[ Act No. 1285, January 19, 1905 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. Anna L. Lie, Kate S. Wright. John L. Chamberlain, William F. Tucker, Mary S. Fergusson, Amasa S. Crosslield, Spencer Cosby, Stealy B. Rossiter, Richard L. Strong, Jose Robles Lahesa, Josefina R. de Luzuriaga, and such other persons as may be associated with them in conformity with this Act, and their successors, are hereby constituted and created a body politic and corporate at law, under the name and style of "The Philippines Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
As incorporated by this Act, said society shall have the power to add to its organization such and as many members as it desires, to provide for and choose such officers as it may deem advisable, and in such manner as it may wish, and to remove members as it shall provide.
It shall have the right to sue and he sued, to use a common seal, to receive legacies and donations, to conduct social enterprises for the purpose of obtaining funds, to levy dues upon its members and provide for their collection, to hold real and personal estate such as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of the society, and to adopt such by-laws for its government as may not he inconsistent with law or this charter.
SEC. 2. The objects of said society shall lie to enforce laws which may be in force in relation to cruelty to animals or the protection of animals in the Philippine Islands, and generally to do and perform all things which may tend in any way to alleviate the suffering of animals and promote their welfare.
SEC. 3. The said society shall be operated under the direction of its officers, in accordance with its by-laws, the laws in force, and this charter.
SEC. 4. The said society is authorized to appoint not to exceed five agents in the city of Manila, and not to exceed two in each of the provinces of the Philippine Islands, who shall have all the power and authority of a police officer to make arrests for violation of the laws enacted for the prevention of cruelty to animals and the protection of animals, and to serve any process in connection with the execution of such laws; and in addition thereto, all the police force of the Philippine Islands, wherever organized, shall, as occasion requires, assist said society, its members or agents, in the enforcement of all such laws.
SEC. 5. One-half of all the fines imposed and collected through the efforts of said society, its members or its agents, for violations of the laws enacted for the prevention of cruelly to animals and for their protection, shall belong to said society, and shall be used to promote its objects.
SEC. 6. The principal office of the society shall be kept in the city of Manila, and the society shall have full power to locate and establish branch offices of the society wherever it may deem advisable in the Philippine Islands, such branch offices to be under the supervision and control of the principal office.
SEC. 7. The said society shall make a report of all its transactions to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands, on or before the first day of July of each year, for the year preceding.
SEC. 8. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, January 19, 1905.
SECTION 1. Anna L. Lie, Kate S. Wright. John L. Chamberlain, William F. Tucker, Mary S. Fergusson, Amasa S. Crosslield, Spencer Cosby, Stealy B. Rossiter, Richard L. Strong, Jose Robles Lahesa, Josefina R. de Luzuriaga, and such other persons as may be associated with them in conformity with this Act, and their successors, are hereby constituted and created a body politic and corporate at law, under the name and style of "The Philippines Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
As incorporated by this Act, said society shall have the power to add to its organization such and as many members as it desires, to provide for and choose such officers as it may deem advisable, and in such manner as it may wish, and to remove members as it shall provide.
It shall have the right to sue and he sued, to use a common seal, to receive legacies and donations, to conduct social enterprises for the purpose of obtaining funds, to levy dues upon its members and provide for their collection, to hold real and personal estate such as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of the society, and to adopt such by-laws for its government as may not he inconsistent with law or this charter.
SEC. 2. The objects of said society shall lie to enforce laws which may be in force in relation to cruelty to animals or the protection of animals in the Philippine Islands, and generally to do and perform all things which may tend in any way to alleviate the suffering of animals and promote their welfare.
SEC. 3. The said society shall be operated under the direction of its officers, in accordance with its by-laws, the laws in force, and this charter.
SEC. 4. The said society is authorized to appoint not to exceed five agents in the city of Manila, and not to exceed two in each of the provinces of the Philippine Islands, who shall have all the power and authority of a police officer to make arrests for violation of the laws enacted for the prevention of cruelty to animals and the protection of animals, and to serve any process in connection with the execution of such laws; and in addition thereto, all the police force of the Philippine Islands, wherever organized, shall, as occasion requires, assist said society, its members or agents, in the enforcement of all such laws.
SEC. 5. One-half of all the fines imposed and collected through the efforts of said society, its members or its agents, for violations of the laws enacted for the prevention of cruelly to animals and for their protection, shall belong to said society, and shall be used to promote its objects.
SEC. 6. The principal office of the society shall be kept in the city of Manila, and the society shall have full power to locate and establish branch offices of the society wherever it may deem advisable in the Philippine Islands, such branch offices to be under the supervision and control of the principal office.
SEC. 7. The said society shall make a report of all its transactions to the Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands, on or before the first day of July of each year, for the year preceding.
SEC. 8. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, January 19, 1905.