[ KKPP DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR NO. 03, S. 1992, June 26, 1992 ]


Pursuant to Article 164 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code, the following guidelines are hereby promulgated:

1. The Social Worker shall strictly adhere to the provision of the law on the six months grace period given to the surrendering parent, parents or guardian after the surrender of the child within which to file their petition for restoration of parental authority.

2. The Social Worker shall clearly interpret said provision to the parent, parents or guardian in a language understandable to the party. Moreover, she shall see to it that the parent, parents or guardian are given support services to be able to resume parental responsibilities within said period.

3. No child shall be placed out for adoption abroad within the six months grace period after surrender.

4. In local adoption, placement of child within the reglementary period maybe considered.   The adopting parents,   however, shall be made to understand the risk they are going to take once the natural parent, parents or guardian will petition for the restoration of their parental authority.

These guidelines revoked all administrative orders, circulars, memoranda issued contrary to this.

For strict compliance.

Adopted; 26 June 1992
