[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 366, June 09, 1949 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. There is hereby granted to the municipality of Leganes, Province of Iloilo, for communal purposes, for a period of thirty years from the date of effectivity of this Act, the usufruct of a certain land of the public domain situated in the said province, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
SEC. 2. Any improvements done on the property by any occupant previous to or at the time of the approval of this Act shall be respected.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect as of April twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and forty-six.
Approved, June 9, 1949.
SECTION 1. There is hereby granted to the municipality of Leganes, Province of Iloilo, for communal purposes, for a period of thirty years from the date of effectivity of this Act, the usufruct of a certain land of the public domain situated in the said province, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
"A parcel of land (Lot No. 1549 of the Cadastral Survey of Santa Barbara, G. L. R.0. Record No. 12, Original Certificate of Title No. 21656), situated in the municipality of Santa Barbara. Bounded on the N. and E. by the Jalaud River; on the S. and SE. by the Iloilo Strait; and on the NW. by Lot No. 1512 and the Jalaud River. Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being S. 4° 32' W., 373.27 m. from B. B. ft No. 60;
beginning; containing an area of one million eight hundred sixty one thousand and sixty-one square meters (1,861,061), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan; bearings true; declination 1° 40' E.; date of survey, January 1911—June 1912."
thence N. 37° 36' E., 26.76 m. to point "2"; thence N. 21° 25' E., 64.89 m. to point "3"; thence N. 21° 02' E., 83.50 m. to point "4"; thence N. 27° 30' E., 41.90 m. to point "5"; thence N. 26° 23' E., 54.79 m. to point "6" thence N. 65° 07' E., 19.14 m. to point "7"; thence N. 49° 40' E., 67.65 m. to point "8"; thence N. 48° 00' E., 79.04 m. to point "9"; thence S. 39° 53' E., 105.91 m. to point "10"; thence S. 62° 51' E., 33.47 m. to point "11"; thence S. 77° 46' E., 57.69 m. to point "12"; thence N. 44° 51' E., 68.44 m. to point "13"; thence N. 41° 33' E., 83.17 m. to point "14"; thence N. 17° 59' E., 70.72 m. to point "15"; thence N, 18° 52' E., 80.70 m. to point "16"; thence N. 30° 00' E., 182.69 m. to point "17"; thence N. 52° 52' E., 142.68 m. to point "18"; thence N. 59° 16' E., 86.73 m. to point "19"; thence N. 56° 45' E., 109.84 m. to point "20"; thence N. 51° 54' R, 61.81 m. to point "21"; thence N. 49° 20' E., 85.07 m. to point "22"; thence N. 43° 13' E., 76.36 m. to point "23"; thence N. 46° 53' E., 121.73 m. to point "24"; thence N. 42° 46’ E., 104.56 m. to point "25"; thence N. 37° 56' E., 65.59 m. to point "26"; thence S. 80° 06' E., 55.76 m. to point "27"; thence S. 83° 06' E., 80.07 m. to point "28"; thence N. 89° 39' E., 111.02 m. to point "29"; thence N. 66° 59' E., 236.30 m. to point "30"; thence N. 64° 50' E., 82.12 m. to point "31"; thence N. 69° 36' E., 153.85 m. to point "32"; thence S. 84° 20' E., 307.82 m. to point "33"; thence S. 46° 41 E., 150.29 m. to point "34"; thence S. 25° 39' E., 143.94 m. to point "35"; thence S. 6° 06' E., 124.42 m. to point "36"; thence S. 0° 52' E., 189.80 m. to point "37"; thence S. 2° 18' W., 221.29 m. to point "38"; thence S. 6° 19' W., 303.01 m. to point "39"; thence S. 13° 06' W., 107.46 m. to point "40"; thence S. 13° 15' W., 111.12 m. to point "41"; thence S. 20° 41’ W., 103.78 m. to point "42"; thence S. 38° 20' W., 119.49 m. to point "43"; thence S. 83° 17' W., 75.67 m. to point "44"; thence N. 47° 50' W., 28.35 m. to point "45"; thence N. 22° 32' W., 161.88 m. to point "46"; thence N. 8° 09' E., 194.56 m. to point "47"; thence N. 18° 47' E., 73.30 m. to point "48"; thence N. 25° 03' W., 77.16 m. to point "49"; thence N. 75° 44' W., 63.46 m. to point "50"; thence S. 74° 10' W., 132.20 m. to point "51"; thence S. 72° 50' W., 225.42 m. to point "52"; thence N. 79° 28' W., 253.24 m. to point "53"; thence S. 85° 16' W., 214.77 m. to point "54"; thence S. 86° 01' W., 128.87 m. to point "55"; thence S. 83° 03' W., 209.86 m. to point "56"; thence S. 10° 55' W., 25.72 m. to point "57"; thence S. 60° 52' W., 133.08 m. to point "58"; thence N. 88° 21' W., 42.23 m. to point "59"; thence S. 28° &3f W., 40.11 m. to point "60"; thence S. 64° 02' W., 304.37 m. to point "61"; thence S. 73° 40' W., 206.31 m. to point "62"; thence N. 89° 58' W., 96.24 m. to point "63"; thence N. 88° 23' W., 122.02 m. to point "64";thence N. 76° 07' W., 76.76 m. to point "65";
thence N. 49° 38' E., 44.43 m. to the point of
SEC. 2. Any improvements done on the property by any occupant previous to or at the time of the approval of this Act shall be respected.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect as of April twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and forty-six.
Approved, June 9, 1949.