[ Act No. 330, January 09, 1902 ]
By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government and of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, this appropriation being for the third quarter of said fiscal year, unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the third quarter of said fiscal year, shall be available for the obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two:
Salaries and wages, United Stales Philippine Commission, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including one disbursing officer, class five, hereby authorized, twenty-six thousand one hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, United States Philippine Commission, nineteen, hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the sum of one thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars for.information leading to the lining of the steamer Belgika for illicit trading, furniture. supplies, printing, and other incidental expenses, sixteen thousand live hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Expenses of surveys, United States Philippine Commission, nineteen hundred and two: For expenses of the survey of lands under the direction of the Commission, including salaries and wages of surveyors and helpers engaged in the work, one thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the United States Philippine Commission, forty-four thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Executive Secretary, at seven thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Assistant Executive Secretary, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; private secretary to the Civil Governor, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class three; one clerk, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class four: one clerk, class five; two clerks, class six; six clerks, class seven; eight clerks, class eight; ten clerks, class nine; three clerks, Class A; one janitor, Class B; two clerks, Class B: five clerks. Class C; two watchmen, at seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three messengers, at one hundred and highly dollars per annum each; twelve laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and extra allowance for disbursing officer at two hundred dollars per annum, seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including furniture, printing, stationery, emergency clerks not to exceed four dollars per day, allowance of forty-five dollars to Albert W. Hastings, for examination of Treasurer's and Auditor's offices, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Malacañan Palace, nineteen hundred and two: For lighting of park and incidental expenses, one hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Executive Bureau, twenty thousand eight hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and two: Three members, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one examiner, class three; one examiner, class five; one examiner, class six: one examiner, class seven; two examiners, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class B; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class G: one employee, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; and extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum, six thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and for transportation of supplies, two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippine, Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, stationery, furniture, and other incidental expenses, six hundred dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, seven thousand three hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: Insular Purchasing Agent, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Assistant Insular Purchasing Agent, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; five clerks, class six; one cashier, class seven; three clerks, class seven; three clerks, class eight; nine clerks, class nine; four clerks, class ten; four clerks, Class A; five clerks, Class C; one clerk, Class D; two clerks, Class H; six laborers, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; six emergency clerks, not to exceed three dollars per day each; extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum; and employees of the printing department as follows: One foreman, class nine; one compositor, class ten; one printer and bookbinder. Class A; one pressman, Class A; and for the hire of such foremen, teamsters, drivers, stablemen, blacksmiths, and additional watchmen and laborers as may from time to time be necessary in the various departments, not exceeding an aggregate of thirteen thousand sewn hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents: total for salaries and wages, twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-five dollars.
The Insular Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to pay one clerk, class seven, one clerk, class eight, and two clerks, class nine, from December tenth to December thirty-first. nineteen hundred and one, from funds appropriated for salaries and wages in the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent for the second quarter of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two.
Transportation. Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: For the hire of incidental transportation not otherwise specifically provided for, five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, stationery, supplies, purchase of forage, vehicles, harness, and animals, repairs to transportation, and other incidental expenses, twenty thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, forty-nine thousand three hundred and fifty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, three thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, furniture, printing, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, three thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: Chief Health Inspector, at three thousand Jive hundred dollars per annum; Sanitary Engineer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; temporary assistant sanitary engineer from December seventh, nineteen hundred and one, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; secretary, at two thousand Jive hundred dollars per annum; two medical inspectors, class five, in lieu of two medical inspectors, class six; two provisional medical inspectors, class five; two clerks, class six; three clerks, class seven; six clerks, class nine; twenty clerks, Class A; seven clerks, Class C; six clerks, Class D; one clerk, Class F; one clerk, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; five clerks, Class H; seventy-seven employees, Class I; five employees, Class J; forty-eight employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; twenty-seven employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; thirty-eight employees, at ninety dollars per annum each; six employees, at seventy-two dollars per annum each; nineteen employees, at sixty dollars per annum each; allowance for one stenographer, at one hundred dollars per month; salaries of practicantes employed in provinces, not to exceed one hundred and eighty dollars; deficiency salaries of practicantes and inspectors, not to exceed one hundred and sixty-five dollars; and extra allowance for disbursing officers at two hundred dollars per annum, twenty-seven thousand four hundred and forty dollars and fifty cents.
Support of hospital, plants, and stations, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For support and maintenance of the San Lazaro Hospital, women's department; San Lazaro Hospital, leper's department; leper colonies at Cebu and Palestina, lepers outside of colonies, Veterinary Department, plague and smallpox hospitals, plague hospital crematory, steam disinfecting plant, municipal dispensary, Hospicio de San Jose, Colegio de Santa Ysabel, Central Vaccine Institute, provincial vaccine institutes, and serum institute, thirty-seven thousand eighty hundred and fifty-five dollars and fifteen cents.
Transportation, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of freight, actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, construction of stables, purchase of forage, and for the rental of vehicles on official business as a temporary means of transportation until the same can be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed four hundred and seventy dollars, four thousand six hundred and forty dollars.
Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For the suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, including the suppression of the plague and rinderpest, destruction of rats and locusts, medicines for indigent sick, expenses of compulsory vaccination, and salaries and wages of the necessary temporary employees engaged in the above work, fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, supplies, furniture, rental of telephone, advertising, unpaid bills contracted prior to August seventh, nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed two thousand dollars, reimbursement of sixty-six dollars to owners of buildings in Naic destroyed to prevent the spread of plague, burial of deceased convicts and prisoners, and per diems at five dollars for the Commissioner of Public Health in lieu of all expenses, except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Regular Army by reason of his detail for civil duty; the cost of transportation herein provided for being. construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, six thousand three ;: hundred and two dollars.
Installation of the pail system in the city of Manila, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For the installation of the pail system, including purchase of launch and barge, salaries and wages of superintendent, overseers, laborers, and crews, purchase of horses, expenses in operating the system, and other incidental expenses, sixty thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars.
