[ Act No. 1010, November 27, 1903 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:

SECTION 1. The following sums, in Philippine pesos, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds m the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated m part compensation for the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and lour these appropriations being for the first half of said fiscal year, unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the first half of said fiscal year, shall be available for obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and. lour, unless otherwise stated:


Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and four:
Legislative division:
Two clerks, class nine.
Administration and finance division:                             
Three clerks, class nine.
in all, for salaries and wages, one thousand eight hundred pesos.

Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and  four: For contingent expenses, including reconstruction upon the septic system of the vaults in the Ayuntamiento Building, advertising, and other incidental expenses, eight thousand six hundred and thirty-five pesos and ninety centavos.

In all, for the Executive Bureau, ten thousand four hundred and thirty-five pesos and ninety centavos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class D; all from November first, nineteen hundred and three.

Board of Health corral:

One superintendent of transportation, class nine; one blacksmith, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; eight ambulance drivers. Class A; ten truck and' excavator drivers, Class B; eight t ruck and excavator drivers, Class C; one watchman, Class C; one carpenter, at four hundred and forty dollars per annum; one harness maker, Glass H; two mechanics, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; nine cocheros, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two stablemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each all from November first, nineteen hundred and three.

Total for salaries and wages, ten thousand eight hundred and thirty-three pesos and thirty-four centavos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent,, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office supplies, furniture, forage for animals; maintenance of and repairs to transportation; purchase of animals; harness, and vehicles, blacksmiths' and farriers tools; telephone service; hire of transportation, not to exceed one hundred and twenty dollars; and other incidental expenses; thirty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-three pesos and ninety centavos.

In all for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, forty-five thousand  six hundred   and  twenty-seven pesos  and  twenty-four centavos.



Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands nineteen hundred and four: Eleven inspectors, Class J, and nine disinfectors at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, from November first, nineteen hundred and  three; and for compensation of Filomeno Mores as chaplain and superintendent of the leper hospital at Cebu, from .November first, nineteen-hundred and three, at fifty dollars per month: one thousand six hundred and twenty pesos.

Support of hospitals, plants, and stations.  Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred mid four: For the purchase of furniture, bedding, and other supplies to equip the new infectious-disease hospital at San lazaro not to exceed two thousand six hundred pesos; purchase of furniture and clothing, leper department, at San Lazaro Hospital, not to exceed three thousand two hundred pesos; purchase of furniture and|equipment for the women's department, San Lazaro Hospital, not to exceed one thousand and sixty pesos; electric lighting and installation, grounds and hospitals at San Lazaro : and repairs In lite leper hospital building at Cebu, not to exceed six thousand pesos: thirteen thousand one hundred and sixteen pesos.

The Commissioner of Public Health is herein' authorized to furnish quarters in hospital buildings and subsistence to such physicians, nurses, and other employees at the San Lazaro Hospital whose services may have been, or may be required for emergency duty: Provided. That the physician in charge and the assistant physician be required to pay a reasonable amount for such subsistence, not less than thirty pesos per month each.

Support of hospitals, plant, and stations. Hoard of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and three: The action of the Commissioner of Public Health in furnishing quarters in the hospital buildings and subsistence for such physicians, nurses, and other employees at San Lazaro Hospital whose services may have been required for emergency duty, is hereby approved and confirmed: Provided. That the physician in charge and the assistant physician be required to pay a reasonable amount for such subsistence, not less than thirty pesos per month each.

Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: The funds appropriated under this head in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven are hereby made available for the payment of per diems of not to exceed two pesos each to vaccinators and persons recommended by presidents of provincial boards of health for instruction with a view to appointment as vaccinators, while absent from their home stations, and for the payment of the actual and necessary transportation expenses when traveling under the orders of the Commissioner of Public Health: Provided. That no allowance for transportation shall be made while in the city of Manila.

Contingent expenses, Board of 'Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the extension and repair of the road at San Lazaro 'Hospital, seven hundred pesos.

