[ Act No. 163, July 13, 1901 ]
By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof; as may be necessary, in money of the United States, are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasurer not otherwise appropriated, for the expenses of the Insular Government for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, and other designated periods.
For expenses of the Department of Southern Luzon, as follows: Pay of scouts, twenty-five thousand two hundred and two dollars and seventy cents; pay of scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, five thousand dollars; witnesses before military commissions, three thousand dollars.
For expenses of the Department of the Visayas, as follows: Civilian employees, military commissions, rents and repairs to buildings, salaries of native scouts, and witnesses before military commissions, and transportation, fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, four thousand dollars.
For expenses of the Department of Mindanao and Jolo, as follows: Salary of United States representative at Cagayan de Jolo, clerks, scouts,and scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, subsidies authorized by the Bates Treaty, and deficiency pay for vaccinators and scouts, thirty-two thousand and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents.
For expenses in the office of the Chief Quartermaster of the Division, as follows: Payment of telegrams, telephones, repairs to Exposition building, sewage, and cleaning of cesspools, four thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.
For expenses for the Department of Northern Luzon, as follows: Scouts, one hundred and four thousand one hundred and twenty-four dollars and sixty cents; scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, nine thousand dollars; clerks in Adjutant-General's Office, one thousand five hundred and forty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents; salary of clerk, one capataz, and one jailer, Bacolor Military Prison, and one jailer at Lingayen Military Prison, three hundred and ninety dollars; one physician and one practicante, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; repairs to Bacolor Prison, construction of mess hall, Lingayen Prison, and deficiency pay for jailers at Lingayen Prison, civilian clerks at Bacolor Prison, and capataces, one thousand five hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-six cents.
In all, for the Chief Quartermaster, Division of the Philippines, two hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty-eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Regular supplies, nine thousand dollars; refunds, three thousand dollars; incidental expenses, rents and repairs to buildings, and transportation, two thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars; salaries and wages as follows: One collector at six thousand dollars per annum; one deputy collector at four thousand dollars per annum; one cashier at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class three; seven chiefs of divisions, class five; two clerks, class six; eighteen inspectors, class eight; twelve inspectors, class nine; twenty-five inspectors, class ten; seventy-one inspectors, Class A; one employee, Class D; seventeen employees, Class F; three employees, Class H; thirteen employees, Class I; one hundred and twenty-eight employees, Class J; twenty-six employees at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; fifty-nine employees at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; ten employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, fifty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars; salaries and expenses of secret-service employees, one thousand five hundred dollars; miscellaneous expenses, six hundred and forty-two dollars and twelve cents.
For expenses at the port of Iloilo, as follows: Incidental expenses, two hundred and ten dollars; rents and repairs to buildings, two thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars and sixty-five cents; transportation, six hundred and fifty dollars; repairs to steam launch Nesan, three hundred and forty-two dollars; salaries and wages authorized by Acts Numbered One hundred and two, One hundred and ten, and One hundred and eighteen, and wages of temporary employees, eleven thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars and thirty-seven cents; miscellaneous expenses, as follows: Rationing, equipping, and repairing light-houses; ten Remington shotguns and cartridges; refund to municipalities of fish-corral taxes; repairs and extension of quay wall; repairs to buoys, and so forth, four thousand four hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents.
For expenses at the port of Cebu, as follows: Incidental expenses and rents and repairs to buildings, one hundred and sixty-one dollars and sixty-two cents; transportation, nine hundred and nine dollars; salaries and wages as follows: One collector at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one deputy collector at two thousand dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight; three inspectors, Class A; one employee, Class D; one employee, Class F; three employees, Class H; eleven employees, Class J; four employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, four thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; for salaries of temporary employees, three hundred dollars; lighting of light-houses, fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.
For expenses at the port of Jolo, as follows: Incidental expenses and rents and repairs to buildings, one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One collector at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight, one being an additional inspector hereby authorized; two inspectors, class nine; one additional inspector, class ten, hereby authorized; one employee, Class I; five employees, Class J; one employee at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars.
For expenses at the port of Zamboanga, as follows: Rents and repairs to buildings, and incidental expenses, one hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One collector at two thousand dollars per annum; two inspectors, Class A; three employees, Class J; two employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; four employees at the rate of seventy-two dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars; one inspector, Class A, for May and June, one hundred and fifty dollars; miscellaneous expenses, sixty dollars.
For expenses at the port of Siassi, as follows: Rents and repairs to buildings, and incidental expenses, fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One deputy collector at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one inspector, class nine; one employee, Class H; one employee at the rate of seventy-two dollars per annum; five employees at the rate of thirty-six dollars per annum each; nine hundred and three dollars.
In all, for the Collector of Customs of the Islands and of the chief port, one hundred and one thousand four hundred and fifteen dollars and four cents, or so much thereof as may he necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Four foresters, at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each; one inspector, class six; three employees, class nine; two clerks. Class A; ten assistant foresters, Class D; thirty rangers, Class I; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; one woodworker at the rate of seventy-five cents per day; in all, for salaries, eight thousand and thirty-four dollars; incidental expenses, six hundred and seventy-five dollars; traveling expenses, nine hundred dollars; office rent, three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents: carriage hire, two hundred and thirty dollars: reimbursements to Holiday, Wise and Company, seventy-six dollars and forty-seven cents; printing five hundred copies of the List, of Tree Species, twenty-five dollars; amount due Chofre and Company for printing Forestry Book, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; expenses of special agent, Dr. P. L. Sherman, for July, nineteen hundred and one, including purchase of specimens, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Forestry Bureau, ten thousand seven hundred and two dollars and ninety-seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For office expenses, one thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty cents; expenses of disinfecting corps, three hundred dollars; launch supplies and miscellaneous repairs for launches, two thousand and thirty dollars; salaries and wages, eight thousand and fifty-five dollars; commutation of quarters for five officers, one thousand two hundred and thirty dollars; equipment for Mariveles Quarantine Station, twelve thousand Jive hundred dollars; supplies for station at Mariveles, two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; converting, equipping, and completing disinfecting barges for Iloilo and Cebu, forty thousand dollars; printing, traveling expenses, and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand seven hundred and eighty-two dollars.
In all, for the Chief Quarantine Officer, seventy-three thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For lights and ice for office, one hundred, and seventeen dollars; forage for public horse, thirty dollars; contingent office expenses, three hundred dollars; salaries and wages, as follows: One clerk, class five; one clerk, class seven; four clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; four clerks, Class F; one employee at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; six employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one employee at tin; rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; three patrolmen at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum each; six sweepers at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, three thousand six hundred and ninety dollars; salaries and wages of launch crews, one thousand and eighty dollars; miscellaneous expenses of launches, five hundred dollars; expenses and wages for the Light-House Service, nine thousand one hundred and ninety-five dollars; additional salaries of employees on the United States steamship Alava, used as light-house tender, hereby authorized, for the second and third quarters of the year nineteen hundred and one, six firemen at the rate of seventeen dollars per month each; one employee at the rate of twenty dollars per month; two employees at the rate of seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month each; nine hundred and forty-two dollars.
In all, for the Captain of the Port of Manila, fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-four dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: One Auditor, at six thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Auditor, at four thousand dollars per clerk, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nine clerks, class six. increase of two hereby authorized; five clerks class seven; six clerks, class eight; seven clerks class nine; two clerks, class ten; two clerks. Class A; two clerks Class B; two clerks Class C; two clerks, Class D; two clerks, Class B; two clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class I; three messengers at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; four clerks, class five, for detail as traveling examiners; total, for salaries, eighteen thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars; for printing and binding, including stationery and rubber stamps, three thousand dollars; incidental expenses, including official telegrams and cablegrams, office towels, and laundry for the same, two hundred and fifty dollars; actual and necessary traveling expenses, not exceeding three dollars per day, and necessary cost of transportation of clerks detailed as traveling examiners, and of officers and clerks authorized by law to travel on official business in connection with the settlement of accounts and inspection of offices, two thousand dollars; payment to Alfred Edgerton. clerk, class nine, in lieu of salary, for earned leave, one hundred and ten dollars; payment to John Mumm, clerk class nine, in lieu of salary, for earned leave, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents: additional amount allowed to one clerk as disbursing clerk, fifty dollars. The Auditor is hereby authorized to till the vacancies caused by the resignation of Alfred Edgerton and John Mumm on July first. For the employment of temporary unclassified clerks, at a salary not exceeding four dollars per day, for the purpose of preparing detailed statements of receipts and expenditures of the Insular Government, as directed by the Secretary of War, one thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Auditor of the Philippine Archipelago, twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: One mining engineer and one clerk at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, Class C; one clerk at the rate of three hundred and thirty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; one laborer at the rate of sixty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents. Deficiency pay for William A. Miller, clerk, class six, from January twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and one, to February ninth, nineteen hundred and one, being from the date of his discharge from the United States Volunteer Infantry to the date of the resolution authorizing his continuance as messenger, thirty dollars; purchase of books for the library, seventy dollars and thirty-five cents; miscellaneous expenses, forty dollars.
