[ Act No. 311, December 04, 1901 ]
By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government and of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two (the same being the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two), this appropriation being for the second quarter of said fiscal year unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the second quarter of said fiscal year, shall be available for the obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two.
Contingent expenses, United States Philippine Commission, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and expenses of Insular employees payable from insular funds, and for reimbursement for amount paid for the expenses of Miss Anna J. Neale, while sick in the Women's Hospital, ten thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For the salaries of emergency clerks, not exceeding four dollars per each, two thousand five hundred dollars.
Allowances in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Frederick L. McVeigh, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifteen cents; Frederick Newton, one hundred and eleven dollars and sixty-one cents; total, two hundred and forty-six dollars and seventy-six cents.
Malacañan Palace, nineteen hundred and two: For permanent repairs to Malacañan Palace and for lighting of park since August seventh, three hundred and twenty-one dollars and eighty-two cents.
In all, for the Executive Bureau, three thousand and sixty-eight dollars and fifty weight cents.
For salaries and wages, Bureau, of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: Insular Purchasing Agent, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; six emergency clerks, not exceeding three dollars per day each, and for additional labor in handling supplies not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand five hundred dollars, four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars.
Transportation, officers, employees, and supplies, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: For traveling expenses of two employees of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant from Manila to Chicago in excess of the amount heretofore; appropriated, one hundred and eighty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: Rent of building used as storehouse, one hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, five thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen, hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of the interior, three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen, hundred and two: Sanitary Engineer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, five hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.
Support of hospitals, plants, and stations, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For the construction and expenses of the detention camp, three thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For purchase of properly from the United States Army for the plague hospital and the bacteriological laboratory, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Board of Health for the, Philippines, four thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.
Salaries and wages, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, six hundred and sixty-four dollars.
Salaries and wages, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: Superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, from November twenty-first to December thirty-first, and for wages of laborers not to exceed one hundred dollars, three hundred dollars.
Transportation, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of supplies and animals and for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, seventy-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent, expenses, including printing, stationery, furniture, animals, supplies, and oilier incidental expenses, two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for the Government Farm at San Ramon, two thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-five cents.
For salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: One employee, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two employees, at ninety dollars per annum each; and temporary employees, not to exceed one hundred and eighty-two dollars and sixty-six cents, from November fifteenth to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, three hundred and seventy dollars and sixteen cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: For lodging for army medical officer, at thirty-five dollars per month, from November eighteenth to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one; for traveling expenses of photographer and for photographic supplies and incidental expenses in fitting up the photographic room, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, two thousand and sixteen dollars and forty-one cents.
For salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: Four nurses, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four ward attendants, at six hundred dollars per annum each; for an increase in the salary of the dietist from six hundred dollars to seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum, four hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including medicine, plumbing, rent and repairs, insurance charges, and other incidental expenses, six thousand two hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-one cents.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Hospital, six thousand six hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, and including the salary of one clerk class eight in lieu of one clerk class nine from October thirtieth, hereby authorized, three thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and twenty-two cents.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, three thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and twenty-two cents.
Construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone, and cable line's, Signal Service, nineteen hundred and two: For the construction of cable line from Boac to Romblon and from Romblon to Palanog and for the construction and maintenance of telephone lines, Island of Mindanao, eighty-four thousand nine hundred dollars.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, class six; two clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class C; two clerks, Class I; thirty blacksmiths, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, and laborers not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand dollars, two thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.
Transportation of Philippines Constabulary and its supplies, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of officers, enlisted men. animals, supplies and prisoners, one thousand dollars.
Secret, Service fund, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For a contingent fund to be used for secret-service purposes in the discretion of the chief or acting chief, ten thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary. nineteen hundred and two: For incidental expenses, including shoeing of horses, rent, repairs, and construction of buildings, subsistence of prisoners, purchase of horses, and purchase from natives of serviceable rifles, and so forth, eighteen thousand six hundred dollars.
The appropriation in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four "for purchase of commissaries, seventy-five thousand dollars," is hereby amended to read "for purchase and transportation of commissaries, seventy-five thousand dollars."
In all, for the Bureau of Philippines Constabulary, thirty-two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of employees in Bilibid Prison, five hundred and ninety dollars.
The funds appropriated in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four, for salaries and wages in the Bureau of Prisons in Manila, are hereby made available for the payment of employees in such Bureau without regard to the classification provided for in such Act.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including construction of drying rooms, bake oven, purchase of ranges, repairs, subsistence of prisoners, and other incidental expenses, six thousand and ninety-five dollars and eighty-eight cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Prisons in Manila, six thousand six hundred and eighty-five dollars, and eighty-eight cents.
