[ Act No. 3953, December 01, 1932 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1. The sum of six hundred and eighty thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be disbursed by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the following purposes:
SEC. 2. Subject to the approval of the proper Department Head, or of the Board of Regents as far as the University of the Philippines is concerned, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may assign any study, research, and experimental work in connection with the purposes hereof to any Bureau or office of the Government or to the University. In such cases, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is authorized to pay out of the funds herein appropriated the expenses incurred for such study, research, and experimental work, including the purchase of the apparatus and equipment required for such study, research, and experimental work: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used to increase the salary of any officer or employee of the Government whose services are used in carrying out the purposes of this Act, except for the payment of necessary traveling expenses in case such officer or employee, has to leave his place of residence and travel within the Philippine Islands in connection with the work assigned to him under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is also authorized to appoint any officer of his office to direct and properly coordinate the activities herein provided for. In case of absolute necessity, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is also authorized to contract the services of special technical men in any branch for which there shall be no personnel available in the service of the Government or of the University of the Philippines.
SEC. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is hereby authorized to transfer any fund from one item to another when in his opinion this is necessary to properly carry out the purposes of this Act.
SEC. 5. Within thirty days after the opening of each session of the Philippine Legislature, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall submit to the Legislature, through the Governor-General, a detailed report of the activities carried on by his Department in connection with the purposes of this Act, and of the expenses incurred by him for said work.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its approval; but no expense shall be incurred in connection with the purposes hereof until after the Secretary of Finance shall have certified to the existence in the Insular Treasury of the sum, or part of the sum herein appropriated, exclusive of other appropriations made by the Legislature for other purposes.
Approved, December 1, 1932.
SECTION 1. The sum of six hundred and eighty thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be disbursed by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the following purposes:
Provided, That any profits derived from the sale of seeds, plant material, manufactured articles, or by-products obtained through work carried on with these funds.and any receipts from fees or other nominal charges established by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the use of the laboratories, mills, and other equipment acquired under this Act, shall accrue to the funds herein disburse-appropriated and shall be used and disbursed exclusively for the same purposes and in the same manner. 1. For the promotion and improvement of the industries of the coconut and its derivatives P75,000.00 2. For the promotion and improvement of the industries of abaca and maguey and their derivatives: Provided, That two-thirds of the sum appropriated for this purpose shall be disbursed for the establishment of small centrals for the manufacture of bags, cordage,
and other abaca and maguey products 125,000.00 3. For the promotion and improvement of the industry and manufacture of rice, flour and corn meal, and other commercial uses of said grains 50,000.00 4. For the promotion of the cotton industry by the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of a cotton experiment station, and for training in domestic spinning by the theoretical and practical instructions of children and adults and demonstrations in Manila and
other parts of the Philippine Islands 50,000.00 5. For the promotion of the native household industries of hat and mat weaving, including theoretical and practical instruction for adults and demonstrations in Manila and other parts of the Philippines, and the promotion, preservation, and utilization of the fibers and leaves of the buri and other plants available for prime material for said industries 30,000.00 6. For the promotion of industries entirely new in the country 30,000.00 7. For the promotion and improvement of the fishing, cattle-breeding, and poultry-raising industries; for the production of meat, milk, and eggs; and for the preservation of fish, meat, milk, eggs, and their derivatives, and" the preservation of fruits and vegetables and other animal and vegetable products of the agriculture of the country, including food products or products of commercial value 140,000.00 8. For fostering the paper industry 50,000.00 9. For the promotion and study of, and experiments in, the local manufacture of rubber shoes, including the purchase of the necessary machinery and equipment 40,000.00 10. For the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of laboratories and small commercial manufacturing plants for experiments with and the preparation and production on a commercial basis of the several agricultural and industrial products to be promoted by this Act 100,000.00
SEC. 2. Subject to the approval of the proper Department Head, or of the Board of Regents as far as the University of the Philippines is concerned, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may assign any study, research, and experimental work in connection with the purposes hereof to any Bureau or office of the Government or to the University. In such cases, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is authorized to pay out of the funds herein appropriated the expenses incurred for such study, research, and experimental work, including the purchase of the apparatus and equipment required for such study, research, and experimental work: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used to increase the salary of any officer or employee of the Government whose services are used in carrying out the purposes of this Act, except for the payment of necessary traveling expenses in case such officer or employee, has to leave his place of residence and travel within the Philippine Islands in connection with the work assigned to him under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is also authorized to appoint any officer of his office to direct and properly coordinate the activities herein provided for. In case of absolute necessity, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is also authorized to contract the services of special technical men in any branch for which there shall be no personnel available in the service of the Government or of the University of the Philippines.
SEC. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources is hereby authorized to transfer any fund from one item to another when in his opinion this is necessary to properly carry out the purposes of this Act.
SEC. 5. Within thirty days after the opening of each session of the Philippine Legislature, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall submit to the Legislature, through the Governor-General, a detailed report of the activities carried on by his Department in connection with the purposes of this Act, and of the expenses incurred by him for said work.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its approval; but no expense shall be incurred in connection with the purposes hereof until after the Secretary of Finance shall have certified to the existence in the Insular Treasury of the sum, or part of the sum herein appropriated, exclusive of other appropriations made by the Legislature for other purposes.
Approved, December 1, 1932.