The difference between the amount expended for the installation of the pail system in the city of Manila and the amount collected therefor from property owners and deposited in the Insular Treasury, shall be reimbursed to the insular Government by the city of Manila, and when such reimbursement is fully made, all property, such as launches, barges, and so forth, purchased in carrying out the provisions of the appropriation, shall revert to and become the property of the city of Manila.
In all, for the Board of Health for the Philippines, one hundred and eighty-eight thousand live hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-five cents.
Salaries and wages, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including salaries and wages for the first and second quarters of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, not to exceed four hundred and forty dollars, eight thousand six hundred and ninety dollars.
Transportation, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and. necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, and for repairs, supplies, and miscellaneous expenses for quarantine launches, four thousand one hundred dollars.
Commutation and quarters, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For commutation of quarters of officers of the Quarantine Service, as authorized, by the regulations of the United States Treasury Department, one thousand two hundred and thirty dollars.
Support of Mariveles Quarantine Station, nineteen hundred and two: For support of Mariveles Quarantine Station, including subsistence, supplies, repairs, disinfectants, installation of dynamo, and other incidental expenses, nine thousand six hundred, and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including rent and repairs, supplies, expenses of disinfecting corps, wages of extra emergency disinfectors at times when the regular force is inadequate, transportation of disinfecting corps and apparatus, and other incidental expenses, seven hundred dollars.
In all, for the Quarantine Service, twenty-four thousand four hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, Forestry Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Assistant Chief of Bureau, three thousand dollars per annum; manager of timber-testing laboratory, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum from December second, nineteen hundred and one; five foresters, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each, one being from December second, nineteen hundred and one; four inspectors, class six; one collector, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; two clerks, class nine; four assistant inspectors, class nine; two clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class D; ten assistant foresters, Class D; twenty rangers, Class G; thirty rangers, Class I; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one woodworker, at seventy-five cents per day, fifteen thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars and eight cents.
Transportation, Forestry Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of freight and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, one thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Forestry Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including rents, purchase of wood samples, rent of telephone, and per diems at five dollars from December second, nineteen hundred and one, for the Chief of the Bureau, in lien of all expenses, except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Regular Army by reason of his detail for civil duty; cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars.
In all, for the Forestry Bureau, nineteen thousand six hundred and thirty dollars and eight cents.
Salaries and wages, Mining Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class D; one clerk, Class F; two clerks, Class I; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, and one employee, at eighty dollars per annum, two thousand four hundred dollars.
Geological and mineral surveys, Mining Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For expenses in connection with the geological and mineral surveys, including salaries and wages of employees, transportation of employees, and supplies, subsistence, and other incidental expenses, one thousand eight hundred and four dollars and fifty-four cents.
Contingent expenses, Mining Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, binding and printing, rents, and other incidental expenses, three hundred and forty-eight dollars and eighty cents.
In all, for the Mining Bureau, four thousand five hundred and fifty-three dollars and thirty-four cents.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Director, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; three assistant directors, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; one secretary, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; three clerks, Class A; five clerks, Class C; five clerks, Class D; one clerk, Class G; three clerks, Class I; four employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, and extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum, five thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.
Substations, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries of observers in substations, and other incidental expenses, three thousand and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and the transportation of supplies, live hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including rent, printing, stationery, electric lights, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Weather Bureau, ten thousand three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Public Lands, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class ten; two clerks, Class I; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, one thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Lands, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including furniture, office supplies, and other incidental expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Lands, two thousand two hundred and thirty dollars.
Contingent expenses. Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and two: For the purchase and transportation of seed from Japan, seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; assistant anthropologist, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; agent for Moro affairs, at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class eight; two clerks. Class H; one collector of natural-history specimens, Class nine, from November twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and one; one assistant collector of natural-history specimens, Class F, from December second, nineteen hundred and one, two thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Non-Christian. Tribes, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and collectors, and transportation of supplies, six hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent, expenses, including supplies, furniture, printing, instruments, and other incidental expenses, six hundred dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, four thousand and thirty-three dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: Superintendent, at four thousand dollars per annum; director of biological laboratory, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; two clerks, at one thousand live hundred dollars per annum each, one from December twenty-first, nineteen hundred and one; two clerks, class nine, one from December twenty-first, nineteen hundred and one; one photographer, Class A; one clerk. Class A; two clerks, Class I; one employee. Class 7: two laborers, at ninety dollars per annum each; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum (half salary), from November sixteenth to December twentieth, nineteen hundred and one; one clerk, class nine (half salary), from November sixteenth to December twentieth, nineteen hundred and one, and tempera it employees, not exceeding three hundred and seventy-five dollars, four thousand nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty-five cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: For traveling expenses of photographer, and for subsistence of two clerks on transport from the United States, three hundred and ten dollars.
Contingent expense, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including quarters for one medical officer, at thirty-live dollars per month, rents, repairs to apparatus, supplies, per diems at five dollars from December twentieth, nineteen hundred and one, for the Superintendent of the Pathological Laboratory, in lieu of all expenses, except cost of official transportation and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail to civil duty; cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred and two dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, seven thou-sand seven hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty-five cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-Marks, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, Class A, two hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: Attending Physician and Surgeon, at three thousand dollars per annum; assistant attending physician and surgeon, at two thousand dollars per annum; house surgeon, at one thousand dollars per annum; one superintendent, class nine; one dispensing clerk, class nine; one chief nurse, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum; one dietist, Class C; eight nurses, Class C; eight ward attendants. Class D; one employee, Class I; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one ambulance driver, at six hundred dollars per annum; one driver, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; five employees, at one hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight employees, at one hundred and fifteen dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and one temporary bookkeeper from October twenty-fifth to December fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one. at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, five thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars.
Transportation, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: For reimbursement to the Superintendent for carromata from October twenty-fourth to December fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, at fifty cents per day, and as a temporary expedient for transportation for the assistant attending physician and surgeon from October first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, at one dollar and fifty cents per day, where it was impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, one hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: Contingent expenses, including purchase of drugs and medicines, rent and repairs, lighting of hospital, expenses of the laundry, subsistence of patients and employees, forage for horses, coal, wood, and ice, telephone rental, and other incidental expenses, twenty thousand live hundred and thirty-three dollars and sixty-six cents.