Contingent expenses, United States prison, Bacolor, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including purchase of clothing for native convicts, two hundred and thirty dollars.
Contingent expenses, United States prison, San Isidro, nineteen hundred and two: For miscellaneous expenses, including supplies, and so forth, three hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred, and two: One boiler inspector from November twentieth to December thirty-first, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, two hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents.
Transportation, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For traveling expenses of the Chief of the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, to China and Japan, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Launches, Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For expenses for the maintenance of launches, such as salaries and wages of captains, engineers, crews, laborers, and repairs and outfits, two thousand three hundred and ten dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including cablegrams and other incidental expenses for the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, one hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Captain of the Port, two thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Office, of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of clerks and inspectors, including the increase in the salary of the collector of customs at Iloilo, from September twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and sixty-seven, over the amount heretofore appropriated, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty-two cents.
Expenses of revenue launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For labor, repairs, alterations, and supplies in fitting out launches for the revenue service, two thousand dollars.
Service of officers in bonded warehouses, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For service of officers in bonded warehouses (reimbursable), in such numbers as may be necessary in the discretion of the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Archipelago, for the good conduct of business: Provided, That no amount, shall be paid for such service in excess of the amount collected from the owners of said bonded warehouses, six hundred and ninety dollars.
Refunds, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For refund to Don Eleuterio Ruiz de Leon for excess of duty paid upon a shipment of wine shipped from Spain prior to the outbreak of hostilities between that country and the United States, two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including repairs, furniture, and the transportation of supplies, one thousand dollars.
Allowance in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For allowance to Charles H. White, in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents.
For reimbursement to the Collector of Customs for the burial expenses of an employee of the custom-house, drowned while in the performance of his duty, seven dollars and fifty cents.
The Collector of Customs is hereby authorized to employ one clerk class eight, and one clerk Class D, in lieu of one chief of division, class five, heretofore authorized, to date from November twentieth, nineteen hundred and one, and any appropriation made for such chief of division for the second quarter of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two is hereby made available for the payment of such clerks for the same period.
In, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, five thousand eight hundred and three dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including labor and material for the construction of coal bunkers, stables, sheds, and employees' house, twenty thousand dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of the employees of the Supreme Court, Courts of First Instance, and the Temporary Court of Negros, from June first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, including temporary employees who performed actual services though without the formal authorization of law, three thousand one hundred and twenty dollars and twenty-three cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and for the transportation of supplies, nine hundred and six dollars and twenty-eight cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses including fees and allowances, for sheriffs' rents, repairs, supplies, per diem allowance of four dollars to judges of the Courts of First Instance, while on duty in Manila, and of one dollar and fifty cents each for the judge and fiscal of the Fourteenth Judicial District while necessarily absent from Jolo in the performance of their official duties, from July first, nineteen hundred and one, and for allowances to officers and employees of the courts in lieu of all expenses incurred by them in the transportation of their families to their stations as follows: E. F. Johnson, judge of the Court of First Instance of the Third Judicial District, four hundred and forty dollars and twenty-five cents; W. F. Norris, judge of the temporary court of Negros, eleven dollars; Felix Atienza, clerk of the temporary court of Negros. thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents: total, two thousand six hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ninety cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Justice, six thousand six hundred and fifty-four dollars and forty-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the "United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, three thousand nine hundred and ten dollars.
Support of Schools, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For support of schools at San Jose de Corregidor, Santa Ana, Pasay, and Bulacan, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-two cents.
Rents and repairs, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For rent of buildings for nautical school and storehouse, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For per diem at five dollars for the officer in charge of the Nautical School, in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Navy, by reason of his detail for civil duty, one hundred and fifty-five dollars. Cost of transportation herein provided shall be construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Instruction, two thousand five hundred and fifty-one dollars and thirty-two cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of the Bureau, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and one translator, class seven, seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars and twenty-one cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery, supplies, and incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Archives, one thousand and ninety-seven dollars and twenty-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: Public Printer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk class four; four clerks, class five, four clerks, class six; five clerks, class seven; three clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class D; two messengers, at one hundred, and fifty dollars per annum each; and for the employment of skilled and unskilled laborers, carpenters, masons, and so forth, not to exceed two thousand two hundred and thirty dollars; and for the salaries and wages of employees of the Bureau of Public Printing between November first and November twelfth, prior to their appointment under Act Numbered Two hundred and ninety-six, seven thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the duplication of the power plant, rents and repairs, transportation, supplies, and incidental expenses, twenty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Printing, thirty-three thousand six hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at Four thousand dollars per annum; superintendent of construction, class seven; one clerk, class eight; two clerks, class nine; three draftsmen, Class D; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and half salary for the Chief of Bureau from August tenth to September ninth; two thousand four hundred and ten dollars and ninety-eight cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation of officers and employees on official business where it is impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, one hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including office equipment, supplies, plumbing, fixtures, hardware, paint, and miscellaneous supplies that will be required in the construction and repairing of insular buildings, twenty-seven thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, twenty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty dollars and ninety-eight cents.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: Governor, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; inspector, at four hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk, at ninety dollars per annum, and laborers at an aggregate of thirty dollars for the quarter, nine hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and transportation of supplies, seventy dollars.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners, office supplies, rents, and repairs, five hundred and five dollars.
