[ Act No. 1188, June 29, 1904 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, in Philippine currency, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one acting disbursing officer, class three, from April first to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four.
Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including advertising; repair of furniture; fixtures for the Ayuntamiento Building, and other incidental expenses; five thousand pesos.
In all, for the Executive Bureau, five thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, thirty thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, thirty thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, two thousand one hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and four: For purchase of books, four hundred and fifty-three pesos and sixty centavos.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, two thousand five hundred and fifty-three pesos and sixty centavos.
Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For compensation of J. V. Molina for services rendered as inspector of construction of public midden sheds, from December eleventh, nineteen hundred, and three, to January twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and four, at six pesos per day, two hundred and seventy-six pesos.
In all, for the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, two hundred and seventy-six pesos.
The Commissioner of Public Health is hereby authorized to expend, from the funds appropriated in Act Numbered One thousand and ten, under the head of "Support of hospitals, plants, and stations, Board of Health for the Philippine islands, nineteen hundred and four," for "repairs to the leper hospital building at Cebu," the sum of six thousand pesos for the construction of nipa barracks and a fence for the housing and detention of lepers at Cebu.
Transportation, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and four: For launch repairs and supplies, ten thousand pesos.
Transportation, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, five thousand five hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of books, one hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Forestry, five thousand six hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Mining, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head for hire of porters, laborers, and so forth, and for hire of temporary employees for field work, is hereby made available for payment of the salaries of one employee. Class I, one porter, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, and one messenger, at eighty dollars per annum, from January first, nineteen hundred and four.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Mining, nineteen hundred and four: For reimbursement of Insular Purchasing Agent for incidental charges on mineral specimens purchased in the United States, one hundred and sixty-eight pesos and ninety-two centavos.
In all, for the Bureau of Mining, one hundred and sixty-eight pesos and ninety-two centavos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, including payments for instruments previously contracted for and received within the present fiscal year, six thousand three hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For payment of salary of one farm manager, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and one farm foreman, at eight hundred dollars per annum, as authorized by Act Numbered Six hundred and forty-nine; of one clerk, class nine, and one teamster, Class C, as authorized by Act Numbered Seven hundred and ninety-five; and of two teamsters, Class C, from December ninth, nineteen hundred and three; two thousand and fifty pesos.
Transportation, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For actual and necessary expenses of officers and employees in official travel, and the transportation of supplies, one hundred and fifty pesos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of footage, plants, supplies, tools, and so forth, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, three thousand pesos.
The employment of two skilled laborers, at eight pesos each per day at the Government rice farm, for a period not to exceed two months, is hereby authorized and made a proper charge against the appropriation in section four of Act Numbered Six hundred and thirty-four.
Salaries and wages, the Ethnological Surrey for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries as authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, two thousand one hundred and five pesos.
Transportation, the Ethnological Surrey for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not he furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent.
In all, for the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, two thousand one hundred and five pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salaries of two employees. Class G, from May first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of one employee. Class A, authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine.
Transportation, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of per diems of not to exceed five pesos, within the discretion of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories, to officers and employees while on official travel in the Philippine Islands, under the provisions applying to the traveling examiners of the Bureaus of the Auditor and Treasurer in Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight: Provided, That this authorization shall be effective from and after July first, nineteen hundred and three.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: For payment for books ordered under authority contained in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, five thousand pesos.
In all for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, five thousand pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including payments for medical and surgical supplies and instruments, hospital supplies and furniture, kitchen and dining-room furniture and utensils, ordered during nineteen hundred and three and received during the current fiscal year, four thousand eight hundred and ninety-six pesos and nineteen centavos.
Salaries and wages, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, including the salary of one forwarding agent at San Fernando, Province of Union, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, for not to exceed six months from and including September sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three; one thousand one hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of commissaries, subsistence supplies, forage, and fuel, and transportation of same purchase of eight ponies, at an aggregate cost of not exceeding nine hundred and thirty-five pesos; and other incidental expenses; six thousand one hundred pesos.
In all, for the Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, seven thousand two hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, one thousand two hundred pesos.
