[ Act No. 1048, February 06, 1904 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

Section 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:



Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:Municipal Board: President, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; throe members, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one secretary, at three thousand dollars per annum.

Secretary's office:

Two clerks, class five, at one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one clerk, class six, at one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two clerks, class seven; two clerks, class eight; one clerk, Class A; one clerk, Class C; one clerk. Class D; three messengers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Disbursing office:

One disbursing officer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum.
Advisory Board:

One secretary, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; fees of twelve members, not to exceed three thousand one hundred and twenty pesos.

Total for salaries and wages. forty-four thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of hooks, office furniture, and supplies; coolie hire, postage, post-office box rent; repairs to typewriters, furniture, and fixtures; care of civil prisoners; music for the Luneta and Binondo Square; care of injured and sick paupers at the San Juan de Dios Hospital or the Philippine Civil Hospital, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred, at one peso and forty centavos per day each; settlement of claim of Mrs. H. A. McCollough for proceeds of auction sale of one trunk of clothing belonging to her son. 'Fred Meeker; settlement of claim of T. A. Suarez. interpreter, for extra services rendered at sessions of the Board of Tax Revision, city of Manila, at four pesos each for sixteen sessions, anything in existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding; for final and complete settlement of all claims of Salvador Farre and Jaime Clotet against the city of Manila or its officers, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand five hundred and eleven pesos and eighty centavos; and for printing, binding, advertising, and other incidental expenses; fifty-six thousand pesos.

In all, for the Municipal Board, city of Manila, one hundred thousand pesos.


Salaries  and wages,  Department  of Engineering  and  Public Works. city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:

Office of City Engineer:

City Engineer, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, with quarters in kind, not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month; first assistant city engineer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; chief clerk, class six; two second assistant city engineers, class six; one assistant engineer, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one stenographer, class eight; two clerks, class ten; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class G; one clerk. Class H: two clerks. Class I; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Water supply:

Superintendent, two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one chief engineer at pumping station, class six, with quarters in kind; one collector of water rates, class eight ; one general foreman water service, class nine; one foreman water service, class nine; one assistant engineer at pumping station. Class C at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one assist aid engineer at pumping station, Class D, at six hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one teamster, Class C; nine meter inspectors, Class D, one mechanic, Class D; one clerk, Class D; one foreman water service, Class E; one assistant engineer at pumping station. Class E ; two mechanics, Class F; one storekeeper water service, Class G; one clerk, Class H; three pipe fitters, at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum each; one draftsman. Class H; two clerks. Class I; one mechanic. Class J, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum; three assistant engineers. Class J; at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each; one clerk. Class J, one meter inspector, at two hundred dollars per annum ; three meter inspectors, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; hire of labor, not to exceed twenty-eight thousand pesos.

Street cleaning and collection and disposal of. city refuse: One superintendent, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and quarters in kind in the Botanical Gardens; one superintendent of pail system, class six. until April first, nineteen hundred and four, only; one inspector, class eight; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; three overseers, class nine; one foreman, class ten, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class C; one watchman, Class C; two clerks, Class D: three foremen. Class J: two assistant overseers, Class F; one foreman. Class F: six foremen, Class G; six mechanics, Class G, at four hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one mechanic, Class G: two engineers, Class IT; five foremen, Class H; one clerk, Class I: hire of labor, not to exceed one hundred and nineteen thousand pesos; for steam barge Pluto: One master, class nine, one chief engineer, class nine, and one mate, Class A, with subsistence at one peso per diem each; one night superintendent, Class A; one assistant engineer. Class A; one second assistant engineer. Class IT; and subsistence of not to exceed eighteen members of crew at thirty centavos per diem each; hire of labor, at two thousand five hundred pesos or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Street construction and bridges:

One superintendent, at two thousand three hundred dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight; two inspectors, class nine; one foreman of rock quarry, class nine; one launch master, class nine; three road-roller engineers, Class A; five foremen. Class D; one road-roller engineer, Class D; one launch master, Class D; two foremen, Class G; two patrons, Class II; two engineers, Class H; one clerk, Class I; two assistant engineers. Class I; two steersmen, Class J; four firemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; six sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; hire of labor, not to exceed sixty-eight thousand pesos; hire of labor for operating rock quarry, not to exceed sixteen thousand pesos.