Salaries and wages, installation of the pail system in the city of Manila. Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For compensation of George M. Harbour, superintendent of the pail system, in lieu of salary, from the date he reported for duty to September fifth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive, four hundred and ten pesos: one blacksmith, Class Gr, from November first,  five hundred and  fifty  pesos.

Contingent expense's, installation of the pail system in the city of Manila, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of coal, water, and miscellaneous supplies for the steam barge Pluto, not to exceed six thousand four hundred pesos; tar, hand lanterns, lumber, and small hardware for one thousand commodes; one excavator pump, not to exceed one thousand three hundred pesos  one hose tower, not to exceed seven hundred pesos; and for necessary alterations to the steam barge Pluto, for the installation of temporary loading and dumping equipment, not to exceed, four thousand six hundred pesos; and other incidental expenses, thirty-six thousand and seventy-six pesos.

In all, for the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, fifty-two thousand and sixty-two pesos.


Commutation of quarters. Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and four: For commutation of quarters, from July first, nineteen hundred and three, at the rates authorized by the regulations for the government of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United States, four thousand two hundred and eighty pesos.


Salaries and wages, Forestry Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salary of one additional clerk, class nine, from November first, nineteen hundred and three.


Salaries and wages, Mining Bureau, nineteen hundred and four: The unexpended balance of funds appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of the salaries and wages of officials and employees of the Mining Bureau authorized under the provisions of Act Numbered Nine hundred and sixteen and employed during the first half of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: One foreman, Class A, and for the payment of laborers, three hundred and fifty pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of sixty caralmos for the San Ramon and La Carlota farms, and incidental expenses, four thousand eight hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, five thousand one hundred and fifty pesos.


The unexpended balance of funds appropriated under the head of ''Salaries and wages, Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, nineteen hundred and four," in Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, is hereby made available for the payment of salaries and wages or The "Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, from August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and three; for one temporary clerk, class nine, from October twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and three; and for one clerk, Class E, and one clerk. Class I, in lieu of two clerks, Class G, from November first, nineteen hundred and three.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and four: One Assistant Director, of the Serum Laboratory, class three, one chemist,, class four, one pathologist, class four, one chemist, class seven, from October twentieth. nineteen hundred and three, one botanist, class eight, one assistant, at Serum Laboratory, class eight, one veterinarian, class seven, and two collectors for botanist, class nine, front November twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and three; one bacteriologist and assistant director oil the Serum Laboratory, class eight, in lieu of class nine, from November first, nineteen hundred and three; one thousand three hundred and-eighty-five pesos and ninety-eight centavos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen, hundred and four:
For contingent expense; including rent of building and telephones; purchase of ice; and oilier incidental expenses; live hundred and two pesos and thirty-four centavos.
In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight pesos and thirty-two centavos.



Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For additional pay of Army officers detailed with  the Constabulary, as contemplated by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, twenty-one pesos.

Field, staff, and line officers:

For pay of field, staff, and line officers, as contemplated by the provisions  of  Act Numbered   Eight  hundred    and   seven,  three hundred and seventy-seven pesos and forty-two centavos. Enlisted strength:

For  the  pay  of  enlisted   men  as  authorized  by  law,   fifty-five thousand seven hundred and five pesos and sixty-two centavos. Skilled employees and laborers:
Three teamsters, Class C: two packers. Class C; one patron, Class H, from October first, nineteen hundred and three; and for the hire of laborers; six thousand pesos.

Total for pay of Constabulary, sixty-two thousand one hundred and four pesos and four centavos.

Clothing, camp, and garrison  equipage, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of arms, ammunition, clothing, equipage, and equipments, and for allowance for clothing not drawn in kind to enlisted men upon discharge, one hundred and fifty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five pesos and sixty-six centavos.

Clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For the purchase of clothing and equipage, and incidental expenses, fourteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three pesos and eighty-four centavos. .

Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For transportation of officers, enlisted men, and employees, prisoners when not chargeable to provincial funds, animals and supplies; purchase and hire of boats, draft animals, carts, harness, wagons, and so forth; purchase of forage and veterinary supplies; veterinary attendance, shoeing, and incidental expenses; subsistence of officers, enlisted men, and employees, while traveling under orders, and enlisted men only while on campaign; ninety-three thousand three hundred and ninety-two pesos and Forty-two centavos.