Traveling expenses, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, three hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Posts, one thousand five hundred pesos.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For per diems of five dollars to the two additional Army officers detailed for duty with the Constabulary, from April seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and April eighth, nineteen hundred and four, respectively; one thousand six hundred and ninety pesos. Information division:
For hire of detectives, as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, two thousand pesos.
Total for pay of Philippines Constabulary, three thousand six hundred and ninety pesos.
Barracks and quarters, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six pesos and twenty-five centavos.
Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For per diems of two dollars and fifty cents each to the two additional Army officers detailed for duty with the Constabulary, for expenses incurred while traveling upon official business outside the city of Manila, seven hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of customs duties and other proper charges on musical instruments for the Constabulary Band; purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital supplies; medical treatment for officers and enlisted men under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven; burial of officers, enlisted men, and secret service operators; purchase of necessary stationery; advertising, postage, and other incidental expenses; fourteen thousand five hundred and thirty-three pesos and eighty-four centavos. In all, for the Philippines Constabulary, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and ten pesos and nine centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salary of one cabinetmaker, class nine, from February first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of one cabinetmaker, class ten, as authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine; and of two sergeants. Class H, from January first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of two sergeants, Class T, as authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the purchase of supplies for prisoners, including bedding, clothing, postage, tobacco, and medicines.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class nine, from March twenty-ninth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, six hundred and thirteen pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast, Guard, and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of one clerk, class eight, and one clerk, class nine, from April eighth, nineteen hundred and three.
Light-House Service, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: For urgent repairs to light stations now in operation; purchase of oil, cleaning material, furniture, and other supplies for light stations; rent of keepers' dwellings; subsistence of officers and employees while traveling on official business; and other incidental expenses, thirteen thousand pesos.
Construction of vessels, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: There is hereby made available, from the unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head, the sum of eighteen thousand pesos for the purchase of a steam launch for use on the Pasig River and Laguna de Bay.
In all, for the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, thirteen thousand six hundred and thirteen pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of typewriting machines, two hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand mid forty-nine, twenty-six thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen, hundred and three: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salary of Manuel Minaya as inspector at Masinloc, Zambales, from July first, nineteen hundred and two, to January fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Revenue cutters and launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One Thousand and forty-nine, nine thousand pesos.
Special contingent fund, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, six thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, forty-one thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended, balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salary of one employee, at one thousand dollars per annum, from July twenty-fourth to August nineteenth, nineteen hundred and three, and one employee, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, from August eleventh to August sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four:
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment to the estate of Associate Justice Fletcher Ladd of salary for the month of July, nineteen hundred and three, at seven thousand dollars per annum.
For commutation of salary accruing to Associate Justice John T. McDonough for leave of absence from May first to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, at seven thousand dollars per annum, two thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salaries of five clerks, Class H, from May twentieth, nineteen hundred and four.
Total for salaries and wages, two thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salary of Florentine Buenafe as clerk of the Court of First Instance, Lepanto-Bontoc, from October twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, to January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and two, both inclusive, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and three:
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment to the estate of Associate Justice Fletcher Ladd of salary for the month of June, nineteen hundred and three, at seven thousand dollars per annum.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of judges, employee of courts, and of the office of the Attorney-General, and of special employees, while traveling on official business, seven thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Justice, nine thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four: The funds heretofore appropriated under this head are hereby made available for the payment of salaries of night-school teachers in the Philippine School of Arts and Trades and in the School of Telegraphy at Vigan, Ilocos Sur, not to exceed five nights per week each, at one dollar and fifty cents per night, from January first, nineteen hundred and four.
School furniture and supplies, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four: For payment for school books, furniture, and supplies, including cartage, packing, storage, and transportation of same, two hundred and forty thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Education, two hundred and forty thousand pesos.
Public ivories, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and four: For alterations, maintenance, and repair of the following named public buildings, not to exceed in cost the amounts set opposite the respective items:
Civil Sanitarium and other Government buildings, Baguio, Benguet: Construction of barracks and employees' quarters, eight thousand three hundred and twenty-nine pesos; construction of office building for Philippine Commission, six thousand pesos; construction of pest house, eight hundred and eighty pesos; miscellaneous alterations and repairs, one thousand two hundred and sixty-three pesos; total, sixteen thousand four hundred and seventy-two pesos.