In all, for the provincial government of Benguet, one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Benguet wagon road:
For the expenses in the construction of the Benguet wagon road from Pozorubio, Province of Pangasinan, to Baguio, Province of Benguet, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For refund to the municipality of Zamboanga of one-half the internal-revenue collections, collected in said municipality of Zamboanga from all sources between January first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and ninety cents.
Pay of scouts, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For pay of scouts throughout the Division, including civilian scouts and Magarao volunteer scouts, thirty-nine thousand two hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.
Pay of interpreters, stenographic reporters, and witnesses, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For services rendered by interpreters, stenographic reporters, and witnesses before military commissions in the Department of Northern Luzon previous to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent civil expenses throughout the Division, including rent and repairs in the Department of Northern Luzon, repairs to the prison at Santa Cruz, Laguna, and repairs and construction of the Calamba-Batangas and Arayat-Cabiao roads and roads in the vicinity of San Luis, Pampanga, sixty-eight thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty-six cents.
The Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, is hereby authorized to pay the two companies of Ilocano scouts now serving in Samar, for the months of November and December, nineteen hundred and one, out of any funds he may have in his hands heretofore appropriated for the payment of scouts and scout interpreters employed exclusively with scout organizations paid from civil funds.
In all, for the Chief Quartermaster, one hundred and eight thousand three hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-six cents.
For the Women's Hospital in Manila: For the purchase of medical property and supplies loaned to the Women's Hospital in Manila, five thousand dollars.
For Mena Crisologo, governor of Ilocos Sur, for actual and necessary expenses while organizing municipalities in Ilocos Sur and for per diem allowances of five dollars while engaged in such work, seventy dollars and seventy-five cents.
For W. H. C. Rowen, governor of Abra, for allowance for the month of December in lieu of commutation of quarters, from which allowance from military appropriations he is excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, forty-eight dollars.
For J. F. Kreps, governor of Nueva Ecija, for allowance, for the month of December in lieu of commutation of quarters, from which allowance from military appropriations he is excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, thirty-six dollars.
For Edward W. Terry, late treasurer of Sorsogon, for allowance in lieu of commutation of quarters, from June first to June thirtieth, and from July fifteenth to September thirtieth, from which allowance from military appropriations be was excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, one hundred and twenty dollars.
For Major E. W. Halford, paymaster, United States Army, for reimbursement for an amount paid Lientenant H. D. Blasland on the army mileage basis, for traveling expenses while on civil duty, twenty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents.
For R. J. Fanning, treasurer of Sorsogon, for allowance in lieu of claim for salary from October eight to October thirty-first, while en route to accept the duties of treasurer of Sorsogon, one hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty-six cents.
For Enrique Barrera, for drafting and authenticating the conveyance of land in Benguet, purchased by the Government of the Philippine Islands, and for furnishing an official copy of the same, twenty-three dollars and thirty cents.
For J. M. Liddell, judge of the municipal court, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him in bringing his family to Manila, four hundred and forty-five dollars and sixty-five cents.
For Escolastico Salandanan, fiscal of Marinduque, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him in going from Manila to Marinduque to assume the duties of his office, fifty-one dollars and fifty cents.
For L. and M. Alexander and Company, San Francisco, for payment of two typewriters owned by them and sold at the Custom-House as unclaimed property, one hundred and fifty-three dollars and seventy-eight cents.
For Mariano Rodriguez, president of Gazan, Marinduque, for an allowance in lieu of salary while serving as president of Gazan from January twenty-fifth to April eleventh, nineteen hundred and one, thirty-eight dollars.
For Antonio de la Riva, for return of fine imposed by military commission and subsequently remitted by order of the commanding general of the division, one thousand dollars.
For Bernabe Santa Teresa, native of Bagumbayan, for reimbursement for a nipa house destroyed to prevent the spread of plague, twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
For Cipriano Santa, Teresa, native of Bagumbayan, for reimbursement for a nipa house destroyed to prevent the spread of plague, twenty dollars.
