[ Act No. 1167, May 28, 1904 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages. Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For continuation of preliminary survey of new water and sewer systems: For additional amount necessary for salary and expenses of consulting, engineer, three thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, one thousand four hundred and ninety-four pesos and twenty centavos.
Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, ten thousand four hundred and sixty-two pesos and ninety-seven centavos.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of spare parts of apparatus necessary for immediate repairs, and for the purchase of fire helmets and iron stall guards, five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine pesos and forty-three centavos.
Salaries and wages. Department of Police city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, fifty thousand five hundred and ninety-three pesos and sixty-five centavos.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For excess in cost of police-alarm apparatus over amount heretofore appropriated, and payment for eight hundred revolvers purchased under authority contained in Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, twenty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-five pesos and fifty-nine centavos.
Contingent expenses. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For additional amount necessary to pay for repairs to launch George Curry, damaged and sunk by accident, one thousand two hundred and seventy-seven pesos and seventy-two centavos.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, five thousand pesos.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished from July first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, twelve thousand two hundred and ninety-five pesos and ninety-two centavos.
In all, for the city of Manila, one hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty-nine pesos and forty-eight centavos.
SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section four of Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated in said Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, May 28, 1904.
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages. Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For continuation of preliminary survey of new water and sewer systems: For additional amount necessary for salary and expenses of consulting, engineer, three thousand pesos.
Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, one thousand four hundred and ninety-four pesos and twenty centavos.
Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, ten thousand four hundred and sixty-two pesos and ninety-seven centavos.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of spare parts of apparatus necessary for immediate repairs, and for the purchase of fire helmets and iron stall guards, five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine pesos and forty-three centavos.
Salaries and wages. Department of Police city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, fifty thousand five hundred and ninety-three pesos and sixty-five centavos.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For excess in cost of police-alarm apparatus over amount heretofore appropriated, and payment for eight hundred revolvers purchased under authority contained in Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, twenty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-five pesos and fifty-nine centavos.
Contingent expenses. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For additional amount necessary to pay for repairs to launch George Curry, damaged and sunk by accident, one thousand two hundred and seventy-seven pesos and seventy-two centavos.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila: For disbursement as provided in Act Numbered One thousand and forty-eight, five thousand pesos.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished from July first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, twelve thousand two hundred and ninety-five pesos and ninety-two centavos.
In all, for the city of Manila, one hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty-nine pesos and forty-eight centavos.
SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section four of Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated in said Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, May 28, 1904.