[ Act No. 3260, December 07, 1925 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:

SECTION  1. The following sums, or  so much  thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not appropriated for other purposes,  to supplement  certain expenses of the service of  the  Philippine Government during  the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and twenty- six:

(a) Per diems of the members of the Senate Committees created by resolution of the Senate or of both Houses of the Legislature, acting during the recess of the same, at the rate of ten pesos for each session attended: Provided, That no member other than the chairman of the Committee on Accounts shall be paid such per diems unless he shall attend the sessions of the Committee concerned or unless such Committee shall designate him to render outside of his district services related with the work of such Committee, in which case the member so designated shall be entitled to the payment of ten pesos for each day of work actually performed in the discharge of his duties


(b) Per diems of the members of the House Committees created by resolution of the House or of both Houses of the Legislature, acting during the recess of the same, at the rate of ten pesos for each session attended: Provided, That no member other than the chairman of the Committee on Accounts shall be paid such per diems unless he shall attend the sessions of the Committee concerned or unless such Committee shall designate him to render outside of his district services related with the work of such Committee, in which case the member so designated shall be entitled to the payment of ten pesos for each day of work actually performed in the discharged of his duties


(c) Additional Insular contribution to the expenses of the City of Baguio


(d) Additional appropriation of P2,000 hereby authorized for traveling expenses of the personnel of the Bureau of Audits, to be taken from any sum appropriated or that may hereafter be appropriated for the consumption of supplies and materials of said Bureau.

(e) Additional compensation of the chief of the fiber division and chief fiber inspector the Bureau of Agriculture


(f) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of chief of the division of investigation of the Bureau of Forestry


(g) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of bacteriologist in the division of biology of the Bureau of Science


(h) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of chief of the division of organic chemistry of the Bureau of Science


(i) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of mycologist in the division of botany of the Bureau of Science


(j) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of architect in the division of architecture of the Bureau of Public Works


(k) Appropriation in addition to the P1,500 authorized or that may be authorized to allow the contract, at P12,000 per annum, tor the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six, of an engineer at present holding the office of designing engineer in the designing division of the Bureau of Public Works


(l) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of two engineers at present holding the positions of designing engineers in the designing division of the Bureau of Public Works


(m) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the.entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of mechanical and electrical engineer in the designing division of the Bureau of Public Works


(n) Salary of one mechanical and electrical engineer in the designing division of the Bureau of Public Works


(o) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of constructing engineer in the constructing division of the Bureau of Public Works


(p) Additional appropriation to allow the contract for the entire year nineteen hundred and twenty-six of the present incumbent of the position of designing engineer in the irrigation division of the Bureau of Public Works


(q) Additional appropriations for the salaries authorized or that may be authorized for the following employees of the Office of the Private School Commissioner: For one general supervisor, P1,000; for one assistant general supervisor, P400; for one second assistant general supervisor, P600; for one third general supervisor, P400; for one fourth general supervisor, P600


(r) Additional appropriations for the salaries authorized or that may be authorized for the following employees in the Bureau of Lands: For twenty junior computers in the division of surveys, P2.400; for the chief of the law division, P500


(s) Appropriation for ten junior surveyors in the Bureau of Lands


(t) Appropriation for salaries, miscellaneous expenses, and equipment, to be allotted by the Secretary of Finance, for a customs office in the port of Davao


Total of appropriations made in this Act.......................................................

SEC. 2.  Any provision of law to  the contrary notwithstanding, the Director of  Public Works  is hereby authorized  to  pay  out  of  the  funds for public  works projects: (a) a compensation of not  more than three pesos per hour of actual service,  not exceeding ten hours  daily, to the pile-driver  superintendent  of  the  piers,  until  August  thirty- first, nineteen hundred  and twenty-six,  only,  and   (b)  a salary of not more  than seven thousand  pesos  per  annum to  one engineer of the constructing division  in charge of the construction of  the  building for the  Legislature, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and  twenty-six, only.

SEC. 3.  Any sum  appropriated  or that may be  appropriated  for the year nineteen  hundred and twenty-six for the repair of certain coastguard cutters  of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry may, if necessary,  be expended for the  repair of  any other coastguard cutter  or cutters of said Bureau,  subject  to the approval  of  the  Secretary  of Commerce and  Communications.

SEC.  4. Any  appropriation authorized or which  may  be e authorized by law for contracting an employee at a salary greater than the regular compensation assigned to his position shall be considered as valid  solely and exclusively for the employee holding such position at the time the budget recommending  such  additional compensation  is  submitted to  the Legislature, and shall not  be  used  hereafter for the payment in  the future of any person succeeding him  in said office after said date.

SEC.  5. This  Act shall take  effect  on January first, nine- teen hundred and twenty-six.

Approved, December 7, 1925, with the exception of section four which has been vetoed.