Secretary of the. Interior, of royalties upon patented articles manufactured. by the Government for its use: Provided, That there shall be deducted from such claims amounts which may be due to Government officials or employees who, as patentees or otherwise, would receive a share in such royalties: for continuing the construction of  the proposed leper colony on the Island of Culion, including the purchase and installation of sewer and water systems, construction and repair of buildings and wharves, and incidental expenses: Provided, That the unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under the head "Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and five," shall he available, so far as may be necessary, for continuing the construction and equipment of the Culion leper colony, and shall be available therefor until expended: And provided further. That such funds shall he available for the hire of necessary employees, including laborers, the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five to the contrary notwithstanding; for the purchase of cattle for the Culion leper colony; and for the support and maintenance of lepers in the Province of Occidental Negros: Provided, That the funds appropriated by Act Numbered Nine hundred and forty-nine for the care and support of lepers in the Province of Occidental Negros, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, shall lie available for expenditure for that purpose until exhausted; twenty-three thousand six hundred and sixty-four pesos and seventy-four centavos.

Suppression and extermination  of epidemic diseases and pests, Bureau of Health, nineteen, hundred and one: For the payment to , the Justinian  Cairo Company, of San  Francisco, California, for supplies furnished the "Board of Health: four hundred and ninety-three pesos and sixty-eight centavos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Health, nineteen hundred and five: For transportation in Manila on official business in addition to the amount authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five; for repairs to ambulances: for the maintenance of transportation at San Lazaro Hospitals; and for incidental expenses; six thousand four hundred and seventy-one pesos and sixty centavos.

In all, for the Bureau of Health, thirty-five thousand one hundred and thirty pesos and two centavos.


Support of Mariveles Quarantine Station, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and five: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the purchase of cement, pipe, and other materials, and the hire of labor, for the purpose of extending the water system: Provided, That not to exceed twelve thousand pesos of said unexpended balance shall be available until exhausted for repairs to buildings and wharves.


Contingent expenses, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and five: There is hereby transferred from funds heretofore appropriated under the head "Salaries and wages, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and five," the sum of ten thousand pesos, and the same is made available for expenditure for contingent expenses under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five.


Contingent expenses, Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, three thousand three hundred and seventy pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, and for additional hire of laborers as may be necessary at stations and farms, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five; four thousand two hundred and fifty pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, eighteen thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and five: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the employment of one pathologist, at two thousand seven hundred dollars per annum, from July first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of one employee, class four, authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five; and for one collector of natural-history specimens, class eight: one assistant collector of natural-history specimens, Class D, and one assistant collector of natural-history specimens, Class J, transferred from the Ethnological .Survey for the Philippine Islands as of dale November sixteenth, nineteen hundred and four; and four cocheros, at eighty centavos per diem each, from April first, nineteen hundred and five.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses, including payment for apparatus and books the purchase of which was authorized by resolution of the Philippine Commission of February twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, and for transportation of two pathologists employed without salary, from Boston to Manila, and as may be authorized by the Secretary of tin; Inferior; twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty pesos.

Salaries and Wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and five: Funds appropriated under this bead are made available for the payment of one employee, at one hundred and eight dollars per annum, with subsistence, from March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five.

Contingent expenses. Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and five: There is hereby transferred from funds heretofore appropriated under the head of  Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and five," the sum of one thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same is made available for expenditure for contingent expenses under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five.


Salaries and wages. Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and five: One clerk. Class D, one employee, Class I, four employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, three employees, at ninety dollars per annum each, three employees, at eighty-four dollars per annum each, two employees, at seventy-two dollars per annum each, three employees, at sixty dollars per annum each, three employees, at forty-eight dollars per annum each, and five employees, at thirty-six dollars per annum each, from February first, nineteen hundred and five; one employee, at six hundred dollars per annum, one employee, at two hundred ami forty dollars per annum, five employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, and two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, from March fourth, nineteen hundred and five; two employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each from May first, nineteen hundred and five; two employees, at sixty dollars per annum each, and one employee, at forty-eight dollars per annum, from February first, nineteen hundred and live, to March fourth, nineteen hundred and five; one employee, at seventy-two dollars per annum, and one employee, at thirty-six dollars per annum, from February first, nineteen hundred and five, to April first, nineteen hundred and five; together with subsistence and quarters in kind; one thousand seven hundred and five pesos and forty-four centavos: Provided, That the unexpended balance of funds appropriated under this head by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-live is hereby made available for the payment of the employees above specified.