Secret-service fund, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For a contingent fund to be used for secret-service purposes and for the payment of rewards for the apprehension of deserters in the discretion and under the direction  of the Chief or Acting Chief of the Philippines Constabulary, two thousand three hundred and twelve pesos and twenty-six centavos

Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of office  furniture and supplies; newspapers, periodicals, professional books-post-office   cable,  and telephone service; medical treatment  and medicines for officers and enlisted men under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven; burial of officers and enlisted men;  subsistence  of prisoners; purchase and repair of musical instruments; and other incidental expenses; eighteen thousand six hundred and twenty-eight pesos and ninety-six centavos.

Contingent  expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred  and three: For the purchase of office furniture, stationery, and supplies, newspapers, periodicals; cable, post-office, and telephone, service; advertising; medical treatment and medicines for officers and enlisted men; purchase and repair of musical instruments; and  other incidental expenses; five thousand two hundred and twenty-seven pesos and eighteen centavos.  In all, for the Philippines Constabulary, three hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and thirty-four pesos and thirty-six centavos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and  four: One disbursing officer, class six, two clerks, class nine, two clerks, Class D, one clerk, Class H, one hospital attendant, Class A. one guard, Class A, one assistant foreman, Class A, one teamster,  Class C,  all under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred  and seven; extra compensation of twenty pesos each for executions to be paid to a guard, Class A, anything in existing laws prohibiting the payment of extra compensation to Government employees to the  contrary notwithstanding; and for the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven; five thousand pesos.

Equipment for manufacturing plant and materials for same, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of machinery, tools, and other equipment and supplies, authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, twenty-six thousand

Contingent expenses, Bureau, of Prisons, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners; construction of vaults and sewers on the septic system; and other incidental expenses; sixteen thousand two hundred pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Prisons, forty-seven thousand two hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, two thousand four hundred and. eighty-one pesos and ninety-six centavos.

Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: Any unexpended balance of funds appropriated under this head is hereby made available for the payment of one Superintendent of Light-Houses, Buoys, and so forth at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, from March seventeenth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive.

Light-Service, Bureau of Coast Guard and transportation, nineteen-hundred  and four: For the purchase of supplies and other incident expenses, not to exceed ten thousand pesos, for necessary repairs to light stations, including the purchase of materials, payment of customs duties, and other incidental expenses, not to exceed eight thousand pesos; eighteen thousand pesos.

Gutters and launches. Bureau, of Coast  Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of  salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven; purchase of supplies; pilotage; repairs: customs duties on armament and equipment authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and thirty one; and other incidental expense; ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine pesos and twenty-eight centavos.

Cutter and launches, Bureau  of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: For the purchase of supplies; maintenance and repair of vessels;  pilotage; stevedoring; and incidental expenses; six thousand peso.

In all, for the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation,  one hundred and twenty-five thousand, three hundred and fifty-one pesos and twenty-four centavos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and two: The extra compensation of enlisted men of the Signal Corps, United Stales Army, and oilier Government employees, for services rendered during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, in the field work of the Bureau. amounting-to seventy-five dollars and thirty-four cents, is hereby approved and authorized; anything in existing laws prohibiting the payment of extra compensation to Government employees to the contrary notwithstanding.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act Numbered Eight hundred and eighty-eight, and for the payment of assistant engineers, draftsmen, surveyors, and employees under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, twelve thousand three hundred and nine pesos and forty centavos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of the, Insular Treasurer, nineteen hundred and four: One Chief of the Division of Currency, class one, from October tenth, nineteen hundred and three: one clerk, class eight, from November first, nineteen hundred and three; one thousand eight hundred and twenty pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of the Insular Treasurer, nineteen hundred and three: For the payment of advertising for the sale of gold, silver, and copper coin and Spanish treasury bonds under Act Numbered Six hundred and eight, three hundred and fourteen pesos and ninety-four centavos.

In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Treasurer, two thousand one hundred and thirty-four pesos and ninety-four centavos.