Salaries and wages, Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: One superintendent, class nine; one employee, Class C; one employee, Class I; and four employees, at ninety dollars per annum each, six hundred and forty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses. Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including transportation, furniture, fixtures, provisions, sterilizers, heaters, and other incidental expenses, three thousand four hundred and three dollars and sixty-five cents.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Hospital, thirty thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars and eighty-one cents.
Salaries and wage?, Sail Ramon Government Farm, nineteen .hundred and two: Superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; two employees, Class H; and necessary laborers, not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.
Transportation, San Ramon Government Farm, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of supplies and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Sun Ramon Government Farm, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the purchase of mules, wagons, harness, trees, seeds, plows, and other incidental expenses, two thousand six hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-four cents.
In all, for the San Ramon Government Farm, five thousand five hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-four cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and. Police, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, two thousand nine hundred and seventy-live dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, furniture, printing, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, three thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Director-General of Posts, nineteen hundred and two: Director-General, at six thousand dollars per annum; Assistant Director-General, at three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; post-office inspector, at two thousand dollars per annum; chief of the division of stamps and supplies, at two thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven; one printer, class-seven; three clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine : one cleric, class ten; one clerk, Class I; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; and extra allowance for disbursing officer, at two hundred dollars per annum, six thousand six hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.
The Director-General of Posts is hereby authorized to pay the salary of one clerk, class eight, in lieu of one clerk, class nine, from October first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, out of any funds appropriated for salaries and wages for the office of the Director-General of Posts for the second quarter of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two.
Traveling expenses, Bureau of Post-Offices, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of post-office inspectors and other employees, five hundred dollars.
Mail transportation, Bureau of Post-Offices, nineteen hundred and two: For inland mail transportation, sea transportation of mails, and for the transportation of mails through foreign countries, fourteen thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Post-Offices, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including part reimbursement to employees of premiums on bonds, rent of post-offices at Batangas and Aparri from April first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed an aggregate of sixty-five dollars, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, Post-Office Service, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages in the Manila post-office and post-offices outside of Manila: One postmaster, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant postmaster, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one postmaster, class five; four postmasters, class seven; one postmaster, class eight; four postmasters, class nine; ten postmasters, class ten; one superintendent of mails, class five; one superintendent money-order division, class six; one superintendent registry division, class six; one superintendent free-delivery division, class seven; one clerk, class seven: sixteen clerks, class eight; fourteen clerks, class nine; thirteen clerks, class ten; ten clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class B; one clerk. Class C; four clerks, Class D; three clerks, Class E; eight clerks, Class F; eight clerks, Class G; six clerks, Class H; four clerks, Class I; fifteen clerks, at an aggregate not to exceed four hundred and ten dollars; ten employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; compensation of postmasters appointed under the provisions of sections three and four of Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand dollars, and for the employment of substitutes in places of postmasters and other employees granted leaves of absence, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand dollars; total for salaries and wages, thirty-three thousand nine hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, Post-Office Service, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including expenses of stamp agencies in Manila, not exceeding two dollars per month each, rent and lighting of post-offices, allowance of one hundred and ninety-two dollars and twelve cents in lien of salary for earned leave of absence to B. F. Wells, clerk, class eight, and for other incidental expenses, four thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars and twelve cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Post-Offices, sixty-two thousand and twenty-two dollars and twelve cents.
Construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone, and cable lines, Signal Service, nineteen hundred and two: For purchases and service in connection with the construction and maintenace of telephone, telegraph, and cable lines, and for the hire of native linemen, messengers, machinists, and cable employees, twenty-five thousand dollars.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: Three assistant chiefs, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one adjutant, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one paymaster, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; forty-live first-class inspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; forty-five second-class inspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of eleven thousand eight hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; fifty-six third-class inspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of thirteen thousand four hundred dollars; fifty-one fourth-class inspectors, not to exceed an aggregate of twelve thousand dollars; forty subinspectors, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; Chief of the Section of Information, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one armorer and gunsmith, Class A; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class eight; one clerk, class nine; three clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class C: two detectives. Class D; two clerks, Class I; two clerks, at three hundred and sixty-five dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one teamster, at six hundred dollars per annum; extra compensation for forty inspectors acting as commissaries, at forty-eight dollars per annum each; extra compensation for one paymaster and three disbursing clerks, at two hundred dollars per annum each; and for pay of enlisted men of all grades and of laborers, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred dollars; two hundred and six thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars.
The amount appropriated in Act Numbered Three hundred and eleven for the pay of Philippines Constabulary is hereby made available for the pay of one teamster, Class D, for the second quarter of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two.
Clothing, camp and garrison equipage, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For clothing, woolens, materials, and manufacture of clothing, equipage, purchase, repair, and preservation of arms, ammunition, and equipments, thirty-five thousand dollars.
Barracks and quarters, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For allowances for offices, guardhouses, arsenals, including repairs to Government buildings and stables, and for the construction and hire of buildings and stables, and for illuminating supplies, twenty thousand dollars.
Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of officers, enlisted men, prisoners, animals, supplies, and including subsistence of officers and enlisted men while on campaign or traveling under orders, forage for animals, blacksmith tools, forges and shoeing of animals, purchase of horses, horse equipments, and veterinary supplies, forty-six thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.
Secret-service fund, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent fund to be used for secret-service purposes in the discretion of the Chief or Acting Chief, six thousand dollars.
Commissary stores, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For purchase and transportation of commissaries, ten thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery, furniture, office supplies, printing, medical treatment, medicines for en listed men, purchase from natives of serviceable rifles, carbines, and shotguns, subsistence of prisoners, and per diems, at five dollars for the Chief and First Assistant Chief, in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation and to compensate them for all commutations and allowances from which they are excluded as officers of the Army by reason of their detail for civil duty; cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Philippines Constabulary, three hundred and thirty-nine thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: One warden, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one physician, at two thousand dollars per annum; two assistant wardens, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum each; eight dorks, class nine; five clerks, Class D; one clerk. Class G; ten clerks, Class I; two chaplains, at three hundred dollars per annum each; live clerks, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; fourteen guards, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; two sergeants, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; twenty-four guards, at two hundred and forty; dollars per annum each, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners, medicines, and supplies, purchases of surgical instruments, fuel, forage for horses, reimbursement to prisoners of one-fifth of the amount, earned as laborers while in prison, as required by Spanish law, and other incidental expenses, forty thousand and twenty-eight dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Prisons in Manila, fifty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-three dollars.