Salaries and wages, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and five: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of one forwarding agent at San Fernando, Union, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum for the period March sixteenth to June tenth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive.

Contingent expenses. Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, twenty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-three pesos.

In all, for the Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, twenty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight pesos and forty-four centavos.



Salaries and wages. Bureau- of Posts, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, nine thousand one hundred and twenty pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, seven thousand five hundred pesos.
Post-office service:

Salaries and wages, post-office service, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, and for one additional employee at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, from April first, nineteen hundred and five, at the Manila post-office, forty-five thousand one hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Posts, sixty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty pesos.


Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five: Provided. That the unlisted strength authorized for the first six months of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five may be continued if necessary during the entire fiscal year, the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five to the contrary notwithstanding.

Quartermaster division:

One veterinarian, at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month, from April first, nineteen hundred and five; one blacksmith, at seventy-five dollars per month from January first, nineteen hundred and five; two teamsters, at seventy-five dollars per month each from December first, nineteen hundred and four; four teamsters, at sixty-five dollars per month each from March first, nineteen hundred and five: eleven drivers, at twenty dollars per month each, six being from January first nineteen hundred and five, and five from March first, nineteen hundred and live; four laborers, at ten dollars per month each from March first, nineteen hundred and five; crew of launch Malecon: One patron, at fifty dollars per month, one engineer, at forty dollars per month, one quartermaster, at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month, and four sailors, at ten dollars per month each, all from January first, nineteen hundred and five: and two firemen, at twenty dollars per month each from April first, nineteen hundred and five; crew of launch Kiely: One patron and one engineer at thirty dollars per month each from April first, nineteen hundred and five.

Telegraph division:

Four telephone operators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each from February twenty-third, nineteen hundred and five; four telegraph operators, at one thousand dollars per annum each, four telegraph operators, at nine1 hundred dollars per annum each, four linemen, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, and six linemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, all from May first, nineteen, hundred and. Five.

Total for pay, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five, three hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-five pesos.

Clothing, camp and garrison equipage. Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, seventy-six thousand pesos.

Barracks and quarters, Philippines Constabulary. nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, forty thousand pesos: Provided, however, That the transfer of not to exceed five thousand pesos to this subhead from the funds appropriated for the Constabulary under any other subhead, is hereby authorized.

Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen Inmdred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, one hundred thousand two hundred pesos: Provided, however, That the transfer of not to exceed twenty thousand pesos to this subhead from the funds appropriated for the Constabulary under any other subhead is hereby authorized.

Secret-service fund. Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred  and twenty-five thousand pesos.

Telegraph and telephone service, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, twenty thousand pesos.

Subsistence, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as .provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, eighty-seven thousand four hundred and thirteen pesos.

Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and five: For disbursement as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, thirty-one thousand pesos: Provided, however. That the transfer of not to exceed five thousand pesos to this subhead from the funds appropriated for the Constabulary under any other subhead, is hereby authorized.

In all. for the Philippines Constabulary, seven hundred and three thousand eight hundred and eight pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and five: For payment of salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five; one mechanic, Class A, in lieu of one assistant laundry foreman. Class A. from September first, nineteen hundred and four; one superintendent of settlement at Inhuit. Paragua, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, one foreman. Class C, and one practicality, Class I, from November fourteenth, nineteen hundred and four; one mechanic, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, in lieu of one foreman of shops, class nine, from January first, nineteen hundred and five: one mechanic, class nine, in lieu of one skilled workman. Class A, from January sixteenth, nineteen hundred and five; one clerk, class eight, one clerk, class nine, two clerks. Class D, one hospital attendant. Class A, two mechanics, Class C, one foreman, at seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum, one foreman, class nine, and one foreman, Class D, from February fifteenth, nineteen hundred and five: one physician, at two thousand dollars per annum for Inhuit settlement, from March sixth, nineteen hundred and five; two cocheros, at eighty centavos per diem each; and for temporary employment of mechanics in woodworking shops, from October first, nineteen hundred and four; twenty-nine thousand seven hundred pesos.