For Ramon Pazos, for rent at twenty-five dollars per month from July first, nineteen hundred, to August twenty-first, nineteen hundred, and one, for house at San Pedro Macati, occupied by United States troops and by native police, three hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be found due.
For a return to the organized municipalities in the Province of Laguna, of one-half internal-revenue collections, collected between January first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, in such municipalities, four thousand and eight dollars and forty-one cents.
For the payment of expenses of transportation, both passenger and freight, heretofore lawfully incurred, which is not otherwise specifically provided for, fifty thousand dollars.
Officers of the United States Army, who by reason of serving under detail in civil positions have been deprived of mileage for actual official travel which they would otherwise have received, shall be entitled to such mileage, which is hereby made a proper charge against this appropriation, the provisions of section four of Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight being hereby modified to this extent.
Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: Three clerks, class seven; one clerk, class six, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: Two clerks, Class T, one hundred dollars.
Transportation, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation for employees while on official business, where it was impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, two hundred and eighty-six dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the remodeling of the Santa Cruz Five Station, the interior fitting's of the Divisoria market, and for foundation of the street market, ten thousand three hundred dollars.
Transportation, Superintendent of Streets, Parks, Bridges, Docks, and Wharves, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation for employees while on official business, where it was impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Superintendent of Streets, Parks, Bridges, Docks, and Wharves, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including purchase of trees, shrubs, plaids, the construction of crematory and the purchase of horses, dump carts, harness, and wagons, sixty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and ninety cents.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For alteration of five engines, hose standard and play pipes to fit, the connections of new hose purchased by the Fire Department, four hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, City Assessor and Collector, nineteen hundred and two: For emergency clerks for assessing and appraising the taxable real estate in Manila, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including the salary of one interpreter, Class D, in the Municipal Court of the District north of the Pasig, from August ninth to September thirtieth; one clerk, class nine, from September first to December thirty-first, and one clerk, Class O, from December first to December thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and eight-four dollars and forty-six cents.
Contingent expenses, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including law books for the office of the City Attorney, two thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Officer in charge of Santa Cruz Bridge, nineteen hundred and two: For completion of the work on the Santa Cruz Bridge, nineteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars.
Total appropriation for the city of Manila, one hundred and nine thousand six hundred and nine dollars and thirty-six cents.
Total appropriation for all purposes, five hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and five dollars and forty cents, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to return lo the provincial governments, now or hereafter organized under the General Provincial Act, all the internal-revenue collections, including forestry collections made between the first of July, nineteen hundred and one, and such time as the provinces in which such collections have been made or shall be made, have been or shall be respectively organized, or until such time as the treasurer of such province shall have taken charge of the collections of internal revenue of such province. One-half of such refunds shall be paid lo the provincial treasurer and the other half shall be paid to the provincial treasurer to be by him distributed to the municipalities in which the same was collected. The authority for payment hereby conferred may be exercised from time to time in partial payments to the provincial treasurers until all that is due shall be paid. The warrants for the same shall be drawn upon the application of the provincial treasurers, in the amounts certified to be correct by the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Islands, approved by the Auditor for the Philippine Archipelago.
SEC. 3. The provincial hoard of the Province of Marinduque is hereby authorized to pay the sum of forty-two dollars and fifty cents, in money of the United States, to Victor C. Lewis, former supervisor of Marinduque, in full settlement of all expenses incurred by him in June, nineteen hundred and one. while on a trip from Marinduque to Manila and return, anything in Act Numbered One hundred and twenty-five limiting the traveling expenses of provincial officers while absent from the capital to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 4. All funds appropriated by this Act shall be disbursed in local currency upon the basis of two dollars in local currency for one dollar money of the United States, except funds appropriated in this Act for the Women's Hospital in Manila and the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, which shall be disbursed in money of the United States.
The appropriation for the Philippine Civil Hospital in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four is hereby amended so as to allow all such appropriations therein made for the purchase of supplies and furniture from the United States Army to be disbursed in United States currency.
SEC. 5. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, December 4, 1901.
SECTION 1. The following sums, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the Insular Government and of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two (the same being the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two), this appropriation being for the second quarter of said fiscal year unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the second quarter of said fiscal year, shall be available for the obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two.
Contingent expenses, United States Philippine Commission, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and expenses of Insular employees payable from insular funds, and for reimbursement for amount paid for the expenses of Miss Anna J. Neale, while sick in the Women's Hospital, ten thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For the salaries of emergency clerks, not exceeding four dollars per each, two thousand five hundred dollars.
Allowances in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, Executive Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: Frederick L. McVeigh, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifteen cents; Frederick Newton, one hundred and eleven dollars and sixty-one cents; total, two hundred and forty-six dollars and seventy-six cents.