In all, for the Mining Bureau, one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-five cents.
For purchase and services in connection with the construction and maintenance of telephone, telegraph, and cable lines in the Philippine Islands, and for hire of native linemen, messengers, machinists, and cable employees, sixteen thousand dollars; operation and maintenance of telegraph and telephone lines in the Department of the Visayas, three thousand dollars.
In all, for the Chief Signal Officer, Division of the Philippines, nineteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. All receipts of .revenue from Signal Service shall be deposited with the Insular Treasurer, and accounts thereof, shall be rendered by the proper officers to the Insular Auditor.
For regular supplies, one thousand dollars; incidental expenses, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents; rents and repairs, three hundred and forty-eight dollars; tax refunds, nine dollars; transportation, thirty dollars; miscellaneous expenses, sixteen dollars; salaries and wages, eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars; for deficiency expenses for the months of April, May, and June, as follows: Rents and repairs, seventy-nine dollars and fifty-two cents; tax refunds, one hundred and ten dollars and eighty-seven cents; transportation, four dollars and fifty cents: miscellaneous expenses, five dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, three hundred and three dollars.
In all, for the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Islands, ten thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars and eighty-nine cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Three members of the Board at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one examiner, class three, hereby authorized, instead of one examiner, class four, as heretofore authorized; one examiner, class five; three clerks, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, Class D; two messengers at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one driver of official vehicle, at ten dollars per month; in all, for salaries, five thousand three hundred and fifty-five dollars; traveling expenses, two hundred dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, five thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the pay of fifty vaccinators, three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; pay of native physicians employed in smallpox hospitals for natives, and for the treatment of native prisoners at Bacolor, San Isidro, Iba, Dagupan, Lingayen, and Vigan, and the purchase of medical supplies for native prisoners in the military prisons at the above-named places, two thousand eight hundred dollars; purchase of medical supplies for sick and indigent natives, one thousand two hundred dollars; purchase of stationery, fifty dollars.
In all, for the medical supply depot, Department of Northern Luzon, seven thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the purchase of medical supplies for sick and indigent natives, one thousand two hundred dollars; payment of twenty vaccinators, nine hundred dollars; purchase of stationery, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Medical Supply Depot, Department of Southern Luzon, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the pay of a native laborer, at the rate of five dollars per month, fifteen dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For subsistence of native convicts, two thousand four hundred and thirty dollars; repairs to prison, two hundred dollars; salaries, as follows: One clerk, class nine;, one interpreter at the rate of four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; postage stamps for native convicts, twelve dollars.
In all, for the quartermaster, United States Prison, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, three thousand and fifty-four dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of incidental expenses incurred in the Medical Department, such as subsistence for Metropolitan and native policemen and scouts sick in hospitals, purchase of medicines for indigent natives, and salary of native vaccinators for the second and third quarters, nineteen hundred and one. one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For reimbursement to the United States Commissary Department for the subsistence of native convicts at various posts in the Philippine Islands, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of the squadron of Philippine Cavalry, fourteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries and wages, as follows: One interpreter at the rate of fifty dollars per month; one clerk at the rate of fifteen dollars per month; one hundred and ninety-five dollars; salaries and wages for the crew of the launch Basilan, nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; miscellaneous expenses for the launch Basilan, one thousand and ten dollars; oil, nine dollars; rent for offices, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the District Commander, Isabela de Basilan, two thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For one clerk, Class A, two hundred and twenty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For payment of ration supply for native convicts, three thousand six hundred dollars; one interpreter, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; services rendered by Señor David, and supplying material for repairs to public civil property, thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the quartermaster, United States Military Prison, Bacolor, Pampanga, three thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Treasurer, at the rate of six thousand dollars per annum: one clerk, class four; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven: two clerks, class eight, one of which is hereby authorized; five clerks, class nine, one of which is hereby authorized; one interpreter, Class C; two clerks. Class I; one driver of official vehicle at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one chief of Provincial Bureau at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two examiners at the rate of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each, hereby authorized; one examiner at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum, hereby authorized; in all, for salaries, seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents: for printing and binding ledgers, notebooks, and so forth, for provincial governments, twenty thousand dollars; printing for the office of Treasurer, two hundred dollars; traveling expenses in examinations of banks and offices of provincial treasurers, three hundred and fifty dollars; miscellaneous items, two hundred and fifty dollars: extra allowance for disbursing clerk, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago, twenty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For amount allowed to Oscar Schutt, clerk, class eight, in lieu of salary, from April first, to April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and expenses to San Francisco, one hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-six cents; for employment of substitutes for clerks granted leave of absence under Act Numbered Eighty, two thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Director-General of Posts, two thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, four thousand eight hundred and fifty-five dollars; additional natives for packing, hereby authorized, seventy-five dollars; authorized salaries, division superintendents, ten thousand eight hundred dollars; traveling expenses of the general and division superintendents from the United States and in the field, five thousand dollars; salaries and expenses of the Advisory Board, one hundred dollars; school furniture, twenty-five thousand dollars; twenty nipa school buildings, at two hundred and fifty dollars each, five thousand dollars; Department Library books, two hundred and fifty dollars; office supplies, two hundred and fifty dollars; incidental expenses and repairs, fifty dollars; rent of storehouse, four hundred and fifty dollars; freight on schoolbooks, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents; financial aid to schools at San Pedro Macati, Balayan, Batangas, Isabela de Basilan, and Lucban, for the third quarter of the .year nineteen hundred and one, eight hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents; financial aid to schools at Macabebe, from January first, nineteen hundred and one, to and including September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and eighty dollars; financial aid for schools in Antique Province, for the second and third quarters of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars; payment of salaries of teachers in the Department of the Visayas to June thirtieth, and for the rental of school buildings for the same period, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars; increase in salary of one clerk, from fifty dollars per month to sixty dollars per month, for the period from January fifth to March thirty-first, hereby authorized, twenty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents; salaries of one principal teacher at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, and nine teachers at the rate of twenty dollars per month, hereby authorized for the Province of Masbate for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and fifteen dollars.
The following appropriations made in previous quarters for the office of the General Superintendent of Public Instruction, but undrawn from the Treasury, are hereby made available for expenditure in the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one: Appropriated by Act Numbered One hundred and ten, for salaries of teachers from the United States, two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars; for traveling expenses of teachers from the United States, fifty thousand dollars; appropriated by Act Numbered Seventy-four, for the Normal School, twenty-two thousand dollars; for the Trade School, fifteen thousand dollars; for the Agricultural School, fifteen thousand dollars; appropriated by Act Numbered Ninety-seven, for schoolbooks, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars; for school supplies and stationery, thirty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars and seventy-five cents.
In all, for the General Superintendent of Public Instruction, seventy-two thousand four hundred and one dollars and thirty-eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Departments of Receipts and Disbursements:
Three clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class A; one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars; for refund of bail forfeited by Chan Yao and Sie Yen Len, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Department of Receipts and Disbursements, one thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation:
For salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, and for wages, six mechanics at thirty cents per day each, and seven hundred and eighty laborers at twenty-five cents per day each, twenty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-three dollars and ten cents; salaries and wages in parks and paseos, three thousand eight hundred and six dollars and fifty cents; salaries for cleaning city markets, one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, operating rock quarry, two thousand four hundred and eighty dollars; wages of crew of launch, seven hundred and ninety-five dollars; night labor on streets, six hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty cents; salaries and wages in the disposal of garbage, one thousand one hundred and eighty-three dollars: salaries and wages in land transportation, five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; general expenses in the markets, three hundred and sixty-nine dollars; general expenses for disposal of garbage, four hundred and fifty dollars; forage, shoeing, and so forth, three thousand five hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty cents; rent of Paco Crematory, forty-five dollars; road materials, fifteen thousand dollars; sewers and drains, six thousand dollars; repairs and maintenance of transportation, three thousand dollars; fire stations, street cleaning and sanitation, and miscellaneous expenses, three thousand dollars; equipment for lire-engines authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and forty-three, as follows: Two American horses, one set of double harness, one thousand five hundred feet of hose, two thousand and fifty dollars; salaries of one engineer at three hundred and sixty dollars, per annum, one assistant engineer at three hundred dollars per annum, one driver at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum, three hundred and forty-five dollars; incidental expenses, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation, seventy-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Water Supply:
For authorized salaries, as follows: One clerk of class six; two clerks of class seven; one clerk of class eight: one chief engineer at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one foreman at nine hundred dollars per annum; one second engineer at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one foreman at six hundred dollars per annum; one third engineer at six hundred dollars per annum; one foreman at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one fourth engineer at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one draftsman at three hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred dollars per annum; nine inspectors at six hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, one foreman, and three oilers at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; three firemen and one foreman at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four carpenters and one oiler at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one blacksmith at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, five thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents; hire of laborers, two thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars; maintenance and supplies, two thousand dollars; office expenses, one hundred dollars; coal, six thousand dollars; changing fireplugs on Bayambang driveway, eight hundred dollars; difference of salaries for employees authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over the amount already appropriated, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand three hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents; funds necessary for the reimbursement of Smith, Bell and Company for the expenditure incurred by them in placing a water installation on the Pasig River front, two hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-five cents.
