[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 425, April 28, 1950 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated, during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and forty-nine to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty, for the purposes specified hereunder:
SEC. 2. The special and general provisions of Republic Act Numbered Three hundred twenty are hereby made applicable to the appropriations provided in this Act.
SEC. 3. Section 5 of Republic Act Numbered Three hun-dred twenty as continued in force by Republic Act Num-bered Four hundred twenty-four, is amended to read as follows:
Approved, April 28, 1950.
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated, during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and forty-nine to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty, for the purposes specified hereunder:
A.—CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES (1) SENATE I.—SALARIES AND WAGES1. Salaries and wages—Regular Force P120.100.002. Supplementary force 100,100.00Total for salaries and wages P220,200.00 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES1. Other services P9,000.002. Consumption of supplies and materials 15,000.003. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 8,000,004. Maintenance and repair of equipment 8,000,00Total for sundry expenses . P40,000.00 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including the purchase of motor vehicles P30,000.00Total for furniture and equipment P30,00.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES
1. For traveling and other expenses of the Senate President, Senate Committees and subordinate personnel when authorized by the President of the Senate to undertake studies in and outside of the Philippines P50,000.002. For the proportionate share of the Senate in the expenses incurred by the Joint Congressional Committee on Education 20,000.003. For other services, including transportation, investigation of any Senate Committee and additional secretarial services
for the members of the Senate, or expenses incurred by direction of the President of the Senate 50,000.00Total for special purposes P120,000.00 V.—SUMMARY
Total for salaries and wages. P220,200.00Total for sundry expenses 40,000.00Total for furniture and equipment 30,000.00Total for special purposes 120,000.00Total amount available for the Senate P410,200.00 (2) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
1. Salaries of two new Members of the House of Representatives P7,277.422. Readjustment of salaries and wages for the permanent personnel of the House of Representatives 37,620,00 MISCELLANEOUS1. For secretarial and clerical service to two new Members of the House of Representatives 3,032.262. For supplementary force 200,000.00Total for salaries and wages P247,929.68 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES
1. Traveling expenses of Members.. P200,000.00Total for sundry expenses P200.000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES1. For expenses of the Electoral Tribunal 80,000.00Total for special purposes. P80.000.00 V.—SUMMARYTotal for salaries and wages P247,929.68Total for sundry expenses. 200,000.00Total for special purposes 80,000.00Total amount available for the House of Representatives P527.929.68 B.—OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT
II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES6. Additional appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials for the subsistence of the inmates of Welfareville P282,195.00 IV.—SPECIAL AND GENERAL PURPOSES9. Additional appropriation for the payment of pensions to veterans of past Philippine revolutions or wars in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 605, including the operating expenses of the Board on Pension for Veterans 107,000.0020. For salaries of personnel and maintenance of the Office of the Coordinator of National Intelligence, as provided in Executive Order No. 167, series of 1948 100,000.0021. For operating expenses of a board created under Administrative Order No. 89, dated May 18, 1949, to take charge of listing deserving unrecognized guerrilla organizations so as to establish a basis upon which to estimate the total amount needed for the payment of back pay to their members 50,000.0022. For contribution in kind of the Philippine Government to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UN1CEF) 400,000.00 BUREAU OF PRINTING REVOLVING FUND SALARIES AND WAGES
155a. For the standardization and adjustment of the salaries and wages of the personnel of the Bureau of Printing P175.260.00Amount to be paid out of the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund . (175,260.00)Total for the Office of the President P939,195.00 C.—OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT I.—SALARIES AND WAGESI. The Vice-President of the Philippines at P15,000. P7,600.00Total for the Office of the Vice-President P7,600.00 D.—DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS I.—SALARIES AND WAGES114a. For the employment of two telephone operators at P1,560 per annum and of laborers and janitors at wages not exceeding P3.50 per day each P9,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES7. Additional appropriation for the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service of the Republic of the Philippines 411,870.00
(v) PHILIPPINE LEGATION, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA (Diplomatic Post, class II) THE MINISTER(1) The Minister P20,000.00 Diplomatic Staff(2) One foreign affairs officer, class I 9,000.00(3) One foreign affairs officer, class III 6,000.00(4) One commercial attache (by detail). Technical, Administrative and Clerical Personnel
(5) One administrative assistant.. 4,800.00Supplemental salary 2,400.00(6) One finance and property officer 3,960.00Supplemental salary 2,040.00(7) One technical assistant 3,960.00Supplemental salary 2,040.00(8) One clerk-stenographer 2,580.00Supplemental salary 2,220.00(9) For the employment of additional personnel as the needs of the service may require.. 18,750.00Total for the Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P77.750.00 (v) PHILIPPINE MISSION IN TOKYO, JAPAN
(Diplomatic Post, class II)
THE MINISTER1) The Minister P20,000.00 Diplomatic Staff(2) One foreign affairs officer, class II 7,500.00 Technical, Administrative and Clerical Staff(3) One executive assistant 4,800.00Supplemental salary 2,400.00(4) One technical assistant 4,500.00Supplemental salary 2,700.00(5) One finance and property officer 3,120.00Supplemental salary 2,880.00(6) One interpreter-writer (Japanese) 2,400.00Supplemental salary 1,560.00(7) One clerk-stenographer 1,920.00Supplemental salary 2,580.00(8) One trade assistant 4,800.00Supplemental salary 300.00(9) One secretary-stenographer 2,940.00Supplemental salary 1,860.00(10) One clerk-messenger 1,440.00Supplemental salary 1,680.00(11) For the employment of additional personnel as the needs of the service may require 11,640.00Total for the Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan P81,020.00(x) MISCELLANEOUS
