[ Act No. 804, July 23, 1903 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
SECTION 1. The following sums, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, Out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, these appropriations being for the first half of said fiscal year, unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the first half of said fiscal year, shall be available for obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Three members, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one Secretary, at three thousand dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, at one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one clerk, class six; one clerk, at one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two clerks, class seven; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class C; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; secretary of the Advisory Board, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; fees of the Advisory Board, not to exceed one thousand six hundred and ninety dollars; fees of the Board of Tax Revision in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one, not to exceed three thousand seven hundred and five dollars; twenty-five thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including office supplies, stationery, furniture and fixtures, books, typewriting machines, office safe, care of civil prisoners; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed seventy-five dollars; music for the Luneta and Binondo Square; care of injured and sick paupers at the San Juan de Dios Hospital, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred, at seventy cents each per day; transportation and incidental expenses of the Board of Tax Revision, not to exceed nine hundred and ten dollars; advertising; printing and binding; and other incidental expenses; twenty-two thousand nine hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:
Office of City Engineer:
City Engineer, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, with quarters in kind, not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month; first assistant city engineer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; chief clerk, class six; two second assistant city engineers, class six; one assistant engineer, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one stenographer, class eight; two clerks, class ten; two clerks, Class C; one clerk, Class H; three clerks, Class I; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.
Water supply:
Superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one chief engineer at pumping station, class six, and quarters in kind at station; one general foreman water service, class nine; one foreman water service, class nine; one collector of water rates, class eight; one assistant engineer at pumping station, Class C; one assistant engineer at pumping station, Class D; eight meter inspectors, Class D; one assistant engineer at pumping station, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum; one foreman water service, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum; one storekeeper water service, Class G; one clerk, Class G; one draftsman, Class H; three clerks, Class I; three assistant engineers at pumping station, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each, and quarters in kind at station; one clerk, Class J; one meter inspector, at two hundred dollars per annum; three meter inspectors, Class K; one machinist, Class D; two mechanics, Class F; three officers, Class J; two laborers, Class J; three firemen, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each; one carpenter, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; twenty-four laborers, at one hundred and fifty-six dollars per annum each; one teamster, Class C; one mason, Class J; four laborers, at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum each; three pipe fitters, at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum each; one blacksmith, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum.
Street cleaning and collection of garbage:
One superintendent, at two thousand dollars per annum, and quarters in kind in the Botanical Gardens; one inspector, class eight; one launch master, class nine; two foremen, Class D; one clerk and interpreter, Class D; six foremen, Class G; one captain of launch, Class H; one engineer of launch, Class H; one assistant engineer of launch, Class I; one steersman of launch, Class J; two firemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; hire of labor, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars.
Street construction and bridges:
One superintendent, at two thousand three hundred dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight; two inspectors, class nine; one foreman of rook quarry, class nine; one engineer, rock quarry, class nine; three engineers for road rollers, Class A; one engineer for road roller, Class D; four foremen, Class D; two foremen, Class D; one launch master, Class D; one captain of launch, Class H; one engineer of launch, Class H; one assistant engineer of launch, Class T; one steersman, Class J; two firemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each hire of labor, not to exceed thirty thousand dollars: hire of labor for operation of rock quarry, not to exceed six thousand dollars.
Buildings and illumination:
Superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one carpenter, class nine; one plumber, class nine; five superintendents of markets, Class H; two chief janitors, Class J; hire of labor for cleaning and care of public buildings, not to exceed seven thousand dollars.
Building inspection:
Inspector of buildings, class six; one building inspector, class eight; one draftsman, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum; two building inspectors, class nine; one clerk, Class C; two building inspectors, Class D; one clerk. Class I.
Inspection of boilers: One inspector of boilers, class six. City shops:
One property clerk and superintendent of repair shops, class six; one clerk, class nine; one storekeeper, Class C; one clerk, Class C; one wheelwright, class nine; one harness maker, class nine; one blacksmith, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one wheelwright, Class A; one blacksmith, Class A; one wheelwright, Class H; one blacksmith, Class H; one harness maker, Class H; one wheelwright, Class I; one blacksmith, Class I; hire of labor, not to exceed three thousand dollars.
Drafting and surveys:
One assistant engineer, class seven; one assistant engineer class eight; one draftsman. Class II; two chairmen, Class I; two draftsmen, Class I; one rodman.
One engineer and inspector of sewers, class eight; one foreman Class G.