In all, for the Department of Water Supply, seventeen thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and thirty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of City Public Works:
For salaries, as follows: One city engineer at three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one assistant city engineer at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one building inspector at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; three building inspectors, one draftsman, and one clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; two inspectors at nine hundred dollars per annum each; one foreman at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one surveyor at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum; one foreman at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk and interpreter at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one foreman at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one foreman at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one chainman and three foremen at three hundred dollars per annum each; eight employees at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one employee at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, five thousand four hundred and ten dollars; office expenses, one hundred dollars; city bridges, seven thousand dollars; Santolan Road, one thousand dollars; instruments, one hundred dollars; drawing material, seventy-five dollars; map of Manila, one thousand dollars; Quinta Market, thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and ninety-four cents; maintenance of stock, two hundred dollars; paving Santa Cruz Bridge, four thousand dollars; for piping, fitting, and general expenses in the construction of an artesian well, three thousand dollars; difference of salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over the amount already appropriated for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents; for the completion of the work of erecting piers, abutments, and approaches of the Santa Cruz Bridge, fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-four cents; for reimbursing of H. M. Jones for cost of extra work and time in widening the Bridge of Spain, said work being, done under contract, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars.
In all, for the Department of City Public Works, seventy-three thousand nine hundred and forty-five dollars and eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Inspection:
For one clerk, class nine; one clerk at the rate of four hundred raid fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; subsistence and treatment of indigent and insane natives at the Hospicio de San Jose, seven thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Inspection, seven thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Prisons:
For expenses in the Presidio de Manila, as follows: Subsistence of prisoners, six thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars; oil, ninety dollars; salaries, as follows: One superintendent at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one storekeeper at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one interpreter and two capataces at six hundred dollars per annum each; four capataces (one additional hereby authorized) at three hundred dollars per annum each; one chaplain at three hundred dollars per annum; two clerks at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one laundryman (prisoner), at ninety dollars per annum; one clerk (prisoner), at thirty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars; oil ice supplies, including soap, ninety dollars; repairs to transportation, thirty dollars; miscellaneous repairs, materials, and tools in the manufacturing department, and supplies for the laundry department, three thousand dollars; enlarging laundry plant, including the purchase of one boiler, three disinfecting vats, four washing vats, six washing machines, steam fittings, and so forth, for drying room, and installation of the same, one thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars; material for the manufacturing of flags, five hundred and nineteen dollars.
In all, for the Presidio de Manila, thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Expenses of Bilibid Prison, as follows: For salaries, as follows: One clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one visiting physician at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; three hospital stewards at three hundred dollars per annum each; one teamster at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one lieutenant native civil police at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; four sergeants native civil police at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight corporals native civil police at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; forty privates native civil police at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum, each; in all, for salaries, three thousand and fifteen dollars; general repairs, three hundred dollars; miscellaneous expenses, eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; one hundred and six native police uniforms, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety cents; one hundred and six pairs of shoes for native police, two hundred and twelve dollars; drugs for hospital, three hundred dollars; rations for American civil prisoners-for forty-live days, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, ninteen hundred and one. eleven dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for Bilibid Prison, four thousand two hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For expenses of the Carel Publica, as follows: Subsistence for prisoners, six thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and eighty cents; lights, fifty dollars; salaries, as follows: One alcalde at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one chaplain at three hundred dollars per annum; one interpreter at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one first capataz (overseer) at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum: three capataces (assistant overseers) at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; four bastoneros at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, one thousand and thirty-five dollars: office supplies, thirty-six dollars; miscellaneous repair, three hundred dollars; transportation, fifteen dollars.
In all, for the Carcel Publica, eight thousand and ninety-six dollars and eighty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
In all, for the Department of Prisons, twenty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and forty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue:
Authorized salaries, as follows: Office staff, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; division of licenses, two thousand and seven dollars; division of five stock registration and vehicle lax, eight hundred and thirty dollars; division of weights and measures, three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents: public market, two thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents; slaughterhouse, nine hundred and ninety dollars; salary of one inspector, license division, class nine, hereby authorized, three hundred dollars; one chief collector of markets at twenty-five dollars per month, hereby authorized, seventy-five dollars: two clerks at twenty dollars per month each, hereby authorized, one hundred and twenty dollars; stationery, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; printing, five hundred dollars; bounty for one thousand six hundred dogs, forty dollars; matadero fuel, four hundred and fifty dollars; brassards, sixty dollars; numbering eight hundred vehicles, sixty dollars; transportation, three hundred dollars; incidental expenses, one hundred and ninety-five dollars; transportation for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and fuel for the matadero for the same period, two hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue, ten thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of the Board of Health:
Authorized salaries, as follows: Office force, consisting of one chief clerk at the rate of one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one chief municipal physician at six hundred dollars per annum; two clerks at twelve hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk a nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; in all, for salaries of office force, one thousand seven hundred dollars; municipal physicians, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; midwives, one hundred and eighty dollars; inspection department, two thousand nine hundred and ten dollars; plague hospital, one hundred and ninety-five dollars; smallpox hospital, one hundred and fifty dollars; vaccine station, one thousand and five dollars; bacteriological laboratory, one hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents; chemical laboratory, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; engineer department, one thousand two hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents; steam disinfecting plant, seventy-five dollars; municipal dispensary, ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents; cemeteries, six hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents; for transportation, one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars; running expenses of the Board of Health, plague hospital, smallpox hospital, vaccine station, antiplague virus farm, bacteriological laboratory, chemical laboratory, veterinary department, steam disinfecting plant, municipal dispensary, and cemeteries, five thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars; salary of district inspector at twenty-five dollars per month, and fifty-three inspectors at fifteen dollars per month each, hereby authorized, for the inspection department, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two thousand four hundred and sixty dollars; difference of salaries for employees authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over amount already appropriated, three hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents; funds for the carrying on of the manufacture of an antitoxin for the cure of rinderpest and experiments with the same, five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of the Board of Health, twenty thousand eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Police:
Salaries and wages, as follows: Metropolitan police, authorized by Act Numbered Seventy, one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred dollars; native police, thirty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars; detectives, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, three thousand seven hundred and five dollars; clerks and other employees, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, four thousand three hundred dollars and two cents. Additional salaries hereby authorized, as follows: Two interpreters, class nine; three employees. Class D; the employees at the rate of four hundred and titty dollars per annum each; four employees, Class I; one thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; contingent expenses for detective bureau and police department, one thousand five hundred dollars; medical supplies for native police, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; twenty-four laborers for the Metropolitan police stations, at six dollars and fifty cents per month each, four hundred and sixty-eight dollars; meals for civil prisoners, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; printing and stationery, one thousand and fifty dollars; six hundred ponchos for native police, eight hundred and twenty-two dollars.
In all, for the Department of Police, one hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents.