Additional appropriation for supplementary salaries of foreign affairs officers, at-taches and advisers for services rendered outside the Philippines at annual rates equivalent to not more than fifty per centum of their basic annual salaries: Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P10,750.00Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan 3,750.00 P14,500.00Total for salaries and wages P173,270.00 (y) SUNDRY EXPENSESPhilippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P70.000.00Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan ., 42,000.00Total for sundry expenses P112.000.00 (z) FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT(1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment:
Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P15,000.00Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan 10,000.00Total for furniture and equipment P25,000.00 (a-1) SPECIAL EXPENSES(1) Additional appropriation for living quarters allowances or for rentals of suitable quarters of ambassadors, the Chief of Mission to the United Nations, ministers, charge d'affairs, foreign affairs officers, advisers and attaches while serving abroad, at such rates to be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs: PROVIDED, That commutation thereof may be allowed for an amount equivalent to three months counting: from the date of arrival at the post of the officer concerned: Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P30,600.00Philippine Mission in
Tokyo, Japan4,800.00 P35,400.00(2) Additional appropriation for post allowances of ambas-sadors, the Chief of Mission to the United Nations, ministers, charge d'affairs, foreign affairs officers, advisers and attaches while serving abroad, at such rates to be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P18,000.00Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan 11,400.00 P29.400.00(3) Additional appropriation for representation expenses of ambassadors, ministers, the Chief of Mission to the
United Nations, and princepal officers or heads of foreign service establishments, including ranking diplomatic personnel: Philippine Legation in Buenos Aires, Argentina P16,800.00 Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan 15,000.00 P31.800.00(4) For reimbursement of expenses of Consuls Ad Honorem, including operation and maintenance of their offices P5.000.00Total for special expenses P101,600.00 SUMMARYTotal for salaries and wages P173,270.00Total for sundry expenses 112,000.00Total for furniture and equipment 25,000.00Total for special expenses 101,600.00Total P411,870.00
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9. Item D-IV-9, Republic Act No. 320, as continued in force by Republic Act No. 424, is amended to read as follows:
"9. For the purchase or construction of buildings to house embassies, legations, consulates
or other representations of the Republic of the Philippines in foreign countries, including acquisition of land, lease-hold rights, and cost of repairs, maintenance and alterations of buildings leased to or owned by
the Government, as may be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That no part of this amount shall be transferred to any other item P1,000,000.00"
Total for the Department of Foreign Affairs P420,870.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES3. For salaries and other expenses of guerrillas and civilian volunteers who have been reactivated or absorbed into the regular force of the Philippine Constabulary in con nection with the campaign for peace and order for the period from August 16, 1949 to June 30, 1950 P5,628,861.55Total for the Department of the Interior P5,628,861.55F.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE
I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (2) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS383a. Additional appropriation to provide each of the twenty-five laborers paid from items F-I(2)-239, 265, 295, 310, 331, 341 and 383, Republic Act No. 320, with a minimum salary rate of P1,140 per annum P15,690,00 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES5. For additional appropriation for rental of buildings and grounds 78,000.00 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT2. For the purchase of one customs launch for the Port of Cebu to replace the one destroyed by typhoon on November 11, 1949.. 50,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES1. Additional appropriation "for expenses in connection with secret service" 23,340.0010. Additional appropriation for expenses in connection with the registration of the claims of all officers and employees of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, etc., Republic Act No. 304 50,000.0012. For additional personnel engaged in the collection of customs revenue 75,000.0013. For training of additional personnel engaged in the collection of internal revenue taxes 100,000.00Total for the Department of Finance P392,030.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES1. Additional appropriation for traveling expenses of personnel P11,900.005. Additional appropriation for rental of buildings and grounds 50,000.006a. Additional appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials to be allotted to the Bureau of Prisons for the maintenance of prisoners 470,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES13a. For salaries of pre-war justices of the peace 900,000.00136. For additional personnel for the General Land Registration Office 20,000.00Total for the Department of Justice P 1,451,900.