[ PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 294, September 18, 1973 ]
WHEREAS, in an ever increasing awareness of their responsibilities in social and economic development and in response to the challenge of building a New Society, the ecumenical faiths and the private sector are sharing more fully their goodwill, their efforts, and their resources with the Government of the Philippines;
WHEREAS, in the pursuit of their respective developmental programs, the Government, the ecumenical faiths, and the private sector realize the need of collaboration and cooperation, while maintaining and respecting their respective roles and responsibilities;
WHEREAS, one effective means of involving and of making the citizenry co-responsible in the task of nation-building is through continuing and effective public consultations in the formulation of government development plans and policies; and
WHEREAS, it is now essential that the National Social Action Council (NASAC) as the body originally created to make such consultations with the Government possible, should acquire the juridical personality and the powers necessary for it to become fully operative in the cause of national development;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No, 1081, dated 21 September 1972, do hereby decree that:
SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 182-A is hereby amended by making it a body corporate, with the following major functions and powers:
- To effect and implement the articulation, cultivation, development, and dissemination of common national goals and strategies in social and economic development among the Government, the ecumenical faiths, and the private sector;
- To act as a national and local advisory and consultative council to Government, church and private sectors in their various programs and projects;
- To organize national trisectoral bodies for socio-economic development so as to effect implementation, integration and coordination of projects and activities among the Government, the ecumenical faiths and the private sector in the national and local levels;
- To implement and coordinate the undertaking of selected projects and activities in social and economic development, to achieve optimum results out of the concerted efforts and resources of the three sectors;
- To create a common fund out of such resources as can be made available from the Government, the church and private sectors to attain the goals of this Decree. For this purpose, NASAC is hereby authorized to initiate fund campaigns and conduct benefit shows or programs and other fund raising activities in order to maintain this common fund, which shall be utilized to finance socio-economic programs of the above-named three sectors; and
- To enlist the support and cooperation of any government department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality, and to perform such other duties as may be necessary for the success of its undertakings.
SEC. 2. The members of the Council shall be those enumerated under Executive Order No. 182-A, as amended, and the heads of such other church and private organizations or government agencies as the Council may deem fit to elect.
SEC. 3. The National Social Action Council (NASAC) shall have perpetual succession and shall have all legal powers appertaining to a juridical person, particularly the power to sue and be sued; to contract and be contracted with; to hold real and personal property as may be necessary for corporate purposes; to accept and receive real and personal property by gift, device or bequest; to levy and collect membership dues and special assessments from its members; to adopt a seal and alter the same at pleasure; to have offices and conduct its affairs in the Greater Manila Area and elsewhere; and generally to do all such acts and things as may be necessary or proper to carry into effect and promote the purposes for which it was organized.
SEC. 4. As a civic organization created by law, all donations or contributions which may be made by private entities or persons to the National Social Action Council (NASAC) shall be exempt from income and gift taxes, and the same shall further be deductible in full and shall not be included for purposes of computing the maximum amount deductible under Section 30, paragraph (h), of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
SEC. 5. There is hereby appropriated annually the sum of two hundred fifty thousand pesos (P250,000) out of the funds of the National Treasury as the share of the Government in the total fund requirements of the NASAC projects.
SEC. 6. The Council shall adopt its own rules and regulations to govern its organization in accordance with the purpose of this Decree.
SEC. 7. This Decree shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 18th day of September, in the year of Our
Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-three.
Republic of the Philippines
By the President:
(Sgd.) RONALDO B. ZAMORA Assistant Executive Secretary