Salaries and wages, United, States prison, San Isidro, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, class nine; one clerk, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, United States prison, San Isidro, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners, stationery, clothing for prisoners, repairs to prison, and other incidental expenses, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the United States prison, San Isidro, two thousand three hundred and thirty dollars.
Salaries and wages, United States prison, Lingayen, nineteen hundred and two: One physician, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one practicante, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; one jailer, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, two hundred and fifty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Captain of the Port and Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and two: Superintendent Light-House Division, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one boiler inspector, class four; one clerk, class five; one clerk, class six; two clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine: four clerks. Class A: five clerks, Class F; one messenger, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; five messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three patrolmen, at three hundred dollars per annum each; five thousand nine hundred and ninety-five dollars.
Light-House Service, Office of the Captain of the Port and Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and two: For the Light-House Service, including salaries and wages of keepers, boatmen, messengers, and laborers, supplies, repairs, and other incidental expenses, nine thousand five hundred dollars.
Launches, Office of the Captain of the Port and Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and two: For expenses in the maintenance of launches, including salaries and wages of captains, engineers, crews?, and laborers, repairs and outfits, rations, coal, oil, and other materials for consumption, three thousand five hundred and thirty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Captain of the Port and Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, advertising, printing, and per diems at five dollars for the Captain of the Port and Chief of the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Navy by reason of his detail for civil duty; cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, nine hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Captain of the Port and Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Coast and, Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, one thousand and forty-two dollars and fifty cents.
Expenses of steamers, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred, and two: For the expenses in the maintenance of steamer engaged in survey work, including salaries and wages of officers and crew, rations, supplies, repairs, and other incidental expenses, three thousand nine hundred dollars. Field expenses, Bureau- of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and two: For field expenses, including pay of observers, foremen, recorders, and other incidental expenses, five thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, stationery, printing, and other incidental expenses, three hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, ten thousand two hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including furniture, office supplies, printing, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, three thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Treasury, nineteen hundred and two: Treasurer, at six thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, clays three; three clerks, class four; two clerks, class five; two clerks, class six: one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class eight; five clerks, class nine; one clerk, at seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk, Class C; one clerk, Class H; two clerks, Class I; one clerk, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum, nine thousand and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Bureau of the Insular Treasury, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of employees, including the traveling expenses of one clerk from the United States, six hundred and forty-one dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Treasury, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, supplies, stationery, purchase of cash trays, and salaries and wages of employees engaged in counting cash, not to exceed three hundred dollars, and printing blank forms, books, and so forth, for provincial and municipal governments, and other incidental expenses, ten thousand eight hundred dollars.
The sums appropriated in Acts Numbered One hundred and sixty-two and Two hundred and sixty-four for printing and binding bonks, forms, and so forth, for provincial governments are herein math available for printing and binding books, forms, and so forth, for provincial and municipal governments.
In all. for the Bureau of the Insular Treasury, twenty thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and. wanes, Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and two: Auditor, at six thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Auditor, at four thousand dollars per annum; one chief clerk, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; ten clerks, class five; three clerks, class six; four clerks, class seven; six clerks, class eight; twelve clerks, class nine; two clerks, class ten; two clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class B; two clerks, Class C; two clerks. Class D; two clerks, Class E; two clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class I; four messengers, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; and extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum, nineteen thousand six hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation of officers, employees, and supplies. Bureau of the Insular Auditor, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses, not exceeding three dollars per day, and necessary cost of transportation of clerks detailed as traveling examiners, and of officers and clerks authorized by law to travel on official business in connection with the settlement of accounts and the inspection of offices, one thousand dollars. The Auditor is hereby authorized to detail any clerk not below the grade of class six for the purpose of examining the accounts of offices and officers required by law to submit their accounts to him for settlement.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the, Insular Auditor, nineteen, hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, binding, stationery, official telegrams, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Auditor, twenty-two thousand six hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: Collector, at six thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Collector, at four thousand dollars per annum; Surveyor of Customs, at four thousand dollars per annum; cashier, at three thousand dollars per annum; insular customs accountant, at three thousand dollars per annum; insular chief clerk of customs, from November twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, at three thousand dollars per annum; one employee, class three; six employees, class five; two employees, class six: twenty-two employees, class eight; eleven employees, class nine; twenty-six employees, class ten; seventy-six employees. Class A; one employee. Class C; two employees, Class D; eighteen employees. Class F; three employees, Class H; seventeen employees. Class I; one hundred and thirty-two employees, Class J; twenty-eight employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; ten employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each: sixty-six employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; eleven employees, at ninety-dollars per annum each; extra allowance for disbursing clerk, at two hundred dollars per annum; salaries of substitutes for employees granted leave of absence, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand eight hundred dollars; one employee, class nine (half pay), from October first to October twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and one; ten emergency employees, class nineteen hundred and one, to February eleventh, nineteen hundred and two, and for salaries and wages for the port of Iloilo, not to exceed eight thousand five hundred and sixty-four dollars; for the port of Cebu, including one additional employee, class nine, hereby authorized, not to exceed four thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars; for the port of Zamboanga, not to exceed one thousand three hundred and twenty-two dollars; for the port of Jolo, not to exceed two thousand two hundred and eighty-three dollars and fifty cents; for the port of Siassi, not to exceed six hundred and three dollars; for interior ports, not to exceed fourteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars; and deficiency salaries at Jolo and interior ports from June to September, nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed three hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty cents. Total for salaries and wages, ninety-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents.
Secret Service, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: Contingent fund for secret-service purposes, to be used in the discretion of the Collector of Customs for the Archipelago, one thousand five hundred dollars.
