[ Act No. 2029, February 02, 1911 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction of schoolhouses of strong materials in the municipalities and barrios, the sum of one million pesos, from which there shall be available for expenditure on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twelve, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pesos, and an additional two hundred and fifty thousand pesos shall likewise be available for expenditure on the first day of January of each of the three years immediately following, under the following conditions:
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the same shall take effect on its passage, in accordance with section one of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and forty-five of the Philippine Legislature.
Enacted, February 2, 1911.
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction of schoolhouses of strong materials in the municipalities and barrios, the sum of one million pesos, from which there shall be available for expenditure on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twelve, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pesos, and an additional two hundred and fifty thousand pesos shall likewise be available for expenditure on the first day of January of each of the three years immediately following, under the following conditions:
(a) All municipalities and barrios to the schools of which the municipality to which they belong shall guarantee a daily attendance of not less than forty pupils, duly certified to by the division superintendent of schools and by the supervising teacher of the schools of the municipality, shall have the right of option to participate in the funds appropriated by this Act for the purpose indicated: Provided, That the sum shall not exceed in each case five thousand pesos.SEC. 2. All unexpended balances, after the completion of any of the works authorized by this Act, shall at once be covered into the Insular Treasury to the credit of this appropriation and shall not be withdrawn from it nor expended except for the purposes herein indicated.
(b) The municipality, either by making an appropriation from its funds or by means of voluntary contributions of funds, materials, or labor, shall contribute a sum not less than fifty per centum of the total amount which may be granted in accordance with this Act, and shall forward an application' of the municipal council through the provincial board to the Secretary of Public Instruction, who shall have charge of and approve the distribution of said funds.
(c) The buildings above mentioned shall be erected upon land in of build of the ownership of the municipal, provincial, or Insular governments, or which shall be donated for such end, or upon public land reserved for such end under the provisions of the Public Land Act: Provided, however, That the titles to all land, except to public land, must in each case be registered in the Court of Land Registration, but the Secretary of Public Instruction may authorize the beginning of the construction work upon the filing of the application for registration in the said Court of Land Registration: And provided further, That the drawing up of the plans and specifications and the execution of the work shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Public Instruction: And provided further, That no building erected entirely or in part with funds appropriated by this Act may be sold or used for other than school purposes, except with the approval of the Governor-General.
SEC. 3. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the same shall take effect on its passage, in accordance with section one of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and forty-five of the Philippine Legislature.
Enacted, February 2, 1911.