[ Act No. 3467, December 07, 1928 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1. Subsection (d) of section eleven hundred and ninety-one of the Administrative Code, as amended by Act Numbered Thirty-four hundred and twenty-six, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
Approved, December 7, 1928.
SECTION 1. Subsection (d) of section eleven hundred and ninety-one of the Administrative Code, as amended by Act Numbered Thirty-four hundred and twenty-six, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"(d) Third mate: An applicant for a certificate as third mate shall be not less than nineteen years of age and shall produce a certificate of graduation from the Philippine Nautical School or from any other officially recognized nautical school after having completed the second year high school or its equivalent, and shall further be required to present to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that he has served as an apprentice mate, at least eighteen months in a seagoing sailing vessel, or at least twenty-four months in a seagoing steam or motor vessel. Major patrons who on the approval of this Act were acting as masters on vessels of two hundred tons or over may apply for examination for a third mate's certificate after two years of such service: Provided, That apprentice mates who are actually navigating as such on or prior to the approval of this Act shall be required to present to the Board evidence, satisfactory to it, showing that they have successfully passed the second year high school or its equivalent in any recognized school, and that they have shipped or acted as agregado a piloto for at least two years on a seagoing vessel: Provided, further, That an applicant producing a certificate of graduation from the Philippine Nautical School who has served as agregado a piloto for at least twelve months in a seagoing sailing vessel or at least eighteen months in a seagoing steamer, shall, in order to obtain a certificate as third mate, not be required to take a technical examination, but shall be required to undergo a physical examination and produce all other evidence relative to his habits and character, and that this provision shall be applicable to the students of the Nautical School completing their studies at the close of the school year nineteen hundred and twenty-nine."SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.
Approved, December 7, 1928.