Expenses of revenue launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: Expenses of launches, including salaries and wages for officers and crews, supplies, fuel, and repairs for the same, eleven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars and twenty-three cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses throughout the Archipelago, including printing, stationery, office supplies, transportation for the same, cart and coolie hire, actual and necessary traveling expenses of customs officials, fare to Hongkong of persons deported under the provisions of Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-five, rents and repairs to buildings, maintenance of launches outside of Manila, traveling expenses of the Surveyor of Customs from the United States, allowance of six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents to F. S. Cairns in lieu of all claim for salary from November first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, and other incidental expenses, twenty-four thousand six hundred and ten dollars and seventy-three cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, one hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and forty-six cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including unpaid salaries and wages prior, to January first, nineteen hundred and two, not to exceed eighty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents, two thousand five hundred and sixty-one dollars and sixty-four cents.
Rents and repairs. Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For rents and repairs, including thirty dollars for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees. transportation of supplies, including transportation during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed three dollars and sixty cents, seventy-four dollars and fifty-five cents.
Refunds, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For refund of taxes collected contrary to law and to enable the collectors to refund to the payors the amounts erroneously collected, four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty-six cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, furniture, and other incidental expenses, five hundred and eighteen dollars.
In all. for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, three thousand eight hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifteen cents.
Salaries and wages. Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen Hundred and two: One clerk, class five: two clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; one clerk, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class B; five clerks, Class D; three clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class I; and salaries and wages in the engineering and manufacturing department, land-transportation department, water-transportation department, and in the maintenance and care of buildings and grounds, not to exceed an aggregate of twenty-one thousand six hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty cents; twenty-six thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and for the transportation of supplies, three hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including supplies, materials for repairs, and for the erection of sheds, docks, and so forth, furniture, advertising, stationery, and for per diems at five dollars for the officer in charge of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer in the Army by reason of his detail to civil duty; the cost of transportation herein provided being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, fifty-five thousand and fifty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents.
In all, for the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, eighty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-seven dollars and eighteen cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two:
Supreme Court:
Chief Justice, at seven thousand five hundred dollars per annum; six associate justices, at seven thousand dollars per annum each; one clerk of the court, at three thousand dollars per annum; two deputy clerks, at two thousand dollars per annum each; three employees, class seven; one employee class nine; one employee, Class E; three employees. Class H; six employees. Class J; five employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each.
Court of First Instance, Manila:
Two judges, at five thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, at two thousand dollars per annum; one assistant clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, at nine hundred dollars per annum; two employees, class seven; one employee, class eight; one employee, class nine; five employees, Class H; four employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one interpreter, at two dollars per day for six days.
Courts of First Instance, First District:
One judge, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Ilocos Norte, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Cagayan, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Isabela, at seven hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Nueva Vizcaya, at four hundred dollars per annum; one fiscal, Nueva Vizcaya, from November thirteenth, nineteen hundred and one, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one fiscal, Cagayan, from July first to August thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee, class nine; one employee," Class D; four employees, Class J; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; temporary employees from July first; to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one not to exceed one hundred and eighty dollars.
Courts of First Instance, Second District:
One judge, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Ilocos Sur, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Abra, at seven hundred dollars per annum; one clerk Bontoc and Lepanto, at five-hundred dollars per annum; one assistant clerk from October seventeenth, nineteen hundred and one, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one fiscal, Bontoc and Lepanto, at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum, from October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one; one employee, Class D; one employee, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; four employees, Class J; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one employee, Class J, from November first, nineteen hundred and one; one employee, Class J, from December ninth, nineteen hundred and one.
Courts of First Instance, Third District:
One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Union and Benguet, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Pangasinan at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Zambales, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class seven; one employee, class nine; one employee, Class II; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.
Courts of First Instance, Fourth District:
One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one cleric. Tarlac, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Pampanga. at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Nueva Ecija. at nine hundred dollars per annum; three employees. Class I: one employee, Class J; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Fifth District:
One judge, at four thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Bulacan at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Bataan, at eight hundred dollars per annum: one clerk, Rizal, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee. Class G; one employee, Class J; five employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum from December first to thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Sixth District:
One judge, at four thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Laguna. at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Cavite, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Tayabas, Principe, and so forth, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, Tayabas. at five hundred dollars per annum; one fiscal, Lagima, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two employees, Class D: one employee, Class F; one employee, Class I; four employees, Class J : four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Seventh District:
One judge, at four thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Batangas, at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Marinduqne. at seven hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Mindoro. at eight hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class D; three employees. Class J; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.
Courts of First Instance, Eighth District:
One judge, at four thousand dollars per annum: one clerk, Sorsogon, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Ambos Camarines, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Masbate, at four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Albay and Catanduanes, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class seven; three employees, Class J; two employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.
Courts of First Instance, Ninth District:
One judge, at five thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Romblon. at five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Capiz, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Iloilo, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one employee, class ten; one employee, Class D; two employees. Class J; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; five employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, one being from December first, nineteen hundred and one; two employees, at ninety dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Tenth District:
One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Antique, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Occidental Negros. at one thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk. Oriental Negros. at eight hundred dollars per annum; one employee. Class D; two employees, Class J; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one employee, at ninety dollars per annum.
Courts of First Instance, Eleventh District:
One judge, at five thousand dollar per annum; one clerk, Cebu, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Bohol, at one thousand dollars per annum; one deputy clerk, Cebu (Barili), at six hundred dollars per annum: one employee, Class C; one employee. Class D; two employees. Class H; three employees, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two employees, at sixty dollar? per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Twelfth District:
One judge, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Samar, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Leyte, at one thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Surigao, at eight hundred dollars per annum: one deputy clerk, Leyte (Maasin), at five hundred dollars per annum; one employee. Class D; four employees, Class J, from December fifth, nineteen hundred and one; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance, Thirteenth District:
One judge, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, Misamis, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, Zamboanga, and so forth, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; five deputy clerks for the district, at two hundred dollars per annum each; one fiscal, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; six employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each.
Courts of First Instance. Fourteenth District:
One judge, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, at nine hundred dollars per annum: four deputy clerks, at two hundred dollars per annum each; one fiscal, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum.
