[ CSC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 09, s. 1994, February 22, 1994 ]


It is recognized that continuing training programs for government employees are being conducted by institutions, both private and government, with sufficient resources and capabilities for such undertaking. To tap the expertise of these institutions, there is a need to provide directional criteria and support institutional efforts towards employees training and development.

In order that critical linkages for people development between the government and the private sector, particularly non-government organization are established and to further enhance HRD function of government, the following guidelines in the accreditation of training institutions are hereby prescribed.

Objectives of Accreditation

The accreditation of training institutions is aimed at the following:

1.1       To give due recognition to the efforts and capabilities of institutions/organizations dedicated to the training and development of people.

1.2       To provide a variety of accredited training programs for government employees which will support the professionalization thrust of government.

Coverage of Accreditation

Accreditation shall apply to any training institution or organization, government or private, which offers regular training programs exclusively for, or with the participation of, government employees.

Those who qualify for accreditation shall be recognized as Accredited Training Institutions whose training and development programs shall be deemed automatically accredited and may be used to satisfy the training requirements for qualifying in civil service positions.

Criteria for Accreditation

To be accredited, the training institution should meet the following minimum standards:

3.1       Experience in Training - The institution should have a track record in the field of human resource development, to be determined in terms of:

At least three (3) years of continuous experience in conducting training and development programs; and
The conduct of at least five (5) training and development programs during the last year of operation prior to the request for accreditation.

3.2       Training Unit or Division - The institution should have at least:

Five (5) training or administrative staff on a full-time basis;
One (1) faculty member or full-time program coordinator, administrator or lecturer; and
Ten (10) resource speakers or lecturers comprising a pool.

3.3       Training facilities and materials

The training institution should be properly housed or should have a permanent office address;
It should have a permanent training/conference room or a listing of training venues available for its use;
It should have at least three (3) pieces of audio-visual equipment; and
It should have a collection of at least thirty (30) pieces of books, handbooks, kits, and other training materials related to the programs being conducted.

Procedure for Accreditation

Institutions which meet the criteria set forth in item 3 of these guidelines may qualify for accreditation, subject to the following procedures:

4.1       Application for accreditation - The institution shall submit to the Commission a written application for accreditation using the form prescribed as Annex A * together with the institution ™s organization profile and other supporting documents.

4.2       Conduct of an ocular inspection - Whenever necessary, the Commission shall conduct an ocular inspection to determine the suitability, completeness and condition of the training facilities and resources described in the request.

4.3      Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation - A certificate of accreditation shall be issued to the training institution which satisfies the minimum standards.


Any institution accredited pursuant to the above standards shall be required to submit a biennial report of its programs and facilities. Failure to maintain the required standards shall be a basis for the revocation of accreditation.

Please be guided accordingly.

Adopted: 22 Feb. 1994


* See Appendix 2, Sample Application Form For Accreditation of Training institutions on p. 211.