Fortin Building: Remodeling of building for Bureau of Posts and Manila Post-Office, twenty thousand two hundred and forty-four pesos; for Civil Supply Stores, thirteen thousand pesos; and for electric-wire connection with the Insular Cold Storage and Tee Plant, four hundred pesos; total, thirty-three thousand six hundred and forty-four pesos.
Oriente Building: Completion of vault, and purchase and installation of freight elevator, one thousand two hundred and ninety-three pesos.
Provincial government of Banquet: New roof on provincial government building, one thousand six hundred and forty pesos.
Santa Potenciana Building: Overhauling plumbing, and incidental expenses, three thousand pesos. General alterations, repairs, and emergency work, Painting interior of Malacañan Palace, two thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, fifty-eight thousand and forty-nine pesos.
Contingent expenses, custodian of the Fortin Building, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expense, including the purchase of supplies, and other incidental expenses, two hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and four: One janitor, at three hundred dollars per annum, from May first, nineteen hundred and four, and ten laborers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, from May first, nineteen hundred and four; six hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of supplies, electric lighting, telephone service, minor repairs, and other incidental expenses; one thousand pesos.
In all, for the superintendent of the Oriente Building, one thousand six hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one clerk, Class A, from January twenty-fifth to March tenth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive, and one clerk, Class A, from January twenty-seventh to February twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive.
Salaries and wages, and contingent expenses, provincial govern-merit of Mindoro, nineteen hundred, and four: For per diems of five dollars to Lieutenant William O. Smith. Seventh Infantry, United States Army, detailed as provincial supervisor-treasurer, from April fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; for repairs to provincial steam launch, not to exceed three thousand pesos; for payment of court fees in criminal eases, two thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos; total, five thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Mindoro, nineteen hundred and three: For payment of court fees in criminal cases, two hundred and eighty pesos.
In all, for the provincial government of Mindoro, six thousand and thirty pesos.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Nueva Vizcaya, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one deputy secretary-treasurer, class nine, from July first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, in lieu of one deputy secretary-treasurer, Class A, as authorized in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven.
The provincial board of the Province of Pangasinan is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate the sum of forty-five pesos and ninety centavos for payment to Fred E. Buri, stenographer of the Court of First Instance, Third District, for services in copying evidence taken in respect of charges preferred against Luis Callanta, president, and Hilario Aquino, councilor, of the municipality of Mangaldan, Province of Pangasinan, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Zambales, nineteen, hundred and four: For reimbursement to the Bureau of Prison for subsistence of provincial prisoners confined in Bilibid Prison, one thousand two hundred and twelve pesos.
For payment to the Sultan of Sulu and to Moro dattos of subsidies authorized by the Bates treaty, from July first, nineteen hundred and three, to and including March twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, upon which date said treaty was abrogated, six thousand six hundred and twelve pesos.
The following sums, or so much thereof as may he found to be due on settlement of the respective claims by the Auditor, are hereby appropriated for the purposes specified:
For Felipe Galderon, for compensation, at ten dollars per day, for each day actually employed in the work of the committee appointed to prepare a Code of Criminal Law and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the Philippine Islands, five hundred and forty pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of claims, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, against the United States Prison at Lingayen, Province of Pangasinan, which are properly chargeable to Insular funds, five hundred and eighty-nine pesos and fifty-eight centavos.
For the clerk of the Court of First Instance, Province of Mindoro, for court fees in criminal cases due by the former Province of Marinduque, from May first to October thirty-first, nineteen hundred and two, three hundred and seventy-two pesos.
The sum of five hundred dollars, United States currency, appropriated by Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety for the construction of a wharf at Coron, Province of Paragua, which sum, through process of exchange, has been converted into one thousand one hundred and thirty pesos and forty-four centavos, Philippine currency, is hereby made available for the extension and repair of the existing wharf at Cuyo, Province of Paragua.
Total of appropriations for all purposes, five hundred thousand eight, hundred and sixty-one pesos and six centavos.
SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section three of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated under said Act shall he made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Com mission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, June 29, 1904.
SECTION 1. The following sums, in Philippine currency, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one acting disbursing officer, class three, from April first to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four.
Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including advertising; repair of furniture; fixtures for the Ayuntamiento Building, and other incidental expenses; five thousand pesos.
In all, for the Executive Bureau, five thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, thirty thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, thirty thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, two thousand one hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and four: For purchase of books, four hundred and fifty-three pesos and sixty centavos.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, two thousand five hundred and fifty-three pesos and sixty centavos.
Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For compensation of J. V. Molina for services rendered as inspector of construction of public midden sheds, from December eleventh, nineteen hundred, and three, to January twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and four, at six pesos per day, two hundred and seventy-six pesos.
In all, for the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, two hundred and seventy-six pesos.
The Commissioner of Public Health is hereby authorized to expend, from the funds appropriated in Act Numbered One thousand and ten, under the head of "Support of hospitals, plants, and stations, Board of Health for the Philippine islands, nineteen hundred and four," for "repairs to the leper hospital building at Cebu," the sum of six thousand pesos for the construction of nipa barracks and a fence for the housing and detention of lepers at Cebu.
Transportation, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and four: For launch repairs and supplies, ten thousand pesos.
Transportation, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, five thousand five hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Forestry, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of books, one hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Forestry, five thousand six hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Mining, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head for hire of porters, laborers, and so forth, and for hire of temporary employees for field work, is hereby made available for payment of the salaries of one employee. Class I, one porter, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, and one messenger, at eighty dollars per annum, from January first, nineteen hundred and four.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Mining, nineteen hundred and four: For reimbursement of Insular Purchasing Agent for incidental charges on mineral specimens purchased in the United States, one hundred and sixty-eight pesos and ninety-two centavos.
In all, for the Bureau of Mining, one hundred and sixty-eight pesos and ninety-two centavos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, including payments for instruments previously contracted for and received within the present fiscal year, six thousand three hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For payment of salary of one farm manager, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and one farm foreman, at eight hundred dollars per annum, as authorized by Act Numbered Six hundred and forty-nine; of one clerk, class nine, and one teamster, Class C, as authorized by Act Numbered Seven hundred and ninety-five; and of two teamsters, Class C, from December ninth, nineteen hundred and three; two thousand and fifty pesos.
Transportation, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For actual and necessary expenses of officers and employees in official travel, and the transportation of supplies, one hundred and fifty pesos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of footage, plants, supplies, tools, and so forth, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, three thousand pesos.
The employment of two skilled laborers, at eight pesos each per day at the Government rice farm, for a period not to exceed two months, is hereby authorized and made a proper charge against the appropriation in section four of Act Numbered Six hundred and thirty-four.
Salaries and wages, the Ethnological Surrey for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries as authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, two thousand one hundred and five pesos.
Transportation, the Ethnological Surrey for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not he furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent.
In all, for the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, two thousand one hundred and five pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salaries of two employees. Class G, from May first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of one employee. Class A, authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine.
Transportation, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of per diems of not to exceed five pesos, within the discretion of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories, to officers and employees while on official travel in the Philippine Islands, under the provisions applying to the traveling examiners of the Bureaus of the Auditor and Treasurer in Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight: Provided, That this authorization shall be effective from and after July first, nineteen hundred and three.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: For payment for books ordered under authority contained in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, five thousand pesos.
In all for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, five thousand pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including payments for medical and surgical supplies and instruments, hospital supplies and furniture, kitchen and dining-room furniture and utensils, ordered during nineteen hundred and three and received during the current fiscal year, four thousand eight hundred and ninety-six pesos and nineteen centavos.
Salaries and wages, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages as authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, including the salary of one forwarding agent at San Fernando, Province of Union, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, for not to exceed six months from and including September sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three; one thousand one hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of commissaries, subsistence supplies, forage, and fuel, and transportation of same purchase of eight ponies, at an aggregate cost of not exceeding nine hundred and thirty-five pesos; and other incidental expenses; six thousand one hundred pesos.
In all, for the Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, seven thousand two hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, one thousand two hundred pesos.
Traveling expenses, Bureau of Posts, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, three hundred pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Posts, one thousand five hundred pesos.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For per diems of five dollars to the two additional Army officers detailed for duty with the Constabulary, from April seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and April eighth, nineteen hundred and four, respectively; one thousand six hundred and ninety pesos. Information division:
For hire of detectives, as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, two thousand pesos.