Weights and measures:
One sealer of weights and measures, class nine; one inspector of weights and measures. Class I; one clerk, Class I; Transportation:
One veterinary surgeon, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one stable foreman, class nine; one assistant stable foreman, Class A; one clerk, Class A; one blacksmith, Class A; one blacksmith's helper, Class I; twenty-five teamsters, Class B; twenty-five teamsters. Class C; one hundred and thirty teamsters, Class J; hire of labor, not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars. For completing survey work on hand in the Department:
One transitman, class eight; two draftsmen, Class G; three chairmen, Class G; one chairman, Class I; five rodmen, Class I; Parks:
One foreman, Class D; two foremen, Class G; hire of labor, not to exceed five thousand dollars. Cemeteries:
Two superintendents, Class H.
For continuation of preliminary survey of new water system:
One engineer in charge, are four thousand dollars per annum; one surveyor, class six, and incidental expenses not to exceed three thousand three hundred dollars.
For the preliminary survey for a new sewer system:
One engineer in charge, at three thousand dollars per annum; one assistant engineer, class six; one draftsman, class seven; one rodman, Class A.
Miscellaneous labor as may be necessary, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars.
For an allowance to Morris A. Mont, late launch master, class nine, in lieu of accrued leave of absence, not to exceed two hundred dollars.
Total for salaries and wages, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Public Works. Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila: For repairs to city bridges: purchase and transportation of drain, Road, and street material: repairs and supplies for barges and launches: coal for crematories: coal and oil for quarry; forage for horses and other animals: repairs to city stables and corrals; purchase of hose, tools, and miscellaneous supplies; repairs to harness, carts, and wagons: purchase of materials for shoeing public animals: maintenance of public grounds and parks; development and extension of rock quarry; repairs to markets and municipal buildings; care, cleaning, and supplies for municipal and public buildings; operating and repairs to dredge; lighting of parks, public buildings, and streets: material for extension and increase of electrical service: oil for lighting public buildings; repairs to crematories; purchase of horses, mules, carts, harness, and wagons, and hire of bull carts when necessary; veterinary medicines and supplies; supplies for cemeteries; construction of river wall; purchase and installation of machinery and tools: construction and operation of ferry at Santa Ana; construction of scows for hauling rock; purchase of street paving blocks for Calles Escolta and Rosario, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; purchase and location of sewer pipe; purchase and location of new fire and post hydrants: locution of new water mains; repairs to water system; repairs to Santolan road; repairs to machinery at pumping station; cleaning of reservoir and care of grounds; transportation of materials for water supply: purchase of scales and track and installation thereof at the matadero; purchase of coal for pumping station and water-supply shops: miscellaneous repairs and supplies, water supply; purchase of water pipe and fittings for extensions and repair to waver system, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars.
Total for public works, two hundred and seventeen thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; rent of market sites, police stations, and schoolhouses; telephone service; payment of claims for buildings destroyed to prevent contagion: supplies for continuation of general city survey work; supplies for renumbering houses: burial of pauper dead and persons dying of enniagious diseases; printing and binding; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars; and other incidental expenses; twenty-four thousand dollars.
The city of Manila is authorized, in the discretion of the Municipal Board, to cooperate by agreement with the provincial board of in the improvement of such roads beyond the limits of the city as are used by the suburban residents thereof, and to expend from funds herein appropriated for street purposes in the city of Manila such sum as the Municipal Board, may deem wise in the improvement of suburban roads.
Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: City Assessor and Collector, at four thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Assessor, at three thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Collector, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class five; two clerks, class six; three clerks, class seven; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; five clerks, class eight; thirteen clerks, class nine: two clerks, class ten; one clerk. Class A; four clerks, Class C; one clerk. Class F; ten clerks, Class G; one clerk, Class H: eighteen clerks. Class I; thirty-five clerks, Class J; one foreman, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; forty-six employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; ten laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; thirty-four thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses. Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; oil, wood, and so forth, for matadero; advertising; coolie hire; post-office box rent: repairs to office furniture; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed three hundred and sixty dollars: printing and binding; and other incidental expenses: five thousand dollars.
Tax refunds. Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For the refund of industrial, land, and other taxes, erroneously collected, refund of which has been or may be duly authorized in accordance with law, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That refunds made in pursuance of this appropriation shall be charged in whole to the city of Manila.
Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief, at three thousand dollars per annum deputy chief, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum-one electrician, class five; one assistant electrician, class seven; one chief engineer, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum-two clerks, class eight; twelve captains, two of whom shall be for three months, class nine, with quarters in kind; six engineers, two of whom shall be for three months, class nine, with quarters in kind-two linemen, class nine; one lineman, class ten; eight lieutenants' two being for three months, class ten, with quarters in kind; one blacksmith, class ten, with quarters in kind; one clerk, Class A; thirty-eight drivers, Class A, with quarters in kind; four lieutenants, Class D, with quarters in kind; four engineers, Class D, with quarters in kind; four linemen, Class H; five drivers, Class J, with quarters in kind; thirty-seven pipemen, three being for three months, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, with quarters in kind; twelve truckmen, two being for three months, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, with quarters in kind; forty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Equipment, Fire Department of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of equipment for fire apparatus, horses, and general supplies: purchase of bedsteads and bedding for fire stations; purchase of repair wagon for fire and police alarm system, and harness; maintenance and repairs to apparatus and equipment; extension of police-alarm system; painting of poles and other incidental expenses; twenty-three thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses. Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including office furniture and supplies, forage for horses, printing and binding, and other incidental expenses, six thousand five hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages. Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:
Office of the City Attorney:
City Attorney, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; assistant city attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; eight thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney:
Prosecuting Attorney, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand dollars per annum; fourth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; fifth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine; one clerk Class A; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars.
Office of the sheriff of Manila:
Sheriff, at three thousand dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two deputy sheriffs, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four deputy sheriffs, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, Class A; one clerk, Class C; two employees, Class J; nine laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; six thousand two hundred and twenty dollars.
Municipal court:
One judge, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk of court, class seven; one interpreter, class seven; one deputy clerk of court, class ten; one deputy clerk of court, Class C; two deputy clerks of court, Class D; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; four thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.
Office of the Register of Deeds:
One Register of Deeds, at two thousand dollars per annum; one deputy register of deeds, class ten; one interpreter, Class D; two clerks, Class I: two clerks, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two thousand four hundred dollars.
Justice of the peace courts:
Two justices of the peace, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one thousand four hundred and twenty dollars.
Total for salaries and wages, thirty-four thousand four hundred and five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies, and forage for horses; advertising; interpreters, notaries' public, registrars', and other authorized fees; point costs; necessary transportation for official business of the municipal court, not to exceed one hundred and forty dollars and forty cents for the hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one hundred dollars; printing and binding, and other incidental expenses; four thousand four hundred and ten dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief of Police, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one inspector and assistant chief of police, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant inspector, at two thousand dollars per annum; one chief of the Secret Service, at three thousand dollars per annum; one surgeon, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one assistant surgeon, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; six clerks, class eight: four clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; eight clerks, Class D; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; seven captains, at two thousand dollars per annum each; three lieutenants, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; three lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three first-class sergeants, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three first-class roundsmen, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; three hundred and twenty-four first-class patrolmen, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; eighteen second-class sergeants, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; eighteen second-class roundsmen, at three hundred and seventy-five dollars per annum each; ninety-eight second-class patrolmen at three hundred dollars per annum each; ten third class sergeants, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; ten third-class roundsmen, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two hundred and eighty-six third-class patrolmen, at two hundred and forty-dollars per annum each; one detective, at two thousand dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; five detectives, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; two detectives, at one thousand dollars per annum each; one detective, at nine hundred dollars per annum; three detectives, at six hundred dollars per annum each three detectives, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each six detectives, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one launch master, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum one mate, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one engineer, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; three assistant engineers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; six firemen, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight deck hands, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four boatmen, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; and for pay of special policemen on account of epidemics, not to exceed one thousand dollars; two hundred and sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That no member of the police force shall act as steward of a police mess.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For equipment of police force, including purchase of police-alarm boxes and telephones, together with incidental supplies in connection therewith, not to exceed fourteen thousand dollars; purchase of patrol wagon, harness, handcuffs, eight hundred revolvers, reloading tools, and other incidentals; sixteen thousand dollars.
Secret-service fund. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For refund to be expended in the discretion of the Chief of Police with the approval of that member of the Municipal Board who is chairman of the committee on police in securing secret information, pictures of criminals for the rogues' gallery, and for payment of subsistence and traveling expenses of detectives working on cases beyond the limits of the city of Manila, one thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; forage for horses and other animals; coal: repairs and supplies for the river and harbor police larmeh; subsistence of prisoners advertising: hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed two thousand four hundred dollars; printing and binding; and other incidental expenses; eleven thousand dollars.