Buildings, Humiliation, and plumbing inspection:  

One superintendent, at two thousand live hundred dollars per annum; one inspector of buildings, class live, for one month; one inspector of plumbing, class six; one assistant inspector of plumbing, class seven; one inspector of buildings, class eight; one architectural draftsman, class eight; two inspectors of buildings, class nine; one mechanic, class nine; one mechanic, Class A; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class D; two inspectors of buildings, Class D; one draftsman, Class F; five superintendents of markets, Class H; two clerks, Class I; two employees, at two hundred and fort dollars per annum each; hire of temporary inspectors of buildings and public works, not to exceed three thousand live hundred pesos; hire of labor, not to exceed seventeen thousand live hundred pesos.
Inspection of boilers:    

One inspector of boilers, class six.

City shops:

One property clerk and superintendent of repair shops, class six; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one harness maker, class nine; two mechanics;, class nine; two mechanics, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum each; one storekeeper, Class B; one mechanic, Class A : oik; clerk. Class C; two mechanics, Class II; one harness maker, Class II; two mechanics, Class I; hire of labor, not to exceed five thousand pesos.

Drafting and surveys:  

One assistant engineer, class seven: one. assistant engineer, class eight; one chief draftsman, class eight; one draftsman, Class H; two chainmen, Class I; two draftsmen. Class I; one rodman, Class I.

One engineer, and inspector of sewers, class eight; one foreman, Class G; hire of labor, not to exceed six thousand five hundred pesos.

Weights and measures:  

One sealer of weights and measures, class nine; one inspector of weights and measures, Class I; one clerk, Class I.

Land transportation:  

One veterinary surgeon, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two stable foremen, class nine; two mechanics, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum each; one foreman, class ten, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk, Class A; thirty-three teamsters, Class B; thirty teamsters, Class C; one watchman, Class C; one mechanic, at four hundred and forty dollars per annum; two mechanics, Class I; one assistant foreman, Class I; twenty-five teamsters, at three hundred dollars per annum each; for hire of one hundred and sixty teamsters, at not to exceed two hundred and forty dollars each per annum, thirty-eight thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary; hire of labor, not to exceed thirteen thousand pesos.

For completing survey work on hand in the Department: One transitman,  class  eight;  two  draftsmen,  Class  G;  three chainmen, Class G; one chainman, Class I; five rodmen, Class I; hire of labor, not to exceed six thousand pesos.


One foreman, Class D; two foremen, Class G; hire of labor, not to exceed ten thousand five hundred pesos.


One superintendent, Class A; two superintendents, Class H; hire of labor, not to exceed fourteen thousand pesos.

For continuation of preliminary survey of new water and sewer systems:

For salary and expenses of consulting engineer, not to exceed fourteen thousand pesos; one engineer in charge of sewer system, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, with quarters in kind, not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month; one engineer, class five; one assistant engineer, class six: one surveyor, class six; one draftsman, class seven; one draftsman. Class H.

Total for salaries and wages, five hundred and forty thousand pesos.