Department of Illumination:
Maintenance of street and harbor lights, nine thousand two hundred and seventy dollars and seventy-five cents; maintenance of lights in public buildings, police stations, Bilibid Prison, bandstands on the Luneta, and public markets, two thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents; rent and service of telephones, five hundred and ten dollars: salaries, as follows: One inspector electrician, class seven: one clerk, class nine; seven hundred dollars; material for repairs, supplies, and so forth, to existing installations, two hundred dollars; meters for various installations, three hundred dollars: transportation for inspector, forty-five dollars; five per cent of current expense for increased service and new or additional installation, six hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety-one cents; increased salary of inspector for the period ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, hereby authorized, one hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Illumination, fourteen thousand three hundred and twenty-one dollars and sixteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the adjutant-general of the Provost-Marshal-General:
Salaries, as follows: One interpreter and translator at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; two clerks, class seven: six clerks, class eight; nineteen clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; three messengers at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: in all. For salaries, ten thousand two hundred and thirty-live dollars and four cents; salaries for two clerks, class nine, on duty with the board of officers on the preparation of municipal ordinances, six hundred dollars; increase in salary of one interpreter from thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents to seventy-five dollars per month, for April, May, and June, nineteen hundred and one, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; for subsistence of fifty orphans at Santa Isabela College, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; stationery, printing.advertising, and contingent expenses, two thousand live hundred dollars; for payment of services rendered by stenographic reporters recording proceedings of military commissions convened by the Provost-Marshal-General, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand dollars.
In all, for the office of the adjutant-general of the Provost-Marshal-General, fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty-four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of City Schools:
Salaries, as follows: Superintendent, at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class nine; one clerk at the rate of four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand nine hundred dollars; salaries of teachers in the primary schools, twenty-six thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars: salaries of teachers and employees in evening schools, seven.thousand six hundred and five dollars; miscellaneous expenses, including one hundred and thirty-five dollars for the hire of carromata for use of the Superintendent, one thousand two hundred and ten dollars; salaries in the Nautical School, as follows: One teacher of English at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum; one instructor at: the rate of six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one instructor at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum; one instructor at the rate of five hundred dollars per annum; one rigger at the rate of three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; two employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; one employee at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, eight hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents; hire of carromata for superintendent of the Nautical School, ninety dollars; incidental expenses for Nautical School, one hundred and eighty dollars; school furniture, two thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars; for amount of increase in salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two in the Superintendent's office over the amount already appropriated, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the Department of City Schools, forty-one thousand six hundred and ninety-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the quartermaster of the Provost-Marshal-General:
Rent for civil police stations, seven thousand eight hundred and gc ninety-eight dollars and fifty cents; rent of schoolhouses, three thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars; rent of market sites, seventy-five dollars; expenses of city morgue, including rent of vehicle at one dollar and fifty cents per day, two hundred and twenty dollars and fifty cents; rent of vaccine station, one hundred and twenty dollars; rent of land for quarantine station, thirty-seven dollars and forty-four cents; janitor's services at headquarters Provost-Marshal-General, four hundred and fifty dollars; pension of Jacinto Brillante, fifteen dollars; nine teamsters for excavator wagons, at sixty dollars per month each, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; four clerks, class nine, one thousand two hundred dollars; incidental expenses for headquarters Provost-Marshal-General, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; rice for indigent citizens, eight hundred dollars; miscellaneous repairs, two thousand dollars; advertising and printing, one thousand dollars; salary of one master mechanic at one hundred dollars per month, three hundred dollars; two native laborers at ten dollars per month each, sixty dollars; rent of civil police barracks, and schoolhouses, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the office of the quartermaster of the Provost-Marshal-General, nineteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-one dollars and ninety-four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the Chief Surgeon:
Subsistence of Metropolitan police admitted to the military hospital, one thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars and forty cents; one clerk, class nine, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the office of the Chief Surgeon, one thousand five hundred and fifty-six dollars and forty cents, or so much thereof as may he necessary.
Department of Municipal Records:
Authorized increase of fifty-four dollars and seventeen cents in the monthly salary of an interpreter and translator, and of twenty-five dollars in the monthly salary of one clerk, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents; one clerk at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, for April, May, and June, Department of Prison Records, seventy-five dollars; authorized increase of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents in the salary of one interpreter in the superior provost court, from February twenty-fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty-eight cents; for increase in the salaries of the Chief Justice and three associate judges of the Supreme Court authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, over the amount already appropriated for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, six hundred, and fifty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents; for the salaries of three additional associate judges of the Supreme Court, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, eight hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents: salary of one chief clerk at the rate of two hundred and fifty dollars per month and three deputy clerks at the rate of one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents per month for the Supreme Court, for the period June eighteenth to June thirtieth, two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-one cents; for increase of salary of the Attorney-General and the Assistant Attorney-General, authorized by Act .Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, over the amount already appropriated for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, one hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents; salary of one Solicitor-General at three hundred and seventy-five dollars per month for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, one hundred and seventy-five dollars; for increase in the salary of two judges of the Courts of First Instance, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and forty, for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and forty-four cents; salary of one sheriff at two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month, from June twenty-first to June thirtieth, sixty-nine dollars and forty-four cents; salary of one clerk at one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents from June twenty-second to June thirtieth, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Department of Municipal Records, three thousand and sixt3r-nine dollars and eighty-two cents, or so thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the Public Prosecutor:
Two clerks, class nine; one interpreter at the rate of seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
In all, for the Office of the Provost-Marshal-General, and the departments reporting to him, four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven dollars and sixty-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the employment of one native vaccinator, at fifteen dollars per mouth, hereby authorized, forty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Salaries and general expenses of the United States Philippine Commission, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-one, for Manila Central Observatory, for the month of June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine dollars and ninety-six cents; expenses of the branch station at Baguio and at Dagupan, for the same period, four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-four cents; printing and binding weather bulletin for May, June, July, and August, forty-five dollars; rent of instruments, offices, and so forth, for June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand five hundred dollars; traveling expenses, cost of transportation, and instruments, and so forth, for the month of June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; expenses of the following branch stations, for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one: Zamboanga, Cebu, Iloilo, Ormoc, and Legaspi, eight hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-five cents; expenses of the branch stations of Daet, Aparri, San Isidro, and Tacloban, for the months of August and September, nineteen hundred and one, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-two cents; expenses of the branch stations at Maasin, Capiz, and Surigao for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and seventy dollars; expenses of the rain station at San Fernando de la Union, twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; weather report for August, September, October, November, and December, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and January, February, and March, nineteen hundred, four hundred and fourteen dollars; binding weather report for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-eight and eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, thirty-two dollars; extra allowance for disbursing clerk for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Weather Bureau, eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirty-seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For payment by settlement warrant to legal heirs of deceased a scouts and deceased Philippine cavalrymen, of the amounts found to have been due to such deceased scouts and cavalrymen, five hundred dollars.
For O. B. Troplong, for salary from December first to December fifteenth, nineteen hundred, one hundred dollars.
For W. H. Clarke, chief clerk, Auditor's office, as additional compensation for services as superintendent of the Intendencia Building, at the rate of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, hereby authorized, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.
For Aldecoa and Company, for increase in rent of twenty dollars per month of the house, number one hundred and forty-three Calle Camba, Binondo, used as a schoolhouse, from January first to May fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, ninety dollars.
For Henry D. Wolfe, for twenty electric fans for the offices of the United States Philippine Commission, at thirty-five dollars and twenty-five cents each, seven hundred and five dollars.
Total appropriations for all purposes, in money of the United States, one million two hundred and twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and eighty-three cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated out of the Insular Treasury from funds not otherwise appropriated a sum sufficient to return to the provincial governments now or hereafter organized under the General Provincial Government Act, all the internal-revenue collections made between the first of January, nineteen hundred and one, and the first of July, nineteen hundred and one, in said provinces, in accordance with section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three, one-half to be paid into the provincial treasury and the other half to be paid to the provincial treasurer, to be by him distributed to the municipalities in which the same were collector. The authority for payment hereby conferred may be exercised from time to time in partial payments to provincial treasurers until all that is due under section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three shall be paid. The warrants for the same shall be drawn upon the application of the provincial treasurers in the amounts certified to be correct by the Insular Collector of Internal Revenue, approved by the Insular Auditor. In so far as the manner of payment provided in section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three is inconsistent with that herein provided, such section number thirty-seven is lie ruby modified.
SEC. 3. Disbursing officers are hereby directed to disburse all funds by this Act appropriated, one-half in money of the United States and one-half in local currency, upon the basis of two dollars of local currency for one dollar of money of the United States. Warrants shall be drawn in money of the United States, but disbursing officers are hereby required to procure on the warrants one-half in money of the United States and one-half in local currency, for the purpose of complying with this section.
SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 13, 1901.
SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof; as may be necessary, in money of the United States, are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasurer not otherwise appropriated, for the expenses of the Insular Government for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, and other designated periods.
For expenses of the Department of Southern Luzon, as follows: Pay of scouts, twenty-five thousand two hundred and two dollars and seventy cents; pay of scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, five thousand dollars; witnesses before military commissions, three thousand dollars.