Salaries and wages. Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and four: One collector of customs, class six, at Cape Melville, one collector of customs, class six, at Bongao, and one collector of customs, class six, at Puerto Princesa, from October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three; four clerks, class nine, and ten guards, Class I, from September fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three; six thousand, four hundred and eighty pesos.

Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and three: The extra compensation of a teacher in1 he Bureau of Education as inspector of customs at the port of Oroqiueta, Mindanao   at thirty pesos per month, m addition to Ins salary as teacher, from May first, nineteen hundred and three,  hereby  approved  and  authorized;  anything  in  existing  laws prohibiting the  payment of extra compensation  to  Government employees to the contrary notwithstanding; and payment thereof will ho made from funds appropriated under this head.

Transportation, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen-hundred and four: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses  of officers and  employees as provided by Act Numbered Eight hundred and seven, one thousand pesos.

Revenue cutters and launches, Bureau of Customs and  Immigration, nineteen  hundred and four: One captain, class nine, with commutation of rations, at one peso per diem, from November fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, three hundred and sixty-live pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five pesos.


Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Cold Storage and ire. Plant, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of coal, forage, and miscellaneous supplies; maintenance and operation of the plant; and other incidental expenses, forty-three thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four:

Supreme Court:
'Four temporary employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.

Court of First Instance, Manila:
One stenographer, class seven, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.
Courts of First Instance, Eighth District: One interpreter, class nine, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.
Courts of First Instance, Fifteenth District: One stenographer, class eight, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.
Courts of First Instance, Mountain District: Two messengers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.
Court of Land Registration:
One examiner of titles, at one thousand two hundred dollars pen annum, from November eleventh, nineteen hundred and three.
Court of Customs Appeals:
One judge at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, from October first, nineteen hundred and three.

Total for the payment of salaries and wages authorized by Act though the position for which made may be abolished by Act Numbered Bight hundred and sixty-seven; the intention of this clause being to provide funds for such necessary reassignments and changes in personnel as are contemplated in and required by said Act, so far as the same will be sufficient.

Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and three: The disbursing officer, Bureau of Justice, is hereby authorized to pay, out of unexpended balances of funds appropriated under this head, to the following-named persons employed in the Courts of First Instance, Ninth Judicial District, the amounts stated in settlement of balances clue them for salaries from August twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and two, to April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, the provisions of existing laws governing temporary employment to the contrary notwithstanding: Ruperto Kapunan, two hundred and eighty-nine pesos and fifty centavos; Bernabe Calzado, one hundred and thirty pesos; Melquiades Montano, one hundred and five pesos; Juan Reyes, one hundred and thirty pesos.

Contingent expenses. Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of books for the Supreme Court upon its order and requisition, ten thousand pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Justice, twenty-six thousand pesos.


Salaries and wages, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four:

Office of the General Superintendent:
One clerk, class six.
Normal School, Manila:
One janitor, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum, from October sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three; two mechanics, at two pesos per diem each.
Educational service at large:
One clerk, Class D, from October sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three.
General teaching force:
Fifty elementary teachers, Class J; fifty night-school teachers, at one dollar and fifty cents per night: Provided, That no such night school shall be continued where the average attendance in any one calendar month shall fall below twenty-five pupils over fourteen years of age.
Total for salaries and wages, four thousand two hundred and fifty pesos.

Transportation, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and, four: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses, not including maintenance, of American teachers who may be designated by the division superintendent to visit and instruct in barrio schools of the municipality in which they are stationed, or who, in the absence of a sufficient number of American teachers, are directed to regularly visit adjacent towns for the purpose of giving instruction and supervising the work of native teachers, one thousand pesos.

Contingent expenses, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and four: For completion of the school building at San Fernando, Masbate, and for the reimbursement of C. H. Hamlin, teacher, and Bonifacio Dominguez, municipal president of San Fernando, Masbate, for money advanced by them for the construction of school buildings at San Fernando and Batuan, not to exceed five hundred and fifty pesos; for the purchase of a piano for use in the girl's dormitory, Normal School, Manila; for the delivery of distilled water at the various Manila schools and offices of the Bureau-transportation of Insular property and supplies in the provinces; and other incidental expenses; one thousand nine hundred and fifty pesos.