Salaries and wages. Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class seven; one clerk, Class D: one employee, at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum; one hundred and fifty teachers for six months, not to exceed an aggregate of thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars; fifty teachers for five and one-half months, not to exceed an aggregate of nine thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars. Fight schools:
Fifteen principals, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars: six principals, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand three hundred and eight dollars; eighty-five teachers, not to exceed an aggregate of fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars; thirty-five teachers, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars; twenty clerks, at ninety dollars per annum each; sixty-four thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase and transportation of office and school furniture and supplies, printing and binding, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred dollars.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officials and employees of the city of Manila, which are properly chargeable to the City of Manila and not otherwise specially provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States of Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, one thousand dollars.
Payment of sums due under the appropriation last made shall be by the Auditor by settlement warrants.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and' four: For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officials and employees of the city of Manila which are properly chargeable to the city of Manila and not otherwise specially provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United Stales to Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, five hundred dollars.
Payments of sums due under the appropriation last made shall be by the Auditor by settlement warrants.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, five thousand five hundred dollars.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, ten thousand six hundred dollars.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, eight thousand dollars.
In all for the city of Manila, nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand and fifteen dollars.
SEC. 2. The payment of certain vouchers from the firm of Manuel Earnshaw and Company, covering repairs to the steam launch Washington during the month of March, nineteen hundred and three amounting to three thousand nine hundred and forty-seven dollars. Mexican currency, and an additional voucher for extra work in paid launch amounting to eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and ninety-nine cents. Mexican currency is hereby authorized : Provided, That the Auditor shall approve the disbursement of these sums the provisions of sections thirty and thirty-one of Art Numbered One hundred and eighty-three to the contrary notwithstanding, in view of the circumstances in this case, which were that the work of repairs had been begun with the information that the cost thereof probably would not reach five hundred dollars, but that the necessity for additional repairs costing more than five hundred dollars was shown when the launch was placed in dry dock and unknown defects then discovered, when it would have involved a large additional expense to delay until bids could be invited in accordance with law.
SEC. 3. In all cases in which provision for the salary of a clerkship or grade heretofore provided for by law is not made by this Act, such clerkship or grade is hereby authorized from July first, nineteen hundred and three, until five days after the passage of this Act and, when necessary, an additional appropriation of the amount required for the payment of such salary is hereby made.
SEC. 4. No moneys appropriated in this Act are available for withdrawal in other than United States currency or Philippines currency, at the option of the Insular Treasurer. In any case where it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Finance and Justice that any obligation of the Philippine Government, entered into by contract or otherwise, is legally payable only in Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency, and the appropriation available therefor is in United States currency or Philippines currency, the Secretary of Finance and Justice may authorize the Insular Treasurer to transfer to the proper disbursing officer the amount of Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency retired for said payment, in exchange for the equivalent amount in United States currency or Philippines currency at the authorized rate of exchange at the time such exchange is made. Notice of exchange with the authority therefor shall be given forthwith to the Auditor by the Treasurer and the disbursing officer concerned.
All moneys, appropriated prior to the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, paid out of the Treasury after July first, nineteen hundred and three, shall be payable only in United States currency or Philippines currency, at the option of the Insular Treasurer: Provided, however, That exchange between Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency and United States or Philippines currency may be had as provided in this section.
SEC. 5. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws", passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 23, 1903.
SECTION 1. The following sums, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, Out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in part compensation for the service of the municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, these appropriations being for the first half of said fiscal year, unless otherwise stated. The appropriations herein made, except for fixed salaries for the first half of said fiscal year, shall be available for obligations of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, unless otherwise stated:
Salaries and wages, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Three members, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one Secretary, at three thousand dollars per annum; one disbursing officer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, at one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one clerk, class six; one clerk, at one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two clerks, class seven; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; one clerk, Class C; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; secretary of the Advisory Board, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; fees of the Advisory Board, not to exceed one thousand six hundred and ninety dollars; fees of the Board of Tax Revision in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one, not to exceed three thousand seven hundred and five dollars; twenty-five thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including office supplies, stationery, furniture and fixtures, books, typewriting machines, office safe, care of civil prisoners; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed seventy-five dollars; music for the Luneta and Binondo Square; care of injured and sick paupers at the San Juan de Dios Hospital, not to exceed an aggregate of one hundred, at seventy cents each per day; transportation and incidental expenses of the Board of Tax Revision, not to exceed nine hundred and ten dollars; advertising; printing and binding; and other incidental expenses; twenty-two thousand nine hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:
Office of City Engineer:
City Engineer, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, with quarters in kind, not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month; first assistant city engineer, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; chief clerk, class six; two second assistant city engineers, class six; one assistant engineer, class seven; one clerk, class eight; one stenographer, class eight; two clerks, class ten; two clerks, Class C; one clerk, Class H; three clerks, Class I; one messenger, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.