Manufacturing department, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, two thousand five hundred pesos; and for the purchase of materials to be used in the manufacture of carts, cart axles, and broad-tired cart wheels for sale throughout the Islands and for other expenses connected with the manufacture, distribution, and sale thereof, twenty thousand pesos: Provided. That all revenues derived from the sale of such carts, axles, and wheels shall revert to the appropriation made for such purpose and shall be available for withdrawal without regard to fiscal years: And provided further, That the appointment of agents for the sale of such carts, axles, and broad-tired cart wheels manufactured at Bilibid Prison is hereby authorized, such agents to receive such commission upon sales made, to be payable from this appropriation, as shall be approved by the Secretary of Commerce and Police; total for the manufacturing department, twenty-two thousand five hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred mid five: For expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five in the maintenance of Bilibid Prison proper, a tuberculosis hospital for convicts, industrial settlements for convicts at Inhuit. Paragua, and such other points as may be determined by the Secretary of Commerce and Police with the approval of the Governor-General; for increased cost of maintenance of convicts at Malahi Island prison; for electricity for light and power; and for other incidental expenses; fifteen thousand and sixty pesos.

In .all, for the Bureau of Prisons, sixty-seven thousand two hundred and sixty pesos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, five thousand three hundred and three pesos and thirty-four centavos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and five: The funds appropriated under this head are made available for the purchase of suitable medals and other rewards when authorized by resolution of the Philippine Commission for officers and employees of the Coast Guard service who display especial bravery or render distinguished service in saving life or property. So much of Act Numbered Five hundred and eleven, entitled "An Act fixing the salaries and wages of the officers and crews of the Coast Guard fleet." as prescribes and regulates the salaries and wages to be paid to officers and crews is hereby repealed, to take effect as of date July first, nineteen hundred and four, and such salaries and wages shall thereafter be paid as may he provided by the Insular appropriation Acts.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred, and five: The sum of two hundred pesos is hereby transferred from the appropriation "Field and steamer expenses, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and five," and made available for expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and five: The sum of two hundred pesos is hereby transferred from the appropriation "Field and steamer expenses, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and five," and made available for expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five.


Public and wages, Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and five: For expenses in connection with public works, as provided by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, including the purchase and operation of artesian well-boring machinery, and for the purchase of road machinery and tools, eleven thousand pesos: Provided, That the sum of nineteen thousand pesos shall be made available for expenditure under this head from funds appropriated for salaries and wages, Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and five.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-live, one thousand five hundred pesos. In all, for the Bureau of Engineering, twelve thousand five hundred pesos.



Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five: For the payment of salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-live; for compensation for temporary services of expert translators when required, not exceeding two hundred pesos; for additional compensation to a second-class weather observer or telegraph operator at Surigao for services as inspector of customs at that port from January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; and for two drivers at eighty centavos per diem each from April first, nineteen hundred and live; thirty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-five pesos.

Revenue cullers and launches, Bureau, of Customs and Immigration, nineteen-hundred and fire: From the unexpended balance of  funds appropriated under the heads of "Special contingent fund, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five," and "Contingent expenses, .Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five," there is hereby transferred the sum of nine thousand pesos for expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five for the maintenance and expenses of revenue! cutters and launches.

Chinese registration. Bureau of Customs and Immigration: For payment to John B. Amazeen of additional compensation for service rendered in connection with the registration of Chinese for the period from May seventh, nineteen hundred and three, to April twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and four, at seventy-five dollars per month, and to Cliff C. Barton for similar services for one hundred and ninety-five hours overtime work at two pesos per hour,  the provisions of existing any to the contrary notwithstanding, two thousand one hundred and fifty-five pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and five: The unexpended balance of funds appropriated   under this head  by  Act Numbered  Twelve hundred  and twenty-five  is hereby  made available  for the removal  of wrecks which  obstruct the navigable waters of the Archipelago and for the maintenance of land   transportation, when authorized  by the Secretary of Finance and .Justice.

