[ KKPP DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 38, S. 1994, July 21, 1994 ]


Department Order #17 series of 1994, Guidelines in the Implementation of the Project: Institutionalization of the Social Welfare and Development Indicator System (SWDIS) Phase II (1994-1998), is hereby amended, specifically with respect to Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Item III (Project Description); Letters A, B of Item IV (Specific Guidelines); and Annexes A, D, F, H, H-1, and I. Additional provisions and annexes, specifically, the provisions on the Regional SWDIS-Technical Working Group and Annexes K and L are incorporated therein. These changes and addenda are as follows:



(Paragraph 4)

The appropriate indicators have already been identified during the Phase I Project Implementation. Monitoring of the same which is an objective of the 2nd Phase of the Project beginning in 1994, is through the preparation of Annual Situational Reports, institutionalization of the CBDS in the six (6) identified Field Offices, and the actual pilot implementation of family data based poverty mapping methodology to gather family baseline data and the actual monitoring of the changes in the Minimum Basic Needs (MBNs) of poverty group families.

(Paragraph 5)

Updated data on the profile of target beneficiaries, specifically:

a) masterlist of families,

b) barangay poverty maps,

c) family baseline profile based on survey results using the SWDIS-TWG Poverty Mapping Questionnaire,

d) family data needs assessment report and

e) monitoring reports using the MBN Micro Indicator Form.



A.1 1993 Annual Situational Report. This report shall be prepared in coordination with the SWDIS-TWG Member agencies, based on the specified format shown in Annex B, the 25 SDWIS Macro Key Indicators in Annex G and the Data Specifications Matrix in the SWDIS Operations Manual.

* All processed databases shall be submitted to PMS in hardcopy and diskette form, using MICROSOFT-EXCEL and the SWDIS Computer Data Based System developed for the purpose and for Pilot FO staff already trained on this while for the pilot FO not yet trained and the rest of the non-pilot regions, on the use of said identifical computer packages may use simple encoding using lotus (spreadsheet).

A.2 The Project will involve the conduct of a simple family databased masterlist of poor families using the SWDIS-TWG Poverty Mapping Questionnaire to gather the baseline information.

* all processed family databased (masterlisting) and family baseline profile shall be submitted to PMS in hardcopy and diskette form using MICROSTAT (SPSS) for staff already trained on computer statistical packages may use simple encoding using lotus (spreadsheet).

A.3 A Barangay Family Database Needs Assessment Report (MBN) shall be prepared and submitted to PMS for consolidation.

B.2 The Field Office (FOs) shall:

- Coordinate the conduct of the initial survey using the SWDIS-TWG Poverty Mapping Questionnaire (3rd Quarter); and (7th line)

- Submit to PMS at least one (1) semestral report on the Barangay MBN status (4th Quarter)



The set of roles and functions of the Regional SDWIS-TWG are:

1. Provisions of technical assistance/advise/inputs to the preparation/revision/updating of the Regional SWDIS Workplan;

2. Inter-agency coordination of Regional SWDIS Workplan implementation;

3. Inter-agency monitoring and evaluation of Regional SWDIS Workplan implementation; and

4. submission of policy recommendations to SWDIS Execom.

The Regional SWDIS-TWG shall be organized and subsequently reorganized annually with the following composition:

* a TWG Coordinator (in the person of the SWDIS Project Coordinator duly designated by DSWD FO)

* an Assistant TWG Coordinator (to be chosen by the rest of the TWG from among themselves);

* Agency Representatives as members.

The Organizational structure of the Regional SWDIS-TWG and Linkage with national counterpart.



This order takes effect immediately.

Adopted: 21 July 1994