Public works. Department  of  Engineering  find  Public  Works, city of Manila: For repairs to city bridges: purchase and transportation  of  drain,  road,  and  street   material,  not  to   exceed   sixty thousand pesos; alterations, maintenance, repairs, and supplies for barges,  launches,  and   road  rollers,   including repair of  damages recently sustained by steam  barge Plato: coal  and  oil  for rock quarry; extension and development of rock quarry; coal for crematories; forage for horses and other animals: repairs to corrals and stables; maintenance of public grounds and  parks; repairs to crematories; purchase of carts, harness, horses,  mules, and wagons, and hire of carts, lorchas. and  so forth :  veterinary supplies and medicines; supplies for cemeteries; repairs In markets and municipal buildings; electrical services for public buildings, parks, and streets; material for extension  and  increase of electrical service; repairs to carts, harness, lorchas. wagons, and so forth: purchase of materials for shoeing public animals: purchase of oil for lighting; operating  and  repairs  to   dredger:   completion   of  river  wall  at Arroceros shops; purchase of hose,  tools, and  miscellaneous supplies for public buildings and streets: location of new water mains, not to exceed twenty-eight  thousand   pesos:  repairs to  Santolan road; repairs to machinery at pumping station: transportation of material for water supply: purchase of coal for pumping station and water-supply shops:  miscellaneous   repairs   and  supplies  for water supply; purchase and location of sewer pipe; miscellaneous repairs and cleaning of old sewers; purchase of dump wagons for hauling rock for street construction and repair, not to exceed six thousand pesos; purchase of rice for launch crews, not to exceed two   hundred   and   fifty   pesos:   purchase   of   not   exceeding  ten sprinkling wagons, thirteen   thousand pesos,  or  so  much thereof as may be necessary: for completing shop grounds, including filling, grading,  shelving,  and   tool   boxes,  not  to  exceed   two  thousand pesos; purchase  of  machine   tools   for  pumping  station,  not to exceed eight thousand pesos; purchase of means of official transportation previously furnished by the  Insular Purchasing Agent, sixteen thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary; restoration of monument of Antonio Pineda and erection in Paco Cemetery, not to exceed one thousand five hundred pesos; for expropriation of land for widening Calk Aviles, not to exceed four hundred and eighty-seven pesos and eighty-two centavos; for beginning work of cleaning esteros, not to exceed six thousand pesos; for manufacture or purchase of three thousand commodes, not to exceed fifteen thousand  pesos;  purchase  of not more than  five thousand six hundred pails and covers, fifty-three thousand two hundred pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for construction  of midden   sheds,  not to   exceed   forty-eight thousand pesos; for completing the construction and equipment of a hose tower, not to exceed one thousand five hundred pesos.

Total for public works, four hundred and sixty-five thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Work, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office furniture and supplies; rent of market sites, police stations, and schoolhouses; telephone service; expenses for renumbering houses; burial of pauper dead and persons dying of contagious diseases; advertising, printing, and binding; hire of vehicles on official business, not to exceed six thousand pesos; miscellaneous supplies for disinfection, including brooms, brushes, carbolic acid, chloride of lime, lime, paint, sheet rubber, and so forth; and other incidental expenses; fifty-five thousand pesos.

In all, for the Department of Engineering and Public Works, one million and sixty thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: City Assessor and Collector, at four thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Collector, at three thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Assessor, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class live; four clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; six clerks, class eight; twelve clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; three clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class D; three clerks, Class F; thirteen clerks, Class G; live clerks, Class II; eighteen clerks, Class I; thirty-three clerks, Class J ; eleven employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; twenty-six employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; fourteen employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; seventy thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and. four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; for oil, wood, and so forth for matadero, not to exceed five hundred pesos; for advertising, coolie hire, post-office box rent; repairs to office furniture and typewriters; hire, of vehicles in Manila on official business, not to exceed seven hundred and twenty pesos; printing and binding of books, receipts, cedillas, and other necessary blank forms; and other incidental expenses, seven thousand eight hundred pesos.

Tax refunds, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For refund of industrial, land, and other taxes, erroneously collected, the refund of which has been or may he duly authorized in accordance with law, three thousand pesos: Provided, That refunds made in pursuance of this appropriation shall be charged in whole to the city of Manila.

Total for the Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, eighty thousand eight hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief, at three thousand dollars per annum; deputy chief, at two thousand dollars per annum; one chief engineer, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, Class H; one mechanic, class ten; one electrician, class five; one assistant electrician, class seven; two linemen, class nine; one lineman, class ten; four line-men, Class H; one clerk, Class A; twelve foremen, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum each; twelve assistant foremen, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; six engineers, first class, and six engineers, second class, not to exceed nine thousand three hundred and seventy-five pesos: Provided, That the "pay of engineers, first class, shall be at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, one thousand three hundred dollars per annum for the second year, and one thousand four hundred dollars per annum for the third year: And provided further, That the pay of engineers, second class, shall be at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum for the first year of service, and six hundred dollars per annum for the second year. Forty-live firemen, first class, and forty-five firemen, second class, not to exceed thirty-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-five pesos: Provided, That the pay of firemen, first class, shall be at the rate of nine hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, one thousand dollars per annum for the second year, one thousand and eighty dollars per annum for the third year, and one thousand one hundred and forty dollars per annum for the fourth year: And provided. That the pay of firemen, second class, shall be at the rate of two hunched and forty dollars per annum for the first year of service, three hundred dollars per annum for the second year, three hundred and thirty dollars per annum for the third year, and three hundred and sixty dollars per annum for the fourth year: And provided further, That in computing period of service of firemen, credit for previous service in the Police .Department, city of Manila, shall be allowed employees transferred to the Fire Department.