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES1. Additional appropriation for traveling expenses of personnel P95,000.002. Additional appropriation for freight,express and delivery service 245,000.006. Additional appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials 220,000.007. Additional appropriation for printing and binding reports, documents and publications, including purchase of stamped envelopes and cost of plates and printing of stamps with new designs 13,000.009. Additional appropriation for maintenance and repair of equipment 8,000.0010. Additional appropriation for other services 33,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES11a. For the operation of post offices in newly created chartered cities and municipalities; for the employment of additional personnel, purchase of supplies and equipment, and other expenses needed to cope with the increased volume of postal business in the City of Manila and provincial post offices; and for adjustment of salaries of present personnel to place them on equal footing with those of positions of similar importance and responsibility in other bureaus and offices: PROVIDED, That adjustment of salaries shall be limited to employees receiving not more than P3,960 per annum 1,500,000.0011b. For the assignment and fixing of compensation of inspectors of the Bureau of Posts, and for other purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 410 145,320.0011c. For an appropriation to raise the additional compensation below P360 per annum of municipal treasurers and other government employees acting as postmasters to said rate 91,068.0011d. For the standardization and adjustment of the salaries of telegraph operators and other non-clerical positions in the Bureau of Telecommunications performing the duties of telegraph operators 298,325.0011e. For the installation, operation and Maintenance of the Government Telephone System, interconnecting all government offices in the City of Manila and suburbs. 180,000.00To be paid out of the receipts of the Government Telephone System, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding (180,000.00)Total for the Department of Public Works and Communications P2,648,713.00 J.—DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT2. For the purchase of manuscripts P7,875.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES1a. For the operation and maintenance of 10,500 additional new elementary classes 20,903,200.004. Aid to defray the expenses of the Lagangilang National Agricultural High School 42,000.0017a. For the operation and maintenance of the Aborlan Agricultural High School 20,000.00Total for the Department of Education P20,973,075.00 L.—DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES15. Additional appropriation to carry into effect the purposes of Republic Act No. 65, providing for a Bill of Rights for officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Army and of recognized or deserving guerrilla organizations, etc.: PROVIDED, That no part of this amount shall be used for the creation of new positions and increases of salaries
of personnel P9,500,000.00 ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES
(C) PHILIPPINE NAVAL PATROL SPECIAL EXPENSES1. Additional appropriation for maintenance and operation due to the expansion of activities of the Philippine Naval Patrol 2,500,000.00Total for the Department of National Defense P12,000,000.00 M.—DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES1. Additional appropriation for traveling expenses of personnel P51,600.006. Additional appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials, including the necessary amount for the purchase of tikitiki, vaccines, sera, anti-toxins and other biological products and subsistence of lepers in institutions under the Bureau of Hospitals 1,000,000.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES8a. For one-half share in the office expenses of the city health officer, Basilan City, including prior year's expenses, pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 288 8,000.00Total for the Department of Health Pl,059,600.00 N.—DEPARTMENT OP COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY H.—SUNDRY EXPENSES5. Additional appropriation for rental of buildings and grounds P89.730.00 IV.—SPECIAL PURPOSES4. Additional appropriation for the operation and maintenance of the Weather Bureau stations paid for by the United States Government which were completely taken over by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on July 1, 1949 109,125.00Total for the Department of Commerce and Industry P198.855.00 O.—GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES5. Additional appropriation for rental of buildings and grounds P31,830.00 Total for the General Auditing Office P31,830.00 R.—SUPREME COURT OF THE PHILIPPINESnona> >VI.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not-withstanding, the Chief Justice of the Philippines is hereby authorized within the limits of the income derived from fees in the bar examinations and admission to the practice of Law, to cover, out of said receipts, the fees for the examiners fixed at P2 per notebook corrected. S.—COURT OP APPEALS
I.—SALARIES AND WAGES6. For the difference in salary of the Clerk of Court from P6,000 to P7,200 per annum as provided in section 36 of the
Judiciary Act of 1948 (Republic Act No. 296) P1 ,200.00 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES5. Additional appropriation for rental of buildings and grounds, including the unpaid rentals amounting to P21,500 for the period from March 1, 1947 to June 30, 1948 44,800.00Total for the Court of Appeals. P46.000.00
T.—CONTINGENT FUNDS3 For covering deficits that may arise dye to the items of "savings to be made" provided in the appropriations authorized
under paragraph A, section 1, of Republic Act No. 424, which the President may authorize P4,000,000.00Total for the Contingent Funds P4,000,000.00GRAND TOTAL OF THE APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED IN THIS ACT: FIFTY MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND SLX HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE PESOS AND TWENTY-THREE CENTAVOS. P50,736,659.23
SEC. 2. The special and general provisions of Republic Act Numbered Three hundred twenty are hereby made applicable to the appropriations provided in this Act.
SEC. 3. Section 5 of Republic Act Numbered Three hun-dred twenty as continued in force by Republic Act Num-bered Four hundred twenty-four, is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 5. Authority to use savings.—The President of the Philippines is authorized to use any savings in the appropriations authorized in this Act for the Executive Departments, (1) for the payment of claims under section 699 of the Revised Administra-tive Code and the Workmen's Compensation Act, whichever is applicable, to officers, employees and laborers who died or were injured in line of duty; (2) for the commutation of the money value of the additional leave, extended leave, and accrued leave earned by American and deceased Filipino officers and employees, or by Filipino officers and employees separated from the service except for cause, for service rendered prior to November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six; and (3) for the payment of salary increases of officials and employees of the National Government, resulting from the standardization of salaries or reclassification of provinces.”SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect as of July first, nineteen hundred and forty-nine.
Approved, April 28, 1950.