Total for pay of Philippines Constabulary, three thousand six hundred and ninety pesos.
Barracks and quarters, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six pesos and twenty-five centavos.
Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For per diems of two dollars and fifty cents each to the two additional Army officers detailed for duty with the Constabulary, for expenses incurred while traveling upon official business outside the city of Manila, seven hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For payment of customs duties and other proper charges on musical instruments for the Constabulary Band; purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital supplies; medical treatment for officers and enlisted men under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven; burial of officers, enlisted men, and secret service operators; purchase of necessary stationery; advertising, postage, and other incidental expenses; fourteen thousand five hundred and thirty-three pesos and eighty-four centavos. In all, for the Philippines Constabulary, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and ten pesos and nine centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salary of one cabinetmaker, class nine, from February first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of one cabinetmaker, class ten, as authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine; and of two sergeants. Class H, from January first, nineteen hundred and four, in lieu of two sergeants, Class T, as authorized in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the purchase of supplies for prisoners, including bedding, clothing, postage, tobacco, and medicines.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class nine, from March twenty-ninth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, six hundred and thirteen pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast, Guard, and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of one clerk, class eight, and one clerk, class nine, from April eighth, nineteen hundred and three.
Light-House Service, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: For urgent repairs to light stations now in operation; purchase of oil, cleaning material, furniture, and other supplies for light stations; rent of keepers' dwellings; subsistence of officers and employees while traveling on official business; and other incidental expenses, thirteen thousand pesos.
Construction of vessels, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: There is hereby made available, from the unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head, the sum of eighteen thousand pesos for the purchase of a steam launch for use on the Pasig River and Laguna de Bay.
In all, for the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, thirteen thousand six hundred and thirteen pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of typewriting machines, two hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand mid forty-nine, twenty-six thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen, hundred and three: The unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salary of Manuel Minaya as inspector at Masinloc, Zambales, from July first, nineteen hundred and two, to January fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Revenue cutters and launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One Thousand and forty-nine, nine thousand pesos.
Special contingent fund, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-nine, six thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, forty-one thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended, balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salary of one employee, at one thousand dollars per annum, from July twenty-fourth to August nineteenth, nineteen hundred and three, and one employee, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, from August eleventh to August sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four:
Supreme Court:
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment to the estate of Associate Justice Fletcher Ladd of salary for the month of July, nineteen hundred and three, at seven thousand dollars per annum.
For commutation of salary accruing to Associate Justice John T. McDonough for leave of absence from May first to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, at seven thousand dollars per annum, two thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Court of Land Registration:
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salaries of five clerks, Class H, from May twentieth, nineteen hundred and four.
Total for salaries and wages, two thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of salary of Florentine Buenafe as clerk of the Court of First Instance, Lepanto-Bontoc, from October twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, to January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and two, both inclusive, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and three:
Supreme Court:
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment to the estate of Associate Justice Fletcher Ladd of salary for the month of June, nineteen hundred and three, at seven thousand dollars per annum.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of judges, employee of courts, and of the office of the Attorney-General, and of special employees, while traveling on official business, seven thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Justice, nine thousand three hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four: The funds heretofore appropriated under this head are hereby made available for the payment of salaries of night-school teachers in the Philippine School of Arts and Trades and in the School of Telegraphy at Vigan, Ilocos Sur, not to exceed five nights per week each, at one dollar and fifty cents per night, from January first, nineteen hundred and four.
School furniture and supplies, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four: For payment for school books, furniture, and supplies, including cartage, packing, storage, and transportation of same, two hundred and forty thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Education, two hundred and forty thousand pesos.
Public ivories, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and four: For alterations, maintenance, and repair of the following named public buildings, not to exceed in cost the amounts set opposite the respective items:
Civil Sanitarium and other Government buildings, Baguio, Benguet: Construction of barracks and employees' quarters, eight thousand three hundred and twenty-nine pesos; construction of office building for Philippine Commission, six thousand pesos; construction of pest house, eight hundred and eighty pesos; miscellaneous alterations and repairs, one thousand two hundred and sixty-three pesos; total, sixteen thousand four hundred and seventy-two pesos.