Water supply:
Superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one chief engineer at pumping station, class six, and quarters in kind at station; one general foreman water service, class nine; one foreman water service, class nine; one collector of water rates, class eight; one assistant engineer at pumping station, Class C; one assistant engineer at pumping station, Class D; eight meter inspectors, Class D; one assistant engineer at pumping station, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum; one foreman water service, at five hundred and forty dollars per annum; one storekeeper water service, Class G; one clerk, Class G; one draftsman, Class H; three clerks, Class I; three assistant engineers at pumping station, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each, and quarters in kind at station; one clerk, Class J; one meter inspector, at two hundred dollars per annum; three meter inspectors, Class K; one machinist, Class D; two mechanics, Class F; three officers, Class J; two laborers, Class J; three firemen, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum each; one carpenter, at two hundred and ten dollars per annum; twenty-four laborers, at one hundred and fifty-six dollars per annum each; one teamster, Class C; one mason, Class J; four laborers, at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum each; three pipe fitters, at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum each; one blacksmith, at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum.
Street cleaning and collection of garbage:
One superintendent, at two thousand dollars per annum, and quarters in kind in the Botanical Gardens; one inspector, class eight; one launch master, class nine; two foremen, Class D; one clerk and interpreter, Class D; six foremen, Class G; one captain of launch, Class H; one engineer of launch, Class H; one assistant engineer of launch, Class I; one steersman of launch, Class J; two firemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; hire of labor, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars.
Street construction and bridges:
One superintendent, at two thousand three hundred dollars per annum; two inspectors, class eight; two inspectors, class nine; one foreman of rook quarry, class nine; one engineer, rock quarry, class nine; three engineers for road rollers, Class A; one engineer for road roller, Class D; four foremen, Class D; two foremen, Class D; one launch master, Class D; one captain of launch, Class H; one engineer of launch, Class H; one assistant engineer of launch, Class T; one steersman, Class J; two firemen, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three sailors, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each hire of labor, not to exceed thirty thousand dollars: hire of labor for operation of rock quarry, not to exceed six thousand dollars.
Buildings and illumination:
Superintendent, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one carpenter, class nine; one plumber, class nine; five superintendents of markets, Class H; two chief janitors, Class J; hire of labor for cleaning and care of public buildings, not to exceed seven thousand dollars.
Building inspection:
Inspector of buildings, class six; one building inspector, class eight; one draftsman, at one thousand three hundred dollars per annum; two building inspectors, class nine; one clerk, Class C; two building inspectors, Class D; one clerk. Class I.
Inspection of boilers: One inspector of boilers, class six. City shops:
One property clerk and superintendent of repair shops, class six; one clerk, class nine; one storekeeper, Class C; one clerk, Class C; one wheelwright, class nine; one harness maker, class nine; one blacksmith, at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one wheelwright, Class A; one blacksmith, Class A; one wheelwright, Class H; one blacksmith, Class H; one harness maker, Class H; one wheelwright, Class I; one blacksmith, Class I; hire of labor, not to exceed three thousand dollars.
Drafting and surveys:
One assistant engineer, class seven; one assistant engineer class eight; one draftsman. Class II; two chairmen, Class I; two draftsmen, Class I; one rodman.
One engineer and inspector of sewers, class eight; one foreman Class G.
Weights and measures:
One sealer of weights and measures, class nine; one inspector of weights and measures. Class I; one clerk, Class I; Transportation:
One veterinary surgeon, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one stable foreman, class nine; one assistant stable foreman, Class A; one clerk, Class A; one blacksmith, Class A; one blacksmith's helper, Class I; twenty-five teamsters, Class B; twenty-five teamsters. Class C; one hundred and thirty teamsters, Class J; hire of labor, not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars. For completing survey work on hand in the Department:
One transitman, class eight; two draftsmen, Class G; three chairmen, Class G; one chairman, Class I; five rodmen, Class I; Parks:
One foreman, Class D; two foremen, Class G; hire of labor, not to exceed five thousand dollars. Cemeteries:
Two superintendents, Class H.
