[ BOC CUSTOMS MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 6-97, February 13, 1997 ]


Pending the guidelines for the implementation of CMO-30-96 dated September 19, 1996 otherwise known as the Program Development for the Creation of a Customs Scanning Career Service within the Bureau, and in view of the acquisition and subsequent acceptance by the Bureau of Goods Examination (X-Ray Machines, Vans and Fiberscopes) and Video Security (Close Circuit TV for Project's Smile and Security) Equipment, and to compliment the bureau's program of computerization, in order to facilitate trade, increase revenue collections, and for the efficient and effective monitoring of goods to prevent the entry of contrabands, guns, drugs and other anti-social goods, and further to make this equipment fully operational, it has therefore become imperative that the above mentioned unit be created.

The operational and administrative provision and control of the unit shall be provided by the Project Managers, who shall issue over-all direction, assigned personnel, oversees their work in relation to the unit. The personnel compliment thereof shall emanate from those who have undergone training for the use of this equipment, as a form of on the job training.

The Chairman, Project implementation Committee, shall supervise the implementation of this CMO and all Service Directors, Collectors, Divisions and Unit Heads are hereby directed to give proper assistance and appropriate coordination on this regard.

This CMO shall take effect 03 March 1997 and shall last until revoked.

Please be guided accordingly.

Adopted: 13 Feb. 1997