Fortin Building: Remodeling of building for Bureau of Posts and Manila Post-Office, twenty thousand two hundred and forty-four pesos; for Civil Supply Stores, thirteen thousand pesos; and for electric-wire connection with the Insular Cold Storage and Tee Plant, four hundred pesos; total, thirty-three thousand six hundred and forty-four pesos.
Oriente Building: Completion of vault, and purchase and installation of freight elevator, one thousand two hundred and ninety-three pesos.
Provincial government of Banquet: New roof on provincial government building, one thousand six hundred and forty pesos.
Santa Potenciana Building: Overhauling plumbing, and incidental expenses, three thousand pesos. General alterations, repairs, and emergency work, Painting interior of Malacañan Palace, two thousand pesos.
In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, fifty-eight thousand and forty-nine pesos.
Contingent expenses, custodian of the Fortin Building, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expense, including the purchase of supplies, and other incidental expenses, two hundred pesos.
Contingent expenses, superintendent of the Oriente Building, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of supplies, electric lighting, telephone service, minor repairs, and other incidental expenses; one thousand pesos.
In all, for the superintendent of the Oriente Building, one thousand six hundred pesos.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one clerk, Class A, from January twenty-fifth to March tenth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive, and one clerk, Class A, from January twenty-seventh to February twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive.
Salaries and wages, and contingent expenses, provincial govern-merit of Mindoro, nineteen hundred, and four: For per diems of five dollars to Lieutenant William O. Smith. Seventh Infantry, United States Army, detailed as provincial supervisor-treasurer, from April fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four; for repairs to provincial steam launch, not to exceed three thousand pesos; for payment of court fees in criminal eases, two thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos; total, five thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Mindoro, nineteen hundred and three: For payment of court fees in criminal cases, two hundred and eighty pesos.
In all, for the provincial government of Mindoro, six thousand and thirty pesos.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Nueva Vizcaya, nineteen hundred and four: Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby made available for payment of the salary of one deputy secretary-treasurer, class nine, from July first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, in lieu of one deputy secretary-treasurer, Class A, as authorized in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven.
The provincial board of the Province of Pangasinan is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate the sum of forty-five pesos and ninety centavos for payment to Fred E. Buri, stenographer of the Court of First Instance, Third District, for services in copying evidence taken in respect of charges preferred against Luis Callanta, president, and Hilario Aquino, councilor, of the municipality of Mangaldan, Province of Pangasinan, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Zambales, nineteen, hundred and four: For reimbursement to the Bureau of Prison for subsistence of provincial prisoners confined in Bilibid Prison, one thousand two hundred and twelve pesos.
For payment to the Sultan of Sulu and to Moro dattos of subsidies authorized by the Bates treaty, from July first, nineteen hundred and three, to and including March twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, upon which date said treaty was abrogated, six thousand six hundred and twelve pesos.
The following sums, or so much thereof as may he found to be due on settlement of the respective claims by the Auditor, are hereby appropriated for the purposes specified:
For Felipe Galderon, for compensation, at ten dollars per day, for each day actually employed in the work of the committee appointed to prepare a Code of Criminal Law and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the Philippine Islands, five hundred and forty pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of claims, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, against the United States Prison at Lingayen, Province of Pangasinan, which are properly chargeable to Insular funds, five hundred and eighty-nine pesos and fifty-eight centavos.
For the clerk of the Court of First Instance, Province of Mindoro, for court fees in criminal cases due by the former Province of Marinduque, from May first to October thirty-first, nineteen hundred and two, three hundred and seventy-two pesos.
The sum of five hundred dollars, United States currency, appropriated by Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety for the construction of a wharf at Coron, Province of Paragua, which sum, through process of exchange, has been converted into one thousand one hundred and thirty pesos and forty-four centavos, Philippine currency, is hereby made available for the extension and repair of the existing wharf at Cuyo, Province of Paragua.
Total of appropriations for all purposes, five hundred thousand eight, hundred and sixty-one pesos and six centavos.
SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section three of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated under said Act shall he made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Com mission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, June 29, 1904.