Total for salaries and  wages, ninety thousand pesos.

Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen, hundred and four: For the purchase of apparatus, including two steam fire engines, two hose wagons, and two steam fire-engine heaters, not to exceed twenty-live thousand pesos; equipment for apparatus,, including one buggy, harness, hose, truck wheels, and so forth; equipment for fire stations; maintenance and repairs to apparatus and' equipment; purchase of not more than forty additional fire-alarm boxes, additional cells for storage battery, weatherproof wire, and so forth; for extension of tire-alarm system, including labor and poles, not to exceed fourteen thousand pesos: painting of poles, maintenance of fire-alarm system, and other incidental expenses; seventy thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses. Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture, safe and supplies, postage stamps, and so forth; fuel for engines and heaters; forage and shoes for horses and ponies; printing and binding: and other incidental expenses; twenty-three thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Fire Department. city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For payment of bill of Selden W. Taylor for transportation furnished Chief of Fire Department, not to exceed fifty-one pesos.

In all, for the Fire Department, one hundred and eighty-three thousand and fifty-one pesos.


Salaries and wages, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:

Office of City Attorney:

City Attorney, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant city attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one messenger at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Office of  Prosecuting Attorney:

Prosecuting Attorney, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand dollars per annum; fourth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; fifth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; four clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class A; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Office of Sheriff of Manila:

Sheriff, at three thousand dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two deputy sheriffs, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four deputy sheriffs, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, Class A; two employees, Class J; one clerk, Class C; nine laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Municipal court:

One judge, at three thousand live hundred dollars per annum; one clerk of court, class seven; one interpreter, class seven; one deputy clerk of court, class ten; one deputy clerk of court, Class C; two deputy clerks of court. Class D; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Office of Register of Deeds :

One register of deeds, at two thousand dollars per annum; one deputy register of deeds, class ten; one clerk, Class D; two clerks, Class 1; two clerks, Class D ; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.

Justice of the peace courts:

Two justices of the peace, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, Class I, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.

Total for salaries and wages, sixty-two thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Lair Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of distilled water, ice, law books, postage stamps, office furniture and supplies; interpreters", notaries' public, registrars', and other authorized fees; court costs; forage for horses; law text-books for office of the Prosecuting Attorney, not to exceed four hundred pesos; fund for securing testimony and the presence in Manila of indigent witnesses in criminal cases from outlying provinces, not to exceed one thousand pesos; advertising, printing and binding, and other incidental expenses, live thousand nine hundred pesos.