Special court for the Island of Negros:
One judge, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, at eight hundred dollars per annum; one employee, Class .
Office of the Attorney-General:
Attorney-General,at seven thousand dollars per annum; Solicitor-General, at five thousand five hundred dollars per annum; Assistant Attorney-General, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; four assistants, at not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum each; one supervisor of fiscals, at four thousand dollars per annum; dollars per annum; one employee, at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, class five; one employee, class five; one employee, class seven; four employees, class eight; one employee, class nine; one employee, Class F; two employees, Class G; one employee, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum.
Total for salaries and wages, seventy-one thousand one hundred and ten dollars and eighty-two cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of judges, employees of the courts, and of the Attorney-General's office, two thousand live hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including sheriff's fees, rent of buildings used as court rooms, repairs to the Supreme Court building, per diem allowances of four dollars to judges of the Courts of First Instance while absent from their district on duty in Manila, and of one dollar and fifty cents each for the judge and fiscal of the Fourteenth .Judicial District while necessarily absent from Jolo in the performance of their official duties, and for other incidental expenses, live thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Justice, seventy-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and eighty-two cents.
Salaries and wages. Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including furniture, supplies, printing, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, three thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau, of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: General Superintendent, at six thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class four; one clerk, class five; four clerks, class eight; three clerks, class nine; eight clerks, class ten; one clerk, Class C: four employees, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; eighteen division superintendents, not to exceed an aggregate of eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; one thousand teachers, not to exceed an aggregate of three hundred thousand dollars, wages and laborers not to exceed an aggregate of six hundred dollars, and salaries and wages of the Nautical School, not to exceed one thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars. Total for salaries, three hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Support of schools, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For support of schools at San Jose de Corregidor, San Pedro Macati. Pasacao, Camarines, and in the Island of Masbate. one thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of the General Superintendent, division superintendents, employees of the Bureau, and of teachers from the United States to their stations, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars.
Rents and repairs, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For rent of Nautical School, three hundred dollars.
School furniture and supplies, Bureau of Public, Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For school furniture, schoolbooks, and supplies, including transportation and storage of same, one hundred thousand dollars.
Contingent expanses, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including salary and expenses of the Advisory Board, office supplies and stationery for the General Superintendent and division superintendents, lumber and packing, expenses in constructing temporary and permanent quarters of teachers, expenses of the formal School and Teachers' Institute, not to exceed thirty thousand dollars; expenses.of the trade schools and industrial work, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; equipment of secondary schools, not to exceed ten thousand dollars; purchase of artificial leg for Miss Paddock, a school-teacher who sustained an injury while in the service necessitating the amputation of her leg, and for per diems at five dollars for the officer in charge of the Nautical School, in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Navy, by reason of his detail for civil duty; cost of transportation herein provided for being construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines, seventy thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Instruction, five hundred and seven thousand five hundred and twenty-four dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Statistics, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, class eight, from .December first, nineteen hundred and one, four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, American Circulating Library of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For salary of librarian, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, three hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, American Circulating Library of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For rent of library building, increase in shelving, and other incidental expenses, four hundred dollars.
In all, for the American Circulating Library of Manila, seven hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: Public Printer, at three thousand live hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class four; four clerks, class five; four clerks, class six; five clerks, class seven; three clerk's, class nine; two clerks, Class D; two messengers,at one hundred and .fifty dollars per annum each; and for temporary, clerical, technical, and professional employees, and skilled and unskilled laborers, carpenters, masons, and so forth, not to exceed an aggregate of seventeen thousand one hundred and sixty-nine dollars; twenty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including material, supplies, rent, repairs, transportation, office equipment, and other incidental expenses, ninety thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Printing, one hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at four thousand dollars per annum; one superintendent of construction, class seven; two clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine; five clerks, Class H; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; three thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: For temporary provision for inn importation of employees on official business where it is impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, one hundred dollars.
Maintenance of public buildings, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: For the maintenance, repairs, and construction of public buildings, thirty-two thousand eight hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses. including printing, stationery, books, instruments, furniture, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, thirty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum: one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class F; two clerks. Class H; one clerk. Class I; three clerks, Class J; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, two thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery, supplies, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Archives, two thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Benguet wagon road, nineteen hundred and two: For salarv of, one physician, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, four hundred and fifty dollars.
Salaries and wages, district commander, Isabela de Basilan, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, Class D; one clerk, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; and salaries and wages of captain and crew of the launch Basilan, not to exceed an aggregate of nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents, one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, district commander, Isabela de Basilan, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including rations of captain and crew of the launch Basilan, rents, supplies, and oilier incidental expenses, eight hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the district commander, Isabela de Basilan, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four dollars.
For reimbursement of an amount paid to Lawrence P. Butler, supervisor of Pampanga, and William P. Goodale, treasurer of Pampanga. in lieu of all commutations for quarters, from which allowances from military appropriations such officers were excluded by reason of their civil detail from March first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and ninety-two dollars.
For refund to the municipality of Legaspi for taxes collected in such municipality and erroneously turned into the Insular Treasury, six hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, custodian Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and two: Custodian, at two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; and six laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, two hundred and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, custodian Intendencia Building, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including repairs, electric lights, supplies, and other incidental expenses, six hundred and thirty-five dollars.
In all, for the custodian Intendencia Building, nine hundred and fifteen dollars.
Pay of interpreters, stenographic reporters, and witnesses, Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For the pay of stenographic reporters, interpreters, and witnesses for military commissions in the trial of crimes committed in Lepanto, Bontoc, Nueva Vizcaya, Infanta, Principe, Laguna, Batangas, and Mindoro, and for crimes committed prior to the inauguration of civil government in other provinces, six thousand dollars; the pay of stenographers not to exceed one dollar per hour in open session of the commission and fifteen cents per one hundred words for the first and five cents per one hundred words for each additional copy of the transcript of notes and of exhibits copied.
Rents and repairs, Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, nineteen hundred anil two: For rents and repairs for buildings occupied for military purposes in the Department of North Philippines prior to April first, nineteen hundred and one, two thousand eight hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, nineteen hundred, and two: For the construction of a temporary prison not to exceed four thousand seven hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety cents, and for printing oaths of allegiance, four thousand eight hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety cents.
