[ BC MEMORANDUM, December 18, 1995 ]


In order to effectively monitor the implementation of the Amended/Extended Agreement between the Philippine Government and SGS more particularly Sub-articles 8.1 and 8.4 thereof, errors in SGS-CRF, including those cases which cause substantial damage to the Government and those which the SGS-BOC Appeals Committee has resolved and determined that the valuation or classification indicated in the CRF has no valid basis, shall be reported to the Committee on Verification and Reconciliation of SGS Billings chaired by Director Julieta C. Paloma. For this purpose the various law enforcement units of the BOC, the District Collectors of Customs, the Law Division, the BOC-SGS Appeals Committee and all other concerned offices of such errors are discovered, found or determined by the concerned unit/office.

For compliance.

Adopted: 18 Dec. 1995

Deputy Commissioner