[ LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 329, October 27, 1975 ]

The Secretary of Public
  The Secretary of Education
The Secretary of Local
  Governments & Community

In line with the government's desire to intensify the efficient utilization of power and energy in all sectors of the economy and the general public, it is necessary to institute a comprehensive nationwide information and education campaign on energy conservation.

The Department of Public Information is therefore directed, through Mass Media, to mount a sustained and intensified program of information and education on energy conservation measures.  The Department of Education shall collaborate in these efforts by requiring the holding of seminars on fuel conservation in all schools of all levels and the inclusion in existing curricula of vocational and technical schools subjects on the conservation and efficient utilization of fuels, electricity, power and other sources of energy.  Similarly the Department of Local Governments and Community Development, through the Barangays, shall assist in the implementation of these programs.

Done in the City of Manila this 27th day of October in the Year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Five.