In all, for the Bureau of Education, seven thousand two hundred pesos.


The chief clerk and disbursing officer of the Census Bureau shall be continued on duty from November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three, until the census work in these Islands is completed, and he shall at the end of every month present to the Secretary of   Public Instruction a written report of the work accomplished. The said chief clerk and disbursing officer is hereby authorized to engage temporarily the services of one clerk, class seven, from October twenty-sixth, and one messenger, continued in office by direction of the Director of the Census, from August fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three; to reimburse Joaquin Valasquez for money actually and necessarily expended by him from personal funds, not exceeding two pesos per diem, while engaged in the performance of his duties as special enumerator of Igorrotes in the Province of Nueva Vizrava, from March thirteenth to April twentieth, nineteen hundred and three; to pay to the special agent and special enumerators employed in the reenumeration of the wild tribes of the Province of Isabela their actual and necessary expenses of transportation and subsistence while conducting such work, in addition to the compensation authorized by the Census Act, as amended; to reimburse the four examiners engaged in the reenumeration and revision of the census in certain pueblos of Occidental Negros in the months of May and June, nineteen hundred and three, for the actual cost of their transportation and not to exceed two pesos per diem for subsistence while engaged in the performance,of their duties. The disbursing agent of Philippine revenue at Washington, District of Columbia is hereby authorized as of August twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and three, to pay all necessary contingent expenses contracted in the United States by authority of the Director of the Census.

The disbursements above mentioned shall be made from funds already appropriated for the taking of the census in the Philippine Islands.


Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses including purchase of drafting room and office furniture and supplies, ice, and distilled water; electric light; telephone service; and incidental supplies; two thousand four hundred pesos.


Salaries and wages, superintendent of the Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and three: Six laborers, atone hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, from November first, nineteen hundred and three, in lieu of six laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, sixty pesos.

Contingent expenses, superintendent of the  Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and four: For the reconstruction of sanitary fixtures and sewer and installation of septic tank under the supervision of the Sanitary Engineer for the city of Manila; for electric current and installation; renewal of canvas for awnings; and incidental supplies; five thousand six hundred and eighty-one pesos.

In all, for the superintendent of the Intendencia Building, five thousand seven hundred and forty-one pesos.


For the purchase of books and manuscripts and copies of documents relating to the history of the Philippine Islands, and for the payment of the traveling expanses of the Collecting Librarian while engaged in the performance of his duties as contemplated by sections one and two of Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-eight, nine thousand pesos: Provided, That the disbursing officer of the Executive Bureau be, and is hereby, authorized, subject to the direction of the Civil Governor, to advance to the Collecting Librarian from the funds above appropriated, such sums from time to time as shall be necessary for the purposes Tor which this appropriation is made.


The following sums, or so much thereof as may be round to be due on settlement of the respective claims by the Auditor, are hereby appropriated for the purposes specified:

For Sofio Alandy, fiscal of the Province of Tayabas, for extra compensation in payment for bis services in cross-examining witnesses and in representing the Government in the matter of the claim of Eustasio Maloles against the Insular Government for certain captured insurgent funds on deposit in the Insular Treasury, one hundred pesos; the payment" of which is hereby authorized, anything in existing laws prohibiting the payment of extra compensation to civil officials or employees to the contrary notwithstanding.

For Maxima Guerrero, for the return of the sum of sixty-one pesos and eighty-two centavos, local currencv. deposited by her in the treasury of the Spanish insular government prior to occupation by United States forces, and now on deposit in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands as a miscellaneous receipt : sixty pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Total of appropriations for all purposes, seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and nineteen pesos and forty centavos, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

SEC. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of section three of Act Numbered Bight hundred and seven, providing the manner in which withdrawals of moneys appropriated under said Act shall be made, are hereby made applicable to the withdrawal of moneys appropriated under this Act.

SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of  An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws, passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.

SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, November 27, 1903