[ Commonwealth Act No. 19, January 02, 1936 ]
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:
SECTION 1. Section two, letter B, of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred eighty-seven as authorized and amended by section one of Act Numbered Four thousand two hundred thirty-one is hereby amended so as to read as follows :
Approved, January 2, 1936.
SECTION 1. Section two, letter B, of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred eighty-seven as authorized and amended by section one of Act Numbered Four thousand two hundred thirty-one is hereby amended so as to read as follows :
1. Speaker of the National Assembly P12,000.002. Ninety-seven Members of the National Assembly 485,000.003. Secretary of the National Assembly 5,000.004. Sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly 3,600.00 OFFICE OF THE SPEAKEK5. One secretary to the Speaker 4,000.006. One private secretary to the Speaker 3,600.007. One stenographer 2,800.008. One stenographer 1,680.009. One stenographer 1,560.0010. One clerk 1,080.0011. Two clerks 1,440.0012. Two messengers 600.0013. One chauffeur 840.00 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Chief Clerk and Assistant Secretary14. One chief clerk and assistant secretary 4,800.00 Chiefs of Divisions15. One disbursing officer and cashier 4,200.0016. Two chiefs of divisions 7,600.0017. Three chiefs of divisions 9,360.0018. One chief of division 2,840.0019. One chief of division 2,580.00 Assistant Disbursing Officer and Collecting20. One assistant disbursing officer and collecting agent 2,160.0 Stenographers21. One debate stenographer 3,200.0022. One debate stenographer 2,960.0023. Two debate stenographers 5,600.0024. Two debate stenographers. 2,400.0025. One debate stenographer 2,520.0026. One debate stenographer 2,520.0027. Two debate stenographers 4,560.0028. Four debate stenographers 8,000.0029. One stenographers 2,400.0030. Two stenographers 3,480.0031. One stenographer 1,680.0032. Two stenographers 3,240.0033. One stenographer 1,500.0034. Two stenographers 3,000.0035. One stenographer 1,380.0036. Four stenographers 4,320.0037. Eight stenographers 6,720.00 Translators38. One translator 2,400.0039. Two translators 3,600.00 Proof-Readers40. One proof-reader 1,680.0041. One proof-reader 1,200.00 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms42. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,200.0043. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 840.00 Clerks44. One clerk 2,000.0045. One clerk 1,800.0046. One clerk 1,680.0047. One clerk 1,440.0048. One clerk 1,440.0049. Four clerks 4,800.0050. One clerk 1,080.0051. Four clerks 4,320.0052. Two clerks 1,920.0053. One clerk 960.0054 Seven clerks 6,048.0055. Three clerks 2,520.0056. One clerk 780.0057. One clerk 756.0058. One clerk 720.0059. Seven clerks 4,536.0060. Four clerks 2,400.0061. Fifteen clerks 8,100.0062. Two clerks 864.00 Messengers63. One messenger 648.0064. Ten messengers 5,400.0065. One messenger 497.0066. One messenger 435.0067. One messenger 432.0068. Four messengers 1,680.0069. One messenger 378.0070. Three messengers 1,080.0071. Five messengers 1,620.0072. Six messengers 1,800.00 Miscellaneous73. One janitor and chief watchman 960.0074. Four watchmen 2,160.0075. Four elevator operators 2,160.0076. Two porters 648.0077. One laborer 480.0078. Six laborers 2,592.0079. Seventeen laborers 7,140.0080. Ten laborers 3,600.0081. One chauffeur 600.0082. For clerks of the Members of the National Assembly: Provided, That the said clerks may be appointed by the Members and the number and salaries of said clerks not exceeding a total of P3,000 per annum for each Member shall be fixed and determined by the respective Member, and said clerks shall render either full or part time service in Manila or outside as may be determined by the respective Member who shall fix their time of service: Provided, further, That said clerks shall not be paid per diems or traveling expenses when leaving Manila or rendering service outside of the city 294,000.0083. Supplementary force 8,000.00 ______________Total for salaries and wages P1,014,614.00 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES1. Traveling expenses of Members, including prior years expenses 10,000.002. Traveling expenses of personnel, including those of the Constitutional Commissions, Committees, and Members of the National Assembly when on journeys of investigation by order of the same 2,000.003. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service 20,000.004. Illumination and power service 15,000.005. Consumption of supplies and materials 25.000.006. Printing, binding reports, documents and publications, including prior years expenses 15,000.007. Maintenance and repair of equipment 5,000.008. For the expenses of the Assembly in connection with official receptions and entertainments 3,000.009. Other services, including prior years expenses 12,000.00 ______________Total for sundry expenses P107,000.00 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT1. Purchase of furniture and equipment P2,000.00Total for furniture and equipment P2,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS
1. For the contribution of the Philippines toward the maintenance of the Bureau of Interparliamentary Union 5,000.002. Compensation of families of deceased Members of the National Assembly, Act Numbered Three thousand seven hundred ninety-nine 10,000.00Total for special appropriations P15,000.00 V.—SummaryTotal for salaries and wages P1,014,614.00Total for sundry expenses 107,000.00Total for furniture and equipment 2,000.00Total for special appropriations 15,000.00Total available for the National Assembly Pl,138,614.00
- Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the National Assembly may be used to cover deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Assembly.
- Any Member of the National Assembly may assign his yearly salary or any part thereof to any banking institution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon such assignment being registered with the disbursing officer of the National Assembly, such officer shall issue warrants from time to time as the salary or death compensation falls due, directly in favor of the creditor banking institution.
- The Secretary of the National Assembly shall receive the compensation herein fixed from the date of his election, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
- Any part of the appropriation for supplementary force may be expended for the payment of salaries of employees who may serve during any period in the office of the Secretary.
- A part of the item for other services not exceeding two thousand pesos may be spent for subsistence of Members and officers and clerks working overtime.
- The appropriations in items 3 and 5 under Sundry Expenses may be spent for the postage and fees of official correspondence and telegrams of the Members, and for supplies and materials that may be officially used by them, the total amount not to exceed two hundred pesos per annum for each Member.
Approved, January 2, 1936.