[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6026, August 04, 1969 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. The social and economic uplift of the dislocated families relocated from the Greater Manila area to Resettlement Projects in Sapang Palay, Municipality of San Jose del Monte, Province of Bulacan; the Barrios of San Jose and San Gabriel, Municipality of Carmona, Province of Cavite; and in San Pedro Tunasan, Province of Laguna, shall be the concern of the Government. For this purpose, the Department of Social Welfare, the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Department of National Defense, the Presidential Arm on Community Development, and the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation are hereby directed to extend services and assistance to such families.

SEC. 2. The People's Homesite and Housing Corporation shall subdivide the unsubdivided portion of the land constituting the said resettlement projects into homelots of not less than two hundred square meters and not more than three hundred square meters each.

An area or areas that, in total, shall not exceed thirty per centum of the total area of each resettlement project shall be reserved for and disposed of as commercial and/ or industrial areas to provide employment opportunities and essential services to the settlers: Provided, That, resettled families in such areas shall be given priority in acquiring homelots in residential areas; and Provided finally, That night dubs, day clubs, cocktail lounges, cockpits, motels, and other places of amusement involving gambling or dancing for hire or the sale of liquors shall in no case be established within the commercial/industrial areas of the resettlement projects.

Homelots shall be sold to bona fide occupants and/or resettled families on monthly installment basis such that the cost shall be paid within a period of thirty years. A grace period of not less than six months for payments in arrears shall be granted and no awardee shall be ejected unless he is transferred to another housing project or to his hometown with the assistance of the Department of Social Welfare. Bona fide occupants shall be understood to mean those occupying homelots in the project having been previously resettled thereon by the government at the time of the approval of this Act and those who shall subsequently be resettled thereon by the government. Hereafter, no family shall be resettled unless the Department of Social Welfare finds the family to be homeless, or not an owner of any house and lot within the Greater Manila area, or occupying land not its own under unsafe or unhealthful living conditions, and with a gross income of not more than P1,800. Homelots shall not be resold, assigned, mortgaged, leased or transferred by the purchasers thereof except to the surviving legal spouse and in default or upon the death of the surviving spouse, to the legal heirs, or to the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation within a period of five years after the final payment of the purchase price. Every conveyance of land acquired under the provisions of this Act except to the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation shall be subject to repurchase by the original purchaser or the legal surviving spouse and in default or upon the death of the surviving spouse, by the legal heirs within a period of five years from the date of the conveyance and any agreement contrary to the provisions hereof shall be null and void.

An awardee who shall give up his rights within thirty-years of the date of the sale shall convey the lot to the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation and shall be entitled to a refund in cash of not exceeding fifty per centum of his amortization payments plus the depreciated value of improvements the awardee may have made thereon.

Homelots conveyed or transferred to the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation shall be the subject of new awards under the conditions prescribed in this Act: Provided, That the new selling price thereof shall include any improvements made on the lot.

Commercial/industrial areas shall be sold according to the following conditions:

1. At least one month before any sale is made, the description or designation of the lots to be offered for sale, the selling price thereof and other conditions of the sale shall be published in n newspaper of general and nationwide circulation.
2. The buyer shall commence construction of the industrial or commercial establishment within one year from the purchase of the lot and complete the same within a period of not more than two years.
3. Should the buyer complete the construction of the establishment and make the same operational within one year, he shall be entitled to a rebate to be fixed by the Board at not more than ten per centum of the purchase price.
4. Should the buyer fail to complete the construction of the establishment or make the same operational within two years from date of purchase, he shall pay a penalty stipulated in the contract of sale. 5. Preference shall be given to buyers who shall prove their capacity to use the area efficiently and to recruit the greater number of its employees from residents of the area.
6. Transfers of rights and conveyances shall be subject to approval by the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation and to the provisions of this Act which transfer or conveyance shall be disapproved only if the buyer shall not conform to the conditions herein prescribed.
7. The Board hereinafter created may impose additional conditions not inconsistent with the above in order to safeguard the interest of the government to insure that the lot shall be used for industrial or commercial purposes, and not be the subject of speculative trading.

There is hereby created a Board to be composed of representatives pf the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation, Department of Social Welfare, Home Owners Association from the resettlement area, Land Authority, and Office of the Economic Coordination, with the latter as Chairman, who shall determine the selling price of the aforesaid homelots which shall be not less than fifty per centum nor more than seventy-five per centum of the cost thereof computed on the basis of the acquisition cost and estimated interest charges, development and administration costs. Commercial and/or industrial areas shall be sold for cash or on installments not to exceed a period of ten years at a price computed at not less than the break even aggregate cost of the entire resettlement area: Provided, That if there is a difference between the aggregate cost and actual aggregate selling price, the same shall be assumed by the National Government by deducting the corresponding amount from the bonded indebtedness incurred by the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation in acquiring the areas involved.

SEC. 3. The following sums are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purposes, herein indicated:

Public Works—


Construction, improvement and repair of roads, community centers and school buildings in the resettlement area located in Barrios San Jose and San Gabriel, Municipality of Carmona, Province of Cavite


Construction of health centers in the same resettlement area


Construction, improvement and repair of roads, health centers, community centers and school buildings in the Sapang Palay Project in Sapang Palay, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan


Construction, improvement and repair of roads, community centers and school buildings in the resettlement project in San Pedro Tunasan, Province of Laguna


Department of Education, Bureau of Public Schools—


Salaries of fifteen public school teachers and other school personnel for the current school year in the resettlement area located in Barrios San Jose and San Gabriel, Municipality of Carmona, Province of Cavite:


Provided, That in the succeeding fiscal years, funds for the purpose shall be appropriated in the annual General Appropriations Act


Salaries of fifteen public school teachers and other school personnel for the current school year in the Sapang Palay Resettlement Area


Provided, That in the succeeding fiscal years, funds for the purpose shall be appropriated in the annual General Appropriations Act.


Salaries of fifteen public school teachers and other school personnel for the current school year in the San Pedro Tunasan Resettlement Area:


Provided, That in the succeeding fiscal years, funds for the purpose shall be appropriated in the annual General Appropriations Act. National Waterworks and


Sewerage Authority—


Artesian wells for Carmona Resettlement Area, Province of Cavite


Artesian wells for Sapang Palay Resettlement Area, Province of Bulacan


Artesian wells for resettlement projects in the Province of Laguna


Department of Social Welfare—


Social welfare, economic and community, development projects for Sapang Palay Resettlement Area, Province of Bulacan


Social welfare work and economic and community development projects for resettlement projects in the Province of Laguna


SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Enacted without Executive approval, August 4, 1969.