[ DOLE DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 67-04, August 24, 2004 ]
In the interest of the service and pursuant to the President's directive to further streamline the bureaucracy, the following guidelines shall govern the deployment of qualified Overseas Performing Artists:
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration is hereby directed to issue guidelines to implement this Order.
This Order shall take effect immediately and shall supersede all issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with this Order.
For strict compliance.
1. All Overseas Performing Artists (OPAs) must possess duly-issued Artist Record Book (ARB) as a requirement for overseas employment.
2. The ARB shall be issued by the POEA after the OPAs have passed the audition to assess their talents and performance in singing or dancing as an individual or as a group.
3. A Novelty Act Performer shall be issued an ARB upon presentation of a Certificate of Competency, in accordance with the TESDA-approved Training Regulations.
4. Only OPAs with Booking Confirmation shall be qualified to audition, to prevent the proliferation of ARBs, which is an employment document.
5. Existing TESDA- Accredited Testing Venues and Testing Officers to be recognized by POEA shall conduct the auditions.
6. An OPA may choose to apply for an ARB without undergoing any formal training. They can, however, undertake formal training to further hone their talent and enhance their chances of passing the audition.
7. The audition shall involve the exhibition of individual performance. In case of dancers, musicians and novelty performers, the same shall likewise involve the ability to perform in a group.
8. The audition centers shall submit the list of OPAs who "passed" the audition to POEA after the conduct of the audition. Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the list, the POEA shall issue the corresponding ARB.
9. POEA shall facilitate the issuance of testimonial ARB to outstanding, seasoned, professional and/or popular recording artists including those who represent the country in international competitions, without prejudice to verification and/or submission of supplemental documents such as press releases, announcements, posters and artists' folio, if necessary.
10. Any request for exemption from audition received from outstanding and popular performing artists with short-term engagements shall be submitted to the Office of the POEA Administrator for the issuance of the testimonial ARB.
11. The POEA shall not entertain requests for exemption from minimum age requirement for OPAs engaged under a booking contract or covered by a working visa. The Secretary of Labor and Employment or her authorized representative, may however, extend assistance to facilitate any underaged performing artists who are accompanied by guardians to represent the country in international competition or in a show of prestigious nature.
12. ARBs issued by POEA shall have an effectivity period of ten (10) years. Upon expiration of TESDA-issued ARBs, the same shall be renewed by POEA with a validity period of ten years. However, the ARB of an artist who fails to secure a booking contract within the last three years of the ten-year validity period will be placed in the POEA inactive list.
13. The ARB shall be used in securing an entry permit as may be required by the host country.
14. The ARB can be cancelled if found to have been secured through forgery, falsification, misrepresentation, deceit or any fraudulent means.
15. POEA is authorized to rename/revise the ARB and its format to further simplify the system.
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration is hereby directed to issue guidelines to implement this Order.
This Order shall take effect immediately and shall supersede all issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with this Order.
For strict compliance.