[ LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 295, July 15, 1975 ]

The Secretary of Natural Resources
The Secretary of Public Highways

Henceforth, no holder of a timber license agreement; timber permit; mining concession, lease or permit; grazing permit or any other permit for occupancy, exploitation or development of any public land shall build any road within the area covered by his permit, lease or concession without first submitting the plans and specifications for such road to the Secretary of Public Highways, who shall approve the plan only if it is integrated with the system of barangay, municipal, provincial the community.

All roads now existing in said area immediately, be public highways and integrated with the local or national road systems in accordance with plans a of the Government.

The concessionaire, licensee or permit holder is, however, allowed to undertake measures, in consultation and coordination with the Philippine Constabulary and the local public officials, designed to prevent trespass into the area occupied by him by kaininores, peachers and other violators of law.

Republic of the Philippines