[ LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 1023, May 12, 1980 ]
TO : | The Minister of the Budget The Minister of Education and Culture The Director, Office of Compensation and Position |
Classification |
WHEREAS, the government depends greatly upon school-teachers in the conduct of the population, nutrition, environmental, "Alay-Tanim", "Green Revolution," and other priority programs of the national government;
WHEREAS, schoolteachers' involvement in these programs usually encroaches upon actual teaching, teaching preparation or the teacher's personal time;
WHEREAS, the large number of schoolteachers and limited finances of government make it unrealistic to think exclusively in terms of major across-the-board salary increases for schoolteachers;
WHEREAS, there are about 316,000 schoolteachers and a monthly across-the-board increase, for example, of P100 would require P379.2 million per year;
WHEREAS, it is necessary to envolve alternative means of increasing teacher compensation that would relate take-home pay and service rendered;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order and instruct:
- Elementary public schoolteachers duly authorized to participate in the implementation of the population, school supplementary feeding, community sanitation, "Green Revolution", "Alay-Tanim", and community-oriented pilot projects approved by the National Board of Education, may be paid additional compensation in the form of honoraria in lieu of overtime pay;
- The circumstances under which this better applies shall be determined by the Minister of the Budget and the Minister of Education and Culture, who shall be guided by the following:
- Programs of the highest priority which do not directly relate to the basic teaching functions shall be identified specifically and declared as eligible for the additional compensation allowed under these Instructions.
- The amount of honoraria shall vary with standard hours expected to be devoted to the program and may vary with the type of involvement of individual teachers.
- In each school, task forces shall be instituted for purposes of implementing each approved program, which shall be assigned definite targets and timetables and whose members shall be assigned specified responsibilities and expectations.
- Programs of the highest priority which do not directly relate to the basic teaching functions shall be identified specifically and declared as eligible for the additional compensation allowed under these Instructions.
- Funding shall come from the regular budgetary allocation of the program office concerned, from savings of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and in exceptional cases, from other funds as may be identified by the Minister of the Budget.
- A Committee shall be created with variable membership to implement these Instructions, consisting of the Minister of the Budget as Chairman and as Members, the Minister of Education and Culture and the Head of the Program Office concerned. The Office of Compensation and Position Classification shall provide technical and secretariat services.
- Eligibility of a particular program shall be initially limited to those enumerated in item No. 1 hereof, but may be expanded with the approval of the President upon recommendation of the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of the Budget.
President of the Philippines
President of the Philippines