For expenses of the Department of the Visayas, as follows: Civilian employees, military commissions, rents and repairs to buildings, salaries of native scouts, and witnesses before military commissions, and transportation, fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, four thousand dollars.
For expenses of the Department of Mindanao and Jolo, as follows: Salary of United States representative at Cagayan de Jolo, clerks, scouts,and scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, subsidies authorized by the Bates Treaty, and deficiency pay for vaccinators and scouts, thirty-two thousand and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents.
For expenses in the office of the Chief Quartermaster of the Division, as follows: Payment of telegrams, telephones, repairs to Exposition building, sewage, and cleaning of cesspools, four thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.
For expenses for the Department of Northern Luzon, as follows: Scouts, one hundred and four thousand one hundred and twenty-four dollars and sixty cents; scout interpreters employed exclusively in scout organizations paid from public civil funds, nine thousand dollars; clerks in Adjutant-General's Office, one thousand five hundred and forty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents; salary of clerk, one capataz, and one jailer, Bacolor Military Prison, and one jailer at Lingayen Military Prison, three hundred and ninety dollars; one physician and one practicante, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; repairs to Bacolor Prison, construction of mess hall, Lingayen Prison, and deficiency pay for jailers at Lingayen Prison, civilian clerks at Bacolor Prison, and capataces, one thousand five hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-six cents.
In all, for the Chief Quartermaster, Division of the Philippines, two hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty-eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Regular supplies, nine thousand dollars; refunds, three thousand dollars; incidental expenses, rents and repairs to buildings, and transportation, two thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars; salaries and wages as follows: One collector at six thousand dollars per annum; one deputy collector at four thousand dollars per annum; one cashier at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class three; seven chiefs of divisions, class five; two clerks, class six; eighteen inspectors, class eight; twelve inspectors, class nine; twenty-five inspectors, class ten; seventy-one inspectors, Class A; one employee, Class D; seventeen employees, Class F; three employees, Class H; thirteen employees, Class I; one hundred and twenty-eight employees, Class J; twenty-six employees at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; fifty-nine employees at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; ten employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, fifty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars; salaries and expenses of secret-service employees, one thousand five hundred dollars; miscellaneous expenses, six hundred and forty-two dollars and twelve cents.
For expenses at the port of Iloilo, as follows: Incidental expenses, two hundred and ten dollars; rents and repairs to buildings, two thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars and sixty-five cents; transportation, six hundred and fifty dollars; repairs to steam launch Nesan, three hundred and forty-two dollars; salaries and wages authorized by Acts Numbered One hundred and two, One hundred and ten, and One hundred and eighteen, and wages of temporary employees, eleven thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars and thirty-seven cents; miscellaneous expenses, as follows: Rationing, equipping, and repairing light-houses; ten Remington shotguns and cartridges; refund to municipalities of fish-corral taxes; repairs and extension of quay wall; repairs to buoys, and so forth, four thousand four hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents.
For expenses at the port of Cebu, as follows: Incidental expenses and rents and repairs to buildings, one hundred and sixty-one dollars and sixty-two cents; transportation, nine hundred and nine dollars; salaries and wages as follows: One collector at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one deputy collector at two thousand dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight; three inspectors, Class A; one employee, Class D; one employee, Class F; three employees, Class H; eleven employees, Class J; four employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, four thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; for salaries of temporary employees, three hundred dollars; lighting of light-houses, fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.
For expenses at the port of Jolo, as follows: Incidental expenses and rents and repairs to buildings, one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One collector at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight, one being an additional inspector hereby authorized; two inspectors, class nine; one additional inspector, class ten, hereby authorized; one employee, Class I; five employees, Class J; one employee at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars.
For expenses at the port of Zamboanga, as follows: Rents and repairs to buildings, and incidental expenses, one hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One collector at two thousand dollars per annum; two inspectors, Class A; three employees, Class J; two employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; four employees at the rate of seventy-two dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars; one inspector, Class A, for May and June, one hundred and fifty dollars; miscellaneous expenses, sixty dollars.
For expenses at the port of Siassi, as follows: Rents and repairs to buildings, and incidental expenses, fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, as follows: One deputy collector at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one inspector, class nine; one employee, Class H; one employee at the rate of seventy-two dollars per annum; five employees at the rate of thirty-six dollars per annum each; nine hundred and three dollars.
In all, for the Collector of Customs of the Islands and of the chief port, one hundred and one thousand four hundred and fifteen dollars and four cents, or so much thereof as may he necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Four foresters, at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each; one inspector, class six; three employees, class nine; two clerks. Class A; ten assistant foresters, Class D; thirty rangers, Class I; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; one woodworker at the rate of seventy-five cents per day; in all, for salaries, eight thousand and thirty-four dollars; incidental expenses, six hundred and seventy-five dollars; traveling expenses, nine hundred dollars; office rent, three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents: carriage hire, two hundred and thirty dollars: reimbursements to Holiday, Wise and Company, seventy-six dollars and forty-seven cents; printing five hundred copies of the List, of Tree Species, twenty-five dollars; amount due Chofre and Company for printing Forestry Book, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; expenses of special agent, Dr. P. L. Sherman, for July, nineteen hundred and one, including purchase of specimens, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Forestry Bureau, ten thousand seven hundred and two dollars and ninety-seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For office expenses, one thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty cents; expenses of disinfecting corps, three hundred dollars; launch supplies and miscellaneous repairs for launches, two thousand and thirty dollars; salaries and wages, eight thousand and fifty-five dollars; commutation of quarters for five officers, one thousand two hundred and thirty dollars; equipment for Mariveles Quarantine Station, twelve thousand Jive hundred dollars; supplies for station at Mariveles, two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; converting, equipping, and completing disinfecting barges for Iloilo and Cebu, forty thousand dollars; printing, traveling expenses, and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand seven hundred and eighty-two dollars.
In all, for the Chief Quarantine Officer, seventy-three thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For lights and ice for office, one hundred, and seventeen dollars; forage for public horse, thirty dollars; contingent office expenses, three hundred dollars; salaries and wages, as follows: One clerk, class five; one clerk, class seven; four clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; four clerks, Class F; one employee at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; six employees at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one employee at tin; rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; three patrolmen at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum each; six sweepers at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, three thousand six hundred and ninety dollars; salaries and wages of launch crews, one thousand and eighty dollars; miscellaneous expenses of launches, five hundred dollars; expenses and wages for the Light-House Service, nine thousand one hundred and ninety-five dollars; additional salaries of employees on the United States steamship Alava, used as light-house tender, hereby authorized, for the second and third quarters of the year nineteen hundred and one, six firemen at the rate of seventeen dollars per month each; one employee at the rate of twenty dollars per month; two employees at the rate of seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month each; nine hundred and forty-two dollars.
In all, for the Captain of the Port of Manila, fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-four dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: One Auditor, at six thousand dollars per annum; Deputy Auditor, at four thousand dollars per clerk, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; nine clerks, class six. increase of two hereby authorized; five clerks class seven; six clerks, class eight; seven clerks class nine; two clerks, class ten; two clerks. Class A; two clerks Class B; two clerks Class C; two clerks, Class D; two clerks, Class B; two clerks, Class F; two clerks, Class I; three messengers at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; four clerks, class five, for detail as traveling examiners; total, for salaries, eighteen thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars; for printing and binding, including stationery and rubber stamps, three thousand dollars; incidental expenses, including official telegrams and cablegrams, office towels, and laundry for the same, two hundred and fifty dollars; actual and necessary traveling expenses, not exceeding three dollars per day, and necessary cost of transportation of clerks detailed as traveling examiners, and of officers and clerks authorized by law to travel on official business in connection with the settlement of accounts and inspection of offices, two thousand dollars; payment to Alfred Edgerton. clerk, class nine, in lieu of salary, for earned leave, one hundred and ten dollars; payment to John Mumm, clerk class nine, in lieu of salary, for earned leave, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents: additional amount allowed to one clerk as disbursing clerk, fifty dollars. The Auditor is hereby authorized to till the vacancies caused by the resignation of Alfred Edgerton and John Mumm on July first. For the employment of temporary unclassified clerks, at a salary not exceeding four dollars per day, for the purpose of preparing detailed statements of receipts and expenditures of the Insular Government, as directed by the Secretary of War, one thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Auditor of the Philippine Archipelago, twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: One mining engineer and one clerk at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, Class C; one clerk at the rate of three hundred and thirty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of ninety dollars per annum; one laborer at the rate of sixty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents. Deficiency pay for William A. Miller, clerk, class six, from January twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and one, to February ninth, nineteen hundred and one, being from the date of his discharge from the United States Volunteer Infantry to the date of the resolution authorizing his continuance as messenger, thirty dollars; purchase of books for the library, seventy dollars and thirty-five cents; miscellaneous expenses, forty dollars.