In all, for the Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, thirteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighty-seven cents.
Subsistence of civil convicts, employees, and so forth, Chief Commissary, Division of the Philippine, nineteen hundred and two: For subsistence of civil convicts, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; civil employees, not to exceed three thousand dollars; native destitutes, not to exceed five hundred dollars; and scouts prior to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; total, forty-three thousand five hundred dollars.
Pay of civilian scouts, nineteen hundred and two: For the pay of civilian scouts throughout the division, thirty thousand dollars. scouts.
For the Union Surety and Guaranty Company of Philadelphia, for the payment of premiums on surety bonds of Government officials, six thousand and fifty-eight dollars and sixty-two cents.
For Ladislao Afable, for rent of house in Cavite used as a commissary depot during January, February, and March, nineteen hundred and one, fifty-seven dollars and fourteen cents.
For Amzi B. Kelly, treasurer of Marinduque, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him in going to Marinduque to enter upon the duties as treasurer of Marinduque, eighty-eight dollars and ten cents.
For R. E. Sherwood, treasurer of Masbate, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him while awaiting transportation to Masbate to enable him to assume the duties of his office as treasurer, fifty-four dollars.
For Mike Abraham, for an allowance to compensate him for detention as a witness at the San Fernando Police Station from March twentieth to June eighth, nineteen hundred and one, thirty-two dollars.
For Captain John Cotter, Fifteenth Infantry, late collector of internal revenue at Donsol, for reimbursement of an amount erroneously collected by him while acting as collector of internal revenue and refunded from his personal funds, two dollars and fifty-seven cents.
For Pedro Alcantara, for return, in accordance with recommendation Pedro
Alcantara. dat ion of Board of Officers on Claims, of funds deposited in Insular
Treasury on June fourth, nineteen hundred, as proceeds from the sale of property
belonging to him in San Pablo, Laguna, and from bouse rent during April and May,
nineteen hundred, con-liscated by Major H. B. Mulford, Thirty-ninth Infantry,
United States Volunteers, six hundred and thirty-eight dollars and
For John G. Livingston, governor of Sorsogon, for an allowance in lieu of commutation of quarters from May twenty-sixth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and from September first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, from which allowances from military appropriations he was excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, one hundred and sixty-two dollars.
For allowanecs in lieu of commutations for quarters at the Army rate to officers of the Regular Army detailed as provincial officials and from which allowances they are excluded as officers of the Army hv reason of their detail to civil duty, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars.
Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen Municipal Board. hundred and two: Three members, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one secretary, at three thousand dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class six; four clerks, class seven; one clerk, class eight: five clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; four employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one secretary of the Advisory Board, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; and for fees of the Advisory Board, not to exceed three hundred and thirty dollars, ten thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including office supplies, stationery, printing, books, rent and repairs, furniture, subsistence and care of civiL prisoners from August seventh, nineteen hundred and one, not to exceed twelve thousand dollars, and for hire of transportation for employees on official business as a temporary expedient until such transportation can be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed twenty-live dollars, twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: One assistant city engineer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent of streets, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent of water and sewers, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one superintendent of buildings and illumination, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two second assistant city engineers, class six: one assistant superintendent of streets, class six; one chief inspector of streets, class six; two clerks, class seven; eight clerks, class eight; thirteen clerks, class nine; two clerks, class ten; four clerk's, Class A; five clerks, Class C; nine clerks, Class D; one clerk, Class E; two clerks, Class F; one clerk, Class G; five clerks, Class H; sixteen clerks, Class I; four clerks. Class J: one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; increase in pay from September first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, of one assistant engineer at the pumping station from forty dollars to sixty dollars per month, and of one assistant engineer from forty dollars to fifty dollars per month for the same period; unclassified employees in the streets, parks, rock quarry, division of night labor on streets, launch crew, disposal of garbage, transportation, shops, reservoir, pumping station,, and buildings, not, to exceed thirty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and ten cents; and for the hire of ordinary labor for streets and parks, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars: total for salaries and wages, seventy-three thousand three hundred and nine dollars and ten cents.
Maintenance and repairs, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For repairs to city bridges, city stables, and corrals; payment of eighty per centum on contract price of Anda Street Market, interior fittings of Diviso-ria Market, not to exceed three thousand and forty-two dollars and seventy-two cents; purchase and transportation of road material, maintenance of electric lights in streets, harbor, police stations, fire stations, and other public buildings: maintenance of pumping stations, pipe lines, and reservoirs; materials and labor for erection of a bridge over the Binondo Estero, expenses of public cemeteries, purchase of automatic weighing machine for the Matadero, purchase of coal, forage, and petroleum, and for other incidental expenses for maintenance and repairs in the Department of Engineering and Public Works, ninety-four thousand live hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery, printing, furniture, rent of schools, police stations, markets, and other public buildings, rent and service of telephones, printing map of Manila, hire of bullcarts and drivers not to exceed eight thousand five hundred dollars, hire of transportation for employees on official business as a temporary expedient for transportation until the same can be supplied by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed seven hundred and fifty-two dollars, and other incidental expenses; eighteen thousand one hundred and forty-nine dollars.
Salaries and wages. Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: City Assessor and Collector, at four thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Assessor, at three thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Collector, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class four; one clerk. class five: one clerk, class six; three clerks, class seven; one clerk, at one Thousand live hundred dollars per annum; six clerks, class eight: nine clerks, class nine; one clerk, class ten; one clerk, Class A; three clerks. Class C; four clerks, Class G; ten clerks, Class I; twenty clerk's. Class J; thirty-seven employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; six employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one clerk, class nine (half salary), From October sixteenth to November twelfth, nineteen hundred and one: and for the employment of emergency clerks in the assessment df taxable real estate in Manila, not to exceed .fourteen thousand five hundred dollars; total for salaries and wages, twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, furniture, license tags, advertising, traveling expenses of one employee from the United States, hire of vehicles nil ollicial business as a temporary expedient until the same cm be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed two hundred and thirty-four dollars and eighty cents, and other incidental expenses, two thousand eight hundred and five dollars and fifty-five cents.
Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen Fire Department hundred and two: Chief, at three thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Chief, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one electrician, class six; one chief engineer, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class nine; three captains, class nine; three captains, class nine, for one month; two linemen, Class A; two lieutenants. Class A; two lieutenants, Class A, for one month; three lieutenants. Class D; three lieutenants, Class D, for. one month; ten drivers, Class C; four engineers, Class D; one engineer. Class D. for one month; three drivers. Class J; forty-nine employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, ten thousand and. ten dollars.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For purchase of hose, escort wagons, chemical fire engines, equipment of liremen, repairs and maintenance of fire apparatus, eight thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including printing, stationery, furniture, purchase of forage, installation of fire-alarm system, hire of vehicles on official business as a temporary expedient until such transportation can he secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed fifteen dollars, and other incidental expenses, three thousand and fifteen dollars.
Salaries and, wages, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen Law Department. hundred and two: City Attorney, at three thousand five hundred dollars, per annum; assistant city attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; prosecuting attorney, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand dollars per annum; two judges of municipal courts, at three thousand dollars per annum each; sheriff, at three thousand dollars per annum; two deputy sheriffs, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two justices of the peace, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two clerks of municipal courts, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two deputy clerks of municipal courts, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two deputy clerks of municipal courts, at six hundred dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; two employees, class six; one employee, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; eight employee's, class nine; two employees, Class A; one employee, Class C; one employee, Class D; one employee, Class J; eleven employees, at one, hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and for the payment of assessors in the Courts of First Instance for the city of Manila, not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars; total for salaries and wages, fourteen thousand iive hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including law books for the office of the City Attorney, not to exceed iive hundred dollars, office supplies, stationery, printing, advertising, repairs, contingent fund for the employment of Japanese and Chinese interpreters for the municipal courts, allowance of one hundred and sixty-five dollars and seventy-six cents for Paul A. Miller in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, hire of vehicles on official business as a temporary expedient until such transportation can be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one hundred and sixty-dollars, and for other incidental expenses, three thousand four hundred and five dollars and seventy-six cents.
Salaries and wages, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred ami two: Chief of Police, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum ; one inspector and assistant chief of police, at two thousand live hundred dollars per annum; one assistant inspector, at two thousand dollars per annum : one chief of the Secret Service, at three thousand dollars per annum; one surgeon, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one assistant surgeon, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; four clerks, class eight: four clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; seven clerks,Class D; three employees.at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; and for salaries and wages of captains, lieutenants, sergeants, roundsmen, patrolmen, detectives, and crew of launch for the river and harbor police, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and five dollars, and including twenty-three dollars and thirty-three cents for the salaries of one clerk, class nine, from August seventh to August tenth, nineteen hundred and one, and one clerk class nine from August seventh to August ninth, nineteen hundred and one, who were temporarily continued after the organization of the city of Manila; total for salaries and wages, one'hundred and thirty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For equipment of the police force, including shotguns, shields, whistles, belts, holsters, handcuffs, shackles, saddles, bridles, blankets, steam launch, and rowboats, fifteen thousand four hundred and thirty-six dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including contingent fund for detective bureau, stationery, office supplies, forage, repairs, subsistence of prisoners, expenses of night schools, for police, hire of vehicles on official business as a temporary expedient until such transportation can be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed six hundred dollars, and other incidental expenses, five thousand two hundred and sixty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, class seven; two clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class G; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum: and salaries and wages of teachers and employees of the night schools and of native teachers for the city of Manila, not to exceed twenty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-one dollars; total, twenty-two thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars.
Contengent expenses, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery. books, printing, supplies, hire of vehicles on official business as a temporary expedient until such transportation can be secured from the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one hundred and Sixty-two dollars, and other incidental expenses, nine hundred and twelve dollars.
In all, for the citv of Manila, four hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars and fifty-eight cents.
Total appropriation for all purposes, two million five hundred and ten
thousand one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and seventy-nine cents, in money
of the United States, or so much thereof as iiinv lie
SEC. 2. The provincial government of the
Province of Surigao is hereby authorized to pay the salary of one clerk, at
three hundred dollars per annum, in the office of the provincial fiscal, from
July first, nineteen hundred and one. or such time thereafter as he may have
been actually employed, until August twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and one.
or until such time as the notice of the disapproval by the Insular Treasurer of
the request for the employment of such clerk was received and at one hundred and
eighty dollars per annum from October eighth, or such time thereafter as the
said clerk was actually employed by the provincial board until notice of the
disapproval of such employment was received from the Insular Treasurer, anything
in previous Acts to the contrary notwithstand-
SEC. 3. All funds appropriated by this Act shall be disbursed in local eurrenev upon the basis of two dollars and ten cents in local rency! currency for one dollar in money of the United States, except the sum appropriated for the Chief Paymaster, Division of the Philippines, forty thousand dollars of the amount appropriated for contingent expenses for the Bureau of Public Printing, two thousand dollars appropriated for unpaid bills under "Contingent expenses, Board of Health for the Philippines," and two thousand five hundred dollars of Hie amount appropriated under the head of "Transportation. Philippines Constabulary." which shall be disbursed in money of the United States.
Act Numbered One hundred and sixty-three is hereby amended so as to allow the sum of eight thousand dollars, appropriated for Chief Quarantine Officer, under the head of "Equipment for Mariveles Quarantine Station," to be disbursed in money of the United States instead of one-half in money of the United States and one-half in local currency as provided in said Act.
Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four is hereby amended so as to allow the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars, appropriated under miscellaneous expenses for the office of the Superintendent of Streets, Parks. Bridges. Docks, and Wharves, for the purchase of settees for the Luneta, to be disbursed in money of the United States.
Act Numbered Three hundred and eleven is hereby amended so as to allow the sum of eight thousand six hundred dollars, appropriated to the Chief Quartermaster. Division of the Philippines, for pay of scouts, to be disbursed in money of the United States.
SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure hy the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, January 9, 1902.