For continuation of preliminary survey of new water system:
One engineer in charge, are four thousand dollars per annum; one surveyor, class six, and incidental expenses not to exceed three thousand three hundred dollars.
For the preliminary survey for a new sewer system:
One engineer in charge, at three thousand dollars per annum; one assistant engineer, class six; one draftsman, class seven; one rodman, Class A.
Miscellaneous labor as may be necessary, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars.
For an allowance to Morris A. Mont, late launch master, class nine, in lieu of accrued leave of absence, not to exceed two hundred dollars.
Total for salaries and wages, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Public Works. Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila: For repairs to city bridges: purchase and transportation of drain, Road, and street material: repairs and supplies for barges and launches: coal for crematories: coal and oil for quarry; forage for horses and other animals: repairs to city stables and corrals; purchase of hose, tools, and miscellaneous supplies; repairs to harness, carts, and wagons: purchase of materials for shoeing public animals: maintenance of public grounds and parks; development and extension of rock quarry; repairs to markets and municipal buildings; care, cleaning, and supplies for municipal and public buildings; operating and repairs to dredge; lighting of parks, public buildings, and streets: material for extension and increase of electrical service: oil for lighting public buildings; repairs to crematories; purchase of horses, mules, carts, harness, and wagons, and hire of bull carts when necessary; veterinary medicines and supplies; supplies for cemeteries; construction of river wall; purchase and installation of machinery and tools: construction and operation of ferry at Santa Ana; construction of scows for hauling rock; purchase of street paving blocks for Calles Escolta and Rosario, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; purchase and location of sewer pipe; purchase and location of new fire and post hydrants: locution of new water mains; repairs to water system; repairs to Santolan road; repairs to machinery at pumping station; cleaning of reservoir and care of grounds; transportation of materials for water supply: purchase of scales and track and installation thereof at the matadero; purchase of coal for pumping station and water-supply shops: miscellaneous repairs and supplies, water supply; purchase of water pipe and fittings for extensions and repair to waver system, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars.
Total for public works, two hundred and seventeen thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; rent of market sites, police stations, and schoolhouses; telephone service; payment of claims for buildings destroyed to prevent contagion: supplies for continuation of general city survey work; supplies for renumbering houses: burial of pauper dead and persons dying of enniagious diseases; printing and binding; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars; and other incidental expenses; twenty-four thousand dollars.
The city of Manila is authorized, in the discretion of the Municipal Board, to cooperate by agreement with the provincial board of in the improvement of such roads beyond the limits of the city as are used by the suburban residents thereof, and to expend from funds herein appropriated for street purposes in the city of Manila such sum as the Municipal Board, may deem wise in the improvement of suburban roads.
Salaries and wages, Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: City Assessor and Collector, at four thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Assessor, at three thousand dollars per annum; Chief Deputy Collector, at three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk, class five; two clerks, class six; three clerks, class seven; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; five clerks, class eight; thirteen clerks, class nine: two clerks, class ten; one clerk. Class A; four clerks, Class C; one clerk. Class F; ten clerks, Class G; one clerk, Class H: eighteen clerks. Class I; thirty-five clerks, Class J; one foreman, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; forty-six employees, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; ten laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; thirty-four thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses. Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; oil, wood, and so forth, for matadero; advertising; coolie hire; post-office box rent: repairs to office furniture; hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed three hundred and sixty dollars: printing and binding; and other incidental expenses: five thousand dollars.
Tax refunds. Department of Assessments and Collections, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For the refund of industrial, land, and other taxes, erroneously collected, refund of which has been or may be duly authorized in accordance with law, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That refunds made in pursuance of this appropriation shall be charged in whole to the city of Manila.