The  Governor-General   is  hereby authorized,  in his  discretion,; to direct the transfer to the Bureau of Customs and  Immigration! by the Insular Purchasing Agent  of  the equipment,  funds,  and stock pertaining to part or all of the service of coal supply of the Government, whereupon it shall become the duty of the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands to maintain and operate a sufficient number of stations properly located to meet the requirements of such service. To provide for the expenses incident to the establishment and maintenance of this service, including the purchase, shipment, storage, and delivery of coal and incidental charges, there is hereby established a permanent reimbursable appropriation which shall be designated "Coal supply, to the credit of which shall be  placed   the  unexpended  balances  of  appropriations  heretofore made for the construction of lighters and lorchas for the Insular Purchasing   Agent   and   all   moneys  received   by  the  Bureau   of Customs and Immigration on account of the service.    The charge for coal shall be uniform under like conditions to all brandies of the Government and shall consist of the cost of the coal piled at the station plus such surcharge as the Governor-General may deem proper to cover unavoidable waste and the necessary expenses incident to the maintenance and operation of the service, including delivery of the coal on deck of vessels or on wagons at the stations and such additional charges as may be necessary to meet the expense of special deliveries at points more distant than the usual anchorage or mooring of Coast Guard cutters at the station: Provided, That such special deliveries shall not be required except in cases of serious emergency or when warranted from the standpoint of economy in the opinion of the requisitioning officer, who will be held responsible therefor. Additional compensation of not to exceed four hundred and eighty pesos per annum, subject to approval by the Secretary of Finance and Justice, may be paid from this appropriation to any customs official or employee specifically designated by the Insular Collector with the approval of the Secretary of Finance and Justice and placed in charge of a coaling station, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. The construction, maintenance, and repair of the necessary lighters, sheds, wharves, and other means of transportation connected therewith shall be a proper charge against the fund hereby created and shall be payable out of the said reimbursable appropriation for "Coal supply:" Provided, however. That each proposed expenditure in excess of two thousand pesos shall be first approved by the Secretary of Finance and Justice. All existing provisions of law in conflict herewith are lo that extent amended accordingly.

In all, for the Bureau of Customs and  Immigration, thirty-three thousand nine hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under Hie provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five; and for one law clerk, at two thousand dollars per annum, in lieu of one clerk, class five, from August first, nineteen hundred and four: one clerk, class eight, two clerks, class nine, one clerk, class ten. one clerk. Class D, one clerk, Class E, one clerk, Class F, one cleric. Class G, one clerk, Class H, one clerk, Class I. and two clerks. Class J, from April first, nineteen hundred and five; three agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each, three agents, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each, three agents, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum each, and one agent. at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum, from August first. nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of ten storekeepers and gangers at not to exceed ten pesos per diem each : Provided, That the salaries allowed storekeepers from August first, nineteen hundred and four, shall not have been increased during the period from that date to April eleventh, nineteen hundred and five, and that these changes in designations and classifications shall have no effect as regards the rate of compensation allowed such employees prior to April eleventh, nineteen hundred and five; one agent, at two thousand dollars per annum, three agents, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each, three agents, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each, two agents, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum each, and one agent, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, from April eleventh, nineteen hundred and five; for temporary office employees; for temporary gaugers, at not more than fifty dollars per month each; and for reimbursement of the appropriation "Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and five,"' in the sum of thirty thousand two hundred and sixty-three pesos and six centavos on account of expenditures incident and necessary to the collection of internal revenue during the eleven months ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five; sixty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-three pesos and ninety-two centavos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, and for reimbursement of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and five," in the sum of one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine pesos and eighteen centavos on account of expenditure in payment of increased bond premiums of employees and other expenses incident and necessary to the collection of internal revenue during the eleven months ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five; thirteen thousand two hundred and forty-four pesos and fifty-nine centavos.

In all, for the Bureau of internal Revenue, eighty thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight pesos and fifty-one centavos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and five: Any unexpended funds appropriated under this head are hereby made available for the hire of additional clerical, interpreting, and translating assistants to the fiscal of the Mountain District, at an expense of not to exceed eight hundred pesos, and for the payment to Charles A. Willard, associate justice of the Supreme Court, of half salary at the rate of ten thousand dollars, United States currency, per annum, from the date of his departure from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to the date of his arrival in Manila for duty, and for full salary from the latter date at the same rate of compensation, which payments are hereby authorized.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and five: For contingent expenses as provided in Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, and for the payment of a fee of one hundred pesos to Edwin P. Wolfe, captain and assistant surgeon, United States Army, for the performance of an autopsy and chemical analysis by direction of the Court of First Instance of the Thirteenth Judicial District, in the case of Claro Dabuto, and other incidental expenses, nine thousand one hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and five: The funds appropriated under this head by Act Numbered One thousand and ten for the purchase of books for the library of the Supreme Court are hereby made available for expenditure until exhausted.



