[ Act No. 3343, December 08, 1926 ]


SECTION 1. Section sixty-seven of General Orders Num­bered Fifty-eight is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 67. All personal bail bonds must be executed by a written undertaking executed by at least two sufficient sureties (with or without the defendant, as the court in its discretion may demand) and duly acknowledged, in sub­stantially the following form:

"A complaint (or information) having been filed on the___________day of_________________192___________,in the court of ___________________, ____________________, Province of _____________________________, charging (name of defendant) with the offense of (designating it generally), and he having been admitted to bail in the sum of ____________________________ pesos:

"Now, therefore, we,__________________and___________________________ of __________________________, jointly and severally, hereby undertake that the above (naming the defendant) will appear and answer the charge above mentioned in whatever court it may be tried, and will at all times hold himself amenable to the orders and process of the court, and if convicted will appear for judg­ment, and render himself to the execution thereof; or if he fails to perform any of these conditions, that he will pay to the People of the Philippine Islands the sum of __________________________, pesos (inserting the sum to which the defendant shall be admitted to bail), for the payment whereof we encumber and constitute a first lien in favor of the said People of the Philippine Islands upon the real estate respectively owned by us and hereinafter described, to wit:

"(Of the bondsman ______________________)

"1. A piece of real estate consisting of ___________________, situated at _______________________, ________________, Philippine Islands, bounded on the __________________ by______________; on the ____________________ by _______________________; on the _________________________ by _______________________; and on the ______________________. by ______________________; of approximately __________________ square meters; to which I, the aforesaid __________________, have a clear and absolute title and which is at present free from encumbrance and not exempt from execution and is assessed at __________________ pesos, according to the official assessment receipt No. ________________.

"(If the property is mortgaged or subject to a previous bond, state the exact amount of the encumbrance in order to determine what further encumbrance the property will stand.)

"(Of the bondsman....................................................)

"2. (Description similar to the foregoing one of the property of the other bondsman.)

"We further declare under oath that the properties above described have not heretofore been encumbered, mortgaged, or pledged as security for the provisional release of any accused person or the performance of any obligation of any kind. (If the property is encumbered, mortgaged, or sub­ject to a previous bond, state the amount of the encum­brance in order to determine what further encumbrance the property will stand.)

"We hereby further bind ourselves by these presents to give the court at least five days' notice of any transfer or other disposition to be made of any of the properties above described, in order that the court can take such action as may be necessary to protect the interests of the Gov­ernment.

"(Signed) ................................................

"(Signed) ______________________ "Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______________ day of _____________________,192 _______________, at _______________________, _________________________, Philippine Islands.

SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.

Approved, December 8, 1926.