Salaries and wages, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief, at three thousand dollars per annum deputy chief, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum-one electrician, class five; one assistant electrician, class seven; one chief engineer, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum-two clerks, class eight; twelve captains, two of whom shall be for three months, class nine, with quarters in kind; six engineers, two of whom shall be for three months, class nine, with quarters in kind-two linemen, class nine; one lineman, class ten; eight lieutenants' two being for three months, class ten, with quarters in kind; one blacksmith, class ten, with quarters in kind; one clerk, Class A; thirty-eight drivers, Class A, with quarters in kind; four lieutenants, Class D, with quarters in kind; four engineers, Class D, with quarters in kind; four linemen, Class H; five drivers, Class J, with quarters in kind; thirty-seven pipemen, three being for three months, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, with quarters in kind; twelve truckmen, two being for three months, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each, with quarters in kind; forty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Equipment, Fire Department of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the purchase of equipment for fire apparatus, horses, and general supplies: purchase of bedsteads and bedding for fire stations; purchase of repair wagon for fire and police alarm system, and harness; maintenance and repairs to apparatus and equipment; extension of police-alarm system; painting of poles and other incidental expenses; twenty-three thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses. Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including office furniture and supplies, forage for horses, printing and binding, and other incidental expenses, six thousand five hundred dollars.
Salaries and wages. Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four:
Office of the City Attorney:
City Attorney, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; assistant city attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class six; one clerk, class seven; two clerks, class eight; two clerks, class nine; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; eight thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney:
Prosecuting Attorney, at four thousand five hundred dollars per annum; first assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; second assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; third assistant prosecuting attorney, at two thousand dollars per annum; fourth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; fifth assistant prosecuting attorney, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two clerks, class eight; four clerks, class nine; one clerk Class A; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars.
Office of the sheriff of Manila:
Sheriff, at three thousand dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one deputy sheriff, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; two deputy sheriffs, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; four deputy sheriffs, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; two deputy sheriffs, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two employees, Class A; one clerk, Class C; two employees, Class J; nine laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; six thousand two hundred and twenty dollars.
Municipal court:
One judge, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk of court, class seven; one interpreter, class seven; one deputy clerk of court, class ten; one deputy clerk of court, Class C; two deputy clerks of court, Class D; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; four thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.
Office of the Register of Deeds:
One Register of Deeds, at two thousand dollars per annum; one deputy register of deeds, class ten; one interpreter, Class D; two clerks, Class I: two clerks, Class J; one employee, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two thousand four hundred dollars.
Justice of the peace courts:
Two justices of the peace, at one thousand dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two clerks of justice of the peace courts, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one thousand four hundred and twenty dollars.
Total for salaries and wages, thirty-four thousand four hundred and five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies, and forage for horses; advertising; interpreters, notaries' public, registrars', and other authorized fees; point costs; necessary transportation for official business of the municipal court, not to exceed one hundred and forty dollars and forty cents for the hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed one hundred dollars; printing and binding, and other incidental expenses; four thousand four hundred and ten dollars.
Salaries and wages, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: Chief of Police, at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one inspector and assistant chief of police, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one assistant inspector, at two thousand dollars per annum; one chief of the Secret Service, at three thousand dollars per annum; one surgeon, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one assistant surgeon, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; one clerk, class six; six clerks, class eight: four clerks, class nine; two clerks, Class A; eight clerks, Class D; three employees, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; seven captains, at two thousand dollars per annum each; three lieutenants, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; three lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three first-class sergeants, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; twenty-three first-class roundsmen, at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; three hundred and twenty-four first-class patrolmen, at nine hundred dollars per annum each; eighteen second-class sergeants, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; eighteen second-class roundsmen, at three hundred and seventy-five dollars per annum each; ninety-eight second-class patrolmen at three hundred dollars per annum each; ten third class sergeants, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; ten third-class roundsmen, at three hundred dollars per annum each; two hundred and eighty-six third-class patrolmen, at two hundred and forty-dollars per annum each; one detective, at two thousand dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand six hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one detective, at one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; five detectives, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; two detectives, at one thousand dollars per annum each; one detective, at nine hundred dollars per annum; three detectives, at six hundred dollars per annum each three detectives, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum each six detectives, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; one launch master, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum one mate, at nine hundred dollars per annum; one engineer, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; three assistant engineers, at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; six firemen, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; eight deck hands, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four boatmen, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; three employees, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; and for pay of special policemen on account of epidemics, not to exceed one thousand dollars; two hundred and sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That no member of the police force shall act as steward of a police mess.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For equipment of police force, including purchase of police-alarm boxes and telephones, together with incidental supplies in connection therewith, not to exceed fourteen thousand dollars; purchase of patrol wagon, harness, handcuffs, eight hundred revolvers, reloading tools, and other incidentals; sixteen thousand dollars.