Malacañan Palace, nineteen hundred and two: For permanent repairs to Malacañan Palace and for lighting of park since August seventh, three hundred and twenty-one dollars and eighty-two cents.
In all, for the Executive Bureau, three thousand and sixty-eight dollars and fifty weight cents.
For salaries and wages, Bureau, of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: Insular Purchasing Agent, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; six emergency clerks, not exceeding three dollars per day each, and for additional labor in handling supplies not to exceed an aggregate of two thousand five hundred dollars, four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars.
Transportation, officers, employees, and supplies, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: For traveling expenses of two employees of the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant from Manila to Chicago in excess of the amount heretofore; appropriated, one hundred and eighty-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and two: Rent of building used as storehouse, one hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, five thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen, hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of the interior, three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen, hundred and two: Sanitary Engineer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, five hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.
Support of hospitals, plants, and stations, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For the construction and expenses of the detention camp, three thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Board of Health for the Philippines, nineteen hundred and two: For purchase of properly from the United States Army for the plague hospital and the bacteriological laboratory, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Board of Health for the, Philippines, four thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.
Salaries and wages, Quarantine Service, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, six hundred and sixty-four dollars.
Salaries and wages, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: Superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, from November twenty-first to December thirty-first, and for wages of laborers not to exceed one hundred dollars, three hundred dollars.
Transportation, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of supplies and animals and for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees, seventy-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Government Farm at San Ramon, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent, expenses, including printing, stationery, furniture, animals, supplies, and oilier incidental expenses, two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for the Government Farm at San Ramon, two thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-five cents.
For salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: One employee, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum; two employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; two employees, at ninety dollars per annum each; and temporary employees, not to exceed one hundred and eighty-two dollars and sixty-six cents, from November fifteenth to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, three hundred and seventy dollars and sixteen cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred and two: For lodging for army medical officer, at thirty-five dollars per month, from November eighteenth to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one; for traveling expenses of photographer and for photographic supplies and incidental expenses in fitting up the photographic room, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and twenty-five cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, two thousand and sixteen dollars and forty-one cents.
For salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: Four nurses, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four ward attendants, at six hundred dollars per annum each; for an increase in the salary of the dietist from six hundred dollars to seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum, four hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including medicine, plumbing, rent and repairs, insurance charges, and other incidental expenses, six thousand two hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-one cents.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Hospital, six thousand six hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, and including the salary of one clerk class eight in lieu of one clerk class nine from October thirtieth, hereby authorized, three thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and twenty-two cents.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, three thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and twenty-two cents.
Construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone, and cable line's, Signal Service, nineteen hundred and two: For the construction of cable line from Boac to Romblon and from Romblon to Palanog and for the construction and maintenance of telephone lines, Island of Mindanao, eighty-four thousand nine hundred dollars.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: One clerk, class six; two clerks, Class A; two clerks, Class C; two clerks, Class I; thirty blacksmiths, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, and laborers not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand dollars, two thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.
Transportation of Philippines Constabulary and its supplies, nineteen hundred and two: For transportation of officers, enlisted men. animals, supplies and prisoners, one thousand dollars.
Secret, Service fund, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and two: For a contingent fund to be used for secret-service purposes in the discretion of the chief or acting chief, ten thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary. nineteen hundred and two: For incidental expenses, including shoeing of horses, rent, repairs, and construction of buildings, subsistence of prisoners, purchase of horses, and purchase from natives of serviceable rifles, and so forth, eighteen thousand six hundred dollars.
The appropriation in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four "for purchase of commissaries, seventy-five thousand dollars," is hereby amended to read "for purchase and transportation of commissaries, seventy-five thousand dollars."
In all, for the Bureau of Philippines Constabulary, thirty-two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of employees in Bilibid Prison, five hundred and ninety dollars.
The funds appropriated in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four, for salaries and wages in the Bureau of Prisons in Manila, are hereby made available for the payment of employees in such Bureau without regard to the classification provided for in such Act.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons in Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including construction of drying rooms, bake oven, purchase of ranges, repairs, subsistence of prisoners, and other incidental expenses, six thousand and ninety-five dollars and eighty-eight cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Prisons in Manila, six thousand six hundred and eighty-five dollars, and eighty-eight cents.
Contingent expenses, United States prison, Bacolor, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including purchase of clothing for native convicts, two hundred and thirty dollars.
Contingent expenses, United States prison, San Isidro, nineteen hundred and two: For miscellaneous expenses, including supplies, and so forth, three hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred, and two: One boiler inspector from November twentieth to December thirty-first, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, two hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents.
