[ DOH MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR, September 06, 1965 ]
a) The international certificate of vaccination is not valid unless the immunizations entered therein are stamped with the seal of the health administration of the country where such immunizations have been administered. It is recommended that prior to booking of passengers scrutiny of their certificates should be done to verify if such certificates have been properly accomplished.
b) Cholera immunization is not required from passengers arriving in the Philippines from non-infected areas. For passengers debarking and staying in Manila prior to their departure for another port, cholera immunization shall be required at their ports of destination because the Philippines is considered an infected area. It is therefore advisable for such passengers to procure their cholera immunizations prior to their departure from their place of origin.
Adopted: 6 Sept. 1965
Colonel, B.Q. Director of Quarantine
Effective: 6 September 1965