Secret-service fund. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For refund to be expended in the discretion of the Chief of Police with the approval of that member of the Municipal Board who is chairman of the committee on police in securing secret information, pictures of criminals for the rogues' gallery, and for payment of subsistence and traveling expenses of detectives working on cases beyond the limits of the city of Manila, one thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase of office furniture and supplies; forage for horses and other animals; coal: repairs and supplies for the river and harbor police larmeh; subsistence of prisoners advertising: hire of vehicles in Manila on official business when such transportation can not be furnished by the Insular Purchasing Agent, not to exceed two thousand four hundred dollars; printing and binding; and other incidental expenses; eleven thousand dollars.
Salaries and wages. Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: One clerk, class seven; one clerk, Class D: one employee, at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum; one hundred and fifty teachers for six months, not to exceed an aggregate of thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars; fifty teachers for five and one-half months, not to exceed an aggregate of nine thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars. Fight schools:
Fifteen principals, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars: six principals, not to exceed an aggregate of one thousand three hundred and eight dollars; eighty-five teachers, not to exceed an aggregate of fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty-five dollars; thirty-five teachers, not to exceed an aggregate of three thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars; twenty clerks, at ninety dollars per annum each; sixty-four thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Department of City Schools, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For contingent expenses, including purchase and transportation of office and school furniture and supplies, printing and binding, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred dollars.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officials and employees of the city of Manila, which are properly chargeable to the City of Manila and not otherwise specially provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States of Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, one thousand dollars.
Payment of sums due under the appropriation last made shall be by the Auditor by settlement warrants.
Salary and expense fund, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and' four: For the payment of salaries and expenses of civil officials and employees of the city of Manila which are properly chargeable to the city of Manila and not otherwise specially provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United Stales to Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, five hundred dollars.
Payments of sums due under the appropriation last made shall be by the Auditor by settlement warrants.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, five thousand five hundred dollars.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, ten thousand six hundred dollars.
Transportation, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: To enable the city of Manila to reimburse the Insular Purchasing Agent for transportation furnished under the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety-eight, eight thousand dollars.
In all for the city of Manila, nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand and fifteen dollars.
SEC. 2. The payment of certain vouchers from the firm of Manuel Earnshaw and Company, covering repairs to the steam launch Washington during the month of March, nineteen hundred and three amounting to three thousand nine hundred and forty-seven dollars. Mexican currency, and an additional voucher for extra work in paid launch amounting to eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and ninety-nine cents. Mexican currency is hereby authorized : Provided, That the Auditor shall approve the disbursement of these sums the provisions of sections thirty and thirty-one of Art Numbered One hundred and eighty-three to the contrary notwithstanding, in view of the circumstances in this case, which were that the work of repairs had been begun with the information that the cost thereof probably would not reach five hundred dollars, but that the necessity for additional repairs costing more than five hundred dollars was shown when the launch was placed in dry dock and unknown defects then discovered, when it would have involved a large additional expense to delay until bids could be invited in accordance with law.
SEC. 3. In all cases in which provision for the salary of a clerkship or grade heretofore provided for by law is not made by this Act, such clerkship or grade is hereby authorized from July first, nineteen hundred and three, until five days after the passage of this Act and, when necessary, an additional appropriation of the amount required for the payment of such salary is hereby made.
SEC. 4. No moneys appropriated in this Act are available for withdrawal in other than United States currency or Philippines currency, at the option of the Insular Treasurer. In any case where it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Finance and Justice that any obligation of the Philippine Government, entered into by contract or otherwise, is legally payable only in Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency, and the appropriation available therefor is in United States currency or Philippines currency, the Secretary of Finance and Justice may authorize the Insular Treasurer to transfer to the proper disbursing officer the amount of Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency retired for said payment, in exchange for the equivalent amount in United States currency or Philippines currency at the authorized rate of exchange at the time such exchange is made. Notice of exchange with the authority therefor shall be given forthwith to the Auditor by the Treasurer and the disbursing officer concerned.
All moneys, appropriated prior to the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, paid out of the Treasury after July first, nineteen hundred and three, shall be payable only in United States currency or Philippines currency, at the option of the Insular Treasurer: Provided, however, That exchange between Mexican or Spanish-Filipino currency and United States or Philippines currency may be had as provided in this section.
SEC. 5. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws", passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, July 23, 1903.