In all, for the Mining Bureau, one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-five cents.
For purchase and services in connection with the construction and maintenance of telephone, telegraph, and cable lines in the Philippine Islands, and for hire of native linemen, messengers, machinists, and cable employees, sixteen thousand dollars; operation and maintenance of telegraph and telephone lines in the Department of the Visayas, three thousand dollars.
In all, for the Chief Signal Officer, Division of the Philippines, nineteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. All receipts of .revenue from Signal Service shall be deposited with the Insular Treasurer, and accounts thereof, shall be rendered by the proper officers to the Insular Auditor.
For regular supplies, one thousand dollars; incidental expenses, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents; rents and repairs, three hundred and forty-eight dollars; tax refunds, nine dollars; transportation, thirty dollars; miscellaneous expenses, sixteen dollars; salaries and wages, eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars; for deficiency expenses for the months of April, May, and June, as follows: Rents and repairs, seventy-nine dollars and fifty-two cents; tax refunds, one hundred and ten dollars and eighty-seven cents; transportation, four dollars and fifty cents: miscellaneous expenses, five dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, three hundred and three dollars.
In all, for the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Islands, ten thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars and eighty-nine cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Three members of the Board at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one examiner, class three, hereby authorized, instead of one examiner, class four, as heretofore authorized; one examiner, class five; three clerks, class eight; one clerk, class nine; one clerk, Class D; two messengers at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one driver of official vehicle, at ten dollars per month; in all, for salaries, five thousand three hundred and fifty-five dollars; traveling expenses, two hundred dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, five thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the pay of fifty vaccinators, three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; pay of native physicians employed in smallpox hospitals for natives, and for the treatment of native prisoners at Bacolor, San Isidro, Iba, Dagupan, Lingayen, and Vigan, and the purchase of medical supplies for native prisoners in the military prisons at the above-named places, two thousand eight hundred dollars; purchase of medical supplies for sick and indigent natives, one thousand two hundred dollars; purchase of stationery, fifty dollars.
In all, for the medical supply depot, Department of Northern Luzon, seven thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the purchase of medical supplies for sick and indigent natives, one thousand two hundred dollars; payment of twenty vaccinators, nine hundred dollars; purchase of stationery, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Medical Supply Depot, Department of Southern Luzon, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the pay of a native laborer, at the rate of five dollars per month, fifteen dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For subsistence of native convicts, two thousand four hundred and thirty dollars; repairs to prison, two hundred dollars; salaries, as follows: One clerk, class nine;, one interpreter at the rate of four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; postage stamps for native convicts, twelve dollars.
In all, for the quartermaster, United States Prison, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, three thousand and fifty-four dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of incidental expenses incurred in the Medical Department, such as subsistence for Metropolitan and native policemen and scouts sick in hospitals, purchase of medicines for indigent natives, and salary of native vaccinators for the second and third quarters, nineteen hundred and one. one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For reimbursement to the United States Commissary Department for the subsistence of native convicts at various posts in the Philippine Islands, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the payment of the squadron of Philippine Cavalry, fourteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries and wages, as follows: One interpreter at the rate of fifty dollars per month; one clerk at the rate of fifteen dollars per month; one hundred and ninety-five dollars; salaries and wages for the crew of the launch Basilan, nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; miscellaneous expenses for the launch Basilan, one thousand and ten dollars; oil, nine dollars; rent for offices, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the District Commander, Isabela de Basilan, two thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For one clerk, Class A, two hundred and twenty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For payment of ration supply for native convicts, three thousand six hundred dollars; one interpreter, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; services rendered by Señor David, and supplying material for repairs to public civil property, thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the quartermaster, United States Military Prison, Bacolor, Pampanga, three thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, as follows: Treasurer, at the rate of six thousand dollars per annum: one clerk, class four; one clerk, class six; one clerk, class seven: two clerks, class eight, one of which is hereby authorized; five clerks, class nine, one of which is hereby authorized; one interpreter, Class C; two clerks. Class I; one driver of official vehicle at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one chief of Provincial Bureau at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two examiners at the rate of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each, hereby authorized; one examiner at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum, hereby authorized; in all, for salaries, seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents: for printing and binding ledgers, notebooks, and so forth, for provincial governments, twenty thousand dollars; printing for the office of Treasurer, two hundred dollars; traveling expenses in examinations of banks and offices of provincial treasurers, three hundred and fifty dollars; miscellaneous items, two hundred and fifty dollars: extra allowance for disbursing clerk, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago, twenty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For amount allowed to Oscar Schutt, clerk, class eight, in lieu of salary, from April first, to April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and expenses to San Francisco, one hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-six cents; for employment of substitutes for clerks granted leave of absence under Act Numbered Eighty, two thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Director-General of Posts, two thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, four thousand eight hundred and fifty-five dollars; additional natives for packing, hereby authorized, seventy-five dollars; authorized salaries, division superintendents, ten thousand eight hundred dollars; traveling expenses of the general and division superintendents from the United States and in the field, five thousand dollars; salaries and expenses of the Advisory Board, one hundred dollars; school furniture, twenty-five thousand dollars; twenty nipa school buildings, at two hundred and fifty dollars each, five thousand dollars; Department Library books, two hundred and fifty dollars; office supplies, two hundred and fifty dollars; incidental expenses and repairs, fifty dollars; rent of storehouse, four hundred and fifty dollars; freight on schoolbooks, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents; financial aid to schools at San Pedro Macati, Balayan, Batangas, Isabela de Basilan, and Lucban, for the third quarter of the .year nineteen hundred and one, eight hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents; financial aid to schools at Macabebe, from January first, nineteen hundred and one, to and including September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and eighty dollars; financial aid for schools in Antique Province, for the second and third quarters of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars; payment of salaries of teachers in the Department of the Visayas to June thirtieth, and for the rental of school buildings for the same period, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars; increase in salary of one clerk, from fifty dollars per month to sixty dollars per month, for the period from January fifth to March thirty-first, hereby authorized, twenty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents; salaries of one principal teacher at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, and nine teachers at the rate of twenty dollars per month, hereby authorized for the Province of Masbate for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and fifteen dollars.
The following appropriations made in previous quarters for the office of the General Superintendent of Public Instruction, but undrawn from the Treasury, are hereby made available for expenditure in the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one: Appropriated by Act Numbered One hundred and ten, for salaries of teachers from the United States, two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars; for traveling expenses of teachers from the United States, fifty thousand dollars; appropriated by Act Numbered Seventy-four, for the Normal School, twenty-two thousand dollars; for the Trade School, fifteen thousand dollars; for the Agricultural School, fifteen thousand dollars; appropriated by Act Numbered Ninety-seven, for schoolbooks, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars; for school supplies and stationery, thirty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars and seventy-five cents.
In all, for the General Superintendent of Public Instruction, seventy-two thousand four hundred and one dollars and thirty-eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Departments of Receipts and Disbursements:
Three clerks, class nine; one clerk, Class A; one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars; for refund of bail forfeited by Chan Yao and Sie Yen Len, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Department of Receipts and Disbursements, one thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation:
For salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, and for wages, six mechanics at thirty cents per day each, and seven hundred and eighty laborers at twenty-five cents per day each, twenty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-three dollars and ten cents; salaries and wages in parks and paseos, three thousand eight hundred and six dollars and fifty cents; salaries for cleaning city markets, one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents; salaries and wages, operating rock quarry, two thousand four hundred and eighty dollars; wages of crew of launch, seven hundred and ninety-five dollars; night labor on streets, six hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty cents; salaries and wages in the disposal of garbage, one thousand one hundred and eighty-three dollars: salaries and wages in land transportation, five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; general expenses in the markets, three hundred and sixty-nine dollars; general expenses for disposal of garbage, four hundred and fifty dollars; forage, shoeing, and so forth, three thousand five hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty cents; rent of Paco Crematory, forty-five dollars; road materials, fifteen thousand dollars; sewers and drains, six thousand dollars; repairs and maintenance of transportation, three thousand dollars; fire stations, street cleaning and sanitation, and miscellaneous expenses, three thousand dollars; equipment for lire-engines authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and forty-three, as follows: Two American horses, one set of double harness, one thousand five hundred feet of hose, two thousand and fifty dollars; salaries of one engineer at three hundred and sixty dollars, per annum, one assistant engineer at three hundred dollars per annum, one driver at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum, three hundred and forty-five dollars; incidental expenses, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the Department of Streets, Parks, Fire, and Sanitation, seventy-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Water Supply:
For authorized salaries, as follows: One clerk of class six; two clerks of class seven; one clerk of class eight: one chief engineer at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one foreman at nine hundred dollars per annum; one second engineer at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one foreman at six hundred dollars per annum; one third engineer at six hundred dollars per annum; one foreman at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one fourth engineer at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one draftsman at three hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred dollars per annum; nine inspectors at six hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk, one foreman, and three oilers at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; three firemen and one foreman at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four carpenters and one oiler at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one blacksmith at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, five thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents; hire of laborers, two thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars; maintenance and supplies, two thousand dollars; office expenses, one hundred dollars; coal, six thousand dollars; changing fireplugs on Bayambang driveway, eight hundred dollars; difference of salaries for employees authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over the amount already appropriated, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand three hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents; funds necessary for the reimbursement of Smith, Bell and Company for the expenditure incurred by them in placing a water installation on the Pasig River front, two hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-five cents.