Transportation, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For traveling expenses of the Chief of the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, to China and Japan, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Launches, Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For expenses for the maintenance of launches, such as salaries and wages of captains, engineers, crews, laborers, and repairs and outfits, two thousand three hundred and ten dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Captain of the Port, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including cablegrams and other incidental expenses for the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, one hundred dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Captain of the Port, two thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Office, of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of clerks and inspectors, including the increase in the salary of the collector of customs at Iloilo, from September twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, authorized by Act Numbered One hundred and sixty-seven, over the amount heretofore appropriated, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty-two cents.
Expenses of revenue launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For labor, repairs, alterations, and supplies in fitting out launches for the revenue service, two thousand dollars.
Service of officers in bonded warehouses, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For service of officers in bonded warehouses (reimbursable), in such numbers as may be necessary in the discretion of the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Archipelago, for the good conduct of business: Provided, That no amount, shall be paid for such service in excess of the amount collected from the owners of said bonded warehouses, six hundred and ninety dollars.
Refunds, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For refund to Don Eleuterio Ruiz de Leon for excess of duty paid upon a shipment of wine shipped from Spain prior to the outbreak of hostilities between that country and the United States, two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including repairs, furniture, and the transportation of supplies, one thousand dollars.
Allowance in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For allowance to Charles H. White, in lieu of salary for earned leave of absence, one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents.
For reimbursement to the Collector of Customs for the burial expenses of an employee of the custom-house, drowned while in the performance of his duty, seven dollars and fifty cents.
The Collector of Customs is hereby authorized to employ one clerk class eight, and one clerk Class D, in lieu of one chief of division, class five, heretofore authorized, to date from November twentieth, nineteen hundred and one, and any appropriation made for such chief of division for the second quarter of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two is hereby made available for the payment of such clerks for the same period.
In, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, five thousand eight hundred and three dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including labor and material for the construction of coal bunkers, stables, sheds, and employees' house, twenty thousand dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages of the employees of the Supreme Court, Courts of First Instance, and the Temporary Court of Negros, from June first to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and one, including temporary employees who performed actual services though without the formal authorization of law, three thousand one hundred and twenty dollars and twenty-three cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and for the transportation of supplies, nine hundred and six dollars and twenty-eight cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses including fees and allowances, for sheriffs' rents, repairs, supplies, per diem allowance of four dollars to judges of the Courts of First Instance, while on duty in Manila, and of one dollar and fifty cents each for the judge and fiscal of the Fourteenth Judicial District while necessarily absent from Jolo in the performance of their official duties, from July first, nineteen hundred and one, and for allowances to officers and employees of the courts in lieu of all expenses incurred by them in the transportation of their families to their stations as follows: E. F. Johnson, judge of the Court of First Instance of the Third Judicial District, four hundred and forty dollars and twenty-five cents; W. F. Norris, judge of the temporary court of Negros, eleven dollars; Felix Atienza, clerk of the temporary court of Negros. thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents: total, two thousand six hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ninety cents.
In all, for the Bureau of Justice, six thousand six hundred and fifty-four dollars and forty-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including reimbursement to the "United States Philippine Commission for salary of the Secretary for the months of September and October, three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction, three thousand nine hundred and ten dollars.
Support of Schools, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For support of schools at San Jose de Corregidor, Santa Ana, Pasay, and Bulacan, one thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-two cents.
Rents and repairs, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For rent of buildings for nautical school and storehouse, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Instruction, nineteen hundred and two: For per diem at five dollars for the officer in charge of the Nautical School, in lieu of all expenses except cost of official transportation, and to compensate him for all commutations and allowances from which he is excluded as an officer of the Navy, by reason of his detail for civil duty, one hundred and fifty-five dollars. Cost of transportation herein provided shall be construed to include subsistence when the same is included in transportation by commercial steamship lines.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Instruction, two thousand five hundred and fifty-one dollars and thirty-two cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of the Bureau, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and one translator, class seven, seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars and twenty-one cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Archives, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including stationery, supplies, and incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Archives, one thousand and ninety-seven dollars and twenty-one cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: Public Printer, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk class four; four clerks, class five, four clerks, class six; five clerks, class seven; three clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class D; two messengers, at one hundred, and fifty dollars per annum each; and for the employment of skilled and unskilled laborers, carpenters, masons, and so forth, not to exceed two thousand two hundred and thirty dollars; and for the salaries and wages of employees of the Bureau of Public Printing between November first and November twelfth, prior to their appointment under Act Numbered Two hundred and ninety-six, seven thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Printing, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the duplication of the power plant, rents and repairs, transportation, supplies, and incidental expenses, twenty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Public Printing, thirty-three thousand six hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: Chief of Bureau, at Four thousand dollars per annum; superintendent of construction, class seven; one clerk, class eight; two clerks, class nine; three draftsmen, Class D; one messenger, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and half salary for the Chief of Bureau from August tenth to September ninth; two thousand four hundred and ten dollars and ninety-eight cents.
