[ Act No. 3294, December 02, 1926 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:

SECTION 1. Section one hundred thirty  of  the Administrative Code is  hereby amended  to read as  follows:

  "SEC.  130. Disposition of moneys paid  into court.—All moneys accruing to the Government in  the Courts of First Instance  or the Supreme Court, including fees, fines, forfeitures, costs,  or other miscellaneous receipts, and all trust or depositary funds paid into such courts  shall be  received by the clerk of the  court and in  the absence of special provision shall  be paid  by him into the Insular Treasury to the credit of the proper account or fund and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Bureau of Audits: Provided, That forty per cent of the fines collected under sections two thousand seven hundred and fifty-one and two thousand seven hundred and fifty-two of article sixteen, chapter sixty-six of this code for offenses connected with the administration  of the Bureau of Forestry, shall accrue to the school funds of the municipality in  which the offense is committed, and ten per cent shall accrue to the school funds of the respective  province.

"A clerk shall  not receive money belonging to private parties except  where the same is paid to  him  or into court by authority of law."
SEC.  2.  Section two hundred  twenty-six of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 226. Disposition  of  Government   moneys derived from courts of justices of peace.—Such of these moneys as accrue  to the Government shall be turned over to the Collector of  Internal Revenue, who shall have  the  administrative jurisdiction over such collections and shall pay  the same into the Insular Treasury to the credit of the general funds of  the  Insular Government: Provided, That forty per cent of the fines collected under sections two thousand seven hundred  and fifty-one and two thousand seven hundred and fifty-two of article sixteen, chapter sixty-six of this code for offenses connected with the administration of the Bureau of Forestry, shall accrue to the school  funds of the municipality in which the offense is committed, and ten per cent shall accrue to the school funds of the respective province."

SEC.  3. All acts or parts  of  acts inconsistent  with  the provisions of this  Act  are  hereby repealed.

SEC.  4. This Act shall  take effect on its approval.

Approved, December 2, 1926.