Salaries and wages, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and five: The funds appropriated under this head are made available for the payment of salary of one clerk, class eight, in lieu of one clerk, class nine, from January fourth, nineteen hundred and five.


Salaries and wages, Bureau  of Architecture and  Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: Funds appropriated under this head are hereby made available for the payment of three cocheros, at eighty centavos per diem each, from April first, nineteen hundred and five.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Constitution of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, and for maintenance and hire of official transportation, one thousand six hundred and thirty-eight pesos. Public works, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and five: For alterations, maintenance, and repair of the following-named public buildings, not to exceed in cost the amount set opposite the names of the respective buildings and Bureaus:

Ayuntamiento building: Painting. reinforcement of structure and general repairs, nine thousand eight hundred and forty pesos.

Civil Sanitarium and other Government buildings, Baguio, Benguet: Miscellaneous alterations and repairs, nine hundred pesos.

Bureau of Education: Installation of stationary equipment and other alterations and repairs in Normal School, and for painting of Normal School buildings, five thousand live hundred pesos. Insular Cold Storage and lee Plant: Painting root of lee Plant and repairing roof on cottage of chief engineer, two thousand seven hundred pesos.

Bureau of Government Laboratories, Serum Institute: Repairs and improvements to quarantine stable, operating room, and stable and cattle shed, one thousand six hundred pesos.

Bureau of Prisons: Tar and gravel roof over new workshops, one thousand six hundred and twenty-live pesos.

Postigo building: Alterations and repairs, three thousand four hundred pesos.

Bureau of Philippines Constabulary: Construction of sheds and stables for land transportation between Dagupan and Baguio, four thousand pesos.

Mint building: Repairs and alterations to room assigned to Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, including repairs to roof over same, seven hundred and twenty-five pesos.

Malacañan Palace: New roof and general repairs, painting, and alterations, including alterations in electric wiring, thirteen thousand six hundred and forty-two pesos.

General alterations, repairs, and emergency work, six thousand pesos.

Total for public works, forty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-two pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, fifty-one thousand five hundred and seventy pesos.


Salaries and wages. American Circulating Library of Manila, nineteen hundred and five: For one acting librarian, at seventy-five dollars per month, from March fourteenth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, five hundred and thirty pesos.


Salaries and wages, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and five: For expenditure under the. provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, one hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and five: For payment of cost of fire insurance

and incidental expenses, two thousand two hundred and seventy-live pesos and forty-nine centavos.
In all, for the superintendent of the Oriente Building, two thousand three hundred and seventy-five pesos and forty-nine centavos.


For continuing the work of dredging the Santa Cruz Estero in the city of Manila, ten thousand pesos: Provided, That the work shall be under the direction of the engineer in charge of the Office of Fort Works.


For continuing construction of irrigation ditches for the Trinidad farm, not to exceed one thousand pesos; for the payment of per diems of five dollars, from March eleventh to May eleventh, nineteen hundred and five, to Captain M. W. Rowell, Eleventh United States Cavalry, as disbursing officer and as assistant to the officer in charge of Benguet improvements; and for additional compensation to Thomas McLain, blacksmith, Philippines Constabulary, for services as horseshoer, at thirty pesos per month, from April third to twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and five, both inclusive; one thousand pesos.


For salaries and wages and general provincial expenses, as may be required, live thousand eight hundred and forty-one pesos and live centavos.


For salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, including the wages, from June first, nineteen hundred and five, of a road foreman, at six pesos per day, and of a caretaker for animals loaned to the province by the Bureau of Agriculture, at four pesos per day, for not to exceed twenty days in each month, seven hundred and seventy pesos; and for general provincial expenses as authorized by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, including the payment of court costs in criminal cases and court expenses during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and live, two thousand six hundred and nine pesos: total, three thousand three hundred and seventy-nine pesos.

For payment of court costs in criminal cases and court expenses during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, four hundred and  forty-eight pesos.

In all. for the provincial government of Lepanto-Kontoc, three thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven pesos.


For salaries and wages and general provincial expenses, under the provisions of Act Numbered Twelve hundred and twenty-five, ten thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine pesos and five centavos.


Funds heretofore appropriated for the provincial government of Nueva Vizcaya arc hereby made available for the payment of salary of the president of the provincial board of health until not later than September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four.


