[ LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS No. 82, May 28, 1973 ]

The President
University of the Philippines

WHEREAS, it is recognized that much of Philippine culture is Islamic in character and influence;

WHEREAS, it is established that Philippine history cannot be written and studied in its full dimension and depth without an examination and appraisal of our past and present relations with the Islamic world, including its traditions, customs and institutions;

WHEREAS, it is necessary that in the context of our international relations, the Philippines develops keener interest in the life and history of its cultural minorities, particularly the Filipino Muslims, who enjoy a common religion with millions of people in the Middle East and other parts of the world;

WHEREFORE, I hereby direct the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines to study ways and means whereby a Center for Islamic studies in that University can be established for the promotion, advancement and teaching of all possible studies based on Islam.

These instructions shall be implemented immediately.

Republic of the Philippines

May 28, 1973