[ Act No. 1200, July 20, 1904 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. A new assessment of all real estate in the Province of Romblon shall be made as hereinafter provided. Such new assessment, as revised in accordance with the provisions of sections three to five, inclusive, of this Act, shall he the basis of the collection of real-estate taxes in the Province of Romblon for the year nineteen hundred and five, and for succeeding years until further provision is made by law.
SEC. 2. The new assessment provided for in the preceding section shall be made in accordance with the provisions of sections, forty-nine to fifty-seven, inclusive, as amended, of Act Numbered Eighty-two: Provided, That the boards of assessors shall organize upon the passage of this Act, or as soon thereafter as possible, and that the boards of assessors shall complete their listing and valuation of real property situated within each municipality on or before October first, nineteen hundred and four, and that all complaints against valuations fixed by municipal boards of assessors shall be filed directly with the new board of tax revision herein-after created.
SEC. 3. There is hereby created for the Province of Romblon a new board of tax revision, which shall consist of the three members of the provincial board of the said province.
SEC. 4. The powers and duties of the new board of tax revision for the Province of Romblon shall be those prescribed for the provincial board of revision by Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-two, entitled "An Act to provide for the partial revision of the assessments upon real estate in the municipalities in the Philippine islands outside the city of Manila as amended: Provided, That the dates relating to the performance of such powers and duties specified in said Act shall be as provided in section Five of this Act.
SEC. 5. The new board of tax revision shall be organized on October first, nineteen hundred and four the time fixed for receiving and hearing complaints shall be not earlier than five days after the organization of the new board of tax revision and not later than November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; the certification by the new board of tax revision of a list of the changes made in the assessments fixed by the boards of assessors, together with a list of the total assessments of the taxable lands and improvements in each municipality, provided for in section eight of Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-two, shall be made not later than December first, nineteen hundred and four, on which date the new board of tax revision shall cease to exercise any powers under this Act.
SEC. 6. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission, in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 20, 1904.
SECTION 1. A new assessment of all real estate in the Province of Romblon shall be made as hereinafter provided. Such new assessment, as revised in accordance with the provisions of sections three to five, inclusive, of this Act, shall he the basis of the collection of real-estate taxes in the Province of Romblon for the year nineteen hundred and five, and for succeeding years until further provision is made by law.
SEC. 2. The new assessment provided for in the preceding section shall be made in accordance with the provisions of sections, forty-nine to fifty-seven, inclusive, as amended, of Act Numbered Eighty-two: Provided, That the boards of assessors shall organize upon the passage of this Act, or as soon thereafter as possible, and that the boards of assessors shall complete their listing and valuation of real property situated within each municipality on or before October first, nineteen hundred and four, and that all complaints against valuations fixed by municipal boards of assessors shall be filed directly with the new board of tax revision herein-after created.
SEC. 3. There is hereby created for the Province of Romblon a new board of tax revision, which shall consist of the three members of the provincial board of the said province.
SEC. 4. The powers and duties of the new board of tax revision for the Province of Romblon shall be those prescribed for the provincial board of revision by Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-two, entitled "An Act to provide for the partial revision of the assessments upon real estate in the municipalities in the Philippine islands outside the city of Manila as amended: Provided, That the dates relating to the performance of such powers and duties specified in said Act shall be as provided in section Five of this Act.
SEC. 5. The new board of tax revision shall be organized on October first, nineteen hundred and four the time fixed for receiving and hearing complaints shall be not earlier than five days after the organization of the new board of tax revision and not later than November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; the certification by the new board of tax revision of a list of the changes made in the assessments fixed by the boards of assessors, together with a list of the total assessments of the taxable lands and improvements in each municipality, provided for in section eight of Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-two, shall be made not later than December first, nineteen hundred and four, on which date the new board of tax revision shall cease to exercise any powers under this Act.
SEC. 6. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission, in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 20, 1904.