Transportation, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation of officers and employees on official business where it is impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, one hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including office equipment, supplies, plumbing, fixtures, hardware, paint, and miscellaneous supplies that will be required in the construction and repairing of insular buildings, twenty-seven thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, twenty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty dollars and ninety-eight cents.
Salaries and wages, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: Governor, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; inspector, at four hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk, at ninety dollars per annum, and laborers at an aggregate of thirty dollars for the quarter, nine hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents.
Transportation, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees and transportation of supplies, seventy dollars.
Contingent expenses, provincial government of Benguet, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners, office supplies, rents, and repairs, five hundred and five dollars.
In all, for the provincial government of Benguet, one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
Benguet wagon road:
For the expenses in the construction of the Benguet wagon road from Pozorubio, Province of Pangasinan, to Baguio, Province of Benguet, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For refund to the municipality of Zamboanga of one-half the internal-revenue collections, collected in said municipality of Zamboanga from all sources between January first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and ninety cents.
Pay of scouts, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For pay of scouts throughout the Division, including civilian scouts and Magarao volunteer scouts, thirty-nine thousand two hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.
Pay of interpreters, stenographic reporters, and witnesses, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For services rendered by interpreters, stenographic reporters, and witnesses before military commissions in the Department of Northern Luzon previous to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Chief Quartermaster, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent civil expenses throughout the Division, including rent and repairs in the Department of Northern Luzon, repairs to the prison at Santa Cruz, Laguna, and repairs and construction of the Calamba-Batangas and Arayat-Cabiao roads and roads in the vicinity of San Luis, Pampanga, sixty-eight thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty-six cents.
The Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Philippines, is hereby authorized to pay the two companies of Ilocano scouts now serving in Samar, for the months of November and December, nineteen hundred and one, out of any funds he may have in his hands heretofore appropriated for the payment of scouts and scout interpreters employed exclusively with scout organizations paid from civil funds.
In all, for the Chief Quartermaster, one hundred and eight thousand three hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-six cents.
For the Women's Hospital in Manila: For the purchase of medical property and supplies loaned to the Women's Hospital in Manila, five thousand dollars.
For Mena Crisologo, governor of Ilocos Sur, for actual and necessary expenses while organizing municipalities in Ilocos Sur and for per diem allowances of five dollars while engaged in such work, seventy dollars and seventy-five cents.
For W. H. C. Rowen, governor of Abra, for allowance for the month of December in lieu of commutation of quarters, from which allowance from military appropriations he is excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, forty-eight dollars.
For J. F. Kreps, governor of Nueva Ecija, for allowance, for the month of December in lieu of commutation of quarters, from which allowance from military appropriations he is excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, thirty-six dollars.
For Edward W. Terry, late treasurer of Sorsogon, for allowance in lieu of commutation of quarters, from June first to June thirtieth, and from July fifteenth to September thirtieth, from which allowance from military appropriations be was excluded as an officer of the Army by reason of his detail for civil duty, one hundred and twenty dollars.
For Major E. W. Halford, paymaster, United States Army, for reimbursement for an amount paid Lientenant H. D. Blasland on the army mileage basis, for traveling expenses while on civil duty, twenty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents.
For R. J. Fanning, treasurer of Sorsogon, for allowance in lieu of claim for salary from October eight to October thirty-first, while en route to accept the duties of treasurer of Sorsogon, one hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty-six cents.
For Enrique Barrera, for drafting and authenticating the conveyance of land in Benguet, purchased by the Government of the Philippine Islands, and for furnishing an official copy of the same, twenty-three dollars and thirty cents.
For J. M. Liddell, judge of the municipal court, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him in bringing his family to Manila, four hundred and forty-five dollars and sixty-five cents.
For Escolastico Salandanan, fiscal of Marinduque, for an allowance in lieu of all expenses incurred by him in going from Manila to Marinduque to assume the duties of his office, fifty-one dollars and fifty cents.
For L. and M. Alexander and Company, San Francisco, for payment of two typewriters owned by them and sold at the Custom-House as unclaimed property, one hundred and fifty-three dollars and seventy-eight cents.
For Mariano Rodriguez, president of Gazan, Marinduque, for an allowance in lieu of salary while serving as president of Gazan from January twenty-fifth to April eleventh, nineteen hundred and one, thirty-eight dollars.
