[ Act No. 2076, October 19, 1911 ]
Whereas there has occurred a partial failure of the rice crop throughout the Orient, particularly in those countries which afford to the Philippine Islands the customary imported supply of this article of food, supplementary to the local product;
Whereas, by reason of the apparent shortage o£ the customary supply of rice, the local retail price of this article is reported from many municipalities to have passed far above the highest price heretofore known for many years, with the result that this essential article of food passed beyond the financial means of the masses;
Whereas, not only the industrial situation in the important centers of manufacture and population throughout the Archipelago but the maintenance of public order in many important districts was endangered by reason of the extraordinarily high cost of rice to the mass of consumers; and
Whereas both official and private reports from the rice producing and consuming countries throughout the Orient indicate a probable great shortage in the world supply of rice until the new crop shall become available in considerable quantities which may not be expected before the month of February, nineteen hundred and twelve: Now, therefore,
By authority of the United Stales, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
SECTION 1. The Govern or-General lie. and hereby is, authorized and requested to take such steps as in his judgment may be necessary and warranted by circumstances to prevent the price of rice from rising above a reasonable rate, and to supply, through provincial and municipal governments and such other agencies as may be most effective, rice or other foodstuffs to the people at reasonable prices, and there is hereby appropriated from any funds not otherwise appropriated in the insular Treasury, such sum or sums as may be necessary to cant into effect the purposes of this Act, the rice herein authorized to be purchased not exceeding eighteen million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand kilograms (equivalent to three hundred thousand piculs) : Provided, That such sum or sums shall not exceed an amount equal to the customs dues and other expenses and liabilities necessarily and unavoidably incident to the execution of the purposes of this Act: And provided further, That no surcharge shall be made by the Bureau of Supply on any transaction had under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 2. The Governor-General shall, from time to time, make a report to the Philippine Legislature of the operations and expenditures made under the provisions of section one of this Act, and shall as soon as possible recommend to said Legislature such measures of a permanent character as may tend to insure the existence of a sufficient stock of grain suitable for food, within reach of the people.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its passage and shall remain in force until the first of February, nineteen hundred and twelve.
Enacted, October 19, 1911.
Whereas, by reason of the apparent shortage o£ the customary supply of rice, the local retail price of this article is reported from many municipalities to have passed far above the highest price heretofore known for many years, with the result that this essential article of food passed beyond the financial means of the masses;
Whereas, not only the industrial situation in the important centers of manufacture and population throughout the Archipelago but the maintenance of public order in many important districts was endangered by reason of the extraordinarily high cost of rice to the mass of consumers; and
Whereas both official and private reports from the rice producing and consuming countries throughout the Orient indicate a probable great shortage in the world supply of rice until the new crop shall become available in considerable quantities which may not be expected before the month of February, nineteen hundred and twelve: Now, therefore,
By authority of the United Stales, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
SECTION 1. The Govern or-General lie. and hereby is, authorized and requested to take such steps as in his judgment may be necessary and warranted by circumstances to prevent the price of rice from rising above a reasonable rate, and to supply, through provincial and municipal governments and such other agencies as may be most effective, rice or other foodstuffs to the people at reasonable prices, and there is hereby appropriated from any funds not otherwise appropriated in the insular Treasury, such sum or sums as may be necessary to cant into effect the purposes of this Act, the rice herein authorized to be purchased not exceeding eighteen million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand kilograms (equivalent to three hundred thousand piculs) : Provided, That such sum or sums shall not exceed an amount equal to the customs dues and other expenses and liabilities necessarily and unavoidably incident to the execution of the purposes of this Act: And provided further, That no surcharge shall be made by the Bureau of Supply on any transaction had under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 2. The Governor-General shall, from time to time, make a report to the Philippine Legislature of the operations and expenditures made under the provisions of section one of this Act, and shall as soon as possible recommend to said Legislature such measures of a permanent character as may tend to insure the existence of a sufficient stock of grain suitable for food, within reach of the people.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its passage and shall remain in force until the first of February, nineteen hundred and twelve.
Enacted, October 19, 1911.