For expenses in establishing and equipping schools for instruction in agricultural and industrial work, one thousand six hundred and sixty pesos: Provided, That loans heretofore made by the Insular Government to the Province of Paragua are hereby canceled and shall be considered as appropriations for the maintenance of that provincial government.


Salaries and wages, nineteen hundred and three: One hundred and eighty-five pesos and eighty-five centavos.

Contingent expenses, nineteen hundred and three: Seven pesos and sixty-seven centavos.

In all, for the district commander, Pollok, Mindanao, one hundred and ninety-three pesos and fifty-two centavos: Provided, That the amounts so appropriated shall be used solely in the adjustment of accounts by the Insular Auditor.


Funds heretofore appropriated under the above subhead are hereby made available for the following purposes: For reimbursement of Constabulary appropriations for pay of the Exposition Battalion and Band. Philippines Constabulary, for extra pay of line officers for the months of .November and December, nineteen hundred and four, under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and eighty-six, and for the payment of twenty per centum increase in the salary of the officer in charge of the Constabulary exhibit, from January first, nineteen hundred and five, to March second, nineteen hundred and five: for extra pay of enlisted men of the Constabulary Band of a sum equal to their regular pay, from the date of their departure from Manila to the date of departure from Saint Louis returning to Manila, less the sum of thirty pesos per month each heretofore paid, for gratuitous issue of clothing to Exposition Battalion and Hand at Saint Louis, six thousand pesos; for the subsistence of the Exposition Band and Battalion, Philippines Constabulary, under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and eighty-six, and for reimbursement on account of subsistence as authorized by resolution of the Philippine Commission, dated November twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and four; for per diems of six dollars to each member of the Board in lieu of his actual traveling expenses while absent from his usual place of residence on business of the Board, from January first, nineteen hundred and live, until such time as the business of the Philippine Exposition Board shall have been completed, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding; and for one disbursing officer of class four, from January first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of disbursing officer, class six, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum.


For payment of one-third of reimbursement to D. II. Burnham, landscape engineer, employed by the Secretary of War to report upon a general plan of architectural, park, and street development for the city of Manila and elsewhere as directed by the Governor-General, in lieu of expenses from the United States to Manila and return, six hundred and sixty-six pesos and sixty-seven centavos; and for payment of one-third of reimbursement to Pierce Anderson, assistant to said Burnham, in like manner employed, in lieu of salary and expenses from the United States to Manila and return, one thousand six hundred and eighty-two pesos and eleven centavos; total, two thousand three hundred and forty-eight pesos and seventy-eight centavos.

The payments directed to be made by Act Numbered Twelve hundred and fifty-nine to Hadji Taib, who was killed on September thirteenth, nineteen hundred and four, upon which date the payments would legally cease, shall continue to be made to the wife of the said Hadji Taib for the period of one year subsequent to the death of the latter, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

The provincial board of Cebu is hereby authorized to expend for provincial public works such part as it may deem proper of the loan   of   sixty   thousand   pesos   made   to   said   province   by   Act Numbered  Thirteen  hundred   and  forty-three,  the provisions  of said Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

The provincial board of Samar is hereby authorized to pay a sum not exceeding one hundred pesos to Tomas Gomez for services rendered in performing an autopsy upon the remains of a prisoner who died in the provincial jail in October, nineteen hundred and four, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

The provincial board of Romblon is hereby authorized to pay the sum of sixty-six pesos from provincial funds to G. G. Clancy, a teacher of the Bureau of Education, for services rendered in overseeing public works for the provincial government in June and  July nineteen hundred and four, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

The loan of one thousand dollars, United States currency, made by Act Numbered Seven hundred and ninety-three from the Congressional relief fund to the Province of Batangas is hereby canceled upon condition that the provincial board shall cancel its loan of like amount to the municipality of Batangas and shall require said municipality to transfer an equal amount from the general funds to the school fund of the municipality.

Total of appropriations for all purposes, one million two hundred and live thousand and sixty-five pesos and twenty centavos.

SEC. 2. Unclassified employees of the Insular Government, including laborers, who are injured in clear line of duty may, in the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau and with the approval of the head of the Department under which they are employed, continue to receive their regular compensation during the period of disability not exceeding ninety days.

SEC. 3. The provisions of the first paragraph of section three of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated in said Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.

SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, June 27, 1905.