For Antonio de la Riva, for return of fine imposed by military commission and subsequently remitted by order of the commanding general of the division, one thousand dollars.
For Bernabe Santa Teresa, native of Bagumbayan, for reimbursement for a nipa house destroyed to prevent the spread of plague, twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents.
For Cipriano Santa, Teresa, native of Bagumbayan, for reimbursement for a nipa house destroyed to prevent the spread of plague, twenty dollars.
For Ramon Pazos, for rent at twenty-five dollars per month from July first, nineteen hundred, to August twenty-first, nineteen hundred, and one, for house at San Pedro Macati, occupied by United States troops and by native police, three hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents, or so much thereof as may be found due.
For a return to the organized municipalities in the Province of Laguna, of one-half internal-revenue collections, collected between January first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, in such municipalities, four thousand and eight dollars and forty-one cents.
For the payment of expenses of transportation, both passenger and freight, heretofore lawfully incurred, which is not otherwise specifically provided for, fifty thousand dollars.
Officers of the United States Army, who by reason of serving under detail in civil positions have been deprived of mileage for actual official travel which they would otherwise have received, shall be entitled to such mileage, which is hereby made a proper charge against this appropriation, the provisions of section four of Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight being hereby modified to this extent.
Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: Three clerks, class seven; one clerk, class six, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: Two clerks, Class T, one hundred dollars.
Transportation, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation for employees while on official business, where it was impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, two hundred and eighty-six dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including the remodeling of the Santa Cruz Five Station, the interior fitting's of the Divisoria market, and for foundation of the street market, ten thousand three hundred dollars.
Transportation, Superintendent of Streets, Parks, Bridges, Docks, and Wharves, nineteen hundred and two: As a temporary provision for transportation for employees while on official business, where it was impossible to secure such transportation from the Insular Purchasing Agent, five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Superintendent of Streets, Parks, Bridges, Docks, and Wharves, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including purchase of trees, shrubs, plaids, the construction of crematory and the purchase of horses, dump carts, harness, and wagons, sixty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and ninety cents.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For alteration of five engines, hose standard and play pipes to fit, the connections of new hose purchased by the Fire Department, four hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, City Assessor and Collector, nineteen hundred and two: For emergency clerks for assessing and appraising the taxable real estate in Manila, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
Salaries and wages, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For salaries and wages, including the salary of one interpreter, Class D, in the Municipal Court of the District north of the Pasig, from August ninth to September thirtieth; one clerk, class nine, from September first to December thirty-first, and one clerk, Class O, from December first to December thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and eight-four dollars and forty-six cents.
Contingent expenses, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including law books for the office of the City Attorney, two thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Officer in charge of Santa Cruz Bridge, nineteen hundred and two: For completion of the work on the Santa Cruz Bridge, nineteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars.
Total appropriation for the city of Manila, one hundred and nine thousand six hundred and nine dollars and thirty-six cents.
Total appropriation for all purposes, five hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and five dollars and forty cents, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to return lo the provincial governments, now or hereafter organized under the General Provincial Act, all the internal-revenue collections, including forestry collections made between the first of July, nineteen hundred and one, and such time as the provinces in which such collections have been made or shall be made, have been or shall be respectively organized, or until such time as the treasurer of such province shall have taken charge of the collections of internal revenue of such province. One-half of such refunds shall be paid lo the provincial treasurer and the other half shall be paid to the provincial treasurer to be by him distributed to the municipalities in which the same was collected. The authority for payment hereby conferred may be exercised from time to time in partial payments to the provincial treasurers until all that is due shall be paid. The warrants for the same shall be drawn upon the application of the provincial treasurers, in the amounts certified to be correct by the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Islands, approved by the Auditor for the Philippine Archipelago.
SEC. 3. The provincial hoard of the Province of Marinduque is hereby authorized to pay the sum of forty-two dollars and fifty cents, in money of the United States, to Victor C. Lewis, former supervisor of Marinduque, in full settlement of all expenses incurred by him in June, nineteen hundred and one. while on a trip from Marinduque to Manila and return, anything in Act Numbered One hundred and twenty-five limiting the traveling expenses of provincial officers while absent from the capital to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 4. All funds appropriated by this Act shall be disbursed in local currency upon the basis of two dollars in local currency for one dollar money of the United States, except funds appropriated in this Act for the Women's Hospital in Manila and the Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, which shall be disbursed in money of the United States.
The appropriation for the Philippine Civil Hospital in Act Numbered Two hundred and sixty-four is hereby amended so as to allow all such appropriations therein made for the purchase of supplies and furniture from the United States Army to be disbursed in United States currency.
SEC. 5. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, December 4, 1901.