[ Act No. 2223, February 03, 1913 ]
By authority of the United State, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
SECTION 1. The sum of two hundred thousand pesos Philippine currency is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of the library of the Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas at Barcelona, Spain, under the conditions hereinafter mentioned.
SEC. 2. The purchase shall be made by authority of the Philippine Library Board, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and thirty-five.
SEC. 3. The aforesaid library is believed to consist of the following:
SEC. 4. The aforesaid Compania General shall, in the presence of the delegate or delegates appointed by the Government of the Philippine Islands, pack with all proper security the aforesaid documents belonging to the aforesaid library or collection, and shall embark the same on a vessel offering reasonable security and speed. All the expenses of packing and embarking and the travelling expenses both ways, in first class, of the delegates, including the insurance of the shipment, shall be at the expense of said Compania General.
SEC. 5. The delegate or delegates shall be appointed by the Governor-General.
SEC. 6. The payment shall be made by direct authority of the Governor-General, in the following form: One hundred thousand pesos at the time when the Librarian of the Philippine Library shall certify that all the documents included in the sale of the collection above cited have been received in Manila in good condition, and the remaining one hundred thousand pesos one year after date of the first payment.
SEC. 7. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the same shall take effect on its passage, in accordance with section one of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and forty-five of the Philippine Legislature.
Enacted, February 3, 1913.
SECTION 1. The sum of two hundred thousand pesos Philippine currency is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of the library of the Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas at Barcelona, Spain, under the conditions hereinafter mentioned.
SEC. 2. The purchase shall be made by authority of the Philippine Library Board, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and thirty-five.
SEC. 3. The aforesaid library is believed to consist of the following:
1. All the titles and their duplicates enumerated and described in the work of Retana, Aparato bibliogrdfico de la historia general de Filipinas deducido de la coleccion que posee en Barcelona la Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas de dichas islas, Madrid, mil novecienlos seis, belonging to the Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas.The aforesaid Compania General, through its duly authorized representative, shall make affidavit before a notary that the conditions prescribed in this Act have been complied with at the time of the embarkation of such documents.
2. All the books, newspapers, and other printed documents (including the duplicates) not catalogued in the said Aparato, which are the property of the said Compania General.
3. All documents, original as well as copies, owned by said Gompania General.
4. All other material, such as anting-antings, et which may be considered as properly forming collection of Philippine documents.
5. All lists or catalogues owned by the said Compania General in any manner affecting said collection.
6. The remaining unsold copies of the edition of the said Aparato in the possession of said Compania General, in Spain as well as in the Philippine Islands, with all the rights tor reprinting the same, in any form.
SEC. 4. The aforesaid Compania General shall, in the presence of the delegate or delegates appointed by the Government of the Philippine Islands, pack with all proper security the aforesaid documents belonging to the aforesaid library or collection, and shall embark the same on a vessel offering reasonable security and speed. All the expenses of packing and embarking and the travelling expenses both ways, in first class, of the delegates, including the insurance of the shipment, shall be at the expense of said Compania General.
SEC. 5. The delegate or delegates shall be appointed by the Governor-General.
SEC. 6. The payment shall be made by direct authority of the Governor-General, in the following form: One hundred thousand pesos at the time when the Librarian of the Philippine Library shall certify that all the documents included in the sale of the collection above cited have been received in Manila in good condition, and the remaining one hundred thousand pesos one year after date of the first payment.
SEC. 7. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the same shall take effect on its passage, in accordance with section one of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and forty-five of the Philippine Legislature.
Enacted, February 3, 1913.