[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5363, June 15, 1968 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. The Northern Mindanao Institute of Technology shall hereafter be known as Iligan Institute of Technology and is hereby integrated as a unit of the Mindanao State University.

SEC. 2. The Iligan Institute of Technology shall provide program for an effective manpower training urgently needed for the industrial and commercial development of the Mindanao regions.

SEC. 3. There  is  hereby  created  an  Advisory Council whose function it shall be to establish and promote close coordination between the training programs of the Institute and the manpower needs of industry, business and other sectors  of  the  economy,   particularly  those  which will  hasten the development of the Mindanao regions.

SEC. 4. The  composition  of the  Advisory  Council,  including the qualifications of members and their terms of office,  shall be determined by the Board of Regents from time, so as to give representation to the varying, developing, expanding and emerging industry, trade and business, including the Mindanao State University:  Provided, That the Mayor of the City of lligan, a representative of the  City Council   of  Iligan  and  the  Director of Vocational Education or his representative shall be ex-officio members.

SEC.  5. In  the  formulation  of  policies   and  action on  matters affecting the administration  of the lligan Institute of Technology, the Mayor of the City of Iligan, Chairman of the Advisory Council and the President of the Iligan Chamber of Industries shall be considered ex-officio members of the Board of Regents of the Mindanao State University and shall be entitled  to all  the rights and privileges of the members of the Board of Regents:  Provided, however, That their participation  shall not ex­tend  on  other  matters   beyond   the   interest   and  concern of the Iligan  Institute  of  Technology.

The  Secretary   of  the   Board   of   Regents   shall   issue notification to the said members of the Board whenever the agenda of the Board meeting  includes items affecting the Iligan Institute of Technology.

SEC. 6. To carry out the purpose of this Act, the sum appropriated for the operation and maintenance of Lanao Technical School   (Northern Mindanao Institute of Technology)   in  the  annual  General  Appropriations Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-nine shall be transferred to the Iligan Institute of Technology and utilized for its operation and maintenance.  The government of the City of Iligan  shall  allocate  annually,  beginning the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-nine, as part of its regular budget a subsidy in a lump sum an amount equal to three per centum of its total gross income from all sources, for the support and maintenance of the Institute:  Provided, That the  sum  appropriated  for the Institute  by  the  National   Government,   by  the  Mindanao State University and from other sources shall  aggregate  not   less than   twice   the   said   subsidy   allocated  by  the government of the City of Iligan.    The said subsidy of the City of Iligan, together with the annual contribution of the National Government, incomes from the operation of the Institute  and other funds secured from the National Government shall be disbursed by the Board of Regents of the  Mindanao   State  University, in accordance with the purposes of this Act.

SEC. 7. As a unit of the Mindanao State University, the Iligan Institute of Technology shall be governed by Republic Act Numbered  Thirteen  hundred  eighty-seven, as amended,  otherwise known as the  Charter of Mindanao State University, and  its administration   shall  be  vested in the Board  of Regents of the  said University,  all provisions of  law   to   the   contrary   notwithstanding.  The Northern Mindanao Institute of Technology is hereby abolished  and   all   its   personnel,   unexpanded   appropriations,  properties and other assets, whether in its name or that of the  Lanao Technical School, are hereby transferred to the Mindanao State  University: Provided, That nothing in  this Act shall be interpreted as to terminate the services of the said transferred personnel or demote them in rank and/or salary.

SEC. 8. Beginning  with   the  fiscal  year   nineteen  hundred sixty-nine   and   every   fiscal   year   thereafter,   the  sum of one million  pesos  is  hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any funds in the National  Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Iligan Institute of Technology.   This amount shall be  included in the Annual General Appropriations Act as a separate item in the  government   contribution   to   the   Mindanao State University, and disbursed by the Board of Regents of the said University in accordance  with the  purposes of this Act.

SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, June 15, 1968.