In all, for the Department of Water Supply, seventeen thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and thirty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of City Public Works:
For salaries, as follows: One city engineer at three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one assistant city engineer at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one building inspector at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; three building inspectors, one draftsman, and one clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; two inspectors at nine hundred dollars per annum each; one foreman at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one surveyor at eight hundred and forty dollars per annum; one foreman at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk and interpreter at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one foreman at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one foreman at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one chainman and three foremen at three hundred dollars per annum each; eight employees at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one employee at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, five thousand four hundred and ten dollars; office expenses, one hundred dollars; city bridges, seven thousand dollars; Santolan Road, one thousand dollars; instruments, one hundred dollars; drawing material, seventy-five dollars; map of Manila, one thousand dollars; Quinta Market, thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and ninety-four cents; maintenance of stock, two hundred dollars; paving Santa Cruz Bridge, four thousand dollars; for piping, fitting, and general expenses in the construction of an artesian well, three thousand dollars; difference of salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over the amount already appropriated for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents; for the completion of the work of erecting piers, abutments, and approaches of the Santa Cruz Bridge, fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-four cents; for reimbursing of H. M. Jones for cost of extra work and time in widening the Bridge of Spain, said work being, done under contract, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars.
In all, for the Department of City Public Works, seventy-three thousand nine hundred and forty-five dollars and eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Inspection:
For one clerk, class nine; one clerk at the rate of four hundred raid fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; subsistence and treatment of indigent and insane natives at the Hospicio de San Jose, seven thousand five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Inspection, seven thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Prisons:
For expenses in the Presidio de Manila, as follows: Subsistence of prisoners, six thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars; oil, ninety dollars; salaries, as follows: One superintendent at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one storekeeper at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one interpreter and two capataces at six hundred dollars per annum each; four capataces (one additional hereby authorized) at three hundred dollars per annum each; one chaplain at three hundred dollars per annum; two clerks at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one laundryman (prisoner), at ninety dollars per annum; one clerk (prisoner), at thirty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars; oil ice supplies, including soap, ninety dollars; repairs to transportation, thirty dollars; miscellaneous repairs, materials, and tools in the manufacturing department, and supplies for the laundry department, three thousand dollars; enlarging laundry plant, including the purchase of one boiler, three disinfecting vats, four washing vats, six washing machines, steam fittings, and so forth, for drying room, and installation of the same, one thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars; material for the manufacturing of flags, five hundred and nineteen dollars.
In all, for the Presidio de Manila, thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Expenses of Bilibid Prison, as follows: For salaries, as follows: One clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one visiting physician at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; three hospital stewards at three hundred dollars per annum each; one teamster at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one lieutenant native civil police at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; four sergeants native civil police at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight corporals native civil police at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; forty privates native civil police at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum, each; in all, for salaries, three thousand and fifteen dollars; general repairs, three hundred dollars; miscellaneous expenses, eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; one hundred and six native police uniforms, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety cents; one hundred and six pairs of shoes for native police, two hundred and twelve dollars; drugs for hospital, three hundred dollars; rations for American civil prisoners-for forty-live days, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, ninteen hundred and one. eleven dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for Bilibid Prison, four thousand two hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For expenses of the Carel Publica, as follows: Subsistence for prisoners, six thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and eighty cents; lights, fifty dollars; salaries, as follows: One alcalde at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one chaplain at three hundred dollars per annum; one interpreter at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one first capataz (overseer) at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum: three capataces (assistant overseers) at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; four bastoneros at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; in all, for salaries, one thousand and thirty-five dollars: office supplies, thirty-six dollars; miscellaneous repair, three hundred dollars; transportation, fifteen dollars.
In all, for the Carcel Publica, eight thousand and ninety-six dollars and eighty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
In all, for the Department of Prisons, twenty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and forty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue:
Authorized salaries, as follows: Office staff, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; division of licenses, two thousand and seven dollars; division of five stock registration and vehicle lax, eight hundred and thirty dollars; division of weights and measures, three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents: public market, two thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents; slaughterhouse, nine hundred and ninety dollars; salary of one inspector, license division, class nine, hereby authorized, three hundred dollars; one chief collector of markets at twenty-five dollars per month, hereby authorized, seventy-five dollars: two clerks at twenty dollars per month each, hereby authorized, one hundred and twenty dollars; stationery, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; printing, five hundred dollars; bounty for one thousand six hundred dogs, forty dollars; matadero fuel, four hundred and fifty dollars; brassards, sixty dollars; numbering eight hundred vehicles, sixty dollars; transportation, three hundred dollars; incidental expenses, one hundred and ninety-five dollars; transportation for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and fuel for the matadero for the same period, two hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue, ten thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of the Board of Health:
Authorized salaries, as follows: Office force, consisting of one chief clerk at the rate of one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one chief municipal physician at six hundred dollars per annum; two clerks at twelve hundred dollars per annum each; one clerk a nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; in all, for salaries of office force, one thousand seven hundred dollars; municipal physicians, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; midwives, one hundred and eighty dollars; inspection department, two thousand nine hundred and ten dollars; plague hospital, one hundred and ninety-five dollars; smallpox hospital, one hundred and fifty dollars; vaccine station, one thousand and five dollars; bacteriological laboratory, one hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents; chemical laboratory, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; engineer department, one thousand two hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents; steam disinfecting plant, seventy-five dollars; municipal dispensary, ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents; cemeteries, six hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents; for transportation, one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars; running expenses of the Board of Health, plague hospital, smallpox hospital, vaccine station, antiplague virus farm, bacteriological laboratory, chemical laboratory, veterinary department, steam disinfecting plant, municipal dispensary, and cemeteries, five thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars; salary of district inspector at twenty-five dollars per month, and fifty-three inspectors at fifteen dollars per month each, hereby authorized, for the inspection department, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two thousand four hundred and sixty dollars; difference of salaries for employees authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two over amount already appropriated, three hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents; funds for the carrying on of the manufacture of an antitoxin for the cure of rinderpest and experiments with the same, five hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of the Board of Health, twenty thousand eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of Police:
Salaries and wages, as follows: Metropolitan police, authorized by Act Numbered Seventy, one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred dollars; native police, thirty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars; detectives, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, three thousand seven hundred and five dollars; clerks and other employees, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, four thousand three hundred dollars and two cents. Additional salaries hereby authorized, as follows: Two interpreters, class nine; three employees. Class D; the employees at the rate of four hundred and titty dollars per annum each; four employees, Class I; one thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; contingent expenses for detective bureau and police department, one thousand five hundred dollars; medical supplies for native police, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; twenty-four laborers for the Metropolitan police stations, at six dollars and fifty cents per month each, four hundred and sixty-eight dollars; meals for civil prisoners, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; printing and stationery, one thousand and fifty dollars; six hundred ponchos for native police, eight hundred and twenty-two dollars.
In all, for the Department of Police, one hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents.
Department of Illumination:
Maintenance of street and harbor lights, nine thousand two hundred and seventy dollars and seventy-five cents; maintenance of lights in public buildings, police stations, Bilibid Prison, bandstands on the Luneta, and public markets, two thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents; rent and service of telephones, five hundred and ten dollars: salaries, as follows: One inspector electrician, class seven: one clerk, class nine; seven hundred dollars; material for repairs, supplies, and so forth, to existing installations, two hundred dollars; meters for various installations, three hundred dollars: transportation for inspector, forty-five dollars; five per cent of current expense for increased service and new or additional installation, six hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety-one cents; increased salary of inspector for the period ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, hereby authorized, one hundred dollars.
