[ COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 646, June 11, 1941 ]


Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines: 

SECTION 1. There is appropriated the sum of three hundred thousand pesos out of the Coconut Excise Tax Fund to be disbursed by the Director of Forestry, with the approval of the Secretary Agriculture and Commerce, for the establishment, cultivation, maintenance, and development of cinchona plantations in public forest lands; for the manufacture of cinchona barks into totaquina, quinine, and other derivatives; for the sale or disposition of cinchona products and other products of the plantations; and for such other expenses as may be deemed necessary for the proper carrying out of the purposes of this Act. Any unexpended balance of the funds herein appropriated at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the Philippine Treasury, but shall continue to be available for the purposes for which it was appropriated.

All income derived from the sale or disposition of barks, totaquina, quinine, and other derivatives from cinchona bark,  and  other  products  of the plantation shall constitute a revolving fund t'o be denominated "Cinchona Fund," which shall also be disbursed by the Director of Forestry, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, for the same purposes as prescribed in this Act.

SEC. 2. The Director of Forestry shall submit to the Congress of the Philippines, through the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce and the President of the Philippines, during the first ten days of its regular session every year a special report on the results of the work accomplished under this Act, specifying the location and area of cinchona plantations planted, the cost of the work, the income derived from the sale or disposition of cinchona barks and derivatives and other products of the plantations, and such other data as may, in his judgment, be necessary for the information of the Congress of the Philippines.

SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

APPROVED, June 11, 1941.