In all, for the Law Department, sixty-seven thousand nine hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief of Police, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant chief of police, at two thousand Jive hundred dollars per annum; one inspector of police, at two thousand dollars per annum; one chief oi' secret service, at three thousand dollars per annum; one burgeon, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one assistant surgeon, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum: one clerk,  class six; two clerks, class seven; one clerk, class eight, at one thousand live hundred dollars per annum; three clerks, class .eight; three clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; two clerks. Class A; one Chinese interpreter, Class A; seven clerks, Class D: three, messengers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each;  seven captains, at two thousand dollars per annum each;  three  lieutenants, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; three lieutenants, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three sergeants, first class, al, one thousand  three hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three roundsmen, first class, at one thousand two hundred  dollars per  annum  each;  three  hundred  and twenty-four patrolmen, first class, not to exceed three hundred and "twenty-seven thousand pesos: Provided, That the pay of patrolmen, first class, shall be at  the rate of nine hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, one thousand  dollars per annum for the second year, one thousand and eighty dollars per annum for the third year, and one thousand  one hundred  and  forty  dollars per annum for the fourth year; eighteen sergeant, second class, at six hundred dollars per annum each; eighteen roundsmen, second class, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; ninety-eight patrolmen, second class, not to exceed foriy thousand six hundred pesos: Provided, That the pay oi patrolmen, second class, shall be at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, three hundred and seventy-live dollars per annum for the second year, four hundred and twelve dollars per annum for the third year, and four hundred and fifty dollars per annum for the fourth year; ten sergeants, third class, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; ten roundsmen, third class, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two hundred and eighty-six patrolmen, third class, not to exceed eighty-six thousand three hundred pesos: Provided, That the pay of patrolmen, third class, shall be at the rate of two hundred and forty dollars per annum for the first year of service, three hundred dollars per annum for the second year, three hundred and thirty dollars per annum for the third year, and three hundred and sixty dollars per annum for the fourth year; one detective, at two thousand dollars per annum: one detective, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand five hundred  dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum: five detectives, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each ; two detectives, at one thousand dollars per annum each; one detective, at nine hundred dollars per  annum;  three  detectives,   at   six  hundred  dollars   per   annum   each;   three   detectives,   at   four   hundred   and eighty dollars per annum each; six detectives at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one launch master, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one mate, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one engineer, at, four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; three assistant engineers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; six firemen, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight deck hands, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four boatmen, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three laborers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each.

Total for salaries and wages, live hundred and fifty thousand pesos: Provided, That in computing period of service of policemen, credit for previous service in the Fire Department, city of Manila, Ul shall be allowed employees transferred to the Police Department.

Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of horses, ponies, and harness, not to exceed one thousand one hundred and fifty pesos.

Secret-service fund, Department of Police,, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For a fund to be used, subject to the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, in securing secret information and paying for photographs of criminals for the Rogues' Gallery; for payment of subsistence, vehicle hire, and traveling expenses of detectives working on cases beyond the limits of the city of Manila, six hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office furniture, supplies and typewriters; subsistence of prisoners; forage for horses; coal; repairs and supplies for river and harbor police launches, including one boiler and repairs for launch George Curry; repairs and supplies for police-alarm system; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business, not to exceed four thousand four hundred pesos; printing and binding; advertising and other incidental expenses; twenty-five thousand pesos.

in all, for the Department of Police, live hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos.


Salaries and wages, Department of City Schools, city of Manila,' nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class six; one clerk, Class D; one employee, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two hundred teachers, at an average salary not exceeding thirty-live dollars each per month. Night schools:

Twenty-two principals, at two dollars each per night, not to exceed an aggregate of ten thousand two hundred and sixty-four pesos; one hundred and seventy-live teachers, at one dollar and fifty cents each per night, not to exceed an aggregate of fifty-six thousand two hundred pesos; twenty-two clerks, at seven dollars and fifty cents per month each, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand six hundred and eighty pesos.

Total for salaries and wages, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, one hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses,  including purchase and transportation of Police and school furniture and supplies; rental of pianos, not exceeding live hundred pesos; repairs to clocks, typewriters, and so forth; printing and binding; hire of official transportation for directors and teachers of special subjects in the city schools, not to exceed nine hundred pesos; purchase of stamps, and other incidental expenses; two thousand six hundred pesos.

In all, for the Department of City Schools, one hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred pesos.


Salary and expense fund, city of Manila: For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officials and employees of the city of Manila, which are properly chargeable to the city of Manila and not otherwise specially provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States to Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they are entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand and forty, eighteen thousand pesos: Provided. That the Civil Governor may, in his discretion, commute two or more years accrued leave of absence to persons entitled to visit the United Stale on such leave, and authorize the payment of the amount so accrued in a gross sum from this appropriation. Payment of sum. due under the appropriation last made shall he by the Auditor by settlement warrants.

Purchase of the pail system of the  city Manila: For the payment to the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands of the amount found by the Auditor to be due on account of the operation of the pail system by the Insular Government and transfer of all property purchased for the use of the pail system. from the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands to the city of Manila, four hundred thousand pesos, or so much thereof us may be necessary.  In all, for the city of Manila, two million six hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and one pesos.

SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section four of Act Numbered Eight hundred and four, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated in said. Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.

SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with suction two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment, of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, February 6,  1904