In all, for the Department of Illumination, fourteen thousand three hundred and twenty-one dollars and sixteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the adjutant-general of the Provost-Marshal-General:
Salaries, as follows: One interpreter and translator at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; two clerks, class seven: six clerks, class eight; nineteen clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; three messengers at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: in all. For salaries, ten thousand two hundred and thirty-live dollars and four cents; salaries for two clerks, class nine, on duty with the board of officers on the preparation of municipal ordinances, six hundred dollars; increase in salary of one interpreter from thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents to seventy-five dollars per month, for April, May, and June, nineteen hundred and one, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; for subsistence of fifty orphans at Santa Isabela College, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; stationery, printing.advertising, and contingent expenses, two thousand live hundred dollars; for payment of services rendered by stenographic reporters recording proceedings of military commissions convened by the Provost-Marshal-General, for the quarter ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand dollars.
In all, for the office of the adjutant-general of the Provost-Marshal-General, fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty-four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Department of City Schools:
Salaries, as follows: Superintendent, at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class nine; one clerk at the rate of four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one employee at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, one thousand nine hundred dollars; salaries of teachers in the primary schools, twenty-six thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars: salaries of teachers and employees in evening schools, seven.thousand six hundred and five dollars; miscellaneous expenses, including one hundred and thirty-five dollars for the hire of carromata for use of the Superintendent, one thousand two hundred and ten dollars; salaries in the Nautical School, as follows: One teacher of English at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum; one instructor at: the rate of six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one instructor at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum; one instructor at the rate of five hundred dollars per annum; one rigger at the rate of three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; two employees at the rate of ninety dollars per annum each; one employee at the rate of one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; in all, for salaries, eight hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents; hire of carromata for superintendent of the Nautical School, ninety dollars; incidental expenses for Nautical School, one hundred and eighty dollars; school furniture, two thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars; for amount of increase in salaries authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and two in the Superintendent's office over the amount already appropriated, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the Department of City Schools, forty-one thousand six hundred and ninety-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the quartermaster of the Provost-Marshal-General:
Rent for civil police stations, seven thousand eight hundred and gc ninety-eight dollars and fifty cents; rent of schoolhouses, three thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars; rent of market sites, seventy-five dollars; expenses of city morgue, including rent of vehicle at one dollar and fifty cents per day, two hundred and twenty dollars and fifty cents; rent of vaccine station, one hundred and twenty dollars; rent of land for quarantine station, thirty-seven dollars and forty-four cents; janitor's services at headquarters Provost-Marshal-General, four hundred and fifty dollars; pension of Jacinto Brillante, fifteen dollars; nine teamsters for excavator wagons, at sixty dollars per month each, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; four clerks, class nine, one thousand two hundred dollars; incidental expenses for headquarters Provost-Marshal-General, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; rice for indigent citizens, eight hundred dollars; miscellaneous repairs, two thousand dollars; advertising and printing, one thousand dollars; salary of one master mechanic at one hundred dollars per month, three hundred dollars; two native laborers at ten dollars per month each, sixty dollars; rent of civil police barracks, and schoolhouses, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
In all, for the office of the quartermaster of the Provost-Marshal-General, nineteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-one dollars and ninety-four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the Chief Surgeon:
Subsistence of Metropolitan police admitted to the military hospital, one thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars and forty cents; one clerk, class nine, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the office of the Chief Surgeon, one thousand five hundred and fifty-six dollars and forty cents, or so much thereof as may he necessary.
Department of Municipal Records:
Authorized increase of fifty-four dollars and seventeen cents in the monthly salary of an interpreter and translator, and of twenty-five dollars in the monthly salary of one clerk, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents; one clerk at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, for April, May, and June, Department of Prison Records, seventy-five dollars; authorized increase of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents in the salary of one interpreter in the superior provost court, from February twenty-fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty-eight cents; for increase in the salaries of the Chief Justice and three associate judges of the Supreme Court authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, over the amount already appropriated for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, six hundred, and fifty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents; for the salaries of three additional associate judges of the Supreme Court, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, eight hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents: salary of one chief clerk at the rate of two hundred and fifty dollars per month and three deputy clerks at the rate of one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents per month for the Supreme Court, for the period June eighteenth to June thirtieth, two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-one cents; for increase of salary of the Attorney-General and the Assistant Attorney-General, authorized by Act .Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, over the amount already appropriated for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, one hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents; salary of one Solicitor-General at three hundred and seventy-five dollars per month for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, one hundred and seventy-five dollars; for increase in the salary of two judges of the Courts of First Instance, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and forty, for the period June seventeenth to June thirtieth, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and forty-four cents; salary of one sheriff at two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month, from June twenty-first to June thirtieth, sixty-nine dollars and forty-four cents; salary of one clerk at one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents from June twenty-second to June thirtieth, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Department of Municipal Records, three thousand and sixt3r-nine dollars and eighty-two cents, or so thereof as may be necessary.
Office of the Public Prosecutor:
Two clerks, class nine; one interpreter at the rate of seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
In all, for the Office of the Provost-Marshal-General, and the departments reporting to him, four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven dollars and sixty-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the employment of one native vaccinator, at fifteen dollars per mouth, hereby authorized, forty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Salaries and general expenses of the United States Philippine Commission, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For salaries, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-one, for Manila Central Observatory, for the month of June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, six thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine dollars and ninety-six cents; expenses of the branch station at Baguio and at Dagupan, for the same period, four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-four cents; printing and binding weather bulletin for May, June, July, and August, forty-five dollars; rent of instruments, offices, and so forth, for June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand five hundred dollars; traveling expenses, cost of transportation, and instruments, and so forth, for the month of June and the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; expenses of the following branch stations, for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one: Zamboanga, Cebu, Iloilo, Ormoc, and Legaspi, eight hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-five cents; expenses of the branch stations of Daet, Aparri, San Isidro, and Tacloban, for the months of August and September, nineteen hundred and one, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-two cents; expenses of the branch stations at Maasin, Capiz, and Surigao for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and seventy dollars; expenses of the rain station at San Fernando de la Union, twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; weather report for August, September, October, November, and December, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and January, February, and March, nineteen hundred, four hundred and fourteen dollars; binding weather report for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-eight and eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, thirty-two dollars; extra allowance for disbursing clerk for the third quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Weather Bureau, eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirty-seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For payment by settlement warrant to legal heirs of deceased a scouts and deceased Philippine cavalrymen, of the amounts found to have been due to such deceased scouts and cavalrymen, five hundred dollars.
For O. B. Troplong, for salary from December first to December fifteenth, nineteen hundred, one hundred dollars.
For W. H. Clarke, chief clerk, Auditor's office, as additional compensation for services as superintendent of the Intendencia Building, at the rate of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, hereby authorized, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.
For Aldecoa and Company, for increase in rent of twenty dollars per month of the house, number one hundred and forty-three Calle Camba, Binondo, used as a schoolhouse, from January first to May fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, ninety dollars.
For Henry D. Wolfe, for twenty electric fans for the offices of the United States Philippine Commission, at thirty-five dollars and twenty-five cents each, seven hundred and five dollars.
Total appropriations for all purposes, in money of the United States, one million two hundred and twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and eighty-three cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated out of the Insular Treasury from funds not otherwise appropriated a sum sufficient to return to the provincial governments now or hereafter organized under the General Provincial Government Act, all the internal-revenue collections made between the first of January, nineteen hundred and one, and the first of July, nineteen hundred and one, in said provinces, in accordance with section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three, one-half to be paid into the provincial treasury and the other half to be paid to the provincial treasurer, to be by him distributed to the municipalities in which the same were collector. The authority for payment hereby conferred may be exercised from time to time in partial payments to provincial treasurers until all that is due under section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three shall be paid. The warrants for the same shall be drawn upon the application of the provincial treasurers in the amounts certified to be correct by the Insular Collector of Internal Revenue, approved by the Insular Auditor. In so far as the manner of payment provided in section thirty-seven of Act Numbered One hundred and thirty-three is inconsistent with that herein provided, such section number thirty-seven is lie ruby modified.
SEC. 3. Disbursing officers are hereby directed to disburse all funds by this Act appropriated, one-half in money of the United States and one-half in local currency, upon the basis of two dollars of local currency for one dollar of money of the United States. Warrants shall be drawn in money of the United States, but disbursing officers are hereby required to procure on the warrants one-half in money of the United States and one-half in local currency, for the purpose of complying with this section.
SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 13, 1901.